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2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
option java_package = "net.osmand.binary";
//protoc --java_out=../.. osmand_odb.proto
2011-10-28 16:01:00 +02:00
// C++ # cd OsmAnd
// # protoc --proto_path=../DataExtractionOSM/src --cpp_out=jni/osmand/proto ../DataExtractionOSM/src/osmand_odb.proto
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
// STORAGE LAYER: Storing primitives.
// IMPORTANT : These messages are not intented to be parsed by google engine (because of the size)
// The main difference that size of that messages is not var int and is always fixed int size
message OsmAndStructure {
required uint32 version = 1;
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
// first version of map index was 3.
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
repeated OsmAndAddressIndex addressIndex = 7;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated OsmAndTransportIndex transportIndex = 4;
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated OsmAndPoiIndex poiIndex = 5;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
// first version of map index was 2.
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated OsmAndMapIndex mapIndex = 6;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
// last field should version again (to check consistency)
required uint32 versionConfirm = 32;
String table, contains the common strings in each block.
message StringTable {
repeated string s = 1;
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-09-27 01:22:07 +02:00
message IndexedStringTable {
// common prefix for all strings inside
optional string prefix = 1;
// key, val and subtables are mixed and order is preserved by key (ascending)
// so that's example of data : key1,val1,subtables1,key2,val2,key3,val3,subtables3,subtables3
repeated string key = 3;
// the shift to the data or one uint data itself
repeated uint32 val = 4;
// subtables are supposed to make search faster instead of searching through all strings
// it's enought to read prefix in the header
repeated IndexedStringTable subtables = 5;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
message OsmAndMapIndex {
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated MapRootLevel levels = 1;
optional string name = 3;
repeated MapEncodingRule rules = 8;
message MapEncodingRule {
required string tag = 3;
optional string value = 5;
required uint32 type = 6;
required uint32 subtype = 7;
optional uint32 minZoom = 9;
message MapRootLevel {
required int32 maxZoom = 1;
required int32 minZoom = 2;
required int32 left = 3;
required int32 right = 4;
required int32 top = 5;
required int32 bottom = 6;
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated MapTree root = 7;
message MapTree {
required sint32 left = 1; // delta encoded
required sint32 right = 2; // delta encoded
required sint32 top = 3; // delta encoded
required sint32 bottom = 4; // delta encoded
// deprecated fields used as base id (should be removed, when all maps be regenerated)
// leave for backward compatibility
optional StringTable oldstringTable = 5;
optional uint64 oldbaseId = 6;
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated MapTree subtrees = 7;
repeated MapData leafs = 8;
optional uint64 baseId = 10;
optional StringTable stringTable = 11;
/// Simple messages
message MapData {
required bytes coordinates = 1; // array of delta x,y sint32 (CodedIinputStream) >> 5
// first x delta to Tree.left, y to delta Tree.top (next delta to previous)
required bytes types = 2; // array of fixed int16
required sint64 id = 3; // delta encoded
optional uint32 stringId = 4;
optional bytes restrictions = 5; // array of SInt64 delta encoded (to baseId !)
optional int32 highwayMeta = 6;
/// Address messages
message OsmAndAddressIndex {
required string name = 1;
optional string name_en = 2;
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
optional OsmAndAddressNameIndexData nameIndex = 3;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
// 1) cities and towns - type 1, 2) postcodes - type 2, 3) villages - type 3
repeated CitiesIndex cities = 5;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
message OsmAndAddressNameIndexData {
// shift to data starting from first AddressNameIndexData message
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
required IndexedStringTable table = 4;
repeated AddressNameIndexData data = 5;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
message AddressNameIndexData {
repeated AddressNameIndexDataAtom = 4;
message AddressNameIndexDataAtom {
required string name = 1;
optional string nameEn = 2;
// 1 - city, 2 - postcode, 3 - village, 4 - street
required uint32 type = 3;
// shift from start AddressNameIndexDataAtom to ...Index
repeated uint32 shiftToIndex;
// optional used in case of type=street
repeated string shiftToCityIndex;
message CitiesIndex {
// cities and towns - type 1, postcodes - type 2, villages - type 3
required uint32 type = 2;
// the list cities and blocks are synchronized by order (so even empty block will be written)
repeated CityIndex cities = 5;
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated CityBlockIndex blocks = 7;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
message CityIndex {
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
// should be written the first (for city), for postcode is optional
optional uint32 city_type = 1; // 0-5 enum CityType
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
required string name = 2;
optional string name_en = 3;
optional uint64 id = 4;
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
required uint32 x = 5; // x tile of 24 zoom
required uint32 y = 6; // y tile of 24 zoom
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
// shift from start CityIndex to cityBlockIndex
optional fixed32 shiftToCityBlockIndex = 10;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
message CityBlockIndex {
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
// buildings that doesn't belong to the street
repeated BuildingIndex buildings = 16;
repeated StreetIndex streets = 18;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
message StreetIndex {
required string name = 1;
optional string name_en = 2;
required sint32 x = 3; // delta encoded to parent 24 zoom
required sint32 y = 4; // delta encoded to parent 24 zoom
optional uint64 id = 6;
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
repeated BuildingIndex buildings = 12;
repeated StreetIntersection intersections = 5;
message StreetIntersection {
required string name = 2;
optional string name_en = 3;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
required sint32 intersectedX = 4; // delta encoded to parent street x 24 zoom
required sint32 intersectedY = 5; // delta encoded to parent street y 24 zoom
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
message BuildingIndex {
required string name = 1;
optional string name_en = 2;
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
// used for interpolation
optional string name2 = 3;
optional string name_en2 = 4;
// special values 0 means - nothing, -1 - all, -2 - even, -3 - odd, -4, alphabetic
// positive - just positive interpolation
optional sint32 interpolation = 5;
required sint32 x = 7; // delta encoded to parent 24 zoom
required sint32 y = 8; // delta encoded to parent 24 zoom
// used for interpolation
optional sint32 x2 = 9; // delta encoded to parent 24 zoom
optional sint32 y2 = 10; // delta encoded to parent 24 zoom
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
2011-10-11 00:27:18 +02:00
optional uint64 id = 13;
optional string postcode = 14;
2011-05-07 22:56:11 +02:00
// transport messages
message TransportRoutes {
repeated TransportRoute routes = 6;
message TransportRoute {
required uint64 id = 1;
optional uint32 type = 3; // reference in string table
optional uint32 operator = 4; // reference in string table
optional string ref = 5;
optional uint32 name = 6; // reference in string table
optional uint32 name_en = 7; // reference in string table
optional uint32 distance = 8; // distance in meters
repeated TransportRouteStop directStops = 15;
repeated TransportRouteStop reverseStops = 16;
message TransportRouteStop {
required sint64 id = 1; // delta encoded to previous stop (first stop is delta to 0)
required sint32 dx = 2; // delta encoded to previous stop (24 zoom)
required sint32 dy = 3; // delta encoded to previous stop (24 zoom)
required uint32 name = 6; // index in message table
optional uint32 name_en = 7; // index in message table
message TransportStop {
required sint32 dx = 1; // delta encoded to parent (24 zoom) to left
required sint32 dy = 2; // delta encoded to parent (24 zoom) to top
required sint64 id = 5; // delta encoded to parent base id
required uint32 name = 6; // index in message table
optional uint32 name_en = 7; // index in message table
repeated uint32 routes = 16; // -shift to transport route containing that stop
// TransportStop.Message.start - sizeof(TransportStop.Message.length) - routes[i]
// = TransportRoute.Message.start - sizeof(TransportRoute.Message.length)
// message is started when body is started
message TransportStopsTree {
required sint32 left = 1; // delta encoded (24 zoom)
required sint32 right = 2; // delta encoded (24 zoom)
required sint32 top = 3; // delta encoded (24 zoom)
required sint32 bottom = 4; // delta encoded (24 zoom)
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated TransportStopsTree subtrees = 7;
repeated TransportStop leafs = 8;
// written as last
optional uint64 baseId = 16;
message OsmAndTransportIndex {
optional string name = 1;
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
optional TransportRoutes routes = 3; // routes
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
optional TransportStopsTree stops = 6;
required StringTable stringTable = 9;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
2011-09-22 23:22:04 +02:00
message OsmAndTileBox {
// everything is encoded as 31 tile zoom
required uint32 left = 1;
required uint32 right = 2;
required uint32 top = 3;
required uint32 bottom = 4;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
message OsmAndPoiIndex {
required string name = 1;
2011-09-22 23:22:04 +02:00
required OsmAndTileBox boundaries = 2;
2011-09-21 00:50:51 +02:00
repeated OsmAndCategoryTable categoriesTable = 3;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
// leave space for other indexes
2011-09-27 01:22:07 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
optional OsmAndPoiNameIndex nameIndex = 4;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
2011-09-21 00:50:51 +02:00
repeated OsmAndPoiBox boxes = 6; // children
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
repeated OsmAndPoiBoxData poiData = 9;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
2011-09-27 01:22:07 +02:00
message OsmAndPoiNameIndex {
// shift to data starting from first OsmAndPoiNameIndexData message
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
required IndexedStringTable table = 2;
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
2011-09-27 01:22:07 +02:00
repeated OsmAndPoiNameIndexData data = 5;
message OsmAndPoiNameIndexData {
// can contain multiple data offsets
repeated OsmAndPoiNameIndexDataAtom atoms = 4;
message OsmAndPoiNameIndexDataAtom {
// fields do not preserve order define, they are repeating
optional uint32 zoom = 2;
optional uint32 x = 3;
optional uint32 y = 4;
// Must be the last
// shift to OsmAndPoiBoxData message from OsmAndPoiIndex.start
// message is started when body is started
optional fixed32 shiftTo = 14;
2011-09-21 00:50:51 +02:00
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
message OsmAndCategoryTable {
2011-09-21 00:50:51 +02:00
required string category = 1;
repeated string subcategories = 3;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
message OsmAndPoiBox {
required uint32 zoom = 1; // delta encoded to parent
// size is one tile
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
required sint32 left = 2; // delta encoded (zoom)
required sint32 top = 3; // delta encoded (zoom)
optional OsmAndPoiCategories categories = 4;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
// encoded as fixed32 length delimited
repeated OsmAndPoiBox subBoxes = 10;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
2011-09-27 01:22:07 +02:00
// must be the last
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
optional fixed32 shiftToData = 14; // shift to OsmAndPoiBoxData message from OsmAndPoiIndex.start
// message is started when body is started
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
message OsmAndPoiCategories {
// sorted categories
repeated uint32 categories = 3;
message OsmAndPoiBoxData {
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
optional uint32 zoom = 1; // zoom level
optional uint32 x = 2; // x tile
optional uint32 y = 3; // y tile
repeated OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom poiData = 5;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00
message OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom {
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
required sint32 dx = 2; // delta encoded to OsmAndPoiBox on 24 zoom
required sint32 dy = 3; // delta encoded to OsmAndPoiBox on 24 zoom
2011-09-26 09:13:20 +02:00
repeated uint32 categories = 4;
optional string name = 6;
optional string nameEn = 7;
optional uint64 id = 8;
2011-09-22 01:06:09 +02:00
optional string openingHours = 10;
optional string site = 11;
optional string phone = 12;
optional string note = 13;
2011-09-21 00:10:23 +02:00