Our app defaults to American English with default strings in res/values
This file is manually maintained in res/values-en-rGB and should ONLY contain strings where a different spelling should be used for English as used in the United Kingdom
<stringname="slope_description">Slope uses colours to visualise terrain steepness.</string>
<stringname="search_street_in_neighborhood_cities">Search for street in neighbourhood cities</string>
<stringname="custom_color">Custom colour</string>
<stringname="keep_passed_markers_descr">Markers added as a group of Favourites or GPX waypoints marked "Passed" will remain on the map. If the group is not active, the markers will disappear from the map.</string>
<stringname="osmand_net_previously_installed">All offline data in the old installed app will be supported by the new one, but Favourite points must be exported from the old app and then imported in the new one.</string>
<stringname="import_file_favourites">Save data as GPX file or import waypoints to \'Favourites\'?</string>
<stringname="fav_file_to_load_not_found">GPX file containing Favourites not found at {0}</string>
<stringname="mapnik_render_descr">Old \'Mapnik\'-style default rendering style. Key features: colours are similar to \'Mapnik\' style.</string>
<stringname="touring_view_render_descr">High detail style for touring purposes. Includes all configuration options of default style, in addition: Displays as much detail as possible, in particular all roads, paths, and other ways to travel. Clear visual distinction between all different road types, reminiscent of many touring atlases. High contrast colour scheme for outdoor use, day and night mode.</string>
<stringname="unirs_render_descr">Modification of the default style to increase contrast of pedestrian and bicycle roads. Uses legacy Mapnik colours.</string>
<stringname="fav_point_emoticons_message">The favourite point name has been modified to %1$s to facilitate properly saving the string with emoticons to a file.</string>
<stringname="fav_point_dublicate">Favourite point name duplicate</string>
<stringname="fav_point_dublicate_message">Specified favourite name already in use, was changed to %1$s to avoid duplication.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_add_destination_desc">Tapping the action button will add a destination at the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_replace_destination_desc">Tapping the action button will replace the destination with the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_add_first_intermediate_desc">Tapping the action button will add a first intermediate point at the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_add_parking_descr">Tapping the action button will add a parking place at the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_add_osm_bug_descr">Tapping the action button will add an OSM note at the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_add_poi_descr">Tapping the action button will add a POI at the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_add_marker_descr">Tapping the action button will add a map marker at the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_add_gpx_descr">Tapping the action button will add a GPX waypoint at the screen centre location.</string>
<stringname="quick_action_showhide_favorites_descr">Tapping the action button will show or hide the favourite points on the map.</string>