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Raw Normal View History

package net.osmand.router;
import gnu.trove.iterator.TIntIterator;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TLongObjectHashMap;
import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader;
import net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchRequest;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteSubregion;
import net.osmand.data.LatLon;
import net.osmand.data.QuadRect;
import net.osmand.data.QuadTree;
import net.osmand.data.TransportRoute;
import net.osmand.data.TransportStop;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.FinalRouteSegment;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegmentPoint;
import net.osmand.util.MapUtils;
public class TransportRoutePlanner {
public void searchRouteInternal(final TransportRoutingContext ctx, TransportRouteSegment start, TransportRouteSegment end,
RouteSegment recalculationEnd) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
Comparator<TransportRouteSegment> nonHeuristicSegmentsComparator = new NonHeuristicSegmentsComparator();
PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> graphDirectSegments = new PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment>(50, new SegmentsComparator(
PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> graphReverseSegments = new PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment>(50, new SegmentsComparator(
// Set to not visit one segment twice (stores road.id << X + segmentStart)
TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment> visitedDirectSegments = new TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment>();
TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment> visitedOppositeSegments = new TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment>();
// Extract & analyze segment with min(f(x)) from queue while final segment is not found
boolean forwardSearch = true;
PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> graphSegments = graphDirectSegments;
FinalRouteSegment finalSegment = null;
boolean onlyBackward = ctx.getPlanRoadDirection() < 0;
boolean onlyForward = ctx.getPlanRoadDirection() > 0;
while (!graphSegments.isEmpty()) {
TransportRouteSegment segment = graphSegments.poll();
// TODO break when it is final segment
// if (segment instanceof FinalRouteSegment) {
// finalSegment = (FinalRouteSegment) segment;
// break;
// }
if (forwardSearch) {
boolean doNotAddIntersections = onlyBackward;
processRouteSegment(ctx, false, graphDirectSegments, visitedDirectSegments, segment,
visitedOppositeSegments, doNotAddIntersections);
} else {
boolean doNotAddIntersections = onlyForward;
processRouteSegment(ctx, true, graphReverseSegments, visitedOppositeSegments, segment,
visitedDirectSegments, doNotAddIntersections);
updateCalculationProgress(ctx, graphDirectSegments, graphReverseSegments);
checkIfGraphIsEmpty(ctx, ctx.getPlanRoadDirection() <= 0, graphReverseSegments, end,
visitedOppositeSegments, "Route is not found to selected target point.");
checkIfGraphIsEmpty(ctx, ctx.getPlanRoadDirection() >= 0, graphDirectSegments, start,
visitedDirectSegments, "Route is not found from selected start point.");
if (ctx.planRouteIn2Directions()) {
forwardSearch = (nonHeuristicSegmentsComparator.compare(graphDirectSegments.peek(),
graphReverseSegments.peek()) < 0);
} else {
// different strategy : use onedirectional graph
forwardSearch = onlyForward;
if (onlyBackward && !graphDirectSegments.isEmpty()) {
forwardSearch = true;
if (onlyForward && !graphReverseSegments.isEmpty()) {
forwardSearch = false;
if (forwardSearch) {
graphSegments = graphDirectSegments;
} else {
graphSegments = graphReverseSegments;
// check if interrupted
if (ctx.calculationProgress != null && ctx.calculationProgress.isCancelled) {
throw new InterruptedException("Route calculation interrupted");
private void checkIfGraphIsEmpty(TransportRoutingContext ctx, boolean b,
PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> graphReverseSegments, TransportRouteSegment end,
TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment> visitedOppositeSegments, String string) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private void updateCalculationProgress(TransportRoutingContext ctx,
PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> graphDirectSegments, PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> graphReverseSegments) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private static int sleft = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(4.7495);
private static int sright = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(4.8608);
private static int stop = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(52.3395);
private static int sbottom = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(52.2589);
private static int szoom = 15;
private void processRouteSegment(final TransportRoutingContext ctx, boolean reverseWaySearch,
PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> graphSegments, TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment> visitedSegments,
TransportRouteSegment segment, TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment> oppositeSegments, boolean doNotAddIntersections) throws IOException {
final TransportRoute road = segment.road;
BinaryMapIndexReader reader = ctx.map.keySet().iterator().next();
List<TransportStop> transportStops = reader.searchTransportIndex(BinaryMapIndexReader.buildSearchTransportRequest(sleft, sright, stop, sbottom,
-1, null));
for(TransportStop s : transportStops) {
int[] referencesToRoutes = s.getReferencesToRoutes();
TIntObjectHashMap<TransportRoute> routes = reader.getTransportRoutes(referencesToRoutes);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
File fl = new File(System.getProperty("maps.dir"), "Netherlands_amstelveen.obf");
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(fl, "r");
BinaryMapIndexReader reader = new BinaryMapIndexReader(raf, fl);
LatLon start = new LatLon(52.28094, 4.853248);
LatLon end = new LatLon(52.320988, 4.87256);
TransportRoutingContext ctx = new TransportRoutingContext(reader);
TransportRoutePlanner planner = new TransportRoutePlanner();
planner.buildRoute(ctx, start, end);
private void buildRoute(TransportRoutingContext ctx, LatLon start, LatLon end) throws IOException {
double limit = 1000;
BinaryMapIndexReader reader = ctx.map.keySet().iterator().next();
List<TransportRouteSegment> startStops = ctx.getTransportStops(start);
List<TransportRouteSegment> endStops = ctx.getTransportStops(end);
TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment> endSegments = new TLongObjectHashMap<TransportRouteSegment>();
for(TransportRouteSegment s : endStops) {
endSegments.put(s.getId(), s);
PriorityQueue<TransportRouteSegment> queue = new PriorityQueue<TransportRoutePlanner.TransportRouteSegment>();
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
TransportRouteSegment segment = queue.poll();
long l = segment.getId();
for (int i = 0; i < segment.getLength() - segment.segStart; i++) {
TransportRouteSegment finish = endSegments.get(l+i);
if(finish != null){
System.out.println(segment + " " + finish);
private static class SegmentsComparator implements Comparator<TransportRouteSegment> {
final TransportRoutingContext ctx;
public SegmentsComparator(TransportRoutingContext ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx;
public int compare(TransportRouteSegment o1, TransportRouteSegment o2) {
return BinaryRoutePlanner.roadPriorityComparator(o1.distanceFromStart, o1.distanceToEnd,
o2.distanceFromStart, o2.distanceToEnd, ctx.config.heuristicCoefficient);
private static class NonHeuristicSegmentsComparator implements Comparator<TransportRouteSegment> {
public NonHeuristicSegmentsComparator() {
public int compare(TransportRouteSegment o1, TransportRouteSegment o2) {
return BinaryRoutePlanner.
roadPriorityComparator(o1.distanceFromStart, o1.distanceToEnd, o2.distanceFromStart, o2.distanceToEnd, 0);
public RouteSegment initRouteSegment(final TransportRoutingContext ctx, TransportRouteSegment segment, boolean positiveDirection) {
// if (segment.getSegmentStart() == 0 && !positiveDirection && segment.getRoad().getPointsLength() > 0) {
// segment = loadSameSegment(ctx, segment, 1);
//// } else if (segment.getSegmentStart() == segment.getRoad().getPointsLength() - 1 && positiveDirection && segment.getSegmentStart() > 0) {
// // assymetric cause we calculate initial point differently (segmentStart means that point is between ]segmentStart-1, segmentStart]
// } else if (segment.getSegmentStart() > 0 && positiveDirection) {
// segment = loadSameSegment(ctx, segment, segment.getSegmentStart() - 1);
// }
// if (segment == null) {
// return null;
// }
return null;
public static class TransportRouteSegment {
public double distanceToEnd;
final short segStart;
final TransportRoute road;
private static final int SHIFT = 10; // assume less than 1024 stops
TransportRouteSegment parentRoute = null;
float distanceFromStart = 0;
public TransportRouteSegment(TransportRoute road, int stopIndex) {
this.road = road;
this.segStart = (short) stopIndex;
public int getLength() {
return road.getForwardStops().size();
public long getId() {
long l = road.getId() << SHIFT;
if(l < 0 ) {
throw new IllegalStateException("too long id " + road.getId());
if(segStart >= (1 << SHIFT)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("too many stops " + road.getId() + " " + segStart);
return l + segStart;
public int getDepth() {
if(parentRoute != null) {
return parentRoute.getDepth() + 1;
return 1;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Route stop: %s %s", road, road.getForwardStops().get(segStart));
public static class TransportRoutingContext {
public final int walkRadius = 5000; // meters from start/end/intermediate locations
public int searchThreshold = 10; // don't search stops beyond searchThreshold*dist(start, end) radius
public int visitedSegments;
public RoutingConfiguration config;
public RouteCalculationProgress calculationProgress;
public TLongObjectHashMap<TransportStop> visitedTransportStops = new TLongObjectHashMap<TransportStop>();
private TIntArrayList visitedTiles = new TIntArrayList();
private static final int ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES = 14;
public QuadTree<TransportRouteSegment> quadTree =
new QuadTree<TransportRouteSegment>(new QuadRect(0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE), 8, 0.55f);
public final Map<BinaryMapIndexReader, TIntObjectHashMap<TransportRoute>> map =
new LinkedHashMap<BinaryMapIndexReader, TIntObjectHashMap<TransportRoute>>();
private final int walkRaidusIn31;
public TransportRoutingContext(BinaryMapIndexReader... readers) {
walkRaidusIn31 = (int) (walkRadius / MapUtils.getTileDistanceWidth(31));
for (BinaryMapIndexReader r : readers) {
map.put(r, new TIntObjectHashMap<TransportRoute>());
public List<TransportRouteSegment> getTransportStops(LatLon start) throws IOException {
int y = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(start.getLatitude());
int x = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(start.getLongitude());
return getTransportStops(x, y);
public List<TransportRouteSegment> getTransportStops(int x, int y) throws IOException {
return loadNativeTransportStops(x, y);
private List<TransportRouteSegment> loadNativeTransportStops(int sx, int sy) throws IOException {
List<TransportRouteSegment> allstops = new ArrayList<TransportRouteSegment>();
int lx = (sx - walkRaidusIn31 ) >> (31 - ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES);
int rx = (sx + walkRaidusIn31 ) >> (31 - ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES);
int ty = (sy - walkRaidusIn31 ) >> (31 - ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES);
int by = (sy + walkRaidusIn31 ) >> (31 - ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES);
for(int x = lx; x <= rx; x++) {
for(int y = ty; y <= by; y++) {
loadTile(x, y);
quadTree.queryInBox(new QuadRect(sx - walkRaidusIn31, sy - walkRaidusIn31, sx + walkRaidusIn31,
sy + walkRadius), allstops);
return allstops;
private void loadTile(int x, int y) throws IOException {
int tileId = x << (ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES + 1) + y;
if(visitedTiles.contains(tileId)) {
int pz = (31 - ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES);
SearchRequest<TransportStop> sr = BinaryMapIndexReader.buildSearchTransportRequest(x << pz, (x + 1) << pz,
y << pz, (y + 1) << pz, -1, null);
TIntArrayList allPoints = new TIntArrayList();
TIntArrayList allPointsUnique = new TIntArrayList();
for(BinaryMapIndexReader r : map.keySet()) {
List<TransportStop> stops = r.searchTransportIndex(sr);
for(TransportStop s : stops) {
if(!visitedTransportStops.contains(s.getId())) {
visitedTransportStops.put(s.getId(), s);
makeUnique(allPoints, allPointsUnique);
if(allPointsUnique.size() > 0) {
loadTransportSegments(allPointsUnique, r, stops);
private void loadTransportSegments(TIntArrayList allPointsUnique, BinaryMapIndexReader r,
List<TransportStop> stops) throws IOException {
TIntObjectHashMap<TransportRoute> routes = r.getTransportRoutes(allPointsUnique.toArray());
for(TransportStop s : stops) {
for(int ref : s.getReferencesToRoutes()) {
TransportRoute route = routes.get(ref);
if(route != null) {
int stopIndex = -1;
for(int k = 0; k < route.getForwardStops().size(); k++) {
TransportStop st = route.getForwardStops().get(k);
if(st.x31 == s.x31 && s.y31 == st.y31) {
stopIndex = k;
if(stopIndex != -1) {
TransportRouteSegment segment = new TransportRouteSegment(route, stopIndex);
quadTree.insert(segment, s.x31, s.y31);
private void makeUnique(TIntArrayList allPoints, TIntArrayList allPointsUnique) {
int p = 0;
TIntIterator it = allPoints.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
int nxt = it.next();
if(p != nxt) {
p = nxt;
public int getPlanRoadDirection() {
return config.planRoadDirection;
public SearchRequest<TransportStop> getBuildRequest(LatLon start) {
int sy = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(start.getLatitude());
int sx = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(start.getLongitude());
int w = (int) (walkRadius / MapUtils.getTileDistanceWidth(31));
int h = (int) (walkRadius / MapUtils.getTileDistanceWidth(31));
return BinaryMapIndexReader.buildSearchTransportRequest(sx - w, sx + w, sy - h, sy + h, -1, null);
public VehicleRouter getRouter() {
return config.router;
public boolean planRouteIn2Directions() {
return config.planRoadDirection == 0;