fr-tts improvements from Issue 614
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 12 additions and 13 deletions
@ -5,29 +5,28 @@ language(fr).
% before each announcement (beep)
preamble - [].
turn('left', ['tournez à gauche ']).
turn('left_sh', ['immédiatement à gauche ']).
turn('left_sh', ['tournez immédiatement à gauche ']).
turn('left_sl', ['tournez légèrement à gauche ']).
turn('right', ['tournez à droite ']).
turn('right_sh', ['immédiatement à droite ']).
turn('right_sh', ['tournez immédiatement à droite ']).
turn('right_sl', ['tournez légèrement à droite ']).
prepare_turn(Turn, Dist) == ['Préparez vous à ', M, ' dans ', D] :-
distance(Dist) == D, turn(Turn, M).
prepare_turn(Turn, Dist) == ['Dans ', D, ' préparez vous à ', M] :-
distance(Dist) == D, turn(Turn, M).
turn(Turn, Dist) == ['Dans ', D, M] :-
distance(Dist) == D, turn(Turn, M).
distance(Dist) == D, turn(Turn, M).
turn(Turn) == M :- turn(Turn, M).
prepare_make_ut(Dist) == ['Dans ', D, ' préparez vous à faire demi tour'] :-
distance(Dist) == D.
distance(Dist) == D.
prepare_roundabout(Dist) == ['Préparez vous à entrer dans le rondpoint dans ', D] :-
distance(Dist) == D.
distance(Dist) == D.
make_ut(Dist) == ['Dans ', D, ' faites demi-tour '] :-
distance(Dist) == D.
distance(Dist) == D.
make_ut == ['Faites demi-tour '].
roundabout(Dist, _Angle, Exit) == ['Dans ', D, ' entrez dans le rond-point et prenez la ', E, 'sortie'] :- distance(Dist) == D, nth(Exit, E).
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ then == ['puis '].
reached_destination == ['vous êtes arrivé à destination '].
bear_right == ['serrez à droite '].
bear_left == ['serrez à gauche '].
route_recalc(_Dist) == []. % ['recalcul de l itinéraire ']. %nothing to said possibly beep?
route_recalc(_Dist) == []. % ['recalcul de l itinéraire ']. %nothing to said possibly beep?
route_new_calc(Dist) == ['L itinéraire fait ', D] :- distance(Dist) == D. % nothing to said possibly beep?
go_ahead(Dist) == ['Continuez pendant ', D]:- distance(Dist) == D.
@ -66,8 +65,8 @@ nth(17, '17ème ').
%%% distance measure
distance(Dist) == [ X, ' metres'] :- Dist < 100, D is round(Dist/10)*10, num_atom(D, X).
distance(Dist) == [ X, ' metres'] :- Dist < 1000, D is round(2*Dist/100)*50, num_atom(D, X).
distance(Dist) == ['quelque 1 kilometre '] :- Dist < 1500.
distance(Dist) == ['quelques ', X, ' kilomètres '] :- Dist < 10000, D is round(Dist/1000), num_atom(D, X).
distance(Dist) == ['environ 1 kilometre '] :- Dist < 1500.
distance(Dist) == ['environ ', X, ' kilomètres '] :- Dist < 10000, D is round(Dist/1000), num_atom(D, X).
distance(Dist) == [ X, ' kilomètres '] :- D is round(Dist/1000), num_atom(D, X).
%% resolve command main method
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ distance(Dist) == [ X, ' kilomètres '] :- D is round(Dist/1000), num_atom(D, X)
flatten(X, Y) :- flatten(X, [], Y), !.
flatten([], Acc, Acc).
flatten([X|Y], Acc, Res):-
flatten(Y, Acc, R), flatten(X, R, Res).
flatten(Y, Acc, R), flatten(X, R, Res).
flatten(X, Acc, [X|Acc]).
resolve(X, Y) :- resolve_impl(X,Z), flatten(Z, Y).
Reference in a new issue