some more formatting

This commit is contained in:
sonora 2017-06-15 16:45:57 +02:00
parent f89c0998e8
commit 7db024957e

View file

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public class TestVoiceActivity extends OsmandActionBarActivity {
if (((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().AUDIO_STREAM_GUIDANCE.get() == 0) {
v += "\n \u25CF BT SCO: " + AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.btScoInit;
} else {
v += "\n \u25CF BT SCO: Current profile is not set to 'Phone Call Audio'.";
v += "\n \u25CF BT SCO: The current profile is not set to use 'Phone Call Audio'.";
v += "\n \u25CF Phone call audio delay: " + ((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().BT_SCO_DELAY.get() + "\u00A0ms";
@ -208,78 +208,78 @@ public class TestVoiceActivity extends OsmandActionBarActivity {
private void addButtons(final LinearLayout ll, CommandPlayer p) {
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Route calculated and number tests:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(1.1) New route calculated, 150m, 230sec (00:03:50)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(150, 230));
addButton(ll, "(1.2) New route calculated, 1350m, 3680sec (01:01:20)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(1350, 3680));
addButton(ll, "(1.3) New route calculated 3700m, 7320sec (02:02)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(3700, 7320));
addButton(ll, "(1.4) New route calculated 9100m, 10980sec (03:03)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(9100, 10980));
addButton(ll, "(2.1) Route recalculated 11500m, 18600sec (05:10)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(11500, 18600));
addButton(ll, "(2.2) Route recalculated 19633m, 26700sec (07:25)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(19633, 26700));
addButton(ll, "(2.3) Route recalculated 89750m, 55800sec (15:30)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(89750, 55800));
addButton(ll, "(2.4) Route recalculated 125900m, 92700sec (25:45)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(125900, 92700));
addButton(ll, "Route calculated and number tests:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (1.1) New route calculated, 150m, 230sec (00:03:50)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(150, 230));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (1.2) New route calculated, 1350m, 3680sec (01:01:20)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(1350, 3680));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (1.3) New route calculated 3700m, 7320sec (02:02)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(3700, 7320));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (1.4) New route calculated 9100m, 10980sec (03:03)", builder(p).newRouteCalculated(9100, 10980));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (2.1) Route recalculated 11500m, 18600sec (05:10)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(11500, 18600));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (2.2) Route recalculated 19633m, 26700sec (07:25)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(19633, 26700));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (2.3) Route recalculated 89750m, 55800sec (15:30)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(89750, 55800));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (2.4) Route recalculated 125900m, 92700sec (25:45)", builder(p).routeRecalculated(125900, 92700));
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 All turn types: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(3.1) After 1520m turn slightly left", builder(p).prepareTurn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_SL, 1520, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(3.2) In 450m turn sharply left onto 'Hauptstra"+"\u00df"+"e', then bear right", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_SH, 450, street(p, "Hauptstraße")).then().bearRight(street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(3.3) Turn left, then in 100m turn slightly right", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT, street(p, "")).then().turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_SL, 100, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(3.4) After 3100m turn right onto 'SR 80' toward 'Rome'", builder(p).prepareTurn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT, 3100, street(p, "", "SR 80", "Rome")));
addButton(ll, "(3.5) In 370m turn slightly right onto 'Route 23' 'Main Street', then bear left", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_SL, 370, street(p, "Main Street", "Route 23")).then().bearLeft(street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(3.6) Turn sharply right onto 'Main Street'", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_SH, street(p, "Main Street")));
addButton(ll, "All turn types: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (3.1) After 1520m turn slightly left", builder(p).prepareTurn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_SL, 1520, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (3.2) In 450m turn sharply left onto 'Hauptstra"+"\u00df"+"e', then bear right", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_SH, 450, street(p, "Hauptstraße")).then().bearRight(street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (3.3) Turn left, then in 100m turn slightly right", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT, street(p, "")).then().turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_SL, 100, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (3.4) After 3100m turn right onto 'SR 80' toward 'Rome'", builder(p).prepareTurn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT, 3100, street(p, "", "SR 80", "Rome")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (3.5) In 370m turn slightly right onto 'Route 23' 'Main Street', then bear left", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_SL, 370, street(p, "Main Street", "Route 23")).then().bearLeft(street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (3.6) Turn sharply right onto 'Main Street'", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_SH, street(p, "Main Street")));
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Keep left/right: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(4.1) After 1810m keep left ' '", builder(p).prepareTurn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_KEEP, 1810, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(4.2) In 400m keep left ' ' then in 80m keep right onto 'A1'", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_KEEP, 400, street(p, "")).then().turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_KEEP, 80, street(p,"", "A1")));
addButton(ll, "(4.3) Keep right on 'Highway 60'", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_KEEP, street(p, "Highway 60", "", "", "Highway 60")));
addButton(ll, "(4.4) Turn left onto 'Broadway', then in 100m keep right and arrive at your destination 'Town Hall'",
addButton(ll, "Keep left/right: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (4.1) After 1810m keep left ' '", builder(p).prepareTurn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_KEEP, 1810, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (4.2) In 400m keep left ' ' then in 80m keep right onto 'A1'", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT_KEEP, 400, street(p, "")).then().turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_KEEP, 80, street(p,"", "A1")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (4.3) Keep right on 'Highway 60'", builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_KEEP, street(p, "Highway 60", "", "", "Highway 60")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (4.4) Turn left onto 'Broadway', then in 100m keep right and arrive at your destination 'Town Hall'",
builder(p).turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_LEFT, street(p, "Broadway"))
.then().turn(AbstractPrologCommandPlayer.A_RIGHT_KEEP, 100, street(p, "")).andArriveAtDestination("Town Hall"));
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Roundabouts: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(5.1) After 1250m enter a roundabout", builder(p).prepareRoundAbout(1250, 3, street(p,"", "I 15", "Los Angeles")));
addButton(ll, "(5.2) In 450m enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto 'I 15' toward 'Los Angeles'", builder(p).roundAbout(450, 0, 1, street(p,"", "I 15", "Los Angeles")));
addButton(ll, "(5.3) Roundabout: Take the 2nd exit onto 'Highway 60'", builder(p).roundAbout(0, 2, street(p, "Highway 60")));
addButton(ll, "Roundabouts: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (5.1) After 1250m enter a roundabout", builder(p).prepareRoundAbout(1250, 3, street(p,"", "I 15", "Los Angeles")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (5.2) In 450m enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto 'I 15' toward 'Los Angeles'", builder(p).roundAbout(450, 0, 1, street(p,"", "I 15", "Los Angeles")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (5.3) Roundabout: Take the 2nd exit onto 'Highway 60'", builder(p).roundAbout(0, 2, street(p, "Highway 60")));
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 U-turns: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn, when possible:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(6.1) After 640m make a U-turn", builder(p).prepareMakeUT(640, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(6.2) In 400m make a U-turn", builder(p).makeUT(400, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(6.3) Make a U-turn on 'Riviera'", builder(p).makeUT(street(p, "Riviera", "", "", "Riviera")));
addButton(ll, "(6.4) When possible, make a U-turn", builder(p).makeUTwp());
addButton(ll, "U-turns: prepareTurn, makeTurnIn, turn, when possible:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (6.1) After 640m make a U-turn", builder(p).prepareMakeUT(640, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (6.2) In 400m make a U-turn", builder(p).makeUT(400, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (6.3) Make a U-turn on 'Riviera'", builder(p).makeUT(street(p, "Riviera", "", "", "Riviera")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (6.4) When possible, make a U-turn", builder(p).makeUTwp());
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Go straight, follow the road, approaching:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(7.1) Straight ahead", builder(p).goAhead());
addButton(ll, "(7.2) Continue for 2350m to ' '", builder(p).goAhead(2350, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "(7.3) Continue for 360m to 'Broadway' and arrive at your intermediate destination ' '", builder(p).goAhead(360, street(p,"Broadway")).andArriveAtIntermediatePoint(""));
addButton(ll, "(7.4) Continue for 800m to 'A33' and arrive at your destination ' '", builder(p).goAhead(800, street(p,"", "A33")).andArriveAtDestination(""));
addButton(ll, "(7.5) Continue for 200m and pass GPX waypoint 'Trailhead'", builder(p).goAhead(200, null).andArriveAtWayPoint("Trailhead"));
addButton(ll, "(7.6) Continue for 400m and pass favorite 'Brewery'", builder(p).goAhead(400, null).andArriveAtFavorite("Brewery"));
addButton(ll, "(7.7) Continue for 600m and pass POI 'Museum'", builder(p).goAhead(600, null).andArriveAtPoi("Museum"));
addButton(ll, "Go straight, follow the road, approaching:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (7.1) Straight ahead", builder(p).goAhead());
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (7.2) Continue for 2350m to ' '", builder(p).goAhead(2350, street(p, "")));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (7.3) Continue for 360m to 'Broadway' and arrive at your intermediate destination ' '", builder(p).goAhead(360, street(p,"Broadway")).andArriveAtIntermediatePoint(""));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (7.4) Continue for 800m to 'A33' and arrive at your destination ' '", builder(p).goAhead(800, street(p,"", "A33")).andArriveAtDestination(""));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (7.5) Continue for 200m and pass GPX waypoint 'Trailhead'", builder(p).goAhead(200, null).andArriveAtWayPoint("Trailhead"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (7.6) Continue for 400m and pass favorite 'Brewery'", builder(p).goAhead(400, null).andArriveAtFavorite("Brewery"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (7.7) Continue for 600m and pass POI 'Museum'", builder(p).goAhead(600, null).andArriveAtPoi("Museum"));
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Arriving and passing points:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(8.1) Arrive at your destination 'Home'", builder(p).arrivedAtDestination("Home"));
addButton(ll, "(8.2) Arrive at your intermediate destination 'Friend'", builder(p).arrivedAtIntermediatePoint("Friend"));
addButton(ll, "(8.3) Passing GPX waypoint 'Trailhead'", builder(p).arrivedAtWayPoint("Trailhead"));
addButton(ll, "(8.4) Passing favorite 'Brewery'", builder(p).arrivedAtFavorite("Brewery"));
addButton(ll, "(8.5) Passing POI 'Museum'", builder(p).arrivedAtPoi("Museum"));
addButton(ll, "Arriving and passing points:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (8.1) Arrive at your destination 'Home'", builder(p).arrivedAtDestination("Home"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (8.2) Arrive at your intermediate destination 'Friend'", builder(p).arrivedAtIntermediatePoint("Friend"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (8.3) Passing GPX waypoint 'Trailhead'", builder(p).arrivedAtWayPoint("Trailhead"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (8.4) Passing favorite 'Brewery'", builder(p).arrivedAtFavorite("Brewery"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (8.5) Passing POI 'Museum'", builder(p).arrivedAtPoi("Museum"));
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Attention prompts:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(9.1) You are exceeding the speed limit '50' (18 m/s)", builder(p).speedAlarm(50, 18f));
addButton(ll, "(9.2) Attention, speed camera", builder(p).attention("SPEED_CAMERA"));
addButton(ll, "(9.3) Attention, border control", builder(p).attention("BORDER_CONTROL"));
addButton(ll, "(9.4) Attention, railroad crossing", builder(p).attention("RAILWAY"));
addButton(ll, "(9.5) Attention, traffic calming", builder(p).attention("TRAFFIC_CALMING"));
addButton(ll, "(9.6) Attention, toll booth", builder(p).attention("TOLL_BOOTH"));
addButton(ll, "(9.7) Attention, stop sign", builder(p).attention("STOP"));
addButton(ll, "(9.8) Attention, pedestrian crosswalk", builder(p).attention("PEDESTRIAN"));
addButton(ll, "Attention prompts:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.1) You are exceeding the speed limit '50' (18 m/s)", builder(p).speedAlarm(50, 18f));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.2) Attention, speed camera", builder(p).attention("SPEED_CAMERA"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.3) Attention, border control", builder(p).attention("BORDER_CONTROL"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.4) Attention, railroad crossing", builder(p).attention("RAILWAY"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.5) Attention, traffic calming", builder(p).attention("TRAFFIC_CALMING"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.6) Attention, toll booth", builder(p).attention("TOLL_BOOTH"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.7) Attention, stop sign", builder(p).attention("STOP"));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (9.8) Attention, pedestrian crosswalk", builder(p).attention("PEDESTRIAN"));
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Other prompts:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(10.1) GPS signal lost", builder(p).gpsLocationLost());
addButton(ll, "(10.2) GPS signal recovered", builder(p).gpsLocationRecover());
addButton(ll, "(10.3) You have been off the route for 1050m", builder(p).offRoute(1050));
addButton(ll, "(10.4) You are back on the route", builder(p).backOnRoute());
addButton(ll, "Other prompts:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (10.1) GPS signal lost", builder(p).gpsLocationLost());
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (10.2) GPS signal recovered", builder(p).gpsLocationRecover());
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (10.3) You have been off the route for 1050m", builder(p).offRoute(1050));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (10.4) You are back on the route", builder(p).backOnRoute());
addButton(ll, " \u25A0 Voice system info:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "(11.1) (Tap to refresh)\n" + getVoiceSystemInfo(), builder(p).attention(""));
addButton(ll, "(11.2) Tap to change Phone call audio delay (if car stereo cuts off prompts). Default is 1500\u00A0ms.", builder(p).attention(""));
addButton(ll, "Voice system info:", builder(p));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (11.1) (Tap to refresh)\n" + getVoiceSystemInfo(), builder(p).attention(""));
addButton(ll, "\u25BA (11.2) Tap to change Phone call audio delay (if car stereo cuts off prompts). Default is 1500\u00A0ms.", builder(p).attention(""));
@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ public class TestVoiceActivity extends OsmandActionBarActivity {;
if (description.startsWith("(11.1)")) {
infoButton = button;
infoButton.setText("(11.1) (Tap to refresh)\n" + getVoiceSystemInfo());
infoButton.setText("\u25BA (11.1) (Tap to refresh)\n" + getVoiceSystemInfo());
Toast.makeText(TestVoiceActivity.this, "Info refreshed.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
if (description.startsWith("(11.2)")) {
if (description.startsWith("\u25BA (11.2)")) {
if (((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().AUDIO_STREAM_GUIDANCE.get() == 0) {
if (((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().BT_SCO_DELAY.get() == 1000) {
((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().BT_SCO_DELAY.set(1500);
@ -319,10 +319,10 @@ public class TestVoiceActivity extends OsmandActionBarActivity {
} else {
((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().BT_SCO_DELAY.set(1000);
infoButton.setText("(11.1) (Tap to refresh)\n" + getVoiceSystemInfo());
Toast.makeText(TestVoiceActivity.this, "BT SCO init delay changed to " + ((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().BT_SCO_DELAY.get() + "\u00A0ms", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
infoButton.setText("\u25BA (11.1) (Tap to refresh)\n" + getVoiceSystemInfo());
Toast.makeText(TestVoiceActivity.this, "BT SCO init delay changed to " + ((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().BT_SCO_DELAY.get() + "\u00A0ms.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(TestVoiceActivity.this, "Setting only available for Phone Call Audio", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Toast.makeText(TestVoiceActivity.this, "Setting only available when using Phone Call Audio.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();