prescott66's sk-tts
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 55 additions and 66 deletions
@ -1,79 +1,71 @@
:- op('==', xfy, 500).
% before each announcement (beep)
preamble - [].
turn('left', ['odbočte doľava']).
turn('left_sh', ['odbočte ostro doľava']).
turn('left_sl', ['odbočte mierne doľava']).
turn('right', ['odbočte doprava']).
turn('right_sh', ['odbočte ostro doprava']).
turn('right_sl', ['odbočte mierne doprava']).
turn('left', ['skręć w lewo ']).
turn('left_sh', ['skręć ostro w lewo ']).
turn('left_sl', ['skręć lekko w lewo ']).
turn('right', ['skręć w prawo ']).
turn('right_sh', ['skręć ostro w prawo ']).
turn('right_sl', ['skręć lekko w prawo ']).
pturn('left', ['doľava']).
pturn('left_sh', ['ostro doľava']).
pturn('left_sl', ['mierne doľava']).
pturn('right', ['doprava']).
pturn('right_sh', ['ostro doprava']).
pturn('right_sl', ['mierne doprava']).
prepare_turn(Turn, Dist) == ['Za ', D, M] :-
distance(Dist) == D, turn(Turn, M).
turn(Turn, Dist) == ['Za ', D, M] :-
distance(Dist) == D, turn(Turn, M).
turn(Turn) == M :- turn(Turn, M).
prepare_turn(Turn, Dist) == ['o', D, 'budete odbáčať', M] :-
distance(Dist) == D, pturn(Turn, M).
turn(Turn, Dist) == ['o', D, M] :-
distance(Dist) == D, turn(Turn, M).turn(Turn) == M :- turn(Turn, M).
prepare_make_ut(Dist) == ['o', D, 'sa otočte naspäť'] :-
prepare_make_ut(Dist) == ['Za ', D, ' zawróć'] :-
distance(Dist) == D.
prepare_roundabout(Dist) == ['o', D, 'vojdete na kruhový objazd'] :-
prepare_roundabout(Dist) == ['Za ', D, ' wjedź na rondo'] :-
distance(Dist) == D.
make_ut(Dist) == ['o', D, 'sa otočte naspäť'] :-
make_ut(Dist) == ['Za ', D, ' zawróć'] :-
distance(Dist) == D.
make_ut == ['otočte sa naspäť'].
make_ut == ['Zawróć '].
roundabout(Dist, _Angle, Exit) == ['o', D, 'vojdite na kruhový objazd', 'a zvoľte', E, 'výjazd'] :-
distance(Dist) == D, nth(Exit, E).
roundabout(_Angle, Exit) == ['pôjdete cez', E, 'výjazd'] :- nth(Exit, E).
roundabout(Dist, _Angle, Exit) == ['Za ', D, ' wjedź na rondo ', E, 'wyjazd'] :- distance(Dist) == D, nth(Exit, E).
roundabout(_Angle, Exit) == [ E, ' wyjazd'] :- nth(Exit, E).
and_arrive_destination == ['a dorazíte do cieľa']. % Miss and?
then == ['potom'].
reached_destination == ['dorazili ste do cieľa'].
bear_right == ['držte sa vpravo'].
bear_left == ['držte sa vľavo'].
route_recalc(_Dist) == ['prepočítavam']. % nothing to said possibly beep?
route_new_calc(Dist) == ['cesta je dlhá', D] :- distance(Dist) == D. % nothing to said possibly beep?
and_arrive_destination == ['następnie dojedź do celu ']. % Miss and?
then == ['następnie '].
reached_destination == ['Cel został osiągnięty! '].
bear_right == ['trzymaj się prawej '].
bear_left == ['trzymaj się lewej '].
route_recalc(_Dist) == []. % ['Wyznaczam nową trasę ']. %nothing to said possibly beep?
route_new_calc(Dist) == ['Długość trasy to ', D] :- distance(Dist) == D. % nothing to said possibly beep?
go_ahead(Dist) == ['pokračujte', D]:- distance(Dist) == D.
go_ahead == ['pokračujte rovno'].
go_ahead(Dist) == ['Jedź prosto ', D]:- distance(Dist) == D.
go_ahead == ['Jedź prosto '].
nth(1, 'prvý').
nth(2, 'druhý').
nth(3, 'tretí').
nth(4, 'štvrtý').
nth(5, 'piaty').
nth(6, 'šiesty').
nth(7, 'siedmy').
nth(8, 'ôsmy').
nth(9, 'deviaty').
nth(10, 'desiaty').
nth(11, 'jedenásty').
nth(12, 'dvanásty').
nth(13, 'trinásty').
nth(14, 'štrnásty').
nth(15, 'pätnásty').
nth(16, 'šestnásty').
nth(17, 'sedemnásty').
nth(1, 'pierwszy ').
nth(2, 'drugi ').
nth(3, 'trzeci ').
nth(4, 'czwarty ').
nth(5, 'piąty ').
nth(6, 'szósty ').
nth(7, 'siódmy ').
nth(8, 'ósmy ').
nth(9, 'dziewiąty ').
nth(10, 'dziesiąty ').
nth(11, 'jedenasty ').
nth(12, 'dwunasty ').
nth(13, 'trzynasty ').
nth(14, 'czternasty ').
nth(15, 'piętnasty ').
nth(16, 'szestasty ').
nth(17, 'siedemnasty ').
%%% distance measure
distance(Dist) == T :- Dist < 1000, dist(Dist, F), append(F, 'metrov',T).
distance(Dist) == T :- Dist < 1000, dist(Dist, F), append(F, ' metrów',T).
dist(D, ['10 ']) :- D < 15, !.
dist(D, ['20 ']) :- D < 25, !.
dist(D, ['30 ']) :- D < 35, !.
@ -103,19 +95,16 @@ dist(D, ['900 ']) :- D < 925, !.
dist(D, ['950 ']) :- D < 975, !.
dist(D, ['1000 ']) :- !.
distance(Dist) == ['približne jeden kilometer'] :- Dist < 1500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 2 kilometre'] :- Dist < 2500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 3 kilometre'] :- Dist < 3500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 4 kilometre'] :- Dist < 4500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 5 kilometrov'] :- Dist < 5500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 6 kilometrov'] :- Dist < 6500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 7 kilometrov'] :- Dist < 7500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 8 kilometrov'] :- Dist < 8500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne 9 kilometrov'] :- Dist < 9500.
distance(Dist) == ['približne', X, 'kilometrov'] :- D is Dist/1000, dist(D, X).
distance(Dist) == ['około jeden kilometr '] :- Dist < 1500.
distance(Dist) == ['około dwa kilometry '] :- Dist < 2500.
distance(Dist) == ['około trzy kilometry '] :- Dist < 3500.
distance(Dist) == ['około cztery kilometry '] :- Dist < 4500.
distance(Dist) == ['około pięć kilometrów '] :- Dist < 5500.
distance(Dist) == ['około sześć kilometrów '] :- Dist < 6500.
distance(Dist) == ['około siedem kilometrów '] :- Dist < 7500.
distance(Dist) == ['około osiem kilometrów '] :- Dist < 8500.
distance(Dist) == ['około dziewięć kilometrów '] :- Dist < 9500.
distance(Dist) == ['około ', X, ' kilometrów '] :- D is Dist/1000, dist(D, X).
%% resolve command main method
%% if you are familar with Prolog you can input specific to the whole mechanism,
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