- fixed sunrise/sunset calculation, the calculated time was in local time zone but was parsed as GMT
- sunrise/sunset calculation is slow to be called in short intervals as it is now after changes for full night mode. Added
5 seconds delay between recalculations, which is OK. It is something like your sunrise/sunset is delayed by 5 seconds :-)
git-svn-id: https://osmand.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@871 e29c36b1-1cfa-d876-8d93-3434fc2bb7b8
- added settings for sunrise/sunset,day,night,sensor auto switch
- DayNightHelper contains the base switching logic
- auto switching works only if render is selected which has its -night counterpart
- light sensor threshold is currently hard coded
git-svn-id: https://osmand.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@854 e29c36b1-1cfa-d876-8d93-3434fc2bb7b8