package net.osmand; /** * This class is designed to put all to do's and link them with code. */ public class ToDoConstants { // TODO max 94 // ! 81. Add some objects to POI category (1) to add them into OSM 2) to help navigation) // highway (?), traffic_calming (?), barrier(?), military(?-), landuse (?), office(?), man_made(?), power(?), // railway( station, subway?) - issue 17 // ! 87. Use network availability for defining loading tiles from internet. // ! 89. Transport redesign UI (enable run from context menu, switch go to goal/not) ! // ! 95. Show progress while map rendered and loaded // 86. Allow to add/edit custom tags to POI objects. // outside base 0.4 release // 90. Use Junidecode library on the client for english translation (for map rendering and other save disk space) // 91. Invent binary format (minimize disk space, maximize speed) // 92. Replace poi index with standard map index and unify POI categories // 93. Implement multitype vector objects (?) - building with fence, road & tram ... (binary format) // 94. Revise index to decrease their size (especially address) - replace to float lat/lon // TODO small improvements for release : // +1. If select vector map, notice if there are no loaded maps. // +2. Fix bug with regenerating map when it is rotated (think about rotate) // +5. FIX subway tunnel // TODO Improvements : // 1! VELCOM // 17. Implement multipolygons to polygons (!?) + coastline - (todo indexCreator) // 18. Fix loading map data in rotated mode (check properly boundaries) // 22. Verify all POI has a point_type (in order to search them) // 19. colors for road trunk and motorway // 12. Fix : find proper location for streets ! centralize them (when create index)? // Unscheduled (complex) // 65. Intermediate points - for better control routing, to avoid traffic jams ...(?) // 63. Support simple offline routing(require new index file) (?) // Not clear if it is really needed // 69. Add phone information to POI // 66. Transport routing (show next stop, total distance, show stop get out, voice) (needed ?). // 85. Enable on/off screen for bike navigation (?) // 83. Add monitoring service to send locations to internet (?) // DONE ANDROID : // DONE SWING // 12. Reinvent UI of swing app (remove Region object and clear other MapObject) }