open($filename,ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS)!==TRUE) { // echo exit("cannot open <$filename>\n"); // print($filename . " cannot open as zip\n"); continue; } $description = $zip->getCommentIndex(0); $stat = $zip->statIndex( 0 ); $date= date('d.m.Y',$stat['mtime']); $size= number_format((filesize($filename) / (1024.0*1024.0)), 1, '.', ''); $zip->close(); $out -> setAttribute("road_file", "yes"); $out -> setAttribute("road_date", $date); $out -> setAttribute("road_description", $description); $out -> setAttribute("road_size", $size); } } function updateGoogleCodeIndexes($update=false) { $local_file = false; if( basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == basename(__FILE__)) { $update = true; $local_file = true; } $localFileName='indexes.xml'; // check each 30 minutes if(!$update && file_exists($localFileName) && time() - filemtime($localFileName) < 60 * 30) { return; } if($local_file) { echo '

File update :

'; } $dom = new DomDocument(); $output = new DOMDocument(); $output->formatOutput = true; $outputIndexes = $output->createElement( "osmand_regions" ); $outputIndexes->setAttribute('mapversion','1'); $output->appendChild( $outputIndexes ); $st = 0; $num = 200; $count = 0; $mapNodes = array(); /// 1. dlownload indexes from googlecode while($st != -1){ $dom->loadHTMLFile("".$num."&start=".$st."&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+Size"); $count ++; $xpath = new DOMXpath($dom); $xpathI = new DOMXpath($dom); $res = $xpath->query('//td[contains(@class,"col_0")]'); if($res && $res->length > 0) { foreach($res as $node) { $indexName = trim($node->nodeValue); $s = $xpathI->query('td[contains(@class,"col_1")]/a[1]', $node->parentNode); if(!$s || $s->length == 0) { continue; } $description = $s->item(0)->nodeValue; $i = strpos($description,"{"); if(!$i) { continue; } $i1 = strpos($description,":", $i); $i2 = stripos($description,"mb", $i1); if(!$i2) { $i2 = strpos($description,"}", $i1); } $date = trim(substr($description, $i + 1, $i1 - $i -1)); $size = trim(substr($description, $i1 + 1, $i2 - $i1 -1)); $description = trim(substr($description, 0, $i)); if($local_file) { echo $indexName.' '.$date.' '.$size.'
'; } if(strpos($indexName,"") || strpos($indexName,".obf")) { $ipart = strpos($indexName,"zip-"); $part = 1; $base = $indexName; if($ipart) { $part = (int)substr($indexName, $ipart+4); $base = substr($indexName, 0, $ipart+3); if(isset($mapNodes[$base])) { $out = $mapNodes[$base]; } else { $out = $output->createElement( "multiregion" ); $out -> setAttribute("parts", $part); $mapNodes[$base] = $out; $out -> setAttribute("date", $date); $out -> setAttribute("size", $size); $out -> setAttribute("name", $base); $out -> setAttribute("description", $description); $outputIndexes->appendChild($out); } if( (int) $out -> getAttribute("parts") < $part){ $out -> setAttribute("parts", $part); } } else { $out = $output->createElement( "region" ); $out -> setAttribute("date", $date); $out -> setAttribute("size", $size); $out -> setAttribute("name", $indexName); $out -> setAttribute("description", $description); $outputIndexes->appendChild($out); $mapNodes[$indexName] = $out; } } } $st += $num; } else { $st = -1; } } /// 2. append local indexes $local = new DomDocument(); // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents $dir='indexes/'; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $filename = $dir . $file ; //"./"; //print("processing file:" . $filename . "\n"); if ($zip->open($filename,ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS)!==TRUE) { // echo exit("cannot open <$filename>\n"); // print($filename . " cannot open as zip\n"); continue; } $indexName=$file; $description = $zip->getCommentIndex(0); $stat = $zip->statIndex( 0 ); $date= date('d.m.Y',$stat['mtime']); $size= number_format((filesize($filename) / (1024.0*1024.0)), 1, '.', ''); $zip->close(); if($local_file) { echo 'Local : '.$indexName.' '.$date.' '.$size.'
'; } if (isset($mapNodes[$indexName])) { $exdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y', $mapNodes[$indexName]->getAttribute("date")); $localdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y', $date); attachRoadIndexItem($mapNodes[$indexName], $indexName); if($localdate->getTimestamp() <= $exdate->getTimestamp()) { continue; } if($out -> getAttribute("parts")) { $outputIndexes->removeChild($out); $out = $output->createElement( "region" ); $outputIndexes->appendChild($out); } } else { $out = $output->createElement( "region" ); $outputIndexes->appendChild($out); } attachRoadIndexItem($out, $indexName); $out -> setAttribute("date", $date); $out -> setAttribute("local", "true"); $out -> setAttribute("size", $size); $out -> setAttribute("name", $indexName); $out -> setAttribute("description", $description); //$mapNodes[$indexName] = $out; } closedir($dh); } } else { print($dir . " not a directory!\n"); } if($local_file) { // header('Content-Type: text/xml'); // echo $output->asXML(); } $output->save($localFileName); } updateGoogleCodeIndexes(false); ?>