amenity_type_education = Bildung amenity_type_entertainment = Unterhaltung amenity_type_finance = Finanzen amenity_type_healthcare = Gesundheit amenity_type_historic = Denkmal amenity_type_leisure = Leisure amenity_type_natural = Natur amenity_type_other = Sonstiges amenity_type_shop = Einkaufen amenity_type_sport = Sport amenity_type_sustenance = Ern\u00E4hrung amenity_type_tourism = Tourismus amenity_type_transportation = Nahverkehr indexing_address = Indexing address indexing_map = Indexing map indexing_poi = Indexing POI indexing_transport = Indexing transport input_output_error = Input output error occurred km = km km_h = km/h m = m old_map_index_is_not_supported = Deprecated format map data ''{0}'' is not supported poi_filter_car_aid = Auto poi_filter_closest_poi = Closest poi poi_filter_custom_filter = Benutzerdefinierter Filter poi_filter_food_shop = Lebensmittel poi_filter_for_tourists = Touristen poi_filter_fuel = Benzin poi_filter_namefinder = Onlinesuche reading_cached_tiles = Reading cached tiles... version_index_is_not_supported = The version of index ''{0}'' is not supported