[ { "testName": "3.Different routes depending on start coordinates https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/1197", "description": "При planRoadDirection='-1' маршрут неверный, при 0 - верный", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "-1" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.90810929390909, "longitude": 35.25023227930072 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.90951460825728, "longitude": 35.24373865127566 }, "expectedResults": { "30657405": "true", "178721843": "false" } }, { "testName": "5.Route depends on the distance to a junction, if routing engine takes the longer way https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/1200", "description": "Подтверждается только неверный маршрут. От дистанции не зависит, но зависит от planRoadDirection. При -1 маршрут верный, при 0 - нет", "ignore" : "true", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "0" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.897117500680615, "longitude": 35.3328966200352 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.89920161032259, "longitude": 35.335714280605345 }, "expectedResults": { "93014632": "false" } }, { "testName": "5.Osmand occasionally routes on and off freeways at the same exit https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/osmand/g9qXEne4Ers/1M3t0hM394UJ", "description": "Не воспроизводится", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "-1" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.931599776352, "longitude": 35.35250289738181 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.88367250724874, "longitude": 35.35755617916587 }, "expectedResults": { "5570541": "false" } }, { "testName": "6.Intermediate destination is not routed on residential ways https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/2362", "description": "Не воспроизводится", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "-1" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.897651835396935, "longitude": 35.38294060528281 }, "transitPoint1": { "latitude": 45.89895, "longitude": 35.3849 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.89756970218551, "longitude": 35.38740380108359 }, "expectedResults": { "44358491": "true" } }, { "testName": "10.Longer route preferred? https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/1941", "description": "short_way строит не самый короткий путь. Транзит через MEX 261 короче.", "ignore" : "true", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "-1" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.9011493841283, "longitude": 35.493414759635954 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.88636204636078, "longitude": 35.486109763383894 }, "expectedResults": { "53445": "true" } }, { "testName": "12.Bizarre navigation at Sundance dr & Sentinel dr in Fremont, CA, USA https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/1743", "ignore" : "true", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "-1" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.84882743070033, "longitude": 35.2621882259846 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.847528944857174, "longitude": 35.27665740251544 }, "expectedResults": { "6344915": "false", "6346622": "true" } }, { "testName": "12.1.Bizarre navigation at Sundance dr & Sentinel dr in Fremont, CA, USA (transit2 point) https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/1743", "ignore" : "true", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "-1" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.84882743070033, "longitude": 35.2621882259846 }, "transitPoint1": { "latitude": 45.84813, "longitude": 35.275932 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.847528944857174, "longitude": 35.27665740251544 }, "expectedResults": { "6335573": "false" } }, { "testName": "12.2.Bizarre navigation at Sundance dr & Sentinel dr in Fremont, CA, USA (reverse) https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/1743", "ignore" : "true", "params": { "vehicle": "car", "short_way": "true", "planRoadDirection": "-1" }, "startPoint": { "latitude": 45.84747047681003, "longitude": 35.276624009925854 }, "endPoint": { "latitude": 45.84886985240254, "longitude": 35.262113259155285 }, "expectedResults": { "6346622": "true" } } ]