package net.osmand.router; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject; import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter.GeneralRouterProfile; import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter.RouteAttributeContext; import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter.RouteDataObjectAttribute; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; public class RoutingConfiguration { public static final int DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT = 30; public final float DEVIATION_RADIUS = 3000; public Map attributes = new LinkedHashMap(); // 1. parameters of routing and different tweaks // Influence on A* : f(x) + heuristicCoefficient*g(X) public float heuristicCoefficient = 1; // 1.1 tile load parameters (should not affect routing) public int ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES = 16; public int memoryLimitation; // 1.2 Build A* graph in backward/forward direction (can affect results) // 0 - 2 ways, 1 - direct way, -1 - reverse way public int planRoadDirection = 0; // 1.3 Router specific coefficients and restrictions // use GeneralRouter and not interface to simplify native access ! public GeneralRouter router = new GeneralRouter(GeneralRouterProfile.CAR, new LinkedHashMap()); public String routerName = ""; // 1.4 Used to calculate route in movement public Double initialDirection; // 1.5 Recalculate distance help public float recalculateDistance = 20000f; // 1.6 Time to calculate all access restrictions based on conditions public long routeCalculationTime = 0; public static class Builder { // Design time storage private String defaultRouter = ""; private Map routers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Map attributes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private HashMap impassableRoadLocations = new HashMap<>(); // Example // { // impassableRoadLocations.add(23000069L); // } public RoutingConfiguration build(String router, int memoryLimitMB) { return build(router, null, memoryLimitMB, null); } public RoutingConfiguration build(String router, int memoryLimitMB, Map params) { return build(router, null, memoryLimitMB, params); } public RoutingConfiguration build(String router, Double direction, int memoryLimitMB, Map params) { if (!routers.containsKey(router)) { router = defaultRouter; } RoutingConfiguration i = new RoutingConfiguration(); if (routers.containsKey(router)) { i.router = routers.get(router); if (params != null) { i.router =; } i.routerName = router; } attributes.put("routerName", router); i.attributes.putAll(attributes); i.initialDirection = direction; i.recalculateDistance = parseSilentFloat(getAttribute(i.router, "recalculateDistanceHelp"), i.recalculateDistance) ; i.heuristicCoefficient = parseSilentFloat(getAttribute(i.router, "heuristicCoefficient"), i.heuristicCoefficient); i.router.addImpassableRoads(impassableRoadLocations.keySet()); i.ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES = parseSilentInt(getAttribute(i.router, "zoomToLoadTiles"), i.ZOOM_TO_LOAD_TILES); int desirable = parseSilentInt(getAttribute(i.router, "memoryLimitInMB"), 0); if(desirable != 0) { i.memoryLimitation = desirable * (1 << 20); } else { if(memoryLimitMB == 0) { memoryLimitMB = DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT; } i.memoryLimitation = memoryLimitMB * (1 << 20); } i.planRoadDirection = parseSilentInt(getAttribute(i.router, "planRoadDirection"), i.planRoadDirection); // i.planRoadDirection = 1; return i; } public Map getImpassableRoadLocations() { return impassableRoadLocations; } public boolean addImpassableRoad(RouteDataObject route, Location location) { if (!impassableRoadLocations.containsKey({ impassableRoadLocations.put(, location); return true; } return false; } private String getAttribute(VehicleRouter router, String propertyName) { if (router.containsAttribute(propertyName)) { return router.getAttribute(propertyName); } return attributes.get(propertyName); } public String getDefaultRouter() { return defaultRouter; } public GeneralRouter getRouter(String routingProfileName) { return routers.get(routingProfileName); } public Map getAllRouters() { return routers; } public void removeImpassableRoad(RouteDataObject obj) { impassableRoadLocations.remove(; } } public static int parseSilentInt(String t, int v) { if (t == null || t.length() == 0) { return v; } return Integer.parseInt(t); } public static float parseSilentFloat(String t, float v) { if (t == null || t.length() == 0) { return v; } return Float.parseFloat(t); } private static RoutingConfiguration.Builder DEFAULT; public static RoutingConfiguration.Builder getDefault() { if (DEFAULT == null) { try { DEFAULT = parseFromInputStream(RoutingConfiguration.class.getResourceAsStream("routing.xml")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } return DEFAULT; } public static RoutingConfiguration.Builder parseFromInputStream(InputStream is) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { return parseFromInputStream(is, null, new RoutingConfiguration.Builder()); } public static RoutingConfiguration.Builder parseFromInputStream(InputStream is, String filename, RoutingConfiguration.Builder config) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { XmlPullParser parser = PlatformUtil.newXMLPullParser(); GeneralRouter currentRouter = null; RouteDataObjectAttribute currentAttribute = null; String preType = null; Stack rulesStck = new Stack(); parser.setInput(is, "UTF-8"); int tok; while ((tok = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (tok == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { String name = parser.getName(); if ("osmand_routing_config".equals(name)) { config.defaultRouter = parser.getAttributeValue("", "defaultProfile"); } else if ("routingProfile".equals(name)) { currentRouter = parseRoutingProfile(parser, config, filename); } else if ("attribute".equals(name)) { parseAttribute(parser, config, currentRouter); } else if ("parameter".equals(name)) { parseRoutingParameter(parser, currentRouter); } else if ("point".equals(name) || "way".equals(name)) { String attribute = parser.getAttributeValue("", "attribute"); currentAttribute = RouteDataObjectAttribute.getValueOf(attribute); preType = parser.getAttributeValue("", "type"); } else { parseRoutingRule(parser, currentRouter, currentAttribute, preType, rulesStck); } } else if (tok == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { String pname = parser.getName(); if (checkTag(pname)) { rulesStck.pop(); } } } is.close(); return config; } private static void parseRoutingParameter(XmlPullParser parser, GeneralRouter currentRouter) { String description = parser.getAttributeValue("", "description"); String group = parser.getAttributeValue("", "group"); String name = parser.getAttributeValue("", "name"); String id = parser.getAttributeValue("", "id"); String type = parser.getAttributeValue("", "type"); boolean defaultValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(parser.getAttributeValue("", "default")); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { currentRouter.registerBooleanParameter(id, Algorithms.isEmpty(group) ? null : group, name, description, defaultValue); } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("numeric")) { String values = parser.getAttributeValue("", "values"); String valueDescriptions = parser.getAttributeValue("", "valueDescriptions"); String[] strValues = values.split(","); Double[] vls = new Double[strValues.length]; for (int i = 0; i < vls.length; i++) { vls[i] = Double.parseDouble(strValues[i].trim()); } currentRouter.registerNumericParameter(id, name, description, vls , valueDescriptions.split(",")); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported routing parameter type - " + type); } } private static class RoutingRule { String tagName; String t; String v; String param; String value1; String value2; String type; } private static void parseRoutingRule(XmlPullParser parser, GeneralRouter currentRouter, RouteDataObjectAttribute attr, String parentType, Stack stack) { String pname = parser.getName(); if (checkTag(pname)) { if(attr == null){ throw new NullPointerException("Select tag filter outside road attribute < " + pname + " > : "+parser.getLineNumber()); } RoutingRule rr = new RoutingRule(); rr.tagName = pname; rr.t = parser.getAttributeValue("", "t"); rr.v = parser.getAttributeValue("", "v"); rr.param = parser.getAttributeValue("", "param"); rr.value1 = parser.getAttributeValue("", "value1"); rr.value2 = parser.getAttributeValue("", "value2"); rr.type = parser.getAttributeValue("", "type"); if((rr.type == null || rr.type.length() == 0) && parentType != null && parentType.length() > 0) { rr.type = parentType; } RouteAttributeContext ctx = currentRouter.getObjContext(attr); if("select".equals(rr.tagName)) { String val = parser.getAttributeValue("", "value"); String type = rr.type; ctx.registerNewRule(val, type); addSubclause(rr, ctx); for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) { addSubclause(stack.get(i), ctx); } } else if(stack.size() > 0 && stack.peek().tagName.equals("select")) { addSubclause(rr, ctx); } stack.push(rr); } } private static boolean checkTag(String pname) { return "select".equals(pname) || "if".equals(pname) || "ifnot".equals(pname) || "gt".equals(pname) || "le".equals(pname) || "eq".equals(pname); } private static void addSubclause(RoutingRule rr, RouteAttributeContext ctx) { boolean not = "ifnot".equals(rr.tagName); if(!Algorithms.isEmpty(rr.param)) { ctx.getLastRule().registerAndParamCondition(rr.param, not); } if (!Algorithms.isEmpty(rr.t)) { ctx.getLastRule().registerAndTagValueCondition(rr.t, Algorithms.isEmpty(rr.v) ? null : rr.v, not); } if (rr.tagName.equals("gt")) { ctx.getLastRule().registerGreatCondition(rr.value1, rr.value2, rr.type); } else if (rr.tagName.equals("le")) { ctx.getLastRule().registerLessCondition(rr.value1, rr.value2, rr.type); } else if (rr.tagName.equals("eq")) { ctx.getLastRule().registerEqualCondition(rr.value1, rr.value2, rr.type); } } private static GeneralRouter parseRoutingProfile(XmlPullParser parser, final RoutingConfiguration.Builder config, String filename) { String currentSelectedRouterName = parser.getAttributeValue("", "name"); Map attrs = new LinkedHashMap(); for(int i=0; i< parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { attrs.put(parser.getAttributeName(i), parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } GeneralRouterProfile c = Algorithms.parseEnumValue(GeneralRouterProfile.values(), parser.getAttributeValue("", "baseProfile"), GeneralRouterProfile.CAR); GeneralRouter currentRouter = new GeneralRouter(c, attrs); currentRouter.setProfileName(currentSelectedRouterName); if (filename != null) { currentRouter.setFilename(filename); currentSelectedRouterName = filename + "/" + currentSelectedRouterName; } config.routers.put(currentSelectedRouterName, currentRouter); return currentRouter; } private static void parseAttribute(XmlPullParser parser, final RoutingConfiguration.Builder config, GeneralRouter currentRouter) { if(currentRouter != null) { currentRouter.addAttribute(parser.getAttributeValue("", "name"), parser.getAttributeValue("", "value")); } else { config.attributes.put(parser.getAttributeValue("", "name"), parser.getAttributeValue("", "value")); } } }