package net.osmand.telegram import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.location.Location import android.location.LocationListener import android.location.LocationManager import android.os.* import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast import net.osmand.PlatformUtil import net.osmand.telegram.TelegramSettings.ShareChatInfo import net.osmand.telegram.helpers.TelegramHelper import net.osmand.telegram.helpers.TelegramHelper.* import net.osmand.telegram.notifications.TelegramNotification.NotificationType import net.osmand.telegram.utils.AndroidUtils import net.osmand.telegram.utils.OsmandLocationUtils import import java.util.* private const val UPDATE_WIDGET_INTERVAL_MS = 1000L // 1 sec private const val UPDATE_LIVE_MESSAGES_INTERVAL_MS = 10000L // 10 sec private const val UPDATE_LIVE_TRACKS_INTERVAL_MS = 30000L // 30 sec class TelegramService : Service(), LocationListener, TelegramIncomingMessagesListener, TelegramOutgoingMessagesListener { private val log = PlatformUtil.getLog( private fun app() = application as TelegramApplication private val binder = LocationServiceBinder() private var shouldCleanupResources: Boolean = false private var updateShareInfoHandler: Handler? = null private var mHandlerThread = HandlerThread("SharingServiceThread") private var updateTracksHandler: Handler? = null private var tracksHandlerThread = HandlerThread("TracksUpdateServiceThread") private var updateWidgetHandler: Handler? = null private var updateWidgetThread = HandlerThread("WidgetUpdateServiceThread") var handler: Handler? = null private set var usedBy = 0 private set var serviceOffProvider: String = LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER private set var serviceOffInterval = 0L private set var serviceErrorInterval = 0L private set var sendLocationInterval = 0L private set private var lastLocationSentTime = 0L private var pendingIntent: PendingIntent? = null class LocationServiceBinder : Binder() override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() mHandlerThread.start() tracksHandlerThread.start() updateWidgetThread.start() updateShareInfoHandler = Handler(mHandlerThread.looper) updateTracksHandler = Handler(tracksHandlerThread.looper) updateWidgetHandler = Handler(updateWidgetThread.looper) } override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder? { return binder } fun stopIfNeeded(ctx: Context, usageIntent: Int) { if (usedBy and usageIntent > 0) { usedBy -= usageIntent } when { usedBy == 0 -> { shouldCleanupResources = false val serviceIntent = Intent(ctx, ctx.stopService(serviceIntent) } isUsedByMyLocation(usedBy) -> { val app = app() if (app.settings.sendMyLocInterval >= OFF_INTERVAL_THRESHOLD && serviceOffInterval == 0L) { serviceOffInterval = app.settings.sendMyLocInterval setupServiceErrorInterval() setupAlarm() } app.notificationHelper.refreshNotification(NotificationType.LOCATION) } isUsedByUsersLocations(usedBy) -> removeLocationUpdates() } } override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int { val app = app() handler = Handler() val usageIntent = intent.getIntExtra(USAGE_INTENT, 0) usedBy = usageIntent or usedBy serviceOffInterval = intent.getLongExtra(USAGE_OFF_INTERVAL, 0) sendLocationInterval = intent.getLongExtra(SEND_LOCATION_INTERVAL, 0) setupServiceErrorInterval() app.telegramHelper.addIncomingMessagesListener(this) app.telegramHelper.addOutgoingMessagesListener(this) app.telegramService = this if (isUsedByMyLocation(usedBy)) { initLocationUpdates() startShareInfoUpdates() startWidgetUpdates() } if (isUsedByUsersLocations(usedBy)) { app.telegramHelper.startLiveMessagesUpdates(app.settings.sendMyLocInterval) startTracksUpdates() } app.shareLocationHelper.checkAndSendBufferMessages() val locationNotification = app.notificationHelper.locationNotification val notification = app.notificationHelper.buildNotification(locationNotification) startForeground(locationNotification.telegramNotificationId, notification) app.notificationHelper.refreshNotification(locationNotification.type) return Service.START_REDELIVER_INTENT } private fun setupServiceErrorInterval() { serviceErrorInterval = serviceOffInterval / 5 // 1. not more than 12 mins serviceErrorInterval = Math.min(serviceErrorInterval, 12 * 60 * 1000) // 2. not less than 30 seconds serviceErrorInterval = Math.max(serviceErrorInterval, 30 * 1000) // 3. not more than serviceOffInterval serviceErrorInterval = Math.min(serviceErrorInterval, serviceOffInterval) } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() val app = app() app.telegramHelper.stopLiveMessagesUpdates() app.telegramHelper.removeIncomingMessagesListener(this) app.telegramHelper.removeOutgoingMessagesListener(this) app.telegramService = null tracksHandlerThread.quit() mHandlerThread.quit() updateWidgetThread.quit() app().showLocationHelper.addOrUpdateStatusWidget(-1, false) usedBy = 0 removeLocationUpdates() if (!isContinuous()) { val lock = getLock(this) if (lock.isHeld) { lock.release() } } if (shouldCleanupResources) { app.cleanupResources() } // remove notification stopForeground(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE) } fun updateSendLocationInterval(newInterval: Long) { sendLocationInterval = newInterval } fun forceLocationUpdate() { val location = getFirstTimeRunDefaultLocation() app().shareLocationHelper.updateLocation(location) } private fun initLocationUpdates() { val firstLocation = getFirstTimeRunDefaultLocation() app().shareLocationHelper.updateLocation(firstLocation) // requesting if (isContinuous()) { // request location updates val locationManager = getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager try { locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(serviceOffProvider, 0, 0f, this@TelegramService) } catch (e: SecurityException) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.no_location_permission, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Location service permission not granted") //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.gps_not_available, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "GPS location provider not available") //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { setupAlarm() } } private fun startShareInfoUpdates() { updateShareInfoHandler?.postDelayed({ if (isUsedByMyLocation(usedBy)) { app().shareLocationHelper.updateSendLiveMessages() startShareInfoUpdates() } }, UPDATE_LIVE_MESSAGES_INTERVAL_MS) } private fun startTracksUpdates() { updateTracksHandler?.postDelayed({ if (isUsedByUsersLocations(usedBy)) { if (app().settings.hasAnyLiveTracksToShowOnMap()) { app().showLocationHelper.startUpdateTracksTask() } startTracksUpdates() } }, UPDATE_LIVE_TRACKS_INTERVAL_MS) } private fun startWidgetUpdates() { updateWidgetHandler?.postDelayed({ if (isUsedByMyLocation(usedBy)) { val sharingStatus = app().settings.sharingStatusChanges.last() var isSending = sharingStatus.statusType == TelegramSettings.SharingStatusType.SENDING val sharingChats = app().settings.getShareLocationChats() var oldestTime = 0L if (sharingChats.isNotEmpty() && app().shareLocationHelper.sharingLocation) { sharingChats.forEach { id -> val bufferMessages = app().locationMessages.getBufferedMessagesForChat(id) if (bufferMessages.isNotEmpty()) { val newTime = bufferMessages[0].time if (oldestTime == 0L || newTime < oldestTime) { oldestTime = newTime } } else { oldestTime = 0L } } } else { isSending = false oldestTime = -1 } app().showLocationHelper.addOrUpdateStatusWidget(oldestTime, isSending) } else { app().showLocationHelper.addOrUpdateStatusWidget(-1, false) } startWidgetUpdates() }, UPDATE_WIDGET_INTERVAL_MS) } @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") private fun getFirstTimeRunDefaultLocation(): net.osmand.Location? { val app = app() if (!AndroidUtils.isLocationPermissionAvailable(app)) { return null } val service = app.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager val ps = service.getProviders(true) ?: return null val providers = ArrayList(ps) // note, passive provider is from API_LEVEL 8 but it is a constant, we can check for it. // constant should not be changed in future val passiveFirst = providers.indexOf("passive") // LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER // put passive provider to first place if (passiveFirst > -1) { providers.add(0, providers.removeAt(passiveFirst)) } // find location var location: net.osmand.Location? = null for (provider in providers) { val loc = convertLocation(service.getLastKnownLocation(provider)) if (loc != null && (location == null || loc.hasAccuracy() && loc.accuracy < location.accuracy)) { location = loc } } return location } private fun setupAlarm() { val alarmManager = getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE) as AlarmManager pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, Intent(this,, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT) alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + 500, serviceOffInterval, pendingIntent) } private fun removeLocationUpdates() { // remove updates val locationManager = getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager try { locationManager.removeUpdates(this) } catch (e: SecurityException) { Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Location service permission not granted") } } private fun isContinuous(): Boolean { return serviceOffInterval == 0L } override fun onLocationChanged(l: Location?) { val location = convertLocation(l) if (!isContinuous()) { // unregister listener and wait next time val locationManager = getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager try { locationManager.removeUpdates(this) } catch (e: Throwable) { Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Location service permission not granted") //$NON-NLS-1$ } val lock = getLock(this) if (lock.isHeld) { lock.release() } app().shareLocationHelper.updateLocation(location) } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLocationSentTime > sendLocationInterval * 1000) { lastLocationSentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() app().shareLocationHelper.updateLocation(location) } } override fun onProviderDisabled(provider: String) { Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.location_service_no_gps_available), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } override fun onProviderEnabled(provider: String) {} override fun onStatusChanged(provider: String, status: Int, extras: Bundle) {} override fun onTaskRemoved(rootIntent: Intent) { val app = app() if (app.telegramService != null) { shouldCleanupResources = true // Do not stop service after UI task was dismissed //this@TelegramService.stopSelf() } } override fun onReceiveChatLocationMessages(chatId: Long, vararg messages: TdApi.Message) { app().showLocationHelper.startShowMessagesTask(chatId, *messages) messages.forEach { if (!it.isOutgoing) { app().locationMessages.addNewLocationMessage(it) } } } override fun onDeleteChatLocationMessages(chatId: Long, messages: List) { app().showLocationHelper.startDeleteMessagesTask(chatId, messages) } override fun updateLocationMessages() { app().showLocationHelper.startUpdateMessagesTask() } override fun onUpdateMessages(messages: List) { messages.forEach { app().settings.updateShareInfo(it) app().shareLocationHelper.checkAndSendBufferMessagesToChat(it.chatId) if (it.sendingState == null && !it.isOutgoing && (it.content is TdApi.MessageLocation || it.content is TdApi.MessageText)) { app().locationMessages.addNewLocationMessage(it) } } } override fun onDeleteMessages(chatId: Long, messages: List) { app().settings.onDeleteLiveMessages(chatId, messages) } override fun onSendLiveLocationError(code: Int, message: String, shareInfo: ShareChatInfo, messageType: Int) { Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Send live location error: $code - $message") when (messageType) { TelegramHelper.MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT -> shareInfo.pendingTdLibText-- TelegramHelper.MESSAGE_TYPE_MAP -> shareInfo.pendingTdLibMap-- } } companion object { const val USED_BY_MY_LOCATION: Int = 1 const val USED_BY_USERS_LOCATIONS: Int = 2 const val USAGE_INTENT = "SERVICE_USED_BY" const val USAGE_OFF_INTERVAL = "SERVICE_OFF_INTERVAL" const val SEND_LOCATION_INTERVAL = "SEND_LOCATION_INTERVAL" const val OFF_INTERVAL_THRESHOLD: Long = 30000L private var lockStatic: PowerManager.WakeLock? = null @Synchronized fun getLock(context: Context): PowerManager.WakeLock { var lockStatic = lockStatic return if (lockStatic == null) { val mgr = context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE) as PowerManager lockStatic = mgr.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "OsmandServiceLock") this.lockStatic = lockStatic lockStatic } else { lockStatic } } fun isUsedByMyLocation(usedBy: Int): Boolean { return (usedBy and USED_BY_MY_LOCATION) > 0 } fun isUsedByUsersLocations(usedBy: Int): Boolean { return (usedBy and USED_BY_USERS_LOCATIONS) > 0 } fun isOffIntervalDepended(usedBy: Int): Boolean { return isUsedByMyLocation(usedBy) } fun normalizeOffInterval(interval: Long): Long { return if (interval < OFF_INTERVAL_THRESHOLD) 0 else interval } fun convertLocation(l: Location?): net.osmand.Location? { if (l == null) { return null } val r = net.osmand.Location(l.provider) r.latitude = l.latitude r.longitude = l.longitude r.time = l.time if (l.hasAccuracy()) { r.accuracy = l.accuracy } if (l.hasSpeed()) { r.speed = l.speed } if (l.hasAltitude()) { r.altitude = l.altitude } if (l.hasBearing()) { r.bearing = l.bearing } if (l.hasAltitude()) { r.altitude = l.altitude } return r } } }