package net.osmand.binary; import; import; import java.util.Stack; import; import; import; import; public class BinaryIndexWriter { private final OutputStream out; private CodedOutputStream codedOutStream; private static class Bounds { public Bounds(int leftX, int rightX, int topY, int bottomY) { super(); this.bottomY = bottomY; this.leftX = leftX; this.rightX = rightX; this.topY = topY; } int leftX = 0; int rightX = 0; int topY = 0; int bottomY = 0; } private Stack stackBounds = new Stack(); // internal constants to track state of index writing private Stack state = new Stack(); private final static int OSMAND_STRUCTURE_INIT = 1; private final static int MAP_INDEX_INIT = 2; private final static int MAP_ROOT_LEVEL_INIT = 3; private final static int MAP_TREE = 4; private final static int MAP_DATA = 5; public BinaryIndexWriter(OutputStream out) throws IOException{ this.out = out; codedOutStream = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(out); codedOutStream.writeInt32(OsmandOdb.OsmAndStructure.VERSION_FIELD_NUMBER, IndexConstants.BINARY_MAP_VERSION); state.push(OSMAND_STRUCTURE_INIT); } // message MapTree { // required sint32 left = 1; // delta encoded // required sint32 right = 2; // delta encoded // required sint32 top = 3; // delta encoded // required sint32 bottom = 4; // delta encoded // // optional StringTable stringTable = 5; // optional uint64 baseId = 6; // // repeated MapTree subtrees = 7; // repeated MapData leafs = 8; // // } // /// Simple messages // message MapData { // required bytes coordinates = 1; // array of delta x,y uin32 could be read by codedinputstream // repeated sint32 types = 2; // // required sint64 id = 3; // delta encoded // optional uint32 stringId = 4; // // repeated sint64 restrictions = 5; // delta encoded 3 bytes for type and other for id // } public void startWriteMapIndex() throws IOException{ assert state.peek() == OSMAND_STRUCTURE_INIT; state.push(MAP_INDEX_INIT); codedOutStream.writeTag(OsmandOdb.OsmAndStructure.MAPINDEX_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.FieldType.MESSAGE.getWireType()); // TODO write size of map index codedOutStream.writeFixed32NoTag(0); } public void endWriteMapIndex() throws IOException{ Integer st = state.pop(); assert st == MAP_INDEX_INIT; codedOutStream.writeRawVarint32(0); } public void startWriteMapLevelIndex(int maxZoom, int minZoom, int leftX, int rightX, int topY, int bottomY) throws IOException{ assert state.peek() == MAP_INDEX_INIT; state.push(MAP_ROOT_LEVEL_INIT); codedOutStream.writeTag(OsmandOdb.OsmAndMapIndex.LEVELS_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.FieldType.MESSAGE.getWireType()); // TODO write size of level map index codedOutStream.writeFixed32NoTag(0); codedOutStream.writeInt32(OsmandOdb.MapRootLevel.MAXZOOM_FIELD_NUMBER, maxZoom); codedOutStream.writeInt32(OsmandOdb.MapRootLevel.MINZOOM_FIELD_NUMBER, minZoom); codedOutStream.writeInt32(OsmandOdb.MapRootLevel.LEFT_FIELD_NUMBER, leftX); codedOutStream.writeInt32(OsmandOdb.MapRootLevel.RIGHT_FIELD_NUMBER, rightX); codedOutStream.writeInt32(OsmandOdb.MapRootLevel.TOP_FIELD_NUMBER, topY); codedOutStream.writeInt32(OsmandOdb.MapRootLevel.BOTTOM_FIELD_NUMBER, bottomY); stackBounds.push(new Bounds(leftX, rightX, topY, bottomY)); } public void endWriteMapLevelIndex() throws IOException{ assert state.peek() == MAP_ROOT_LEVEL_INIT; state.pop(); stackBounds.pop(); codedOutStream.writeRawVarint32(0); } public void startMapTreeElement(int leftX, int rightX, int topY, int bottomY) throws IOException{ assert state.peek() == MAP_ROOT_LEVEL_INIT || state.peek() == MAP_TREE; if(state.peek() == MAP_ROOT_LEVEL_INIT){ codedOutStream.writeTag(OsmandOdb.MapRootLevel.ROOT_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.FieldType.MESSAGE.getWireType()); } else { codedOutStream.writeTag(OsmandOdb.MapTree.SUBTREES_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.FieldType.MESSAGE.getWireType()); } // TODO write size of level map index codedOutStream.writeFixed32NoTag(0); state.push(MAP_TREE); Bounds bounds = stackBounds.peek(); codedOutStream.writeSInt32(OsmandOdb.MapTree.LEFT_FIELD_NUMBER, leftX - bounds.leftX); codedOutStream.writeSInt32(OsmandOdb.MapTree.RIGHT_FIELD_NUMBER, rightX - bounds.rightX); codedOutStream.writeSInt32(OsmandOdb.MapTree.TOP_FIELD_NUMBER, topY - bounds.topY); codedOutStream.writeSInt32(OsmandOdb.MapTree.BOTTOM_FIELD_NUMBER, bottomY - bounds.bottomY); stackBounds.push(new Bounds(leftX, rightX, topY, bottomY)); } public void endWriteMapTreeElement() throws IOException{ assert state.peek() == MAP_TREE; state.pop(); stackBounds.pop(); } public void writeMapData(long id) throws IOException{ assert state.peek() == MAP_TREE; // TODO codedOutStream.writeInt64NoTag(id); } public void close() throws IOException{ assert state.peek() == OSMAND_STRUCTURE_INIT; codedOutStream.flush(); out.close(); } }