package net.osmand.telegram.utils; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import; import; import net.osmand.telegram.TelegramApplication; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TimeZone; // copy from and changes done to WptPt and GPXFile (userId,chatId) public class GPXUtilities { public final static Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(GPXUtilities.class); private final static String GPX_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static String GPX_TIME_FORMAT_MILLIS = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static NumberFormat latLonFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00#####", new DecimalFormatSymbols( new Locale("EN", "US"))); private final static NumberFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.###", new DecimalFormatSymbols( new Locale("EN", "US"))); public static class GPXExtensions { Map extensions = null; public Map getExtensionsToRead() { if (extensions == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } return extensions; } @ColorInt public int getColor(@ColorInt int defColor) { String clrValue = null; if (extensions != null) { clrValue = extensions.get("color"); if (clrValue == null) { clrValue = extensions.get("colour"); } if (clrValue == null) { clrValue = extensions.get("displaycolor"); } } if (clrValue != null && clrValue.length() > 0) { try { return Color.parseColor(clrValue.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return defColor; } public void setColor(int color) { getExtensionsToWrite().put("color", Algorithms.colorToString(color)); } public void removeColor() { getExtensionsToWrite().remove("color"); } public Map getExtensionsToWrite() { if (extensions == null) { extensions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } return extensions; } } public static class Elevation { public float distance; public int time; public float elevation; } public static class Speed { public float distance; public int time; public float speed; } public static class WptPt extends GPXExtensions implements LocationPoint { public boolean firstPoint = false; public boolean lastPoint = false; public int userId; public long chatId; public double lat; public double lon; public String name = null; public String link = null; // previous undocumented feature 'category' ,now 'type' public String category = null; public String desc = null; public String comment = null; // by default public long time = 0; public double ele = Double.NaN; public double speed = 0; public double hdop = Double.NaN; public boolean deleted = false; public int colourARGB = 0; // point colour (used for altitude/speed colouring) public double distance = 0.0; // cumulative distance, if in a track public WptPt() { } public WptPt(WptPt wptPt) { =; this.lon = wptPt.lon; =; =; this.category = wptPt.category; this.desc = wptPt.desc; this.comment = wptPt.comment; this.time = wptPt.time; this.ele = wptPt.ele; this.speed = wptPt.speed; this.hdop = wptPt.hdop; this.deleted = wptPt.deleted; this.colourARGB = wptPt.colourARGB; this.distance = wptPt.distance; } public void setDistance(double dist) { distance = dist; } public double getDistance() { return distance; } @Override public int getColor() { return getColor(0); } @Override public double getLatitude() { return lat; } @Override public double getLongitude() { return lon; } // @Override // public PointDescription getPointDescription(Context ctx) { // return new PointDescription(PointDescription.POINT_TYPE_WPT, name); // } public WptPt(double lat, double lon, long time, double ele, double speed, double hdop) { = lat; this.lon = lon; this.time = time; this.ele = ele; this.speed = speed; this.hdop = hdop; } @Override public boolean isVisible() { return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((category == null) ? 0 : category.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((desc == null) ? 0 : desc.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((comment == null) ? 0 : comment.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((lat == 0) ? 0 : Double.valueOf(lat).hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((lon == 0) ? 0 : Double.valueOf(lon).hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; WptPt other = (WptPt) obj; return Algorithms.objectEquals(, name) && Algorithms.objectEquals(other.category, category) && Algorithms.objectEquals(, lat) && Algorithms.objectEquals(other.lon, lon) && Algorithms.objectEquals(other.desc, desc); } } public static class TrkSegment extends GPXExtensions { public boolean generalSegment = false; public List points = new ArrayList<>(); // public List renders = new ArrayList<>(); public List splitByDistance(double meters) { return split(getDistanceMetric(), getTimeSplit(), meters); } public List splitByTime(int seconds) { return split(getTimeSplit(), getDistanceMetric(), seconds); } private List split(SplitMetric metric, SplitMetric secondaryMetric, double metricLimit) { List splitSegments = new ArrayList<>(); splitSegment(metric, secondaryMetric, metricLimit, splitSegments, this); return convert(splitSegments); } // public void drawRenderers(double zoom, Paint p, Canvas c, RotatedTileBox tb) { // for (Renderable.RenderableSegment rs : renders) { // rs.drawSegment(zoom, p, c, tb); // } // } } public static class Track extends GPXExtensions { public String name = null; public String desc = null; public List segments = new ArrayList<>(); public boolean generalTrack = false; } public static class Route extends GPXExtensions { public String name = null; public String desc = null; public List points = new ArrayList<>(); } public static class Metadata extends GPXExtensions { public String desc; @Nullable public String getArticleTitle() { return getExtensionsToRead().get("article_title"); } @Nullable public String getArticleLang() { return getExtensionsToRead().get("article_lang"); } } public static class GPXTrackAnalysis { public float totalDistance = 0; public int totalTracks = 0; public long startTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; public long endTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; public long timeSpan = 0; //Next few lines for Issue 3222 heuristic testing only //public long timeMoving0 = 0; //public float totalDistanceMoving0 = 0; public long timeMoving = 0; public float totalDistanceMoving = 0; public double diffElevationUp = 0; public double diffElevationDown = 0; public double avgElevation = 0; public double minElevation = 99999; public double maxElevation = -100; public float minSpeed = Float.MAX_VALUE; public float maxSpeed = 0; public float avgSpeed; public int points; public int wptPoints = 0; public Set wptCategoryNames; public double metricEnd; public double secondaryMetricEnd; public WptPt locationStart; public WptPt locationEnd; public double left = 0; public double right = 0; public double top = 0; public double bottom = 0; public boolean isTimeSpecified() { return startTime != Long.MAX_VALUE && startTime != 0; } public boolean isTimeMoving() { return timeMoving != 0; } public boolean isElevationSpecified() { return maxElevation != -100; } public boolean hasSpeedInTrack() { return hasSpeedInTrack; } public boolean isBoundsCalculated() { return left != 0 && right != 0 && top != 0 && bottom != 0; } public List elevationData; public List speedData; public boolean hasElevationData; public boolean hasSpeedData; public boolean hasSpeedInTrack = false; public boolean isSpeedSpecified() { return avgSpeed > 0; } public static GPXTrackAnalysis segment(long filetimestamp, TrkSegment segment) { return new GPXTrackAnalysis().prepareInformation(filetimestamp, new SplitSegment(segment)); } public GPXTrackAnalysis prepareInformation(long filestamp, SplitSegment... splitSegments) { float[] calculations = new float[1]; long startTimeOfSingleSegment = 0; long endTimeOfSingleSegment = 0; float totalElevation = 0; int elevationPoints = 0; int speedCount = 0; int timeDiff = 0; double totalSpeedSum = 0; points = 0; double channelThresMin = 10; // Minimum oscillation amplitude considered as relevant or as above noise for accumulated Ascent/Descent analysis double channelThres = channelThresMin; // Actual oscillation amplitude considered as above noise (dynamic channel adjustment, accomodates depedency on current VDOP/getAccuracy if desired) double channelBase; double channelTop; double channelBottom; boolean climb = false; elevationData = new ArrayList<>(); speedData = new ArrayList<>(); for (SplitSegment s : splitSegments) { final int numberOfPoints = s.getNumberOfPoints(); channelBase = 99999; channelTop = channelBase; channelBottom = channelBase; //channelThres = channelThresMin; //only for dynamic channel adjustment float segmentDistance = 0f; metricEnd += s.metricEnd; secondaryMetricEnd += s.secondaryMetricEnd; points += numberOfPoints; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfPoints; j++) { WptPt point = s.get(j); if (j == 0 && locationStart == null) { locationStart = point; } if (j == numberOfPoints - 1) { locationEnd = point; } long time = point.time; if (time != 0) { if (s.metricEnd == 0) { if (s.segment.generalSegment) { if (point.firstPoint) { startTimeOfSingleSegment = time; } else if (point.lastPoint) { endTimeOfSingleSegment = time; } if (startTimeOfSingleSegment != 0 && endTimeOfSingleSegment != 0) { timeSpan += endTimeOfSingleSegment - startTimeOfSingleSegment; startTimeOfSingleSegment = 0; endTimeOfSingleSegment = 0; } } } startTime = Math.min(startTime, time); endTime = Math.max(endTime, time); } if (left == 0 && right == 0) { left = point.getLongitude(); right = point.getLongitude(); top = point.getLatitude(); bottom = point.getLatitude(); } else { left = Math.min(left, point.getLongitude()); right = Math.max(right, point.getLongitude()); top = Math.max(top, point.getLatitude()); bottom = Math.min(bottom, point.getLatitude()); } double elevation = point.ele; Elevation elevation1 = new Elevation(); if (!Double.isNaN(elevation)) { totalElevation += elevation; elevationPoints++; minElevation = Math.min(elevation, minElevation); maxElevation = Math.max(elevation, maxElevation); elevation1.elevation = (float) elevation; } else { elevation1.elevation = Float.NaN; } float speed = (float) point.speed; if (speed > 0) { hasSpeedInTrack = true; } // Trend channel analysis for elevation gain/loss, Hardy 2015-09-22, LPF filtering added 2017-10-26: // - Detect the consecutive elevation trend channels: Only use the net elevation changes of each trend channel (i.e. between the turnarounds) to accumulate the Ascent/Descent values. // - Perform the channel evaluation on Low Pass Filter (LPF) smoothed ele data instead of on the raw ele data // Parameters: // - channelThresMin (in meters): defines the channel turnaround detection, i.e. oscillations smaller than this are ignored as irrelevant or noise. // - smoothWindow (number of points): is the LPF window // NOW REMOVED, as no relevant examples found: Dynamic channel adjustment: To suppress unreliable measurement points, could relax the turnaround detection from the constant channelThresMin to channelThres which is e.g. based on the maximum VDOP of any point which contributed to the current trend. (Good assumption is VDOP=2*HDOP, which accounts for invisibility of lower hemisphere satellites.) // LPF smooting of ele data, usually smooth over odd number of values like 5 final int smoothWindow = 5; double eleSmoothed = Double.NaN; int j2 = 0; for (int j1 = -smoothWindow + 1; j1 <= 0; j1++) { if ((j + j1 >= 0) && !Double.isNaN(s.get(j + j1).ele)) { j2++; if (!Double.isNaN(eleSmoothed)) { eleSmoothed = eleSmoothed + s.get(j + j1).ele; } else { eleSmoothed = s.get(j + j1).ele; } } } if (!Double.isNaN(eleSmoothed)) { eleSmoothed = eleSmoothed / j2; } if (!Double.isNaN(eleSmoothed)) { // Init channel if (channelBase == 99999) { channelBase = eleSmoothed; channelTop = channelBase; channelBottom = channelBase; //channelThres = channelThresMin; //only for dynamic channel adjustment } // Channel maintenance if (eleSmoothed > channelTop) { channelTop = eleSmoothed; //if (!Double.isNaN(point.hdop)) { // channelThres = Math.max(channelThres, 2.0 * point.hdop); //only for dynamic channel adjustment //} } else if (eleSmoothed < channelBottom) { channelBottom = eleSmoothed; //if (!Double.isNaN(point.hdop)) { // channelThres = Math.max(channelThres, 2.0 * point.hdop); //only for dynamic channel adjustment //} } // Turnaround (breakout) detection if ((eleSmoothed <= (channelTop - channelThres)) && (climb == true)) { if ((channelTop - channelBase) >= channelThres) { diffElevationUp += channelTop - channelBase; } channelBase = channelTop; channelBottom = eleSmoothed; climb = false; //channelThres = channelThresMin; //only for dynamic channel adjustment } else if ((eleSmoothed >= (channelBottom + channelThres)) && (climb == false)) { if ((channelBase - channelBottom) >= channelThres) { diffElevationDown += channelBase - channelBottom; } channelBase = channelBottom; channelTop = eleSmoothed; climb = true; //channelThres = channelThresMin; //only for dynamic channel adjustment } // End detection without breakout if (j == (numberOfPoints - 1)) { if ((channelTop - channelBase) >= channelThres) { diffElevationUp += channelTop - channelBase; } if ((channelBase - channelBottom) >= channelThres) { diffElevationDown += channelBase - channelBottom; } } } if (j > 0) { WptPt prev = s.get(j - 1); // Old complete summation approach for elevation gain/loss //if (!Double.isNaN(point.ele) && !Double.isNaN(prev.ele)) { // double diff = point.ele - prev.ele; // if (diff > 0) { // diffElevationUp += diff; // } else { // diffElevationDown -= diff; // } //} // totalDistance += MapUtils.getDistance(, prev.lon,, point.lon); // using ellipsoidal 'distanceBetween' instead of spherical haversine (MapUtils.getDistance) is // a little more exact, also seems slightly faster: net.osmand.Location.distanceBetween(, prev.lon,, point.lon, calculations); totalDistance += calculations[0]; segmentDistance += calculations[0]; point.distance = segmentDistance; timeDiff = (int) ((point.time - prev.time) / 1000); //Last resort: Derive speed values from displacement if track does not originally contain speed if (!hasSpeedInTrack && speed == 0 && timeDiff > 0) { speed = calculations[0] / timeDiff; } // Motion detection: // speed > 0 uses GPS chipset's motion detection // calculations[0] > minDisplacment * time is heuristic needed because tracks may be filtered at recording time, so points at rest may not be present in file at all if ((speed > 0) && (calculations[0] > 0.1 / 1000f * (point.time - prev.time)) && point.time != 0 && prev.time != 0) { timeMoving = timeMoving + (point.time - prev.time); totalDistanceMoving += calculations[0]; } //Next few lines for Issue 3222 heuristic testing only // if (speed > 0 && point.time != 0 && prev.time != 0) { // timeMoving0 = timeMoving0 + (point.time - prev.time); // totalDistanceMoving0 += calculations[0]; // } } elevation1.time = timeDiff; elevation1.distance = (j > 0) ? calculations[0] : 0; elevationData.add(elevation1); if (!hasElevationData && !Float.isNaN(elevation1.elevation) && totalDistance > 0) { hasElevationData = true; } minSpeed = Math.min(speed, minSpeed); if (speed > 0) { totalSpeedSum += speed; maxSpeed = Math.max(speed, maxSpeed); speedCount++; } Speed speed1 = new Speed(); speed1.speed = speed; speed1.time = timeDiff; speed1.distance = elevation1.distance; speedData.add(speed1); if (!hasSpeedData && speed1.speed > 0 && totalDistance > 0) { hasSpeedData = true; } } } if (totalDistance < 0) { hasElevationData = false; hasSpeedData = false; } if (!isTimeSpecified()) { startTime = filestamp; endTime = filestamp; } // OUTPUT: // 1. Total distance, Start time, End time // 2. Time span if (timeSpan == 0) { timeSpan = endTime - startTime; } // 3. Time moving, if any // 4. Elevation, eleUp, eleDown, if recorded if (elevationPoints > 0) { avgElevation = totalElevation / elevationPoints; } // 5. Max speed and Average speed, if any. Average speed is NOT overall (effective) speed, but only calculated for "moving" periods. // Averaging speed values is less precise than totalDistanceMoving/timeMoving if (speedCount > 0) { if (timeMoving > 0) { avgSpeed = (float) totalDistanceMoving / (float) timeMoving * 1000f; } else { avgSpeed = (float) totalSpeedSum / (float) speedCount; } } else { avgSpeed = -1; } return this; } } private static class SplitSegment { TrkSegment segment; double startCoeff = 0; int startPointInd; double endCoeff = 0; int endPointInd; double metricEnd; double secondaryMetricEnd; public SplitSegment(TrkSegment s) { startPointInd = 0; startCoeff = 0; endPointInd = s.points.size() - 2; endCoeff = 1; this.segment = s; } public SplitSegment(TrkSegment s, int pointInd, double cf) { this.segment = s; this.startPointInd = pointInd; this.startCoeff = cf; } public int getNumberOfPoints() { return endPointInd - startPointInd + 2; } public WptPt get(int j) { final int ind = j + startPointInd; if (j == 0) { if (startCoeff == 0) { return segment.points.get(ind); } return approx(segment.points.get(ind), segment.points.get(ind + 1), startCoeff); } if (j == getNumberOfPoints() - 1) { if (endCoeff == 1) { return segment.points.get(ind); } return approx(segment.points.get(ind - 1), segment.points.get(ind), endCoeff); } return segment.points.get(ind); } private WptPt approx(WptPt w1, WptPt w2, double cf) { long time = value(w1.time, w2.time, 0, cf); double speed = value(w1.speed, w2.speed, 0, cf); double ele = value(w1.ele, w2.ele, 0, cf); double hdop = value(w1.hdop, w2.hdop, 0, cf); double lat = value(,, -360, cf); double lon = value(w1.lon, w2.lon, -360, cf); return new WptPt(lat, lon, time, ele, speed, hdop); } private double value(double vl, double vl2, double none, double cf) { if (vl == none || Double.isNaN(vl)) { return vl2; } else if (vl2 == none || Double.isNaN(vl2)) { return vl; } return vl + cf * (vl2 - vl); } private long value(long vl, long vl2, long none, double cf) { if (vl == none) { return vl2; } else if (vl2 == none) { return vl; } return vl + ((long) (cf * (vl2 - vl))); } public double setLastPoint(int pointInd, double endCf) { endCoeff = endCf; endPointInd = pointInd; return endCoeff; } } private static SplitMetric getDistanceMetric() { return new SplitMetric() { private float[] calculations = new float[1]; @Override public double metric(WptPt p1, WptPt p2) { net.osmand.Location.distanceBetween(, p1.lon,, p2.lon, calculations); return calculations[0]; } }; } private static SplitMetric getTimeSplit() { return new SplitMetric() { @Override public double metric(WptPt p1, WptPt p2) { if (p1.time != 0 && p2.time != 0) { return (int) Math.abs((p2.time - p1.time) / 1000l); } return 0; } }; } private abstract static class SplitMetric { public abstract double metric(WptPt p1, WptPt p2); } private static void splitSegment(SplitMetric metric, SplitMetric secondaryMetric, double metricLimit, List splitSegments, TrkSegment segment) { double currentMetricEnd = metricLimit; double secondaryMetricEnd = 0; SplitSegment sp = new SplitSegment(segment, 0, 0); double total = 0; WptPt prev = null; for (int k = 0; k < segment.points.size(); k++) { WptPt point = segment.points.get(k); if (k > 0) { double currentSegment = metric.metric(prev, point); secondaryMetricEnd += secondaryMetric.metric(prev, point); while (total + currentSegment > currentMetricEnd) { double p = currentMetricEnd - total; double cf = (p / currentSegment); sp.setLastPoint(k - 1, cf); sp.metricEnd = currentMetricEnd; sp.secondaryMetricEnd = secondaryMetricEnd; splitSegments.add(sp); sp = new SplitSegment(segment, k - 1, cf); currentMetricEnd += metricLimit; prev = sp.get(0); } total += currentSegment; } prev = point; } if (segment.points.size() > 0 && !(sp.endPointInd == segment.points.size() - 1 && sp.startCoeff == 1)) { sp.metricEnd = total; sp.secondaryMetricEnd = secondaryMetricEnd; sp.setLastPoint(segment.points.size() - 2, 1); splitSegments.add(sp); } } private static List convert(List splitSegments) { List ls = new ArrayList<>(); for (SplitSegment s : splitSegments) { GPXTrackAnalysis a = new GPXTrackAnalysis(); a.prepareInformation(0, s); ls.add(a); } return ls; } public static class GPXFile extends GPXExtensions { public String author; public Metadata metadata; public List tracks = new ArrayList<>(); private List points = new ArrayList<>(); public List routes = new ArrayList<>(); public String warning = null; public String path = ""; public boolean showCurrentTrack; public long modifiedTime = 0; public int userId; public long chatId; private Track generalTrack; private TrkSegment generalSegment; public List getPoints() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(points); } public Map> getPointsByCategories() { Map> res = new HashMap<>(); for (WptPt pt : points) { String category = pt.category == null ? "" : pt.category; List list = res.get(category); if (list != null) { list.add(pt); } else { list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(pt); res.put(category, list); } } return res; } public boolean isPointsEmpty() { return points.isEmpty(); } public int getPointsSize() { return points.size(); } boolean containsPoint(WptPt point) { return points.contains(point); } void clearPoints() { points.clear(); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void addPoint(WptPt point) { points.add(point); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void addPoint(int position, WptPt point) { points.add(position, point); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } void addPoints(Collection collection) { points.addAll(collection); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public boolean isCloudmadeRouteFile() { return "cloudmade".equalsIgnoreCase(author); } public void addGeneralTrack() { Track generalTrack = getGeneralTrack(); if (generalTrack != null && !tracks.contains(generalTrack)) { tracks.add(0, generalTrack); } } public Track getGeneralTrack() { TrkSegment generalSegment = getGeneralSegment(); if (generalTrack == null && generalSegment != null) { Track track = new Track(); track.segments = new ArrayList<>(); track.segments.add(generalSegment); generalTrack = track; track.generalTrack = true; } return generalTrack; } public TrkSegment getGeneralSegment() { if (generalSegment == null && getNonEmptySegmentsCount() > 1) { buildGeneralSegment(); } return generalSegment; } private void buildGeneralSegment() { TrkSegment segment = new TrkSegment(); for (Track track : tracks) { for (TrkSegment s : track.segments) { if (s.points.size() > 0) { List waypoints = new ArrayList<>(s.points.size()); for (WptPt wptPt : s.points) { waypoints.add(new WptPt(wptPt)); } waypoints.get(0).firstPoint = true; waypoints.get(waypoints.size() - 1).lastPoint = true; segment.points.addAll(waypoints); } } } if (segment.points.size() > 0) { segment.generalSegment = true; generalSegment = segment; } } public GPXTrackAnalysis getAnalysis(long fileTimestamp) { GPXTrackAnalysis g = new GPXTrackAnalysis(); g.wptPoints = points.size(); g.wptCategoryNames = getWaypointCategories(true); List splitSegments = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { Track subtrack = tracks.get(i); for (TrkSegment segment : subtrack.segments) { if (!segment.generalSegment) { g.totalTracks++; if (segment.points.size() > 1) { splitSegments.add(new SplitSegment(segment)); } } } } g.prepareInformation(fileTimestamp, splitSegments.toArray(new SplitSegment[splitSegments.size()])); return g; } public List getRoutePoints() { List points = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); i++) { Route rt = routes.get(i); points.addAll(rt.points); } return points; } public boolean hasRtePt() { for (Route r : routes) { if (r.points.size() > 0) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean hasWptPt() { return points.size() > 0; } public boolean hasTrkPt() { for (Track t : tracks) { for (TrkSegment ts : t.segments) { if (ts.points.size() > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public WptPt addWptPt(double lat, double lon, long time, String description, String name, String category, int color) { double latAdjusted = Double.parseDouble(latLonFormat.format(lat)); double lonAdjusted = Double.parseDouble(latLonFormat.format(lon)); final WptPt pt = new WptPt(latAdjusted, lonAdjusted, time, Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN); = name; pt.category = category; pt.desc = description; if (color != 0) { pt.setColor(color); } points.add(pt); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return pt; } public WptPt addRtePt(double lat, double lon, long time, String description, String name, String category, int color) { double latAdjusted = Double.parseDouble(latLonFormat.format(lat)); double lonAdjusted = Double.parseDouble(latLonFormat.format(lon)); final WptPt pt = new WptPt(latAdjusted, lonAdjusted, time, Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN); = name; pt.category = category; pt.desc = description; if (color != 0) { pt.setColor(color); } if (routes.size() == 0) { routes.add(new Route()); } Route currentRoute = routes.get(routes.size() - 1); currentRoute.points.add(pt); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return pt; } public void addTrkSegment(List points) { removeGeneralTrackIfExists(); TrkSegment segment = new TrkSegment(); segment.points.addAll(points); if (tracks.size() == 0) { tracks.add(new Track()); } Track lastTrack = tracks.get(tracks.size() - 1); lastTrack.segments.add(segment); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public boolean replaceSegment(TrkSegment oldSegment, TrkSegment newSegment) { removeGeneralTrackIfExists(); for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { Track currentTrack = tracks.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < currentTrack.segments.size(); j++) { int segmentIndex = currentTrack.segments.indexOf(oldSegment); if (segmentIndex != -1) { currentTrack.segments.remove(segmentIndex); currentTrack.segments.add(segmentIndex, newSegment); addGeneralTrack(); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return true; } } } addGeneralTrack(); return false; } public void addRoutePoints(List points) { if (routes.size() == 0) { Route route = new Route(); routes.add(route); } Route lastRoute = routes.get(routes.size() - 1); lastRoute.points.addAll(points); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void replaceRoutePoints(List points) { routes.clear(); routes.add(new Route()); Route currentRoute = routes.get(routes.size() - 1); currentRoute.points.addAll(points); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void updateWptPt(WptPt pt, double lat, double lon, long time, String description, String name, String category, int color) { int index = points.indexOf(pt); double latAdjusted = Double.parseDouble(latLonFormat.format(lat)); double lonAdjusted = Double.parseDouble(latLonFormat.format(lon)); = latAdjusted; pt.lon = lonAdjusted; pt.time = time; pt.desc = description; = name; pt.category = category; if (color != 0) { pt.setColor(color); } if (index != -1) { points.set(index, pt); } modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private void removeGeneralTrackIfExists() { if (generalTrack != null) { tracks.remove(generalTrack); this.generalTrack = null; this.generalSegment = null; } } public boolean removeTrkSegment(TrkSegment segment) { removeGeneralTrackIfExists(); for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { Track currentTrack = tracks.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < currentTrack.segments.size(); j++) { if (currentTrack.segments.remove(segment)) { addGeneralTrack(); modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return true; } } } addGeneralTrack(); return false; } public boolean deleteWptPt(WptPt pt) { modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return points.remove(pt); } public boolean deleteRtePt(WptPt pt) { modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Route route : routes) { if (route.points.remove(pt)) { return true; } } return false; } public List processRoutePoints() { List tpoints = new ArrayList(); if (routes.size() > 0) { for (Route r : routes) { int routeColor = r.getColor(getColor(0)); if (r.points.size() > 0) { TrkSegment sgmt = new TrkSegment(); tpoints.add(sgmt); sgmt.points.addAll(r.points); sgmt.setColor(routeColor); } } } return tpoints; } public List proccessPoints() { List tpoints = new ArrayList(); for (Track t : tracks) { int trackColor = t.getColor(getColor(0)); for (TrkSegment ts : t.segments) { if (!ts.generalSegment && ts.points.size() > 0) { TrkSegment sgmt = new TrkSegment(); tpoints.add(sgmt); sgmt.points.addAll(ts.points); sgmt.setColor(trackColor); } } } return tpoints; } public WptPt getLastPoint() { if (tracks.size() > 0) { Track tk = tracks.get(tracks.size() - 1); if (tk.segments.size() > 0) { TrkSegment ts = tk.segments.get(tk.segments.size() - 1); if (ts.points.size() > 0) { return ts.points.get(ts.points.size() - 1); } } } return null; } public WptPt findPointToShow() { for (Track t : tracks) { for (TrkSegment s : t.segments) { if (s.points.size() > 0) { return s.points.get(0); } } } for (Route s : routes) { if (s.points.size() > 0) { return s.points.get(0); } } if (points.size() > 0) { return points.get(0); } return null; } public boolean isEmpty() { for (Track t : tracks) { if (t.segments != null) { for (TrkSegment s : t.segments) { boolean tracksEmpty = s.points.isEmpty(); if (!tracksEmpty) { return false; } } } } return points.isEmpty() && routes.isEmpty(); } public int getNonEmptySegmentsCount() { int count = 0; for (Track t : tracks) { for (TrkSegment s : t.segments) { if (s.points.size() > 0) { count++; } } } return count; } public Set getWaypointCategories(boolean withDefaultCategory) { Set categories = new HashSet<>(); for (WptPt pt : points) { String category = pt.category == null ? "" : pt.category; if (withDefaultCategory || !TextUtils.isEmpty(category)) { categories.add(category); } } return categories; } public Map getWaypointCategoriesWithColors(boolean withDefaultCategory) { Map categories = new HashMap<>(); for (WptPt pt : points) { String category = pt.category == null ? "" : pt.category; int color = pt.category == null ? 0 : pt.getColor(); boolean emptyCategory = TextUtils.isEmpty(category); if (!emptyCategory) { Integer existingColor = categories.get(category); if (existingColor == null || (existingColor == 0 && color != 0)) { categories.put(category, color); } } else if (withDefaultCategory) { categories.put(category, 0); } } return categories; } public QuadRect getRect() { double left = 0, right = 0; double top = 0, bottom = 0; for (Track track : tracks) { for (TrkSegment segment : track.segments) { for (WptPt p : segment.points) { if (left == 0 && right == 0) { left = p.getLongitude(); right = p.getLongitude(); top = p.getLatitude(); bottom = p.getLatitude(); } else { left = Math.min(left, p.getLongitude()); right = Math.max(right, p.getLongitude()); top = Math.max(top, p.getLatitude()); bottom = Math.min(bottom, p.getLatitude()); } } } } for (WptPt p : points) { if (left == 0 && right == 0) { left = p.getLongitude(); right = p.getLongitude(); top = p.getLatitude(); bottom = p.getLatitude(); } else { left = Math.min(left, p.getLongitude()); right = Math.max(right, p.getLongitude()); top = Math.max(top, p.getLatitude()); bottom = Math.min(bottom, p.getLatitude()); } } for (GPXUtilities.Route route : routes) { for (WptPt p : route.points) { if (left == 0 && right == 0) { left = p.getLongitude(); right = p.getLongitude(); top = p.getLatitude(); bottom = p.getLatitude(); } else { left = Math.min(left, p.getLongitude()); right = Math.max(right, p.getLongitude()); top = Math.max(top, p.getLatitude()); bottom = Math.min(bottom, p.getLatitude()); } } } return new QuadRect(left, top, right, bottom); } } public static String asString(GPXFile file, TelegramApplication ctx) { final Writer writer = new StringWriter(); GPXUtilities.writeGpx(writer, file, ctx); return writer.toString(); } public static String writeGpxFile(File fout, GPXFile file, TelegramApplication ctx) { Writer output = null; try { if (fout.getParentFile() != null) { fout.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } output = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fout), "UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (Algorithms.isEmpty(file.path)) { file.path = fout.getAbsolutePath(); } String msg = writeGpx(output, file, ctx); return msg; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error saving gpx", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ return "Error saving gpx"; } finally { if (output != null) { try { output.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { // ignore } } } } public static String writeGpx(Writer output, GPXFile file, TelegramApplication ctx) { try { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(GPX_TIME_FORMAT, Locale.US); format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); XmlSerializer serializer = PlatformUtil.newSerializer(); serializer.setOutput(output); serializer.setFeature("", true); //$NON-NLS-1$ serializer.startDocument("UTF-8", true); //$NON-NLS-1$ serializer.startTag(null, "gpx"); //$NON-NLS-1$ serializer.attribute(null, "version", "1.1"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if ( == null) { serializer.attribute(null, "creator", ctx.getPackageName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { serializer.attribute(null, "creator",; //$NON-NLS-1$ } serializer.attribute(null, "xmlns", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ serializer.attribute(null, "xmlns:xsi", ""); serializer.attribute(null, "xsi:schemaLocation", ""); String trackName = getFilename(file.path); serializer.startTag(null, "metadata"); writeNotNullText(serializer, "name", trackName); if (file.metadata != null) { writeNotNullText(serializer, "desc", file.metadata.desc); writeExtensions(serializer, file.metadata); } serializer.endTag(null, "metadata"); for (Track track : file.tracks) { if (!track.generalTrack) { serializer.startTag(null, "trk"); //$NON-NLS-1$ writeNotNullText(serializer, "name",; writeNotNullText(serializer, "desc", track.desc); for (TrkSegment segment : track.segments) { serializer.startTag(null, "trkseg"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (WptPt p : segment.points) { serializer.startTag(null, "trkpt"); //$NON-NLS-1$ writeWpt(format, serializer, p); serializer.endTag(null, "trkpt"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } serializer.endTag(null, "trkseg"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } writeExtensions(serializer, track); serializer.endTag(null, "trk"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } for (Route track : file.routes) { serializer.startTag(null, "rte"); //$NON-NLS-1$ writeNotNullText(serializer, "name",; writeNotNullText(serializer, "desc", track.desc); for (WptPt p : track.points) { serializer.startTag(null, "rtept"); //$NON-NLS-1$ writeWpt(format, serializer, p); serializer.endTag(null, "rtept"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } writeExtensions(serializer, track); serializer.endTag(null, "rte"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } for (WptPt l : file.points) { serializer.startTag(null, "wpt"); //$NON-NLS-1$ writeWpt(format, serializer, l); serializer.endTag(null, "wpt"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } serializer.endTag(null, "gpx"); //$NON-NLS-1$ serializer.endDocument(); serializer.flush(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Error saving gpx", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ return "Error saving gpx"; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error saving gpx", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ return "Error saving gpx"; } return null; } private static String getFilename(String path) { if (path != null) { int i = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (i > 0) { path = path.substring(i + 1); } i = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i > 0) { path = path.substring(0, i); } } return path; } private static void writeNotNullText(XmlSerializer serializer, String tag, String value) throws IOException { if (value != null) { serializer.startTag(null, tag); serializer.text(value); serializer.endTag(null, tag); } } private static void writeExtensions(XmlSerializer serializer, GPXExtensions p) throws IOException { if (!p.getExtensionsToRead().isEmpty()) { serializer.startTag(null, "extensions"); for (Map.Entry s : p.getExtensionsToRead().entrySet()) { writeNotNullText(serializer, s.getKey(), s.getValue()); } serializer.endTag(null, "extensions"); } } private static void writeWpt(SimpleDateFormat format, XmlSerializer serializer, WptPt p) throws IOException { serializer.attribute(null, "lat", latLonFormat.format(; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ serializer.attribute(null, "lon", latLonFormat.format(p.lon)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (!Double.isNaN(p.ele)) { writeNotNullText(serializer, "ele", decimalFormat.format(p.ele)); } if (p.time != 0) { writeNotNullText(serializer, "time", format.format(new Date(p.time))); } writeNotNullText(serializer, "name",; writeNotNullText(serializer, "desc", p.desc); if ( != null) { serializer.startTag(null, "link"); serializer.attribute(null, "href",; serializer.endTag(null, "link"); } writeNotNullText(serializer, "type", p.category); if (p.comment != null) { writeNotNullText(serializer, "cmt", p.comment); } if (!Double.isNaN(p.hdop)) { writeNotNullText(serializer, "hdop", decimalFormat.format(p.hdop)); } if (p.speed > 0) { p.getExtensionsToWrite().put("speed", decimalFormat.format(p.speed)); } writeExtensions(serializer, p); } public static class GPXFileResult { public ArrayList> locations = new ArrayList>(); public ArrayList wayPoints = new ArrayList<>(); // special case for cloudmate gpx : they discourage common schema // by using waypoint as track points and rtept are not very close to real way // such as wpt. However they provide additional information into gpx. public boolean cloudMadeFile; public String error; public Location findFistLocation() { for (List l : locations) { for (Location ls : l) { if (ls != null) { return ls; } } } return null; } } private static String readText(XmlPullParser parser, String key) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { int tok; String text = null; while ((tok = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (tok == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName().equals(key)) { break; } else if (tok == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { if (text == null) { text = parser.getText(); } else { text += parser.getText(); } } } return text; } public static GPXFile loadGPXFile(Context ctx, File f) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(f); GPXFile file = loadGPXFile(ctx, fis); file.path = f.getAbsolutePath(); try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } return file; } catch (IOException e) { GPXFile res = new GPXFile(); res.path = f.getAbsolutePath(); log.error("Error reading gpx " + res.path, e); //$NON-NLS-1$ res.warning = "Error reading gpx "; return res; } finally { try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { // ignore } } } public static GPXFile loadGPXFile(Context ctx, InputStream f) { GPXFile res = new GPXFile(); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(GPX_TIME_FORMAT, Locale.US); format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); SimpleDateFormat formatMillis = new SimpleDateFormat(GPX_TIME_FORMAT_MILLIS, Locale.US); formatMillis.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); try { XmlPullParser parser = PlatformUtil.newXMLPullParser(); parser.setInput(getUTF8Reader(f)); Stack parserState = new Stack<>(); boolean extensionReadMode = false; parserState.push(res); int tok; while ((tok = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (tok == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { Object parse = parserState.peek(); String tag = parser.getName(); if (extensionReadMode && parse instanceof GPXExtensions) { String value = readText(parser, tag); if (value != null) { ((GPXExtensions) parse).getExtensionsToWrite().put(tag.toLowerCase(), value); if (tag.equals("speed") && parse instanceof WptPt) { try { ((WptPt) parse).speed = Float.parseFloat(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } } else if (parse instanceof GPXExtensions && tag.equals("extensions")) { extensionReadMode = true; } else { if (parse instanceof GPXFile) { if (tag.equals("gpx")) { ((GPXFile) parse).author = parser.getAttributeValue("", "creator"); } if (tag.equals("metadata")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); ((GPXFile) parse).metadata = metadata; parserState.push(metadata); } if (tag.equals("trk")) { Track track = new Track(); ((GPXFile) parse).tracks.add(track); parserState.push(track); } if (tag.equals("rte")) { Route route = new Route(); ((GPXFile) parse).routes.add(route); parserState.push(route); } if (tag.equals("wpt")) { WptPt wptPt = parseWptAttributes(parser); ((GPXFile) parse).points.add(wptPt); parserState.push(wptPt); } } else if (parse instanceof Metadata) { if (tag.equals("desc")) { ((Metadata) parse).desc = readText(parser, "desc"); } } else if (parse instanceof Route) { if (tag.equals("name")) { ((Route) parse).name = readText(parser, "name"); } if (tag.equals("desc")) { ((Route) parse).desc = readText(parser, "desc"); } if (tag.equals("rtept")) { WptPt wptPt = parseWptAttributes(parser); ((Route) parse).points.add(wptPt); parserState.push(wptPt); } } else if (parse instanceof Track) { if (tag.equals("name")) { ((Track) parse).name = readText(parser, "name"); } if (tag.equals("desc")) { ((Track) parse).desc = readText(parser, "desc"); } if (tag.equals("trkseg")) { TrkSegment trkSeg = new TrkSegment(); ((Track) parse).segments.add(trkSeg); parserState.push(trkSeg); } } else if (parse instanceof TrkSegment) { if (tag.equals("trkpt")) { WptPt wptPt = parseWptAttributes(parser); ((TrkSegment) parse).points.add(wptPt); parserState.push(wptPt); } if (tag.equals("csvattributes")) { String segmentPoints = readText(parser, "csvattributes"); String[] pointsArr = segmentPoints.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < pointsArr.length; i++) { String[] pointAttrs = pointsArr[i].split(","); try { int arrLength = pointsArr.length; if (arrLength > 1) { WptPt wptPt = new WptPt(); wptPt.lon = Double.parseDouble(pointAttrs[0]); = Double.parseDouble(pointAttrs[1]); ((TrkSegment) parse).points.add(wptPt); if (arrLength > 2) { wptPt.ele = Double.parseDouble(pointAttrs[2]); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } // main object to parse } else if (parse instanceof WptPt) { if (tag.equals("name")) { ((WptPt) parse).name = readText(parser, "name"); } else if (tag.equals("desc")) { ((WptPt) parse).desc = readText(parser, "desc"); } else if (tag.equals("cmt")) { ((WptPt) parse).comment = readText(parser, "cmt"); } else if (tag.equals("speed")) { try { String value = readText(parser, "speed"); ((WptPt) parse).speed = Float.parseFloat(value); ((WptPt) parse).getExtensionsToWrite().put("speed", value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else if (tag.equals("link")) { ((WptPt) parse).link = parser.getAttributeValue("", "href"); } else if (tag.equals("category")) { ((WptPt) parse).category = readText(parser, "category"); } else if (tag.equals("type")) { if (((WptPt) parse).category == null) { ((WptPt) parse).category = readText(parser, "type"); } } else if (tag.equals("ele")) { String text = readText(parser, "ele"); if (text != null) { try { ((WptPt) parse).ele = Float.parseFloat(text); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } else if (tag.equals("hdop")) { String text = readText(parser, "hdop"); if (text != null) { try { ((WptPt) parse).hdop = Float.parseFloat(text); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } else if (tag.equals("time")) { String text = readText(parser, "time"); if (text != null) { try { ((WptPt) parse).time = format.parse(text).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e1) { try { ((WptPt) parse).time = formatMillis.parse(text).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e2) { } } } } } } } else if (tok == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { Object parse = parserState.peek(); String tag = parser.getName(); if (parse instanceof GPXExtensions && tag.equals("extensions")) { extensionReadMode = false; } if (tag.equals("metadata")) { Object pop = parserState.pop(); assert pop instanceof Metadata; } else if (tag.equals("trkpt")) { Object pop = parserState.pop(); assert pop instanceof WptPt; } else if (tag.equals("wpt")) { Object pop = parserState.pop(); assert pop instanceof WptPt; } else if (tag.equals("rtept")) { Object pop = parserState.pop(); assert pop instanceof WptPt; } else if (tag.equals("trk")) { Object pop = parserState.pop(); assert pop instanceof Track; } else if (tag.equals("rte")) { Object pop = parserState.pop(); assert pop instanceof Route; } else if (tag.equals("trkseg")) { Object pop = parserState.pop(); assert pop instanceof TrkSegment; } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Error reading gpx", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ res.warning = "Error reading gpx" + " " + e.getMessage(); } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { log.error("Error reading gpx", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ res.warning = "Error reading gpx" + " " + e.getMessage(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error reading gpx", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ res.warning = "Error reading gpx" + " " + e.getMessage(); } return res; } private static Reader getUTF8Reader(InputStream f) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(f); assert bis.markSupported(); bis.mark(3); boolean reset = true; byte[] t = new byte[3];; if (t[0] == ((byte) 0xef) && t[1] == ((byte) 0xbb) && t[2] == ((byte) 0xbf)) { reset = false; } if (reset) { bis.reset(); } return new InputStreamReader(bis, "UTF-8"); } private static WptPt parseWptAttributes(XmlPullParser parser) { WptPt wpt = new WptPt(); try { = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue("", "lat")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ wpt.lon = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue("", "lon")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return wpt; } public static void mergeGPXFileInto(GPXFile to, GPXFile from) { if (from == null) { return; } if (from.showCurrentTrack) { to.showCurrentTrack = true; } if (from.points != null) { to.points.addAll(from.points); } if (from.tracks != null) { to.tracks.addAll(from.tracks); } if (from.routes != null) { to.routes.addAll(from.routes); } if (from.warning != null) { to.warning = from.warning; } } }