#ifndef _OSMAND_BINARY_READ #define _OSMAND_BINARY_READ #include "binaryRead.h" #include "osmand_log.h" #include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h" #include "google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h" #include "google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.cc" #include "renderRules.h" #include "common.h" #include "mapObjects.h" #include "multipolygons.h" #include "proto/osmand_odb.pb.h" using namespace std; #define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) return false using namespace google::protobuf; using namespace google::protobuf::internal; static const int MAP_VERSION = 2; static const int BASEMAP_ZOOM = 11; struct BinaryMapFile; std::map openFiles; inline bool readInt(io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32* sz) { uint8 buf[4]; if (!input->ReadRaw(buf, 4)) { return false; } *sz = ((buf[0] << 24) + (buf[1] << 16) + (buf[2] << 8) + (buf[3] << 0)); return true; } bool skipFixed32(io::CodedInputStream* input) { uint32 sz; if (!readInt(input, &sz)) { return false; } return input->Skip(sz); } bool skipUnknownFields(io::CodedInputStream* input, int tag) { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_FIXED32_LENGTH_DELIMITED) { if (!skipFixed32(input)) { return false; } } else if (!WireFormatLite::SkipField(input, tag)) { return false; } return true; } struct SearchQuery { RenderingRuleSearchRequest* req; int left; int right; int top; int bottom; int zoom; std::vector< MapDataObject*> result; JNIEnv* env; jobject o; jfieldID interruptedField; coordinates cacheCoordinates; bool ocean; bool land; int numberOfVisitedObjects; int numberOfAcceptedObjects; int numberOfReadSubtrees; int numberOfAcceptedSubtrees; SearchQuery(int l, int r, int t, int b, RenderingRuleSearchRequest* req, jobject o, jfieldID interruptedField, JNIEnv* env) : req(req), left(l), right(r), top(t), bottom(b), o(o), interruptedField(interruptedField) { numberOfAcceptedObjects = numberOfVisitedObjects = 0; numberOfAcceptedSubtrees = numberOfReadSubtrees = 0; ocean = land = false; this->env = env; } bool isCancelled(){ if(env != NULL) { return env->GetBooleanField(o, interruptedField); } return false; } }; bool readMapTreeBounds(io::CodedInputStream* input, MapTreeBounds* tree, MapRoot* root) { int init = 0; int tag; int32 si; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kLeftFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); tree->left = si + root->left; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kRightFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); tree->right = si + root->right; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kTopFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); tree->top = si + root->top; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kBottomFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); tree->bottom = si + root->bottom; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kOceanFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &tree->ocean))); break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return true; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } if (init == 0xf) { return true; } } return true; } bool readMapLevel(io::CodedInputStream* input, MapRoot* root) { int tag; int si; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kMaxZoomFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &root->maxZoom))); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kMinZoomFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &root->minZoom))); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kBottomFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); root->bottom = si; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kTopFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); root->top = si; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kLeftFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); root->left = si; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kRightFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); root->right = si; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kBoxesFieldNumber: { MapTreeBounds bounds; readInt(input, &bounds.length); bounds.filePointer = input->getTotalBytesRead(); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(bounds.length); readMapTreeBounds(input, &bounds, root); root->bounds.push_back(bounds); input->Skip(input->BytesUntilLimit()); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapRootLevel::kBlocksFieldNumber: { input->Skip(input->BytesUntilLimit()); break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return true; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } } return true; } bool readMapEncodingRule(io::CodedInputStream* input, MapIndex* index, uint32 id) { int tag; std::string tagS; std::string value; uint32 type = 0; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { case OsmAndMapIndex_MapEncodingRule::kValueFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadString(input, &value))); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapEncodingRule::kTagFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadString(input, &tagS))); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapEncodingRule::kTypeFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &type))); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapEncodingRule::kIdFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &id))); break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return true; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } } // Special case for check to not replace primary with primary_link index->initMapEncodingRule(type, id, tagS, value); return true; } bool readMapIndex(io::CodedInputStream* input, MapIndex* mapIndex) { uint32 tag; uint32 defaultId = 1; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { case OsmAndMapIndex::kNameFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadString(input, &mapIndex->name))); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex::kRulesFieldNumber: { int len; WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &len); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(len); readMapEncodingRule(input, mapIndex, defaultId++); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex::kLevelsFieldNumber: { MapRoot mapLevel; readInt(input, &mapLevel.length); mapLevel.filePointer = input->getTotalBytesRead(); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(mapLevel.length); readMapLevel(input, &mapLevel); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); input->Seek(mapLevel.filePointer + mapLevel.length); mapIndex->levels.push_back(mapLevel); break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return true; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } } mapIndex->finishInitializingTags(); return true; } //display google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) // display google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag) bool initMapStructure(io::CodedInputStream* input, BinaryMapFile* file) { uint32 tag; uint32 version = -1; uint32 versionConfirm = -2; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { // required uint32 version = 1; case OsmAndStructure::kVersionFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &version))); break; } case OsmAndStructure::kMapIndexFieldNumber: { MapIndex mapIndex; readInt(input, &mapIndex.length); mapIndex.filePointer = input->getTotalBytesRead(); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(mapIndex.length); readMapIndex(input, &mapIndex); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); input->Seek(mapIndex.filePointer + mapIndex.length); file->mapIndexes.push_back(mapIndex); file->basemap = file->basemap || mapIndex.name.find("basemap") != string::npos; break; } case OsmAndStructure::kVersionConfirmFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &versionConfirm))); break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return true; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } } if (version != versionConfirm) { osmand_log_print(LOG_ERROR, "Corrupted file. It should be ended as it starts with version"); return false; } if (version != MAP_VERSION) { osmand_log_print(LOG_ERROR, "Version of the file is not supported."); return false; } return true; } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_osmand_plus_render_NativeOsmandLibrary_deleteSearchResult(JNIEnv* ienv, jobject obj, jint searchResult) { SearchResult* result = (SearchResult*) searchResult; if(result != NULL){ deleteObjects(result->result); delete result; } } bool readStringTable(io::CodedInputStream* input, std::vector& list) { uint32 tag; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { case StringTable::kSFieldNumber: { std::string s; WireFormatLite::ReadString(input, &s); list.push_back(s); break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return false; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } } return true; } static const int SHIFT_COORDINATES = 5; static const int MASK_TO_READ = ~((1 << SHIFT_COORDINATES) - 1); bool acceptTypes(SearchQuery* req, std::vector& types, MapIndex* root) { RenderingRuleSearchRequest* r = req->req; bool accept = true; for (std::vector::iterator type = types.begin(); type != types.end(); type++) { for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { r->setIntFilter(r->props()->R_MINZOOM, req->zoom); r->setStringFilter(r->props()->R_TAG, type->first); r->setStringFilter(r->props()->R_VALUE, type->second); if (r->search(i, false)) { return true; } } r->setStringFilter(r->props()->R_TAG, type->first); r->setStringFilter(r->props()->R_VALUE, type->second); if (r->search(RenderingRulesStorage::TEXT_RULES, false)) { return true; } } return false; } MapDataObject* readMapDataObject(io::CodedInputStream* input, MapTreeBounds* tree, SearchQuery* req, MapIndex* root) { uint32 tag = WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(input->ReadTag()); bool area = MapData::kAreaCoordinatesFieldNumber == tag; if(!area && MapData::kCoordinatesFieldNumber != tag) { return NULL; } req->cacheCoordinates.clear(); uint32 size; input->ReadVarint32(&size); int old = input->PushLimit(size); int px = tree->left & MASK_TO_READ; int py = tree->top & MASK_TO_READ; bool contains = false; long long id = 0; int minX = INT_MAX; int maxX = 0; int minY = INT_MAX; int maxY = 0; req->numberOfVisitedObjects++; int x; int y; while (input->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { if (!WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &x)) { return NULL; } if (!WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &y)) { return NULL; } x = (x << SHIFT_COORDINATES) + px; y = (y << SHIFT_COORDINATES) + py; req->cacheCoordinates.push_back(std::pair(x, y)); px = x; py = y; if (!contains && req->left <= x && req->right >= x && req->top <= y && req->bottom >= y) { contains = true; } if (!contains) { minX = std::min(minX, x); maxX = std::max(maxX, x); minY = std::min(minY, y); maxY = std::max(maxY, y); } } if (!contains) { if (maxX >= req->left && minX <= req->right && minY <= req->bottom && maxY >= req->top) { contains = true; } } input->PopLimit(old); if (!contains) { return NULL; } // READ types std::vector< coordinates > innercoordinates; std::vector< tag_value > additionalTypes; std::vector< tag_value > types; HMAP::hash_map< std::string, unsigned int> stringIds; bool loop = true; while (loop) { uint32 t = input->ReadTag(); switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(t)) { case 0: loop = false; break; case MapData::kPolygonInnerCoordinatesFieldNumber: { coordinates polygon; px = tree->left & MASK_TO_READ; py = tree->top & MASK_TO_READ; input->ReadVarint32(&size); old = input->PushLimit(size); while (input->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &x); WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &y); x = (x << SHIFT_COORDINATES) + px; y = (y << SHIFT_COORDINATES) + py; polygon.push_back(std::pair(x, y)); px = x; py = y; } input->PopLimit(old); innercoordinates.push_back(polygon); break; } case MapData::kAdditionalTypesFieldNumber: { input->ReadVarint32(&size); old = input->PushLimit(size); while (input->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &x); if (root->decodingRules.find(x) != root->decodingRules.end()) { tag_value t = root->decodingRules[x]; additionalTypes.push_back(t); } } input->PopLimit(old); break; } case MapData::kTypesFieldNumber: { input->ReadVarint32(&size); old = input->PushLimit(size); while (input->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &x); if (root->decodingRules.find(x) != root->decodingRules.end()) { tag_value t = root->decodingRules[x]; types.push_back(t); } } input->PopLimit(old); bool acceptTps = acceptTypes(req, types, root); if (!acceptTps) { return NULL; } break; } case MapData::kIdFieldNumber: WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &id); break; case MapData::kStringNamesFieldNumber: input->ReadVarint32(&size); old = input->PushLimit(size); while (input->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &x); WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &y); if (root->decodingRules.find(x) != root->decodingRules.end()) { tag_value t = root->decodingRules[x]; stringIds[t.first] = y; } } input->PopLimit(old); break; default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(t) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return false; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, t)) { return false; } break; } } } req->numberOfAcceptedObjects++; MapDataObject* dataObject = new MapDataObject(); dataObject->points = req->cacheCoordinates; dataObject->additionalTypes = additionalTypes; dataObject->types = types; dataObject->id = id; dataObject->stringIds = stringIds; dataObject->polygonInnerCoordinates = innercoordinates; return dataObject; } bool searchMapTreeBounds(io::CodedInputStream* input, MapTreeBounds* current, MapTreeBounds* parent, SearchQuery* req, std::vector* foundSubtrees) { int init = 0; int tag; int si; req->numberOfReadSubtrees++; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { if (req->isCancelled()) { return false; } if (init == 0xf) { init = 0; // coordinates are init if (current->right < req->left || current->left > req->right || current->top > req->bottom || current->bottom < req->top) { return false; } else { req->numberOfAcceptedSubtrees++; } } switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { // required uint32 version = 1; case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kLeftFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); current->left = si + parent->left; init |= 1; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kRightFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); current->right = si + parent->right; init |= 2; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kTopFieldNumber: { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); current->top = si + parent->top; init |= 4; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kBottomFieldNumber : { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &si))); current->bottom = si + parent->bottom; init |= 8; break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kShiftToMapDataFieldNumber : { readInt(input, ¤t->mapDataBlock); current->mapDataBlock += current->filePointer; foundSubtrees->push_back(*current); break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kOceanFieldNumber : { DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, ¤t->ocean))); if(current->ocean){ req->ocean = true; } else { req->land = true; } break; } case OsmAndMapIndex_MapDataBox::kBoxesFieldNumber: { MapTreeBounds* child = new MapTreeBounds(); readInt(input, &child->length); child->filePointer = input->getTotalBytesRead(); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(child->length); if (current->ocean) { child->ocean = current->ocean; } searchMapTreeBounds(input, child, current, req, foundSubtrees); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); input->Seek(child->filePointer + child->length); delete child; break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return true; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } } return true; } bool readMapDataBlocks(io::CodedInputStream* input, SearchQuery* req, MapTreeBounds* tree, MapIndex* root) { long long baseId = 0; int tag; std::vector< MapDataObject* > results; while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) { if (req->isCancelled()) { return false; } switch (WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { // required uint32 version = 1; case MapDataBlock::kBaseIdFieldNumber : { WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &baseId); break; } case MapDataBlock::kStringTableFieldNumber: { uint32 length; DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &length))); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(length); if(results.size() > 0) { std::vector stringTable; readStringTable(input, stringTable); MapDataObject* o; for (std::vector::iterator obj = results.begin(); obj != results.end(); obj++) { if ((*obj)->stringIds.size() > 0) { HMAP::hash_map::iterator val=(*obj)->stringIds.begin(); while(val != (*obj)->stringIds.end()){ (*obj)->objectNames[val->first]=stringTable[val->second]; val++; } } } } input->Skip(input->BytesUntilLimit()); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } case MapDataBlock::kDataObjectsFieldNumber: { uint32 length; DO_((WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &length))); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(length); MapDataObject* mapObject = readMapDataObject(input, tree, req, root); if (mapObject != NULL) { mapObject->id += baseId; results.push_back(mapObject); req->result.push_back(mapObject); } input->Skip(input->BytesUntilLimit()); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } default: { if (WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) { return true; } if (!skipUnknownFields(input, tag)) { return false; } break; } } } return true; } bool sortTreeBounds (const MapTreeBounds& i,const MapTreeBounds& j) { return (i.mapDataBlock::iterator i = root->bounds.begin(); i != root->bounds.end(); i++) { if (req->isCancelled()) { return; } if (i->right < req->left || i->left > req->right || i->top > req->bottom || i->bottom < req->top) { continue; } std::vector foundSubtrees; input->Seek(i->filePointer); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(i->length); searchMapTreeBounds(input, &(*i), root, req, &foundSubtrees); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); sort(foundSubtrees.begin(), foundSubtrees.end(), sortTreeBounds); uint32 length; for (std::vector::iterator tree = foundSubtrees.begin(); tree != foundSubtrees.end(); tree++) { if (req->isCancelled()) { return; } input->Seek(tree->mapDataBlock); WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive(input, &length); int oldLimit = input->PushLimit(length); readMapDataBlocks(input, req, &(*tree), ind); input->PopLimit(oldLimit); } } } extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_net_osmand_plus_render_NativeOsmandLibrary_searchNativeObjectsForRendering(JNIEnv* ienv, jobject obj, jint sleft, jint sright, jint stop, jint sbottom, jint zoom, jobject renderingRuleSearchRequest, bool skipDuplicates, jobject objInterrupted, jstring msgNothingFound) { RenderingRuleSearchRequest* req = initSearchRequest(ienv, renderingRuleSearchRequest); jclass clObjInterrupted = ienv->GetObjectClass(objInterrupted); jfieldID interruptedField = getFid(ienv, clObjInterrupted, "interrupted", "Z"); ienv->DeleteLocalRef(clObjInterrupted); SearchQuery q(sleft, sright, stop, sbottom, req, objInterrupted, interruptedField, ienv); q.zoom = zoom; SearchResult* searchRes = new SearchResult(); map::iterator i = openFiles.begin(); HMAP::hash_set ids; int count = 0; bool ocean = false; std::vector basemapResult; std::vector tempResult; std::vector coastLines; std::vector basemapCoastLines; for (; i != openFiles.end() && !q.isCancelled(); i++) { BinaryMapFile* file = i->second; fseek(file->f, 0, 0); io::FileInputStream input(fileno(file->f)); input.SetCloseOnDelete(false); io::CodedInputStream cis(&input); cis.SetTotalBytesLimit(INT_MAX, INT_MAX >> 2); if (req != NULL) { req->clearState(); } q.result.clear(); for (std::vector::iterator mapIndex = file->mapIndexes.begin(); mapIndex != file->mapIndexes.end(); mapIndex++) { for (std::vector::iterator mapLevel = mapIndex->levels.begin(); mapLevel != mapIndex->levels.end(); mapLevel++) { if (q.isCancelled()) { break; } if (mapLevel->minZoom <= zoom && mapLevel->maxZoom >= zoom) { if (mapLevel->right >= q.left && q.right >= mapLevel->left && mapLevel->bottom >= q.top && q.bottom >= mapLevel->top) { osmand_log_print(LOG_INFO, "Search map %s", mapIndex->name.c_str()); searchMapData(&cis, &(*mapLevel), &(*mapIndex), &q); } } } } if (q.ocean) { ocean = true; } if (!q.isCancelled()) { std::vector::iterator r = q.result.begin(); tempResult.reserve((size_t)(q.result.size() + tempResult.size())); for (; r != q.result.end(); r++) { // TODO skip duplicates doesn't work correctly with basemap (id < 0?) if (skipDuplicates && (*r)->id > 0 && false) { if (ids.find((*r)->id) != ids.end()) { continue; } ids.insert((*r)->id); } count++; if ((*r)->contains("natural", "coastline")) { if (i->second->isBasemap()) { basemapCoastLines.push_back(*r); } else { coastLines.push_back(*r); } } else { // do not mess coastline and other types if (i->second->isBasemap()) { basemapResult.push_back(*r); } else { tempResult.push_back(*r); } } } } } if (q.isCancelled()) { deleteObjects(coastLines); deleteObjects(tempResult); deleteObjects(basemapCoastLines); deleteObjects(basemapResult); } else { bool addBasemapCoastlines = true; bool emptyData = zoom > BASEMAP_ZOOM && tempResult.empty() && coastLines.empty(); if (!coastLines.empty()) { std::vector pcoastlines; processCoastlines(coastLines, sleft, sright, sbottom, stop, zoom, basemapCoastLines.empty(), pcoastlines); addBasemapCoastlines = pcoastlines.empty() || zoom <= BASEMAP_ZOOM; tempResult.insert(tempResult.end(), pcoastlines.begin(), pcoastlines.end()); } if (addBasemapCoastlines) { addBasemapCoastlines = false; std::vector pcoastlines; processCoastlines(basemapCoastLines, sleft, sright, sbottom, stop, zoom, true, pcoastlines); addBasemapCoastlines = pcoastlines.empty(); tempResult.insert(tempResult.end(), pcoastlines.begin(), pcoastlines.end()); } // processCoastlines always create new objects deleteObjects(basemapCoastLines); deleteObjects(coastLines); if (addBasemapCoastlines) { MapDataObject* o = new MapDataObject(); o->points.push_back(int_pair(sleft, stop)); o->points.push_back(int_pair(sright, stop)); o->points.push_back(int_pair(sright, sbottom)); o->points.push_back(int_pair(sleft, sbottom)); o->points.push_back(int_pair(sleft, stop)); if (ocean) { o->types.push_back(tag_value("natural", "coastline")); } else { o->types.push_back(tag_value("natural", "land")); } tempResult.push_back(o); } if (emptyData) { // message // avoid overflow int errors MapDataObject* o = new MapDataObject(); o->points.push_back(int_pair(sleft + (sright - sleft) / 2, stop + (sbottom - stop) / 2)); o->types.push_back(tag_value("natural", "coastline")); o->objectNames["name"] = getString(ienv, msgNothingFound); tempResult.push_back(o); } if (zoom <= BASEMAP_ZOOM || emptyData) { tempResult.insert(tempResult.end(), basemapResult.begin(), basemapResult.end()); } searchRes->result.insert(searchRes->result.end(), tempResult.begin(), tempResult.end()); osmand_log_print(LOG_INFO, "Search : tree - read( %d), accept( %d), objs - visit( %d), accept(%d), in result(%d) ", q.numberOfReadSubtrees, q.numberOfAcceptedSubtrees, q.numberOfVisitedObjects, q.numberOfAcceptedObjects, searchRes->result.size()); } delete req; return (jint) searchRes; } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_osmand_plus_render_NativeOsmandLibrary_closeBinaryMapFile(JNIEnv* ienv, jobject path) { const char* utf = ienv->GetStringUTFChars((jstring) path, NULL); std::string inputName(utf); ienv->ReleaseStringUTFChars((jstring) path, utf); std::map::iterator iterator; if ((iterator = openFiles.find(inputName)) != openFiles.end()) { delete iterator->second; openFiles.erase(iterator); } } extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_net_osmand_plus_render_NativeOsmandLibrary_initBinaryMapFile(JNIEnv* ienv, jobject obj, jobject path) { // Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is const char* utf = ienv->GetStringUTFChars((jstring) path, NULL); std::string inputName(utf); ienv->ReleaseStringUTFChars((jstring) path, utf); GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION; std::map::iterator iterator; if ((iterator = openFiles.find(inputName)) != openFiles.end()) { delete iterator->second; openFiles.erase(iterator); } FILE* file = fopen(inputName.c_str(), "r"); if (file == NULL) { osmand_log_print(LOG_ERROR, "File could not be open to read from C : %s", inputName.c_str()); return false; } BinaryMapFile* mapFile = new BinaryMapFile(); mapFile->f = file; io::FileInputStream input(fileno(file)); input.SetCloseOnDelete(false); io::CodedInputStream cis(&input); cis.SetTotalBytesLimit(INT_MAX, INT_MAX >> 2); if (!initMapStructure(&cis, mapFile)) { osmand_log_print(LOG_ERROR, "File not initialised : %s", inputName.c_str()); delete mapFile; return false; } mapFile->inputName = inputName; openFiles.insert(std::pair(inputName, mapFile)); return true; } #undef DO_ #endif