apply plugin: '' // Global Parameters accepted // TARGET_APP_NAME - app name // APK_NUMBER_VERSION - version number of apk // APK_VERSION_SUFFIX - build number like #99999Z, appended (for dev builds) to Manifest's versionName as X.X.X#99999Z // Z means flavor: M=-master, D=-main-default, B=-Blackberry, Des=-design, MQA=-main-qt-arm, MQDA=-main-qt-default-arm, S=-sherpafy // APP_EDITION - date stamp of builds // APP_FEATURES - features +play_market +gps_status -parking_plugin -blackberry -free_version -amazon // 1. To be done Filter fonts // // // // // // // Less important task printc { configurations.each { if(it.isCanBeResolved()) println } } android { compileSdkVersion 28 buildToolsVersion "28.0.3" // compileNdkVersion "android-ndk-r17b" signingConfigs { development { storeFile file("../keystores/debug.keystore") storePassword "android" keyAlias "androiddebugkey" keyPassword "android" } publishing { storeFile file("/var/lib/jenkins/osmand_key") storePassword System.getenv("OSMAND_APK_PASSWORD") keyAlias "osmand" keyPassword System.getenv("OSMAND_APK_PASSWORD") } } defaultConfig { minSdkVersion System.getenv("MIN_SDK_VERSION") ? System.getenv("MIN_SDK_VERSION").toInteger() : 15 targetSdkVersion 28 versionCode 370 versionCode System.getenv("APK_NUMBER_VERSION") ? System.getenv("APK_NUMBER_VERSION").toInteger() : versionCode multiDexEnabled true versionName "3.7.0" versionName System.getenv("APK_VERSION")? System.getenv("APK_VERSION").toString(): versionName versionName System.getenv("APK_VERSION_SUFFIX")? versionName + System.getenv("APK_VERSION_SUFFIX").toString(): versionName // Stops the Gradle plugin’s automatic rasterization of vectors generatedDensities = [] } lintOptions { lintConfig file("lint.xml") abortOnError false warningsAsErrors false } bundle { language { // Specifies that the app bundle should not support // configuration APKs for language resources. These // resources are instead packaged with each base and // dynamic feature APK. enableSplit = false } } // related to kuromoji //packagingOptions { // exclude '/META-INF/' // exclude '/META-INF/' // exclude '/META-INF/' //} // This is from OsmAndCore_android.aar - for some reason it's not inherited aaptOptions { // Don't compress any embedded resources noCompress "qz" cruncherEnabled = false // Flag notifies aapt to keep the attribute IDs around additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors" } dexOptions { javaMaxHeapSize "4g" } sourceSets { main { manifest.srcFile "AndroidManifest.xml" jni.srcDirs = [] jniLibs.srcDirs = ["libs"] aidl.srcDirs = ["src"] java.srcDirs = ["src"] resources.srcDirs = ["src"] renderscript.srcDirs = ["src"] res.srcDirs = ["res"] assets.srcDirs = ["assets"] } debug { manifest.srcFile "AndroidManifest-debug.xml" } free { manifest.srcFile "AndroidManifest-free.xml" } freedev { manifest.srcFile "AndroidManifest-freedev.xml" } freecustom { manifest.srcFile "AndroidManifest-freecustom.xml" } huawei { manifest.srcFile "AndroidManifest-huawei.xml" } freehuawei { manifest.srcFile "AndroidManifest-freehuawei.xml" } legacy { jniLibs.srcDirs = ["libc++"] } } flavorDimensions "version", "coreversion", "abi" productFlavors { // ABI armv7 { dimension "abi" ndk { abiFilter 'armeabi-v7a' } } arm64 { dimension "abi" ndk { abiFilter 'arm64-v8a' } } x86 { dimension "abi" ndk { abiFilters 'x86', 'x86_64' } } armonly { dimension "abi" ndk { abiFilters 'arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a' } } fat { dimension "abi" ndk { abiFilters 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64', 'armeabi-v7a' } } // Version freedev { dimension "version" applicationId "" // resConfig "en" } free { dimension "version" applicationId "net.osmand" } freeres { dimension "version" applicationId "net.osmand" resConfig "en" } freecustom { dimension "version" applicationId "net.osmand.freecustom" } full { dimension "version" applicationId "" } fulldev { dimension "version" applicationId "" resConfig "en" //resConfigs "xxhdpi", "nodpi" } huawei { dimension "version" applicationId "" } freehuawei { dimension "version" applicationId "net.osmand.huawei" } // CoreVersion legacy { dimension "coreversion" } qtcore { dimension "coreversion" } qtcoredebug { dimension "coreversion" } } buildTypes { debug { signingConfig signingConfigs.development } release { signingConfig signingConfigs.publishing } } } def replaceNoTranslate(line) { if (line.contains("\"app_name\"") && System.getenv("TARGET_APP_NAME")) { return line.replaceAll(">[^<]*<", ">" + System.getenv("TARGET_APP_NAME") + "<") } if (line.contains("\"app_name_free\"") && System.getenv("TARGET_APP_NAME")) { return line.replaceAll(">[^<]*<", ">" + System.getenv("TARGET_APP_NAME") + "<") } if (line.contains("\"app_edition\"") && System.getenv("APP_EDITION")) { return line.replaceAll(">[^<]*<", ">" + System.getenv("APP_EDITION") + "<") } if (line.contains("\"versionFeatures\"") && System.getenv("APP_FEATURES")) { return line.replaceAll(">[^<]*<", ">" + System.getenv("APP_FEATURES") + "<") } return line; } task updateNoTranslate(type: Copy) { from('.') { include 'no_translate.xml' filter { line -> replaceNoTranslate(line); } } into 'res/values/' } task validateTranslate { println "Validating translations" file("res").eachFileRecurse, { if ( == "strings.xml" || == "phrases.xml") { it.eachLine { line -> if (line.contains("\$ s") || line.contains("\$ d") || line.contains("\$ f") || line.contains(" \$s") || line.contains(" \$d") || line.contains(" \$f") || line.contains("1\$ ") || line.contains("2\$ ") || line.contains("3\$ ") || line.contains("%1s") || line.contains(" 1\$s") || (line.contains("% \$") || line.contains("% 1") || line.contains("% 2") || line.contains("% 3") || line.contains("% s"))) { throw new GradleException("Incorrect translation " + it.getAbsolutePath() + " " + line); } } } } } task downloadWorldMiniBasemap { doLast { ant.get(src: '', dest: 'assets/World_basemap_mini.obf', skipexisting: 'true') } } task downloadHuaweiDrmZip { doLast { ant.get(src: '', dest: '', skipexisting: 'true') ant.unzip(src: '', dest: 'huaweidrmlib/') } } task copyHuaweiDrmLibs(type: Copy) { dependsOn downloadHuaweiDrmZip from "huaweidrmlib/HwDRM_SDK_2.5.2.300_ADT/libs" into "libs" } task copyHuaweiDrmValues(type: Copy) { dependsOn downloadHuaweiDrmZip from "huaweidrmlib/HwDRM_SDK_2.5.2.300_ADT/res" into "res" } task downloadPrebuiltHuaweiDrm { dependsOn copyHuaweiDrmLibs, copyHuaweiDrmValues } task cleanHuaweiDrmLibs(type: Delete) { delete "huaweidrmlib" delete fileTree("libs").matching { include "**/huawei-*.jar" } } task cleanHuaweiDrmValues(type: Delete) { delete fileTree("res").matching { include "**/drm_strings.xml" } } task cleanPrebuiltHuaweiDrm { dependsOn cleanHuaweiDrmLibs, cleanHuaweiDrmValues } task collectVoiceAssets(type: Sync) { from "../../resources/voice" into "assets/voice" include "**/*.js" } task cleanNoTranslate(type: Delete) { delete('res/values/no_translate.xml') } task collectFonts(type: Copy) { from "../../resources/fonts" from "../../resources/rendering_styles/fonts" // from "../../resources/rendering_styles/fonts/OpenSans" into "assets/fonts" include "*.ttf" } task collectHelpContentsStyle(type: Copy) { from("../../help/website/help/") { include "style.css" } into "assets" } task collectHelpContentsAssets(type: Copy) { from("../../help/website/help") { include "about.html" include "changes.html" include "faq.html" include "technical-articles.html" include "map-legend.html" } from("../../help/website/feature_articles") { include "*.html" } into "assets/feature_articles" } task copyPoiCategories(type: Copy) { from("../../resources/poi") { include "poi_categories.json" } into "assets" } task copyStyleIcons(type: Sync) { from "../../resources/rendering_styles/style-icons/" into "res/" include "**/*.png", "**/*.xml" preserve { include '**/*' exclude "**/mm_*", "**/h_*" } } task copyPOIIcons(type: Sync) { from "../../resources/rendering_styles/drawable-mx/" into "res/drawable/" include "**/*.png", "**/*.xml" preserve { include '**/*' exclude "**/mx_*" } } task copyWidgetIconsXhdpi(type: Sync) { from "res/drawable-xxhdpi/" into "res/drawable-large-xhdpi/" include "**/widget_*.png", "**/widget_*.xml", "**/map_*.xml", "**/map_*.png" preserve { include '*' exclude "**/widget_*.png", "**/widget_*.xml", "**/map_*.xml", "**/map_*.png" } } task copyWidgetIconsHdpi(type: Sync) { from "res/drawable-xhdpi/" into "res/drawable-large-hdpi/" include "**/widget_*.png", "**/widget_*.xml", "**/map_*.xml", "**/map_*.png" preserve { include '*' exclude "**/widget_*.png", "**/widget_*.xml", "**/map_*.xml", "**/map_*.png" } } task copyWidgetIcons(type: Sync) { from "res/drawable-hdpi/" into "res/drawable-large/" include "**/widget_*.png", "**/widget_*.xml", "**/map_*.xml", "**/map_*.png" preserve { include '*' exclude "**/widget_*.png", "**/widget_*.xml", "**/map_*.xml", "**/map_*.png" } } task collectExternalResources { dependsOn collectVoiceAssets, collectFonts, collectHelpContentsAssets, collectHelpContentsStyle, copyStyleIcons, copyPOIIcons, updateNoTranslate, validateTranslate, copyWidgetIcons, copyWidgetIconsHdpi, copyWidgetIconsXhdpi, copyPoiCategories, downloadWorldMiniBasemap Gradle gradle = getGradle() String tskReqStr = gradle.getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().toLowerCase() // Use Drm SDK only for huawei build if (tskReqStr.contains("huawei")) { dependsOn downloadPrebuiltHuaweiDrm } else { dependsOn cleanPrebuiltHuaweiDrm } } // Legacy core build import task buildOsmAndCore(type: Exec) { Gradle gradle = getGradle() String tskReqStr = gradle.getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().toLowerCase() String flavour = ""; if(!tskReqStr.contains("fat")) { if(tskReqStr.contains("arm64")) { flavour = flavour.length() == 0 ? "ARM64_ONLY" : "" } if(tskReqStr.contains("armv7")) { flavour = flavour.length() == 0 ? "ARMV7_ONLY" : "" } if(tskReqStr.contains("armonly")) { flavour = flavour.length() == 0 ? "ARM_ONLY" : "" } if(tskReqStr.contains("x86")) { flavour = flavour.length() == 0 ? "X86_ONLY" : "" } } description "Build Legacy OsmAndCore" if (!Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) { if(flavour.length() > 0) { environment "$flavour", "1" } commandLine "bash", file("./").getAbsolutePath() } else { commandLine "cmd", "/c", "echo", "Not supported" } } task cleanupDuplicatesInCore() { dependsOn buildOsmAndCore // doesn't work for legacy debug builds doLast { file("libc++/armeabi-v7a").mkdirs() file("libs/armeabi-v7a/").renameTo(file("libc++/armeabi-v7a/")) file("libc++/arm64-v8a").mkdirs() file("libs/arm64-v8a/").renameTo(file("libc++/arm64-v8a/")) file("libc++/x86").mkdirs() file("libs/x86/").renameTo(file("libc++/x86/")) file("libc++/x86_64").mkdirs() file("libs/x86_64/").renameTo(file("libc++/x86_64/")) } } afterEvaluate { android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> variant.javaCompiler.dependsOn(collectExternalResources, buildOsmAndCore, cleanupDuplicatesInCore) } } task appStart(type: Exec) { // linux commandLine 'adb', 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', '' // windows // commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'adb', 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', '' } dependencies { implementation project(path: ':OsmAnd-java', configuration: 'android') implementation project(':OsmAnd-api') implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1' implementation 'androidx.gridlayout:gridlayout:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0' implementation '' implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.preference:preference:1.1.0' implementation fileTree(include: ['gnu-trove-osmand.jar', 'icu4j-49_1_patched.jar'], dir: 'libs') implementation group: 'commons-logging', name: 'commons-logging', version: '1.2' implementation 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.11' implementation 'it.unibo.alice.tuprolog:tuprolog:3.2.1' implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.17' implementation 'com.moparisthebest:junidecode:0.1.1' implementation 'org.immutables:gson:2.5.0' implementation 'com.vividsolutions:jts-core:1.14.0' implementation '' implementation '' // turn off for now //implementation 'com.atilika.kuromoji:kuromoji-ipadic:0.9.0' implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828' implementation '' // JS core implementation group: 'org.mozilla', name: 'rhino', version: '1.7.9' // size restrictions // implementation '' // implementation 'net.sf.trove4j:trove4j:3.0.3' qtcoreImplementation fileTree(include: ['QtAndroid.jar', 'QtAndroidBearer.jar'], dir: 'libs') qtcoredebugImplementation fileTree(include: ['QtAndroid.jar', 'QtAndroidBearer.jar'], dir: 'libs') legacyImplementation "net.osmand:OsmAndCore_android:0.1-SNAPSHOT@jar" qtcoredebugImplementation "net.osmand:OsmAndCore_androidNativeDebug:0.1-SNAPSHOT@aar" qtcoredebugImplementation "net.osmand:OsmAndCore_android:0.1-SNAPSHOT@aar" qtcoreImplementation "net.osmand:OsmAndCore_androidNativeRelease:0.1-SNAPSHOT@aar" qtcoreImplementation "net.osmand:OsmAndCore_android:0.1-SNAPSHOT@aar" implementation ("com.getkeepsafe.taptargetview:taptargetview:1.12.0"){ exclude group: '' } implementation 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.0.1' implementation ("com.github.HITGIF:TextFieldBoxes:1.4.5"){ exclude group: '' } huaweiImplementation files('libs/huawei-android-drm_v2.5.2.300.jar') freehuaweiImplementation files('libs/huawei-android-drm_v2.5.2.300.jar') }