package net.osmand.router; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import net.osmand.NativeLibrary; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader; import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.FinalRouteSegment; import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment; import net.osmand.router.RouteSegmentResult; import net.osmand.router.RoutingConfiguration; import net.osmand.router.RoutingConfiguration.Builder; import net.osmand.router.RoutingContext; import net.osmand.swing.DataExtractionSettings; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class RouterTestsSuite { public static int MEMORY_TEST_LIMIT = 800; public static boolean TEST_WO_HEURISTIC = true; public static boolean TEST_BOTH_DIRECTION = true; private static class Parameters { public File obfDir; public List tests = new ArrayList(); public RoutingConfiguration.Builder configBuilder; public static Parameters init(String[] args) throws SAXException, IOException { Parameters p = new Parameters(); String routingXmlFile = null; String obfDirectory = null; RouteResultPreparation.PRINT_TO_CONSOLE_ROUTE_INFORMATION_TO_TEST = false; for (String a : args) { if (a.startsWith("-routingXmlPath=")) { routingXmlFile = a.substring("-routingXmlPath=".length()); } else if (a.startsWith("-verbose")) { RouteResultPreparation.PRINT_TO_CONSOLE_ROUTE_INFORMATION_TO_TEST = true; } else if (a.startsWith("-obfDir=")) { obfDirectory = a.substring("-obfDir=".length()); } else if (a.startsWith("-testDir=")) { String testDirectory = a.substring("-testDir=".length()); for(File f : new File(testDirectory).listFiles()) { if(f.getName().endsWith(".test.xml")){ p.tests.add(f); } } } else if(!a.startsWith("-")){ p.tests.add(new File(a)); } } if (obfDirectory == null) { obfDirectory = DataExtractionSettings.getSettings().getBinaryFilesDir(); } if (obfDirectory != null && obfDirectory.length() > 0) { p.obfDir = new File(obfDirectory); } if (routingXmlFile == null) { routingXmlFile = DataExtractionSettings.getSettings().getRoutingXmlPath(); } if (routingXmlFile.equals("routing.xml")) { p.configBuilder = RoutingConfiguration.getDefault(); } else { p.configBuilder = RoutingConfiguration.parseFromInputStream(new FileInputStream(routingXmlFile)); } return p; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Parameters params = Parameters.init(args); if(params.tests.isEmpty() || params.obfDir == null) { println("Run router tests is console utility to test route calculation for osmand."); println("\nUsage for run tests : runTestsSuite [-routingXmlPath=PATH] [-verbose] [-obfDir=PATH] [-testDir=PATH] {individualTestPath}"); return; } List files = new ArrayList(); for (File f : params.obfDir.listFiles()) { if (f.getName().endsWith(".obf")) { files.add(f); } } BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs = new BinaryMapIndexReader[files.size()]; int it = 0; for (File f : files) { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ rs[it++] = new BinaryMapIndexReader(raf); } boolean allSuccess = true; for(File f : params.tests) { allSuccess &= test(null, new FileInputStream(f), rs, params.configBuilder); } if (allSuccess) { System.out.println("All is successfull"); } } private static void println(String string) { System.out.println(string); } public static boolean test(NativeLibrary lib, InputStream resource, BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs, RoutingConfiguration.Builder config) throws Exception { Document testSuite = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(resource)); NodeList tests = testSuite.getElementsByTagName("test"); for (int i = 0; i < tests.getLength(); i++) { Element e = (Element) tests.item(i); testRoute(e, config, lib, rs); } return true; } private static float parseFloat(Element e, String attr) { if(e.getAttribute(attr) == null || e.getAttribute(attr).length() == 0){ return 0; } return Float.parseFloat(e.getAttribute(attr)); } private static boolean isInOrLess(float expected, float value, float percent){ if(equalPercent(expected, value, percent)){ return true; } if(value < expected) { System.err.println("Test could be adjusted value " + value + " is much less then expected " + expected); return true; } return false; } private static boolean equalPercent(float expected, float value, float percent){ if(Math.abs(value/expected - 1) < percent / 100){ return true; } return false; } private static void testRoute(Element testCase, Builder config, NativeLibrary lib, BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs) throws IOException, SAXException, InterruptedException { String vehicle = testCase.getAttribute("vehicle"); int loadedTiles = (int) parseFloat(testCase, "loadedTiles"); int visitedSegments = (int) parseFloat(testCase, "visitedSegments"); int complete_time = (int) parseFloat(testCase, "complete_time"); int routing_time = (int) parseFloat(testCase, "routing_time"); int complete_distance = (int) parseFloat(testCase, "complete_distance"); float percent = parseFloat(testCase, "best_percent"); String testDescription = testCase.getAttribute("description"); if(percent == 0){ System.err.println("\n\n!! Skipped test case '" + testDescription + "' because 'best_percent' attribute is not specified \n\n" ); return; } RoutingConfiguration rconfig =, MEMORY_TEST_LIMIT); RoutePlannerFrontEnd router = new RoutePlannerFrontEnd(false); RoutingContext ctx = new RoutingContext(rconfig, lib, rs); String skip = testCase.getAttribute("skip_comment"); if (skip != null && skip.length() > 0) { System.err.println("\n\n!! Skipped test case '" + testDescription + "' because '" + skip + "'\n\n" ); return; } System.out.println("Run test " + testDescription); double startLat = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("start_lat")); double startLon = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("start_lon")); RouteSegment startSegment = router.findRouteSegment(startLat, startLon, ctx); double endLat = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("target_lat")); double endLon = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("target_lon")); RouteSegment endSegment = router.findRouteSegment(endLat, endLon, ctx); if(startSegment == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start segment is not found for test : " + testDescription); } if(endSegment == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("End segment is not found for test : " + testDescription); } List route = router.searchRoute(ctx, startSegment, endSegment, false); final float calcRoutingTime = ctx.routingTime; float completeTime = 0; float completeDistance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < route.size(); i++) { completeTime += route.get(i).getSegmentTime(); completeDistance += route.get(i).getDistance(); } if(complete_time > 0 && !isInOrLess(complete_time, completeTime, percent)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Complete time (expected) %s != %s (original) : %s", complete_time, completeTime, testDescription)); } if(complete_distance > 0 && !isInOrLess(complete_distance, completeDistance, percent)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Complete distance (expected) %s != %s (original) : %s", complete_distance, completeDistance, testDescription)); } if(routing_time > 0 && !isInOrLess(routing_time, calcRoutingTime, percent)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Complete routing time (expected) %s != %s (original) : %s", routing_time, calcRoutingTime, testDescription)); } if (visitedSegments > 0 && !isInOrLess(visitedSegments, ctx.visitedSegments, percent)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Visited segments (expected) %s != %s (original) : %s", visitedSegments, ctx.visitedSegments, testDescription)); } if (loadedTiles > 0 && !isInOrLess(loadedTiles, ctx.loadedTiles, percent)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Loaded tiles (expected) %s != %s (original) : %s", loadedTiles, ctx.loadedTiles, testDescription)); } if(TEST_BOTH_DIRECTION){ rconfig.planRoadDirection = -1; runTestSpecialTest(lib, rs, rconfig, router, startSegment, endSegment, calcRoutingTime, "Calculated routing time in both direction %s != %s time in -1 direction"); rconfig.planRoadDirection = 1; runTestSpecialTest(lib, rs, rconfig, router, startSegment, endSegment, calcRoutingTime, "Calculated routing time in both direction %s != %s time in 1 direction"); } if(TEST_WO_HEURISTIC) { rconfig.planRoadDirection = 0; rconfig.heuristicCoefficient = 0.5f; runTestSpecialTest(lib, rs, rconfig, router, startSegment, endSegment, calcRoutingTime, "Calculated routing time with heuristic 1 %s != %s with heuristic 0.5"); } } private static void runTestSpecialTest(NativeLibrary lib, BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs, RoutingConfiguration rconfig, RoutePlannerFrontEnd router, RouteSegment startSegment, RouteSegment endSegment, final float calcRoutingTime, String msg) throws IOException, InterruptedException { RoutingContext ctx; ctx = new RoutingContext(rconfig, lib, rs); router.searchRoute(ctx, startSegment, endSegment, false); FinalRouteSegment frs = ctx.finalRouteSegment; if(frs == null || !equalPercent(calcRoutingTime, frs.distanceFromStart, 0.5f)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(msg, calcRoutingTime+"",frs == null?"0":frs.distanceFromStart+"")); } } protected static NodeList compareBySegment(Element testCase, String testDescription, List route) { NodeList segments = testCase.getElementsByTagName("segment"); int i = 0; while (i < segments.getLength() && i < route.size()) { Element segment = (Element) segments.item(i); long expectedId = Long.parseLong(segment.getAttribute("id")); int expectedStart = Integer.parseInt(segment.getAttribute("start")); int expectedEnd = Integer.parseInt(segment.getAttribute("end")); RouteSegmentResult segmentResult = route.get(i); if (expectedId != segmentResult.getObject().getId() >> 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test : '" + testDescription + "' on segment " + (i + 1) + " : " + "\n" + "(expected route id) " + expectedId + " != " + (segmentResult.getObject().getId() >> 1) + " (actual route id)"); } if (expectedStart != segmentResult.getStartPointIndex()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test : '" + testDescription + "' on segment " + (i + 1) + " : " + "\n" + "(expected start index) " + expectedStart + " != " + segmentResult.getStartPointIndex() + " (actual start index)"); } if (expectedEnd != segmentResult.getEndPointIndex()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test : '" + testDescription + "' on segment " + (i + 1) + " : " + "\n" + "(expected end index) " + expectedEnd + " != " + segmentResult.getEndPointIndex() + " (actual end index)"); } i++; } return segments; } }