Osmand Local Indexes List

file = $file; $this->mtime = $mtime; $this->date = $date; $this->size = $size; $this->description = $description; } static function cmp_string($a, $b) { $al = strtolower($a); $bl = strtolower($b); if ($al == $bl) { return 0; } return ($al > $bl) ? +1 : -1; } /* This is the static comparing function: */ static function cmp_file($a, $b) { return Download::cmp_string($a->file,$b->file); } static function cmp_description($a, $b) { return Download::cmp_string($a->description,$b->description); } static function cmp_date($a, $b) { return Download::cmp_int(strtotime($a->date),strtotime($b->date)); } static function cmp_size($a, $b) { return Download::cmp_int($a->size,$b->size); } static function cmp_int($a, $b) { if ($a > $b) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } } //echo "Searching dir"; // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents $dir='indexes/'; $localFileName='local_list.xml'; if (is_dir($dir)) { if (filemtime($dir) > filemtime($localFileName) || $update) { //echo "Recreating local_list.xml"; if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { $output = new DOMDocument(); $output->formatOutput = true; $outputIndexes = $output->createElement( "local_list" ); //$outputIndexes->setAttribute('mapversion','1'); $output->appendChild( $outputIndexes ); $zip = new ZipArchive(); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $filename = $dir . $file ; //"./test112.zip"; //print("processing file:" . $filename . "\n"); if ($zip->open($filename,ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS)!==TRUE) { // echo exit("cannot open <$filename>\n"); // print($filename . " cannot open as zip\n"); continue; } $indexName=$file; $description = $zip->getCommentIndex(0); $stat = $zip->statIndex( 0 ); $date= date('d.m.Y',$stat['mtime']); $size= number_format((filesize($filename) / (1024.0*1024.0)), 1, '.', ''); $zip->close(); $a[] = new Download($file,$stat['mtime'],$date,$size,$description); $out = $output->createElement("file"); $out -> setAttribute("file", $file); $out -> setAttribute("mtime", $stat['mtime']); $out -> setAttribute("date", $date); $out -> setAttribute("size", $size); $out -> setAttribute("description", $description); $outputIndexes->appendChild($out); } closedir($dh); //echo "Writing to file"; $output->save($localFileName); } } else { //read the file //echo "Reading local_list.xml"; $local = new DomDocument(); $local->load($localFileName); $xpath = new DOMXpath($local); $res = $xpath->query("//*[name() = 'file']"); if($res && $res->length > 0) { foreach($res as $node) { $a[] = new Download( $node->getAttribute("file"), $node->getAttribute("mtime"), $node->getAttribute("date"), $node->getAttribute("size"), $node->getAttribute("description")); } } } } else { print($dir . " not a directory!\n"); } $sortby = $_GET['sortby']; $d = $_GET['d']; if (!isset($sortby)) { $sortby = "cmp_file"; } if (!isset($d)) { $d = 1; } usort($a, array("Download",$sortby) ); $d=$d*1; if ($d == -1) { $a = array_reverse($a); } $d = $d*-1; echo "". "". "". ""; foreach ($a as $item) { echo ""; } ?>
file\">".$item->file."". "".$item->date. "".$item->size. "".$item->description. "