package net.osmand.binary; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import net.osmand.Collator; import net.osmand.CollatorStringMatcher; import net.osmand.CollatorStringMatcher.StringMatcherMode; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchRequest; import net.osmand.binary.OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiNameIndex.OsmAndPoiNameIndexData; import; import; import; import net.osmand.osm.MapPoiTypes; import net.osmand.osm.PoiCategory; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import; import; public class BinaryMapPoiReaderAdapter { private static final Log LOG = PlatformUtil.getLog(BinaryMapPoiReaderAdapter.class); public static final int SHIFT_BITS_CATEGORY = 7; private static final int CATEGORY_MASK = (1 << SHIFT_BITS_CATEGORY) - 1; private static final int ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER_READ = 6; private static final int ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER = 3; private static final int BUCKET_SEARCH_BY_NAME = 5; public static class PoiSubType { boolean text; String name; //int estiatedSize; List possibleValues = null; } public static class PoiRegion extends BinaryIndexPart { List categories = new ArrayList(); List categoriesType = new ArrayList(); List> subcategories = new ArrayList>(); List subTypes = new ArrayList(); int left31; int right31; int top31; int bottom31; public String getPartName() { return "POI"; } public int getFieldNumber() { return OsmandOdb.OsmAndStructure.POIINDEX_FIELD_NUMBER; } public PoiSubType getSubtypeFromId(int id, StringBuilder returnValue) { int tl; int sl; if (id % 2 == 0) { tl = (id >> 1) & ((1 << 5) - 1); sl = id >> 6; } else { tl = (id >> 1) & ((1 << 16) - 1); sl = id >> 16; } if (subTypes.size() > tl) { PoiSubType st = subTypes.get(tl); if (st.text) { return st; } else if (st.possibleValues != null && st.possibleValues.size() > sl) { returnValue.append(st.possibleValues.get(sl)); return st; } } return null; } } private CodedInputStream codedIS; private final BinaryMapIndexReader map; private MapPoiTypes poiTypes; protected BinaryMapPoiReaderAdapter(BinaryMapIndexReader map) { this.codedIS = map.codedIS; = map; this.poiTypes = MapPoiTypes.getDefault(); } private void skipUnknownField(int t) throws IOException { map.skipUnknownField(t); } private int readInt() throws IOException { return map.readInt(); } private void readPoiBoundariesIndex(PoiRegion region) throws IOException { while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndTileBox.LEFT_FIELD_NUMBER: region.left31 = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndTileBox.RIGHT_FIELD_NUMBER: region.right31 = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndTileBox.TOP_FIELD_NUMBER: region.top31 = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndTileBox.BOTTOM_FIELD_NUMBER: region.bottom31 = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } protected void readPoiIndex(PoiRegion region, boolean readCategories) throws IOException { int length; int oldLimit; while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.NAME_FIELD_NUMBER: = codedIS.readString(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.BOUNDARIES_FIELD_NUMBER: length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); readPoiBoundariesIndex(region); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.CATEGORIESTABLE_FIELD_NUMBER: if (!readCategories) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return; } length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); readCategory(region); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.SUBTYPESTABLE_FIELD_NUMBER: if (!readCategories) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return; } length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); readSubtypes(region); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.BOXES_FIELD_NUMBER: codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private void readCategory(PoiRegion region) throws IOException { while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndCategoryTable.CATEGORY_FIELD_NUMBER: String cat = codedIS.readString().intern(); region.categories.add(cat); region.categoriesType.add(poiTypes.getPoiCategoryByName(cat.toLowerCase())); region.subcategories.add(new ArrayList()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndCategoryTable.SUBCATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER: region.subcategories.get(region.subcategories.size() - 1).add(codedIS.readString().intern()); break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private void readSubtypes(PoiRegion region) throws IOException { while (true) { int outT = codedIS.readTag(); int outTag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(outT); switch (outTag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndSubtypesTable.SUBTYPES_FIELD_NUMBER: int length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); int oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); PoiSubType st = new PoiSubType(); cycle: while(true){ int inT = codedIS.readTag(); int inTag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(inT); switch (inTag) { case 0: break cycle; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiSubtype.NAME_FIELD_NUMBER: = codedIS.readString().intern(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiSubtype.SUBTYPEVALUE_FIELD_NUMBER: if (st.possibleValues == null) { st.possibleValues = new ArrayList(); } st.possibleValues.add(codedIS.readString().intern()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiSubtype.ISTEXT_FIELD_NUMBER: st.text = codedIS.readBool(); break; default: skipUnknownField(inT); break; } } region.subTypes.add(st); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; default: skipUnknownField(outT); break; } } } public void initCategories(PoiRegion region) throws IOException { if (region.categories.isEmpty()) {; int oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(region.length); readPoiIndex(region, true); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); } } private String normalizeSearchPoiByNameQuery(String query) { return query.replace("\"", "").toLowerCase(); } protected void searchPoiByName(PoiRegion region, SearchRequest req) throws IOException { TIntLongHashMap offsets = new TIntLongHashMap(); String query = normalizeSearchPoiByNameQuery(req.nameQuery); CollatorStringMatcher matcher = new CollatorStringMatcher(query, StringMatcherMode.CHECK_STARTS_FROM_SPACE); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); int indexOffset = codedIS.getTotalBytesRead(); while (true) { if (req.isCancelled()) { return; } int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.NAMEINDEX_FIELD_NUMBER: int length = readInt(); int oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); // here offsets are sorted by distance offsets = readPoiNameIndex(matcher.getCollator(), query, req); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.POIDATA_FIELD_NUMBER: // also offsets can be randomly skipped by limit Integer[] offKeys = new Integer[offsets.size()]; if (offsets.size() > 0) { int[] keys = offsets.keys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { offKeys[i] = keys[i]; } final TIntLongHashMap foffsets = offsets; Arrays.sort(offKeys, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Integer object1, Integer object2) { return, foffsets.get(object2)); } }); int p = BUCKET_SEARCH_BY_NAME * 3; if (p < offKeys.length) { for (int i = p + BUCKET_SEARCH_BY_NAME; ; i += BUCKET_SEARCH_BY_NAME) { if (i > offKeys.length) { Arrays.sort(offKeys, p, offKeys.length); break; } else { Arrays.sort(offKeys, p, i); } p = i; } } }"Searched poi structure in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms. Found " + offKeys.length + " subtrees"); for (int j = 0; j < offKeys.length; j++) {[j] + indexOffset); int len = readInt(); int oldLim = codedIS.pushLimit(len); readPoiData(matcher, req, region); codedIS.popLimit(oldLim); if (req.isCancelled() || req.limitExceeded()) { return; } }"Whole poi by name search is done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms. Found " + req.getSearchResults().size()); codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private TIntLongHashMap readPoiNameIndex(Collator instance, String query, SearchRequest req) throws IOException { TIntLongHashMap offsets = new TIntLongHashMap(); TIntArrayList dataOffsets = null; int offset = 0; while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return offsets; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiNameIndex.TABLE_FIELD_NUMBER: { int length = readInt(); int oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); dataOffsets = new TIntArrayList(); offset = codedIS.getTotalBytesRead(); map.readIndexedStringTable(instance, query, "", dataOffsets, 0); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; } case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiNameIndex.DATA_FIELD_NUMBER: { if (dataOffsets != null) { dataOffsets.sort(); // 1104125 for (int i = 0; i < dataOffsets.size(); i++) { + offset); int len = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); int oldLim = codedIS.pushLimit(len); readPoiNameIndexData(offsets, req); codedIS.popLimit(oldLim); if (req.isCancelled()) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return offsets; } } } codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return offsets; } default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private void readPoiNameIndexData(TIntLongHashMap offsets, SearchRequest req) throws IOException { while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmAndPoiNameIndexData.ATOMS_FIELD_NUMBER: int len = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); int oldLim = codedIS.pushLimit(len); readPoiNameIndexDataAtom(offsets, req); codedIS.popLimit(oldLim); break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private void readPoiNameIndexDataAtom(TIntLongHashMap offsets, SearchRequest req) throws IOException { int x = 0; int y = 0; int zoom = 15; while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiNameIndexDataAtom.X_FIELD_NUMBER: x = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiNameIndexDataAtom.Y_FIELD_NUMBER: y = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiNameIndexDataAtom.ZOOM_FIELD_NUMBER: zoom = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiNameIndexDataAtom.SHIFTTO_FIELD_NUMBER: int x31 = (x << (31 - zoom)); int y31 = (y << (31 - zoom)); int shift = readInt(); if (req.contains(x31, y31, x31, y31)) { long d = Math.abs(req.x - x31) + Math.abs(req.y - y31); offsets.put(shift, d); } break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } protected void searchPoiIndex(int left31, int right31, int top31, int bottom31, SearchRequest req, PoiRegion region) throws IOException { int indexOffset = codedIS.getTotalBytesRead(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); TLongHashSet skipTiles = null; if (req.zoom >= 0 && req.zoom < 16) { skipTiles = new TLongHashSet(); } int length; int oldLimit; TIntLongHashMap offsetsMap = new TIntLongHashMap(); while (true) { if (req.isCancelled()) { return; } int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.BOXES_FIELD_NUMBER: length = readInt(); oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); readBoxField(left31, right31, top31, bottom31, 0, 0, 0, offsetsMap, skipTiles, req, region); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiIndex.POIDATA_FIELD_NUMBER: int[] offsets = offsetsMap.keys(); // also offsets can be randomly skipped by limit Arrays.sort(offsets); if (skipTiles != null) { skipTiles.clear(); }"Searched poi structure in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms. Found " + offsets.length + " subtrees"); for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; j++) { long skipVal = offsetsMap.get(offsets[j]); if (skipTiles != null && skipVal != -1) { int dzoom = ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER_READ - ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER; long dx = (skipVal >> ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER_READ); long dy = skipVal - (dx << ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER_READ); skipVal = ((dx >> dzoom) << ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER) | (dy >> dzoom); if (skipVal != -1 && skipTiles.contains(skipVal)) { continue; } }[j] + indexOffset); int len = readInt(); int oldLim = codedIS.pushLimit(len); boolean read = readPoiData(left31, right31, top31, bottom31, req, region, skipTiles, req.zoom == -1 ? 31 : req.zoom + ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER); if (read && skipVal != -1 && skipTiles != null) { skipTiles.add(skipVal); } codedIS.popLimit(oldLim); if (req.isCancelled()) { return; } } codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private void readPoiData(CollatorStringMatcher matcher, SearchRequest req, PoiRegion region) throws IOException { int x = 0; int y = 0; int zoom = 0; while (true) { if (req.isCancelled() || req.limitExceeded()) { return; } int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.X_FIELD_NUMBER: x = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.ZOOM_FIELD_NUMBER: zoom = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.Y_FIELD_NUMBER: y = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.POIDATA_FIELD_NUMBER: int len = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); int oldLim = codedIS.pushLimit(len); Amenity am = readPoiPoint(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, x, y, zoom, req, region, false); codedIS.popLimit(oldLim); if (am != null) { boolean matches = matcher.matches(am.getName().toLowerCase()) || matcher.matches(am.getEnName(true).toLowerCase()); if (!matches) { for (String s : am.getAllNames()) { matches = matcher.matches(s.toLowerCase()); if (matches) { break; } } if (!matches) { Map lt = am.getAdditionalInfo(); for (Entry e : lt.entrySet()) { matches = matcher.matches(e.getValue()); if (matches) { break; } } } } if (matches) { req.publish(am); } } break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private boolean readPoiData(int left31, int right31, int top31, int bottom31, SearchRequest req, PoiRegion region, TLongHashSet toSkip, int zSkip) throws IOException { int x = 0; int y = 0; int zoom = 0; boolean read = false; while (true) { if (req.isCancelled()) { return read; } int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return read; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.X_FIELD_NUMBER: x = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.ZOOM_FIELD_NUMBER: zoom = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.Y_FIELD_NUMBER: y = codedIS.readUInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxData.POIDATA_FIELD_NUMBER: int len = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); int oldLim = codedIS.pushLimit(len); Amenity am = readPoiPoint(left31, right31, top31, bottom31, x, y, zoom, req, region, true); codedIS.popLimit(oldLim); if (am != null) { if (toSkip != null) { int xp = (int) MapUtils.getTileNumberX(zSkip, am.getLocation().getLongitude()); int yp = (int) MapUtils.getTileNumberY(zSkip, am.getLocation().getLatitude()); long valSkip = (((long) xp) << zSkip) | yp; if (!toSkip.contains(valSkip)) { boolean publish = req.publish(am); if (publish) { read = true; toSkip.add(valSkip); } } else if (zSkip <= zoom) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return read; } } else { if (req.publish(am)) { read = true; } } } break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private AmenityRoutePoint dist(LatLon l, List locations, double radius) { float dist = (float) (radius + 0.1); AmenityRoutePoint arp = null; // Special iterations because points stored by pairs! for (int i = 1; i < locations.size(); i += 2) { float d = (float) MapUtils.getOrthogonalDistance(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude(), locations.get(i - 1) .getLatitude(), locations.get(i - 1).getLongitude(), locations.get(i).getLatitude(), locations.get(i).getLongitude()); if (d < dist) { arp = new Amenity.AmenityRoutePoint(); dist = d; arp.deviateDistance = dist; arp.pointA = locations.get(i - 1); arp.pointB = locations.get(i); } } if (arp != null && arp.deviateDistance != 0 && arp.pointA != null && arp.pointB != null) { arp.deviationDirectionRight = MapUtils.rightSide(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude(), arp.pointA.getLatitude(), arp.pointA.getLongitude(), arp.pointB.getLatitude(), arp.pointB.getLongitude()); } return arp; } private Amenity readPoiPoint(int left31, int right31, int top31, int bottom31, int px, int py, int zoom, SearchRequest req, PoiRegion region, boolean checkBounds) throws IOException { Amenity am = null; int x = 0; int y = 0; StringBuilder retValue = new StringBuilder(); PoiCategory amenityType = null; LinkedList textTags = null; while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); if (amenityType == null && (tag > OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.CATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER || tag == 0)) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return null; } switch (tag) { case 0: req.numberOfAcceptedObjects++; if (req.radius > 0) { LatLon loc = am.getLocation(); List locs = req.tiles.get(req.getTileHashOnPath(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude())); if (locs == null) { return null; } AmenityRoutePoint arp = dist(am.getLocation(), locs, req.radius); if (arp == null) { return null; } else { am.setRoutePoint(arp); } } return am; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.DX_FIELD_NUMBER: x = (codedIS.readSInt32() + (px << (24 - zoom))) << 7; break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.DY_FIELD_NUMBER: y = (codedIS.readSInt32() + (py << (24 - zoom))) << 7; req.numberOfVisitedObjects++; if (checkBounds) { if (left31 > x || right31 < x || top31 > y || bottom31 < y) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return null; } } am = new Amenity(); am.setLocation(MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(y), MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(x)); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.SUBCATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER: int subtypev = codedIS.readUInt32(); retValue.setLength(0); PoiSubType st = region.getSubtypeFromId(subtypev, retValue); if (st != null) { am.setAdditionalInfo(, retValue.toString()); } break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.TEXTCATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER: int texttypev = codedIS.readUInt32(); retValue.setLength(0); PoiSubType textt = region.getSubtypeFromId(texttypev, retValue); if (textt != null && textt.text) { if (textTags == null) { textTags = new LinkedList(); } textTags.add(; } break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.TEXTVALUES_FIELD_NUMBER: String str = codedIS.readString(); if (textTags != null && !textTags.isEmpty()) { am.setAdditionalInfo(textTags.poll(), str); } break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.CATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER: int cat = codedIS.readUInt32(); int subcatId = cat >> SHIFT_BITS_CATEGORY; int catId = cat & CATEGORY_MASK; PoiCategory type = poiTypes.getOtherPoiCategory(); String subtype = ""; if (catId < region.categoriesType.size()) { type = region.categoriesType.get(catId); List subcats = region.subcategories.get(catId); if (subcatId < subcats.size()) { subtype = subcats.get(subcatId); } } if (req.poiTypeFilter == null || req.poiTypeFilter.accept(type, subtype)) { if (amenityType == null) { amenityType = type; am.setSubType(subtype); am.setType(amenityType); } else { am.setSubType(am.getSubType() + ";" + subtype); } } break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.ID_FIELD_NUMBER: am.setId(codedIS.readUInt64()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.NAME_FIELD_NUMBER: am.setName(codedIS.readString()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.NAMEEN_FIELD_NUMBER: am.setEnName(codedIS.readString()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.OPENINGHOURS_FIELD_NUMBER: am.setOpeningHours(codedIS.readString()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.SITE_FIELD_NUMBER: am.setSite(codedIS.readString()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.PHONE_FIELD_NUMBER: am.setPhone(codedIS.readString()); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBoxDataAtom.NOTE_FIELD_NUMBER: am.setDescription(codedIS.readString()); break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private boolean checkCategories(SearchRequest req, PoiRegion region) throws IOException { StringBuilder subType = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return false; // case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiCategories.SUBCATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER: // int subcatvl = codedIS.readUInt32(); // if(req.poiTypeFilter.filterSubtypes()) { // subType.setLength(0); // PoiSubType pt = region.getSubtypeFromId(subcatvl, subType); // if(pt != null && req.poiTypeFilter.accept(, subType.toString())) { // codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); // return true; // } // } // break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiCategories.CATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER: PoiCategory type = poiTypes.getOtherPoiCategory(); String subcat = ""; int cat = codedIS.readUInt32(); int subcatId = cat >> SHIFT_BITS_CATEGORY; int catId = cat & CATEGORY_MASK; if (catId < region.categoriesType.size()) { type = region.categoriesType.get(catId); List subcats = region.subcategories.get(catId); if (subcatId < subcats.size()) { subcat = subcats.get(subcatId); } } if (req.poiTypeFilter.accept(type, subcat)) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return true; } break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } private boolean readBoxField(int left31, int right31, int top31, int bottom31, int px, int py, int pzoom, TIntLongHashMap offsetsMap, TLongHashSet skipTiles, SearchRequest req, PoiRegion region) throws IOException { req.numberOfReadSubtrees++; int zoomToSkip = req.zoom == -1 ? 31 : req.zoom + ZOOM_TO_SKIP_FILTER_READ; boolean checkBox = true; boolean existsCategories = false; int zoom = pzoom; int dy = py; int dx = px; while (true) { if (req.isCancelled()) { return false; } int t = codedIS.readTag(); int tag = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(t); switch (tag) { case 0: return existsCategories; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBox.ZOOM_FIELD_NUMBER: zoom = codedIS.readUInt32() + pzoom; break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBox.LEFT_FIELD_NUMBER: dx = codedIS.readSInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBox.TOP_FIELD_NUMBER: dy = codedIS.readSInt32(); break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBox.CATEGORIES_FIELD_NUMBER: if (req.poiTypeFilter == null) { skipUnknownField(t); } else { int length = codedIS.readRawVarint32(); int oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); boolean check = checkCategories(req, region); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); if (!check) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return false; } existsCategories = true; } break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBox.SUBBOXES_FIELD_NUMBER: { int x = dx + (px << (zoom - pzoom)); int y = dy + (py << (zoom - pzoom)); if (checkBox) { int xL = x << (31 - zoom); int xR = ((x + 1) << (31 - zoom)) - 1; int yT = y << (31 - zoom); int yB = ((y + 1) << (31 - zoom)) - 1; // check intersection if (left31 > xR || xL > right31 || bottom31 < yT || yB < top31) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return false; } req.numberOfAcceptedSubtrees++; checkBox = false; } int length = readInt(); int oldLimit = codedIS.pushLimit(length); boolean exists = readBoxField(left31, right31, top31, bottom31, x, y, zoom, offsetsMap, skipTiles, req, region); codedIS.popLimit(oldLimit); if (skipTiles != null && zoom >= zoomToSkip && exists) { long val = ((((long) x) >> (zoom - zoomToSkip)) << zoomToSkip) | (((long) y) >> (zoom - zoomToSkip)); if (skipTiles.contains(val)) { codedIS.skipRawBytes(codedIS.getBytesUntilLimit()); return true; } } } break; case OsmandOdb.OsmAndPoiBox.SHIFTTODATA_FIELD_NUMBER: { int x = dx + (px << (zoom - pzoom)); int y = dy + (py << (zoom - pzoom)); boolean read = true; if (req.tiles != null) { long zx = x << (SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI - zoom); long zy = y << (SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI - zoom); read = req.tiles.contains((zx << SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI) + zy); } int offset = readInt(); if (read) { if (skipTiles != null && zoom >= zoomToSkip) { long valSkip = ((((long) x) >> (zoom - zoomToSkip)) << zoomToSkip) | (((long) y) >> (zoom - zoomToSkip)); offsetsMap.put(offset, valSkip); skipTiles.add(valSkip); } else { offsetsMap.put(offset, -1); } } } break; default: skipUnknownField(t); break; } } } }