package net.osmand.router; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteRegion; import net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject; import; import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; public class RoutePlannerFrontEnd { private boolean useOldVersion; protected static final Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(BinaryRoutePlannerOld.class); public RoutePlannerFrontEnd(boolean useOldVersion) { this.useOldVersion = useOldVersion; } private static double squareRootDist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // translate into meters double dy = MapUtils.convert31YToMeters(y1, y2); double dx = MapUtils.convert31XToMeters(x1, x2); return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); // return measuredDist(x1, y1, x2, y2); } private static double calculateProjection(int xA, int yA, int xB, int yB, int xC, int yC) { // Scalar multiplication between (AB, AC) double multiple = MapUtils.convert31XToMeters(xB, xA) * MapUtils.convert31XToMeters(xC, xA) + MapUtils.convert31YToMeters(yB, yA) * MapUtils.convert31YToMeters(yC, yA); return multiple; } private static double squareDist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // translate into meters double dy = MapUtils.convert31YToMeters(y1, y2); double dx = MapUtils. convert31XToMeters(x1, x2); return dx * dx + dy * dy; } public RouteSegment findRouteSegment(double lat, double lon, RoutingContext ctx) throws IOException { int px = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(lon); int py = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(lat); ArrayList dataObjects = new ArrayList(); ctx.loadTileData(px, py, 17, dataObjects); if (dataObjects.isEmpty()) { ctx.loadTileData(px, py, 15, dataObjects); } RouteSegment road = null; double sdist = 0; int foundProjX = 0; int foundProjY = 0; for (RouteDataObject r : dataObjects) { if (r.getPointsLength() > 1) { for (int j = 1; j < r.getPointsLength(); j++) { double mDist = squareRootDist(r.getPoint31XTile(j), r.getPoint31YTile(j), r.getPoint31XTile(j - 1), r.getPoint31YTile(j - 1)); int prx = r.getPoint31XTile(j); int pry = r.getPoint31YTile(j); double projection = calculateProjection(r.getPoint31XTile(j - 1), r.getPoint31YTile(j - 1), r.getPoint31XTile(j), r.getPoint31YTile(j), px, py); if (projection < 0) { prx = r.getPoint31XTile(j - 1); pry = r.getPoint31YTile(j - 1); } else if (projection >= mDist * mDist) { prx = r.getPoint31XTile(j); pry = r.getPoint31YTile(j); } else { prx = (int) (r.getPoint31XTile(j - 1) + (r.getPoint31XTile(j) - r.getPoint31XTile(j - 1)) * (projection / (mDist * mDist))); pry = (int) (r.getPoint31YTile(j - 1) + (r.getPoint31YTile(j) - r.getPoint31YTile(j - 1)) * (projection / (mDist * mDist))); } double currentsDist = squareDist(prx, pry, px, py); if (road == null || currentsDist < sdist) { RouteDataObject ro = new RouteDataObject(r); road = new RouteSegment(ro, j); ro.insert(j, prx, pry); sdist = currentsDist; foundProjX = prx; foundProjY = pry; } } } } if (road != null) { // re-register the best road because one more point was inserted ctx.registerRouteDataObject(road.getRoad()); } return road; } public List searchRoute(final RoutingContext ctx, LatLon start, LatLon end, List intermediates, boolean leftSideNavigation) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if(ctx.calculationProgress == null) { ctx.calculationProgress = new RouteCalculationProgress(); } if((intermediates == null || intermediates.isEmpty()) && useOldVersion && ctx.nativeLib != null) { ctx.startX = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(start.getLongitude()); ctx.startY = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(start.getLatitude()); ctx.targetX = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(end.getLongitude()); ctx.targetY = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(end.getLatitude()); List res = runNativeRouting(ctx, leftSideNavigation); if(res != null) { new RouteResultPreparation().printResults(ctx, start, end, res); } return res; } int indexNotFound = 0; List points = new ArrayList(); if(!addSegment(start, ctx, indexNotFound++, points)){ return null; } if (intermediates != null) { for (LatLon l : intermediates) { if (!addSegment(l, ctx, indexNotFound++, points)) { return null; } } } if(!addSegment(end, ctx, indexNotFound++, points)){ return null; } List res = searchRoute(ctx, points, leftSideNavigation); if(res != null) { new RouteResultPreparation().printResults(ctx, start, end, res); } return res; } private boolean addSegment(LatLon s, RoutingContext ctx, int indexNotFound, List res) throws IOException { RouteSegment f = findRouteSegment(s.getLatitude(), s.getLongitude(), ctx); if(f == null){ ctx.calculationProgress.segmentNotFound = indexNotFound; return false; } else {"Route segment found " + f.getRoad().id + " " + f.getRoad().getName()); res.add(f); return true; } } private List searchRouteInternalPrepare(final RoutingContext ctx, RouteSegment start, RouteSegment end, boolean leftSideNavigation) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ctx.targetX = end.road.getPoint31XTile(end.getSegmentStart()); ctx.targetY = end.road.getPoint31YTile(end.getSegmentStart()); ctx.startX = start.road.getPoint31XTile(start.getSegmentStart()); ctx.startY = start.road.getPoint31YTile(start.getSegmentStart()); if (ctx.nativeLib != null && useOldVersion) { return runNativeRouting(ctx, leftSideNavigation); } else { refreshProgressDistance(ctx); // Split into 2 methods to let GC work in between if(useOldVersion) { new BinaryRoutePlannerOld().searchRouteInternal(ctx, start, end); } else { ctx.finalRouteSegment = new BinaryRoutePlanner().searchRouteInternal(ctx, start, end); } // 4. Route is found : collect all segments and prepare result return new RouteResultPreparation().prepareResult(ctx, ctx.finalRouteSegment, leftSideNavigation); } } private void refreshProgressDistance(RoutingContext ctx) { if(ctx.calculationProgress != null) { ctx.calculationProgress.distanceFromBegin = 0; ctx.calculationProgress.distanceFromEnd = 0; ctx.calculationProgress.reverseSegmentQueueSize = 0; ctx.calculationProgress.directSegmentQueueSize = 0; float rd = (float) squareRootDist(ctx.startX, ctx.startY, ctx.targetX, ctx.targetY); float speed = 0.9f * ctx.config.router.getMaxDefaultSpeed(); ctx.calculationProgress.totalEstimatedDistance = (float) (rd / speed); } } private List runNativeRouting(final RoutingContext ctx, boolean leftSideNavigation) throws IOException { refreshProgressDistance(ctx); RouteRegion[] regions = ctx.reverseMap.keySet().toArray(new BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteRegion[ctx.reverseMap.size()]); RouteSegmentResult[] res = ctx.nativeLib.runNativeRouting(ctx.startX, ctx.startY, ctx.targetX, ctx.targetY, ctx.config, regions, ctx.calculationProgress); ArrayList result = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(res)); ctx.routingTime = ctx.calculationProgress.routingCalculatedTime; ctx.visitedSegments = ctx.calculationProgress.visitedSegments; ctx.loadedTiles = ctx.calculationProgress.loadedTiles; return new RouteResultPreparation().prepareResult(ctx, leftSideNavigation, result); } private List searchRoute(final RoutingContext ctx, List points, boolean leftSideNavigation) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if(points.size() > 2) { ArrayList firstPartRecalculatedRoute = null; ArrayList restPartRecalculatedRoute = null; if (ctx.previouslyCalculatedRoute != null) { List prev = ctx.previouslyCalculatedRoute; long id = points.get(1).getRoad().id; int ss = points.get(1).getSegmentStart(); for (int i = 0; i < prev.size(); i++) { RouteSegmentResult rsr = prev.get(i); if (id == rsr.getObject().getId() && ss == rsr.getEndPointIndex()) { firstPartRecalculatedRoute = new ArrayList(i + 1); restPartRecalculatedRoute = new ArrayList(prev.size() - i); for(int k = 0; k < prev.size(); k++) { if(k <= i) { firstPartRecalculatedRoute.add(prev.get(k)); } else { restPartRecalculatedRoute.add(prev.get(k)); } } break; } } } List results = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) { RoutingContext local = new RoutingContext(ctx); if(i == 0) { local.previouslyCalculatedRoute = firstPartRecalculatedRoute; } local.visitor = ctx.visitor; local.calculationProgress = ctx.calculationProgress; List res = searchRouteInternalPrepare(local, points.get(i), points.get(i + 1), leftSideNavigation); results.addAll(res); ctx.distinctLoadedTiles += local.distinctLoadedTiles; ctx.loadedTiles += local.loadedTiles; ctx.visitedSegments += local.visitedSegments; ctx.loadedPrevUnloadedTiles += local.loadedPrevUnloadedTiles; ctx.timeToCalculate += local.timeToCalculate; ctx.timeToLoad += local.timeToLoad; ctx.timeToLoadHeaders += local.timeToLoadHeaders; ctx.relaxedSegments += local.relaxedSegments; ctx.routingTime += local.routingTime; local.unloadAllData(ctx); if(restPartRecalculatedRoute != null) { results.addAll(restPartRecalculatedRoute); break; } } ctx.unloadAllData(); return results; } return searchRoute(ctx, points.get(0), points.get(1), leftSideNavigation); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private List searchRoute(final RoutingContext ctx, RouteSegment start, RouteSegment end, boolean leftSideNavigation) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if(ctx.SHOW_GC_SIZE){ long h1 = ctx.runGCUsedMemory(); float mb = (1 << 20); log.warn("Used before routing " + h1 / mb+ " actual"); } List result = searchRouteInternalPrepare(ctx, start, end, leftSideNavigation); if (RoutingContext.SHOW_GC_SIZE) { int sz =; log.warn("Subregion size " + ctx.subregionTiles.size() + " " + " tiles " + ctx.indexedSubregions.size()); ctx.runGCUsedMemory(); long h1 = ctx.runGCUsedMemory(); ctx.unloadAllData(); ctx.runGCUsedMemory(); long h2 = ctx.runGCUsedMemory(); float mb = (1 << 20); log.warn("Unload context : estimated " + sz / mb + " ?= " + (h1 - h2) / mb + " actual"); } return result; } }