package net.osmand.telegram import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import android.hardware.* import android.location.Location import android.os.Looper import android.util.Log import* import net.osmand.PlatformUtil import import net.osmand.telegram.utils.AndroidUtils import net.osmand.util.MapUtils import java.util.* import kotlin.math.atan2 class TelegramLocationProvider(private val app: TelegramApplication) : SensorEventListener { private var lastTimeGPSLocationFixed: Long = 0 private var sensorRegistered = false private val mGravs = FloatArray(3) private val mGeoMags = FloatArray(3) private var previousCorrectionValue = 360f internal var avgValSin = 0f internal var avgValCos = 0f internal var lastValSin = 0f internal var lastValCos = 0f private val previousCompassValuesA = FloatArray(50) private val previousCompassValuesB = FloatArray(50) private var previousCompassIndA = 0 private var previousCompassIndB = 0 private var inUpdateValue = false @get:Synchronized var heading: Float? = null private set // Current screen orientation private var currentScreenOrientation: Int = 0 var lastKnownLocation: net.osmand.Location? = null private set private var fusedLocationProviderClient: FusedLocationProviderClient? = null private val locationRequest = LocationRequest().apply { interval = 1000 fastestInterval = 500 maxWaitTime = 2000 priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY } private val locationCallback = object : LocationCallback() { override fun onLocationResult(locationResult: LocationResult?) { super.onLocationResult(locationResult) val lastLocation = locationResult?.lastLocation if (lastLocation != null) { lastTimeGPSLocationFixed = lastLocation.time } setLocation(convertLocation(lastLocation)) } } private val locationListeners = ArrayList() private val compassListeners = ArrayList() private val mRotationM = FloatArray(9) private val useMagneticFieldSensorCompass = false val lastKnownLocationLatLon: LatLon? get() = if (lastKnownLocation != null) { LatLon(lastKnownLocation!!.latitude, lastKnownLocation!!.longitude) } else { null } interface TelegramLocationListener { fun updateLocation(location: net.osmand.Location?) } interface TelegramCompassListener { fun updateCompassValue(value: Float) } @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") fun resumeAllUpdates() { if (AndroidUtils.isLocationPermissionAvailable(app) && fusedLocationProviderClient == null) { fusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(app) } try { fusedLocationProviderClient?.requestLocationUpdates( locationRequest, locationCallback, Looper.myLooper()) } catch (unlikely: SecurityException) { Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Lost location permissions. Couldn't request updates. $unlikely") } registerOrUnregisterCompassListener(true) } fun updateScreenOrientation(orientation: Int) { currentScreenOrientation = orientation } fun addLocationListener(listener: TelegramLocationListener) { if (!locationListeners.contains(listener)) { locationListeners.add(listener) } } fun removeLocationListener(listener: TelegramLocationListener) { locationListeners.remove(listener) } fun addCompassListener(listener: TelegramCompassListener) { if (!compassListeners.contains(listener)) { compassListeners.add(listener) } } fun removeCompassListener(listener: TelegramCompassListener) { compassListeners.remove(listener) } @Synchronized fun registerOrUnregisterCompassListener(register: Boolean) { if (sensorRegistered && !register) { Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Disable sensor") (app.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager).unregisterListener(this) sensorRegistered = false heading = null } else if (!sensorRegistered && register) { Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Enable sensor") val sensorMgr = app.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager if (useMagneticFieldSensorCompass) { var s: Sensor? = sensorMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) if (s == null || !sensorMgr.registerListener( this, s, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI ) ) { Log.e(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Sensor accelerometer could not be enabled") } s = sensorMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) if (s == null || !sensorMgr.registerListener( this, s, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI ) ) { Log.e(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Sensor magnetic field could not be enabled") } } else { val s = sensorMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION) if (s == null || !sensorMgr.registerListener( this, s, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI ) ) { Log.e(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Sensor orientation could not be enabled") } } sensorRegistered = true } } override fun onAccuracyChanged(sensor: Sensor, accuracy: Int) {} override fun onSensorChanged(event: SensorEvent) { // Attention : sensor produces a lot of events & can hang the system if (inUpdateValue) { return } synchronized(this) { if (!sensorRegistered) { return } inUpdateValue = true try { var `val` = 0f when (event.sensor.type) { Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER -> System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, mGravs, 0, 3) Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD -> System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, mGeoMags, 0, 3) Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION -> `val` = event.values[0] else -> return } if (useMagneticFieldSensorCompass) { if (mGravs != null && mGeoMags != null) { val success = SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(mRotationM, null, mGravs, mGeoMags) if (!success) { return } val orientation = SensorManager.getOrientation(mRotationM, FloatArray(3)) `val` = Math.toDegrees(orientation[0].toDouble()).toFloat() } else { return } } `val` = calcScreenOrientationCorrection(`val`) `val` = calcGeoMagneticCorrection(`val`) val valRad = (`val` / 180f * Math.PI).toFloat() lastValSin = Math.sin(valRad.toDouble()).toFloat() lastValCos = Math.cos(valRad.toDouble()).toFloat() avgValSin = lastValSin avgValCos = lastValCos updateCompassVal() } finally { inUpdateValue = false } } } private fun calcGeoMagneticCorrection(value: Float): Float { var res = value if (previousCorrectionValue == 360f && lastKnownLocation != null) { val l = lastKnownLocation val gf = GeomagneticField( l!!.latitude.toFloat(), l.longitude.toFloat(), l.altitude.toFloat(), System.currentTimeMillis() ) previousCorrectionValue = gf.declination } if (previousCorrectionValue != 360f) { res += previousCorrectionValue } return res } private fun calcScreenOrientationCorrection(value: Float): Float { var res = value when (currentScreenOrientation) { 1 -> res += 90f 2 -> res += 180f 3 -> res -= 90f } return res } private fun filterCompassValue() { if (heading == null && previousCompassIndA == 0) { Arrays.fill(previousCompassValuesA, lastValSin) Arrays.fill(previousCompassValuesB, lastValCos) avgValSin = lastValSin avgValCos = lastValCos } else { val l = previousCompassValuesA.size previousCompassIndA = (previousCompassIndA + 1) % l previousCompassIndB = (previousCompassIndB + 1) % l // update average avgValSin += (-previousCompassValuesA[previousCompassIndA] + lastValSin) / l previousCompassValuesA[previousCompassIndA] = lastValSin avgValCos += (-previousCompassValuesB[previousCompassIndB] + lastValCos) / l previousCompassValuesB[previousCompassIndB] = lastValCos } } private fun updateCompassVal() { heading = getAngle(avgValSin, avgValCos) for (c in compassListeners) { c.updateCompassValue(heading!!) } } private fun getAngle(sinA: Float, cosA: Float) = MapUtils.unifyRotationTo360( (atan2(sinA.toDouble(), cosA.toDouble()) * 180 / Math.PI).toFloat() ) private fun updateLocation(loc: net.osmand.Location?) { for (l in locationListeners) { l.updateLocation(loc) } } private fun stopLocationRequests() { try { fusedLocationProviderClient?.removeLocationUpdates(locationCallback) } catch (unlikely: SecurityException) { Log.d(PlatformUtil.TAG, "Lost location permissions. Couldn't remove updates. $unlikely") } } fun pauseAllUpdates() { stopLocationRequests() registerOrUnregisterCompassListener(false) } private fun setLocation(location: net.osmand.Location?) { this.lastKnownLocation = location updateLocation(this.lastKnownLocation) } fun checkIfLastKnownLocationIsValid() { val loc = lastKnownLocation if (loc != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - loc.time > INTERVAL_TO_CLEAR_SET_LOCATION) { setLocation(null) } } companion object { private const val INTERVAL_TO_CLEAR_SET_LOCATION = 30 * 1000 fun convertLocation(l: Location?): net.osmand.Location? { if (l == null) { return null } val r = net.osmand.Location(l.provider) r.latitude = l.latitude r.longitude = l.longitude r.time = l.time if (l.hasAccuracy()) { r.accuracy = l.accuracy } if (l.hasSpeed()) { r.speed = l.speed } if (l.hasAltitude()) { r.altitude = l.altitude } if (l.hasBearing()) { r.bearing = l.bearing } return r } } }