package net.osmand.binary; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import net.osmand.ResultMatcher; import net.osmand.CollatorStringMatcher.StringMatcherMode; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner; import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegmentPoint; import net.osmand.router.RoutePlannerFrontEnd; import net.osmand.router.RoutingContext; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet; public class GeocodingUtilities { private static final Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(GeocodingUtilities.class); public static final float THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER_SKIP_STREETS_AFTER = 4; public static final float STOP_SEARCHING_STREET_WITH_MULTIPLIER_RADIUS = 100; public static final float STOP_SEARCHING_STREET_WITHOUT_MULTIPLIER_RADIUS = 400; public static final float DISTANCE_STREET_NAME_PROXIMITY_BY_NAME = 15000; public static final float DISTANCE_STREET_FROM_CLOSEST_WITH_SAME_NAME = 1000; public static final float THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER_SKIP_BUILDINGS_AFTER = 1.5f; public static final float DISTANCE_BUILDING_PROXIMITY = 100; public static final String[] SUFFIXES = new String[]{ "av.", "avenue", "просп.", "пер.", "пр.", "заул.", "проспект", "переул.", "бул.", "бульвар", "тракт"}; public static final String[] DEFAULT_SUFFIXES = new String[]{ "str.", "street", "улица", "ул.", "вулица", "вул.", "вулиця"}; private static Set SET_DEF_SUFFIXES = null; private static Set SET_SUFFIXES = null; public static Set getDefSuffixesSet() { if (SET_DEF_SUFFIXES == null) { SET_DEF_SUFFIXES = new TreeSet(); SET_DEF_SUFFIXES.addAll(Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_SUFFIXES)); } return SET_DEF_SUFFIXES; } public static Set getSuffixesSet() { if (SET_SUFFIXES == null) { SET_SUFFIXES = new TreeSet(); SET_SUFFIXES.addAll(Arrays.asList(SUFFIXES)); } return SET_SUFFIXES; } public static final Comparator DISTANCE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(GeocodingResult o1, GeocodingResult o2) { LatLon l1 = o1.getLocation(); LatLon l2 = o2.getLocation(); if (l1 == null || l2 == null) { return l2 == l1 ? 0 : (l1 == null ? -1 : 1); } return, o1.searchPoint), MapUtils.getDistance(l2, o2.searchPoint)); } }; public static class GeocodingResult { public GeocodingResult() { } public GeocodingResult(GeocodingResult r) { this.searchPoint = r.searchPoint; this.regionFP = r.regionFP; this.regionLen = r.regionLen; this.connectionPoint = r.connectionPoint; this.streetName = r.streetName; this.point = r.point; this.building = r.building; =; this.street = r.street; } // input public LatLon searchPoint; // 1st step public LatLon connectionPoint; public int regionFP; public int regionLen; public RouteSegmentPoint point; public String streetName; // justification public Building building; public String buildingInterpolation; public Street street; public City city; private double dist = -1; public LatLon getLocation() { return connectionPoint; } public double getDistance() { if (dist == -1 && connectionPoint != null && searchPoint != null) { dist = MapUtils.getDistance(connectionPoint, searchPoint); } return dist; } public double getDistanceP() { if (point != null && searchPoint != null) { // Need distance between searchPoint and nearest RouteSegmentPoint here, to approximate distance from neareest named road return Math.sqrt(point.distSquare); } else { return -1; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(); if (building != null) { bld.append(building.getName()); } if (street != null) { bld.append(" str. ").append(street.getName()).append(" city ").append(city.getName()); } else if (streetName != null) { bld.append(" str. ").append(streetName); } else if (city != null) { bld.append(" city ").append(city.getName()); } if (connectionPoint != null && searchPoint != null) { bld.append(" dist=").append((int) getDistance()); } return bld.toString(); } } public List reverseGeocodingSearch(RoutingContext ctx, double lat, double lon) throws IOException { RoutePlannerFrontEnd rp = new RoutePlannerFrontEnd(false); List lst = new ArrayList(); List listR = new ArrayList(); rp.findRouteSegment(lat, lon, ctx, listR); double distSquare = 0; TLongHashSet set = new TLongHashSet(); Set streetNames = new HashSet(); for (RouteSegmentPoint p : listR) { RouteDataObject road = p.getRoad(); if (!set.add(road.getId())) { continue; } // System.out.println(road.toString() + " " + Math.sqrt(p.distSquare)); boolean emptyName = Algorithms.isEmpty(road.getName()) && Algorithms.isEmpty(road.getRef()); if (!emptyName) { if (distSquare == 0 || distSquare > p.distSquare) { distSquare = p.distSquare; } GeocodingResult sr = new GeocodingResult(); sr.searchPoint = new LatLon(lat, lon); sr.streetName = Algorithms.isEmpty(road.getName()) ? road.getRef() : road.getName(); sr.point = p; sr.connectionPoint = new LatLon(MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(p.preciseY), MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(p.preciseX)); sr.regionFP = road.region.getFilePointer(); sr.regionLen = road.region.getLength(); if (streetNames.add(sr.streetName)) { lst.add(sr); } } if (p.distSquare > STOP_SEARCHING_STREET_WITH_MULTIPLIER_RADIUS * STOP_SEARCHING_STREET_WITH_MULTIPLIER_RADIUS && distSquare != 0 && p.distSquare > THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER_SKIP_STREETS_AFTER * distSquare) { break; } if (p.distSquare > STOP_SEARCHING_STREET_WITHOUT_MULTIPLIER_RADIUS * STOP_SEARCHING_STREET_WITHOUT_MULTIPLIER_RADIUS) { break; } } Collections.sort(lst, GeocodingUtilities.DISTANCE_COMPARATOR); return lst; } public List prepareStreetName(String s) { List ls = new ArrayList(); int beginning = 0; for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') { addWord(ls, s.substring(beginning, i)); beginning = i; } else if (s.charAt(i) == '(') { addWord(ls, s.substring(beginning, i)); while (i < s.length()) { char c = s.charAt(i); i++; beginning = i; if (c == ')') break; } } } if (beginning < s.length()) { String lastWord = s.substring(beginning, s.length()); addWord(ls, lastWord); } Collections.sort(ls, Collator.getInstance()); return ls; } private void addWord(List ls, String word) { String w = word.trim().toLowerCase(); if (!Algorithms.isEmpty(w) && !getDefSuffixesSet().contains(w)) { ls.add(w); } } public List justifyReverseGeocodingSearch(final GeocodingResult road, BinaryMapIndexReader reader, double knownMinBuildingDistance, final ResultMatcher result) throws IOException { // test address index search final List streetsList = new ArrayList(); final List streetNamePacked = prepareStreetName(road.streetName); if (streetNamePacked.size() > 0) {"Search street by name " + road.streetName + " " + streetNamePacked); String mainWord = ""; for (int i = 0; i < streetNamePacked.size(); i++) { String s = streetNamePacked.get(i); if (!getSuffixesSet().contains(s) && s.length() > mainWord.length()) { mainWord = s; } } if (Algorithms.isEmpty(mainWord)) { mainWord = streetNamePacked.get(0); } SearchRequest req = BinaryMapIndexReader.buildAddressByNameRequest( new ResultMatcher() { @Override public boolean publish(MapObject object) { if (object instanceof Street && prepareStreetName(object.getName()).equals(streetNamePacked)) { double d = MapUtils.getDistance(object.getLocation(), road.searchPoint.getLatitude(), road.searchPoint.getLongitude()); if (d < DISTANCE_STREET_NAME_PROXIMITY_BY_NAME) { GeocodingResult rs = new GeocodingResult(road); rs.street = (Street) object; // set connection point to sort rs.connectionPoint = rs.street.getLocation(); = rs.street.getCity(); streetsList.add(rs); return true; } return false; } return false; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return result != null && result.isCancelled(); } }, mainWord, StringMatcherMode.CHECK_EQUALS_FROM_SPACE); req.setBBoxRadius(road.getLocation().getLatitude(), road.getLocation().getLongitude(), 20000); reader.searchAddressDataByName(req); } final List res = new ArrayList(); if (streetsList.size() == 0) { res.add(road); } else { Collections.sort(streetsList, DISTANCE_COMPARATOR); double streetDistance = 0; for (GeocodingResult street : streetsList) { if (streetDistance == 0) { streetDistance = street.getDistance(); } else if (street.getDistance() > streetDistance + DISTANCE_STREET_FROM_CLOSEST_WITH_SAME_NAME) { continue; } street.connectionPoint = road.connectionPoint; final List streetBuildings = loadStreetBuildings(road, reader, street); Collections.sort(streetBuildings, DISTANCE_COMPARATOR); if (streetBuildings.size() > 0) { Iterator it = streetBuildings.iterator(); if (knownMinBuildingDistance == 0) { GeocodingResult firstBld =; knownMinBuildingDistance = firstBld.getDistance(); res.add(firstBld); } while (it.hasNext()) { GeocodingResult nextBld =; if (nextBld.getDistance() > knownMinBuildingDistance * THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER_SKIP_BUILDINGS_AFTER) { break; } res.add(nextBld); } } res.add(street); } } Collections.sort(res, DISTANCE_COMPARATOR); return res; } private List loadStreetBuildings(final GeocodingResult road, BinaryMapIndexReader reader, GeocodingResult street) throws IOException { final List streetBuildings = new ArrayList(); reader.preloadBuildings(street.street, null);"Preload buildings " + street.street.getName() + " " + + " " + street.street.getId()); for (Building b : street.street.getBuildings()) { if (b.getLatLon2() != null) { double slat = b.getLocation().getLatitude(); double slon = b.getLocation().getLongitude(); double tolat = b.getLatLon2().getLatitude(); double tolon = b.getLatLon2().getLongitude(); double coeff = MapUtils.getProjectionCoeff(road.searchPoint.getLatitude(), road.searchPoint.getLongitude(), slat, slon, tolat, tolon); double plat = slat + (tolat - slat) * coeff; double plon = slon + (tolon - slon) * coeff; if (MapUtils.getDistance(road.searchPoint, plat, plon) < DISTANCE_BUILDING_PROXIMITY) { GeocodingResult bld = new GeocodingResult(street); bld.building = b; bld.connectionPoint = b.getLocation(); streetBuildings.add(bld); if (!Algorithms.isEmpty(b.getName2())) { int fi = Algorithms.extractFirstIntegerNumber(b.getName()); int si = Algorithms.extractFirstIntegerNumber(b.getName2()); if (si != 0 && fi != 0) { int num = (int) (fi + (si - fi) * coeff); BuildingInterpolation type = b.getInterpolationType(); if (type == BuildingInterpolation.EVEN || type == BuildingInterpolation.ODD) { if (num % 2 == (type == BuildingInterpolation.EVEN ? 1 : 0)) { num--; } } else if (b.getInterpolationInterval() > 0) { int intv = b.getInterpolationInterval(); if ((num - fi) % intv != 0) { num = ((num - fi) / intv) * intv + fi; } } bld.buildingInterpolation = num + ""; } } } } else if (MapUtils.getDistance(b.getLocation(), road.searchPoint) < DISTANCE_BUILDING_PROXIMITY) { GeocodingResult bld = new GeocodingResult(street); bld.building = b; bld.connectionPoint = b.getLocation(); streetBuildings.add(bld); } } return streetBuildings; } }