package net.osmand.router.test; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader; import net.osmand.router.BicycleRouter; import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner; import net.osmand.router.CarRouter; import net.osmand.router.PedestrianRouter; import net.osmand.router.RouteSegmentResult; import net.osmand.router.RoutingContext; import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment; import net.osmand.swing.NativeSwingRendering; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class RouterTestsSuite { // TODO add one international test // POLAND/BELARUS (problems with way connection) The best at 100% // Start lat=52.115756035004786 lon=23.56539487838745 // END lat=52.03710226357107 lon=23.47106695175171 // id=32032589 start=8 end=9 // id=32032656 start=0 end=18 // id=32031919 start=1 end=0 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(RouterTestsSuite.class.getResourceAsStream("")); boolean allSuccess = true; allSuccess &= test("belarus_test.xml", properties); allSuccess &= test("germany_test.xml", properties); if (allSuccess) { System.out.println("All is successfull"); } } private static BinaryMapIndexReader[] getMapRegions(String regions, Properties properties) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String[] regionsSplit = regions.split(","); BinaryMapIndexReader[] readers = new BinaryMapIndexReader[regionsSplit.length]; int i = 0; for (String reg : regionsSplit) { reg = reg.toUpperCase().trim(); if (!properties.containsKey(reg)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Region " + reg + " is not found in the file"); } BinaryMapIndexReader r = new BinaryMapIndexReader(new RandomAccessFile((String) properties.get(reg), "r"), false); readers[i++] = r; } return readers; } private static boolean test(String file, Properties properties) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { InputStream resource = RouterTestsSuite.class.getResourceAsStream(file); Document testSuite = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(resource)); NodeList tests = testSuite.getElementsByTagName("test"); for(int i=0; i < tests.getLength(); i++){ Element e = (Element) tests.item(i); BinaryMapIndexReader[] regions = getMapRegions(e.getAttribute("regions"), properties); testRoute(e, regions); } return true; } private static void testRoute(Element testCase, BinaryMapIndexReader[] regions) throws IOException { BinaryRoutePlanner planner = new BinaryRoutePlanner(NativeSwingRendering.getDefaultFromSettings(), regions); RoutingContext ctx = new RoutingContext(); String vehicle = testCase.getAttribute("vehicle"); String testDescription = testCase.getAttribute("description"); String skip = testCase.getAttribute("skip_comment"); if (skip != null && skip.length() > 0) { System.err.println("\n\n!! Skipped test case '" + testDescription + "' because '" + skip + "'\n\n" ); return; } if("bicycle".equals(vehicle)){ ctx.setRouter(new BicycleRouter()); } else if("pedestrian".equals(vehicle)){ ctx.setRouter(new PedestrianRouter()); } else { ctx.setRouter(new CarRouter()); } double startLat = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("start_lat")); double startLon = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("start_lon")); RouteSegment startSegment = planner.findRouteSegment(startLat, startLon, ctx); double endLat = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("target_lat")); double endLon = Double.parseDouble(testCase.getAttribute("target_lon")); RouteSegment endSegment = planner.findRouteSegment(endLat, endLon, ctx); if(startSegment == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start segment is not found for test : " + testDescription); } if(endSegment == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("End segment is not found for test : " + testDescription); } List route = planner.searchRoute(ctx, startSegment, endSegment); NodeList segments = testCase.getElementsByTagName("segment"); int i = 0; while (i < segments.getLength() && i < route.size()) { Element segment = (Element) segments.item(i); long expectedId = Long.parseLong(segment.getAttribute("id")); int expectedStart = Integer.parseInt(segment.getAttribute("start")); int expectedEnd = Integer.parseInt(segment.getAttribute("end")); RouteSegmentResult segmentResult = route.get(i); if (expectedId != segmentResult.getObject().getId() >> 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test : '" + testDescription + "' on segment " + (i + 1) + " : " + "\n" + "(expected route id) " + expectedId + " != " + (segmentResult.getObject().getId() >> 1) + " (actual route id)"); } if (expectedStart != segmentResult.getStartPointIndex()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test : '" + testDescription + "' on segment " + (i + 1) + " : " + "\n" + "(expected start index) " + expectedStart + " != " + segmentResult.getStartPointIndex() + " (actual start index)"); } if (expectedEnd != segmentResult.getEndPointIndex()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test : '" + testDescription + "' on segment " + (i + 1) + " : " + "\n" + "(expected end index) " + expectedEnd + " != " + segmentResult.getEndPointIndex() + " (actual end index)"); } i++; } if(segments.getLength() < route.size()){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected route is shorter than calculated for test : " + testDescription); } else if(segments.getLength() > route.size()){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected route is more lengthy than calculated for test : " + testDescription); } } }