package net.osmand; public class RenderingContext { static enum ShadowRenderingMode { // int shadowRenderingMode = 0; // no shadow (minumum CPU) // int shadowRenderingMode = 1; // classic shadow (the implementaton in master) // int shadowRenderingMode = 2; // blur shadow (most CPU, but still reasonable) // int shadowRenderingMode = 3; solid border (CPU use like classic version or even smaller) NO_SHADOW(0), ONE_STEP(1), BLUR_SHADOW(2), SOLID_SHADOW(3); public final int value; ShadowRenderingMode(int v) { this.value = v; } } // FIELDS OF THAT CLASS ARE USED IN C++ public boolean interrupted = false; public boolean nightMode = false; public boolean useEnglishNames = false; public int defaultColor = 0xf1eee8; public RenderingContext() { } public float leftX; public float topY; public int width; public int height; public int zoom; public float tileDivisor; public float rotate; // debug purpose public int pointCount = 0; public int pointInsideCount = 0; public int visible = 0; public int allObjects = 0; public int textRenderingTime = 0; public int lastRenderedKey = 0; // be aware field is using in C++ public int shadowRenderingMode = ShadowRenderingMode.BLUR_SHADOW.value; public int shadowRenderingColor = 0xff969696; public String renderingDebugInfo; private float density = 1; public void setDensityValue(boolean highResMode, float mapTextSize, float density) { // boolean highResMode = false; // float mapTextSize = 1; if (highResMode && density > 1) { this.density = density * mapTextSize; } else { this.density = mapTextSize; } } public float getDensityValue(float val) { return val * density; } protected byte[] getIconRawData(String data) { return null; } }