2018-09-10 12:25:29 +03:00

1282 lines
42 KiB

package net.osmand.telegram.helpers
import android.text.TextUtils
import net.osmand.PlatformUtil
import net.osmand.telegram.helpers.TelegramHelper.TelegramAuthenticationParameterType.*
import net.osmand.telegram.utils.GRAYSCALE_PHOTOS_DIR
import net.osmand.telegram.utils.GRAYSCALE_PHOTOS_EXT
import org.drinkless.td.libcore.telegram.Client
import org.drinkless.td.libcore.telegram.Client.ResultHandler
import org.drinkless.td.libcore.telegram.TdApi
import org.drinkless.td.libcore.telegram.TdApi.AuthorizationState
import java.io.File
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.collections.HashSet
class TelegramHelper private constructor() {
companion object {
const val OSMAND_BOT_USERNAME = "osmand_bot"
private val log = PlatformUtil.getLog(TelegramHelper::class.java)
private const val CHATS_LIMIT = 100
private const val IGNORED_ERROR_CODE = 406
private const val DEVICE_PREFIX = "Device: "
private const val LOCATION_PREFIX = "Location: "
private const val LAST_LOCATION_PREFIX = "Last location: "
private const val FEW_SECONDS_AGO = "few seconds ago"
private const val SECONDS_AGO_SUFFIX = " seconds ago"
private const val MINUTES_AGO_SUFFIX = " minutes ago"
private const val HOURS_AGO_SUFFIX = " hours ago"
private const val UTC_FORMAT_SUFFIX = " UTC"
private val UTC_DATE_FORMAT = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US).apply {
timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")
private val UTC_TIME_FORMAT = SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss", Locale.US).apply {
timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")
// min and max values for the Telegram API
const val MAX_LOCATION_MESSAGE_LIVE_PERIOD_SEC = 60 * 60 * 24 - 1 // one day
private var helper: TelegramHelper? = null
val instance: TelegramHelper
get() {
if (helper == null) {
helper = TelegramHelper()
return helper!!
var messageActiveTimeSec: Long = 0
private val users = ConcurrentHashMap<Int, TdApi.User>()
private val basicGroups = ConcurrentHashMap<Int, TdApi.BasicGroup>()
private val supergroups = ConcurrentHashMap<Int, TdApi.Supergroup>()
private val secretChats = ConcurrentHashMap<Int, TdApi.SecretChat>()
private val chats = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, TdApi.Chat>()
private val chatList = TreeSet<OrderedChat>()
private val chatLiveMessages = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, TdApi.Message>()
private val downloadChatFilesMap = ConcurrentHashMap<String, TdApi.Chat>()
private val downloadUserFilesMap = ConcurrentHashMap<String, TdApi.User>()
// value.content can be TdApi.MessageLocation or MessageOsmAndBotLocation
private val usersLocationMessages = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, TdApi.Message>()
private val usersFullInfo = ConcurrentHashMap<Int, TdApi.UserFullInfo>()
private val basicGroupsFullInfo = ConcurrentHashMap<Int, TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo>()
private val supergroupsFullInfo = ConcurrentHashMap<Int, TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo>()
var appDir: String? = null
private var libraryLoaded = false
private var telegramAuthorizationRequestHandler: TelegramAuthorizationRequestHandler? = null
private var client: Client? = null
private var currentUser: TdApi.User? = null
private var haveFullChatList: Boolean = false
private var needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages: Boolean = true
private var requestingActiveLiveLocationMessages: Boolean = false
private var authorizationState: AuthorizationState? = null
private var haveAuthorization = false
private val defaultHandler = DefaultHandler()
private val liveLocationMessageUpdatesHandler = LiveLocationMessageUpdatesHandler()
private var updateLiveMessagesExecutor: ScheduledExecutorService? = null
var listener: TelegramListener? = null
private val incomingMessagesListeners = HashSet<TelegramIncomingMessagesListener>()
private val fullInfoUpdatesListeners = HashSet<FullInfoUpdatesListener>()
fun addIncomingMessagesListener(listener: TelegramIncomingMessagesListener) {
fun removeIncomingMessagesListener(listener: TelegramIncomingMessagesListener) {
fun addFullInfoUpdatesListener(listener: FullInfoUpdatesListener) {
fun removeFullInfoUpdatesListener(listener: FullInfoUpdatesListener) {
fun getChatList(): TreeSet<OrderedChat> {
synchronized(chatList) {
return TreeSet(chatList.filter { !it.isChannel })
fun getChatListIds() = getChatList().map { it.chatId }
fun getChatIds() = chats.keys().toList()
fun getChat(id: Long) = chats[id]
fun getUser(id: Int) = users[id]
fun getCurrentUser() = currentUser
fun getUserMessage(user: TdApi.User) =
usersLocationMessages.values.firstOrNull { it.senderUserId == user.id }
fun getChatMessages(chatId: Long) =
usersLocationMessages.values.filter { it.chatId == chatId }
fun getMessages() = usersLocationMessages.values.toList()
fun getChatLiveMessages() = chatLiveMessages
fun getMessagesByChatIds(messageExpTime: Long): Map<Long, List<TdApi.Message>> {
val res = mutableMapOf<Long, MutableList<TdApi.Message>>()
for (message in usersLocationMessages.values) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 - getLastUpdatedTime(message) < messageExpTime) {
var messages = res[message.chatId]
if (messages != null) {
} else {
messages = mutableListOf(message)
res[message.chatId] = messages
return res
fun getBasicGroupFullInfo(id: Int): TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo? {
val res = basicGroupsFullInfo[id]
if (res == null) {
return res
fun getSupergroupFullInfo(id: Int): TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo? {
val res = supergroupsFullInfo[id]
if (res == null) {
return res
fun isGroup(chat: TdApi.Chat): Boolean {
return chat.type is TdApi.ChatTypeSupergroup || chat.type is TdApi.ChatTypeBasicGroup
fun getLastUpdatedTime(message: TdApi.Message): Int {
val content = message.content
return if (content is MessageOsmAndBotLocation) {
} else {
Math.max(message.editDate, message.date)
fun isPrivateChat(chat: TdApi.Chat): Boolean = chat.type is TdApi.ChatTypePrivate
fun isSecretChat(chat: TdApi.Chat): Boolean = chat.type is TdApi.ChatTypeSecret
private fun isChannel(chat: TdApi.Chat): Boolean {
return chat.type is TdApi.ChatTypeSupergroup && (chat.type as TdApi.ChatTypeSupergroup).isChannel
enum class TelegramAuthenticationParameterType {
enum class TelegramAuthorizationState {
interface TelegramListener {
fun onTelegramStatusChanged(prevTelegramAuthorizationState: TelegramAuthorizationState,
newTelegramAuthorizationState: TelegramAuthorizationState)
fun onTelegramChatsRead()
fun onTelegramChatsChanged()
fun onTelegramChatChanged(chat: TdApi.Chat)
fun onTelegramUserChanged(user: TdApi.User)
fun onTelegramError(code: Int, message: String)
fun onSendLiveLocationError(code: Int, message: String)
interface TelegramIncomingMessagesListener {
fun onReceiveChatLocationMessages(chatId: Long, vararg messages: TdApi.Message)
fun onDeleteChatLocationMessages(chatId: Long, messages: List<TdApi.Message>)
fun updateLocationMessages()
interface FullInfoUpdatesListener {
fun onBasicGroupFullInfoUpdated(groupId: Int, info: TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo)
fun onSupergroupFullInfoUpdated(groupId: Int, info: TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo)
interface TelegramAuthorizationRequestListener {
fun onRequestTelegramAuthenticationParameter(parameterType: TelegramAuthenticationParameterType)
fun onTelegramAuthorizationRequestError(code: Int, message: String)
inner class TelegramAuthorizationRequestHandler(val telegramAuthorizationRequestListener: TelegramAuthorizationRequestListener) {
fun applyAuthenticationParameter(parameterType: TelegramAuthenticationParameterType, parameterValue: String) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(parameterValue)) {
when (parameterType) {
PHONE_NUMBER -> client!!.send(TdApi.SetAuthenticationPhoneNumber(parameterValue, false, false), AuthorizationRequestHandler())
CODE -> client!!.send(TdApi.CheckAuthenticationCode(parameterValue, "", ""), AuthorizationRequestHandler())
PASSWORD -> client!!.send(TdApi.CheckAuthenticationPassword(parameterValue), AuthorizationRequestHandler())
fun getTelegramAuthorizationState(): TelegramAuthorizationState {
val authorizationState = this.authorizationState
?: return TelegramAuthorizationState.UNKNOWN
return when (authorizationState.constructor) {
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.WAIT_PARAMETERS
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.WAIT_PHONE_NUMBER
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitCode.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.WAIT_CODE
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitPassword.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.WAIT_PASSWORD
TdApi.AuthorizationStateReady.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.READY
TdApi.AuthorizationStateLoggingOut.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.LOGGING_OUT
TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosing.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.CLOSING
TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosed.CONSTRUCTOR -> TelegramAuthorizationState.CLOSED
else -> TelegramAuthorizationState.UNKNOWN
fun setTelegramAuthorizationRequestHandler(telegramAuthorizationRequestListener: TelegramAuthorizationRequestListener): TelegramAuthorizationRequestHandler {
val handler = TelegramAuthorizationRequestHandler(telegramAuthorizationRequestListener)
this.telegramAuthorizationRequestHandler = handler
return handler
init {
try {
log.debug("Loading native tdlib...")
libraryLoaded = true
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error("Failed to load tdlib", e)
fun init(): Boolean {
return if (libraryLoaded) {
// create client
client = Client.create(UpdatesHandler(), null, null)
} else {
fun requestAuthorizationState() {
client?.send(TdApi.GetAuthorizationState()) { obj ->
if (obj is TdApi.AuthorizationState) {
onAuthorizationStateUpdated(obj, true)
fun isInit() = client != null && haveAuthorization
fun getUserPhotoPath(user: TdApi.User?) = when {
user == null -> null
hasLocalUserPhoto(user) -> user.profilePhoto?.small?.local?.path
else -> {
if (hasRemoteUserPhoto(user)) {
fun getUserGreyPhotoPath(user: TdApi.User): String? {
return if (hasGrayscaleUserPhoto(user.id)) {
} else {
fun getOsmAndBotDeviceName(message: TdApi.Message): String {
var deviceName = ""
if (message.replyMarkup is TdApi.ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard) {
val replyMarkup = message.replyMarkup as TdApi.ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard
try {
deviceName = replyMarkup.rows[0][1].text.split("\\s".toRegex())[1]
} catch (e: Exception) {
return deviceName
fun getUserIdFromChatType(type: TdApi.ChatType) = when (type) {
is TdApi.ChatTypePrivate -> type.userId
is TdApi.ChatTypeSecret -> type.userId
else -> 0
fun isOsmAndBot(userId: Int) = users[userId]?.username == OSMAND_BOT_USERNAME
fun isBot(userId: Int) = users[userId]?.type is TdApi.UserTypeBot
fun startLiveMessagesUpdates(interval: Long) {
val updateLiveMessagesExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
this.updateLiveMessagesExecutor = updateLiveMessagesExecutor
incomingMessagesListeners.forEach { it.updateLocationMessages() }
}, interval, interval, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
fun stopLiveMessagesUpdates() {
updateLiveMessagesExecutor?.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
fun hasGrayscaleUserPhoto(userId: Int): Boolean {
return File("$appDir/$GRAYSCALE_PHOTOS_DIR$userId$GRAYSCALE_PHOTOS_EXT").exists()
private fun hasLocalUserPhoto(user: TdApi.User): Boolean {
val localPhoto = user.profilePhoto?.small?.local
return if (localPhoto != null) {
localPhoto.canBeDownloaded && localPhoto.isDownloadingCompleted && localPhoto.path.isNotEmpty()
} else {
private fun hasRemoteUserPhoto(user: TdApi.User): Boolean {
val remotePhoto = user.profilePhoto?.small?.remote
return remotePhoto?.id?.isNotEmpty() ?: false
private fun requestUserPhoto(user: TdApi.User) {
val remotePhoto = user.profilePhoto?.small?.remote
if (remotePhoto != null && remotePhoto.id.isNotEmpty()) {
downloadUserFilesMap[remotePhoto.id] = user
client!!.send(TdApi.GetRemoteFile(remotePhoto.id, null)) { obj ->
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
val code = error.code
if (code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
listener?.onTelegramError(code, error.message)
val file = obj as TdApi.File
client!!.send(TdApi.DownloadFile(file.id, 10), defaultHandler)
else -> listener?.onTelegramError(-1, "Receive wrong response from TDLib: $obj")
private fun requestChats(reload: Boolean = false) {
synchronized(chatList) {
if (reload) {
haveFullChatList = false
if (!haveFullChatList && CHATS_LIMIT > chatList.size) {
// have enough chats in the chat list or chat list is too small
var offsetOrder = java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE
var offsetChatId: Long = 0
if (!chatList.isEmpty()) {
val last = chatList.last()
offsetOrder = last.order
offsetChatId = last.chatId
client?.send(TdApi.GetChats(offsetOrder, offsetChatId, CHATS_LIMIT - chatList.size)) { obj ->
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
if (error.code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
listener?.onTelegramError(error.code, error.message)
TdApi.Chats.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val chatIds = (obj as TdApi.Chats).chatIds
if (chatIds.isEmpty()) {
synchronized(chatList) {
haveFullChatList = true
// chats had already been received through updates, let's retry request
else -> listener?.onTelegramError(-1, "Receive wrong response from TDLib: $obj")
private fun requestBasicGroupFullInfo(id: Int) {
client?.send(TdApi.GetBasicGroupFullInfo(id)) { obj ->
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
if (error.code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
listener?.onTelegramError(error.code, error.message)
TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val info = obj as TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo
basicGroupsFullInfo[id] = info
fullInfoUpdatesListeners.forEach { it.onBasicGroupFullInfoUpdated(id, info) }
private fun requestSupergroupFullInfo(id: Int) {
client?.send(TdApi.GetSupergroupFullInfo(id)) { obj ->
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
if (error.code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
listener?.onTelegramError(error.code, error.message)
TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val info = obj as TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo
supergroupsFullInfo[id] = info
fullInfoUpdatesListeners.forEach { it.onSupergroupFullInfoUpdated(id, info) }
private fun requestCurrentUser(){
client?.send(TdApi.GetMe()) { obj ->
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
if (error.code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
listener?.onTelegramError(error.code, error.message)
val currUser = obj as TdApi.User
currentUser = currUser
if (!hasLocalUserPhoto(currUser) && hasRemoteUserPhoto(currUser)) {
fun loadMessage(chatId: Long, messageId: Long) {
requestMessage(chatId, messageId, this@TelegramHelper::addNewMessage)
private fun requestMessage(chatId: Long, messageId: Long, onComplete: (TdApi.Message) -> Unit) {
client?.send(TdApi.GetMessage(chatId, messageId)) { obj ->
if (obj is TdApi.Message) {
private fun addNewMessage(message: TdApi.Message) {
if (message.isAppropriate()) {
val fromBot = isOsmAndBot(message.senderUserId)
val viaBot = isOsmAndBot(message.viaBotUserId)
val oldContent = message.content
if (oldContent is TdApi.MessageText) {
message.content = parseOsmAndBotLocation(oldContent.text.text)
} else if (oldContent is TdApi.MessageLocation && (fromBot || viaBot)) {
message.content = parseOsmAndBotLocation(message)
removeOldMessages(message, fromBot, viaBot)
usersLocationMessages[message.id] = message
incomingMessagesListeners.forEach {
it.onReceiveChatLocationMessages(message.chatId, message)
private fun removeOldMessages(newMessage: TdApi.Message, fromBot: Boolean, viaBot: Boolean) {
val iterator = usersLocationMessages.entries.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val message = iterator.next().value
if (newMessage.chatId == message.chatId) {
val sameSender = newMessage.senderUserId == message.senderUserId
val viaSameBot = newMessage.viaBotUserId == message.viaBotUserId
if (fromBot || viaBot) {
if ((fromBot && sameSender) || (viaBot && viaSameBot)) {
val newCont = newMessage.content
val cont = message.content
if (newCont is MessageOsmAndBotLocation && cont is MessageOsmAndBotLocation) {
if (newCont.name == cont.name) {
} else if (sameSender) {
* @chatId Id of the chat
* @livePeriod Period for which the location can be updated, in seconds; should be between 60 and 86400 for a live location and 0 otherwise.
* @latitude Latitude of the location
* @longitude Longitude of the location
fun sendLiveLocationMessage(chatLivePeriods: Map<Long, Long>, latitude: Double, longitude: Double): Boolean {
if (!requestingActiveLiveLocationMessages && haveAuthorization) {
if (needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages) {
getActiveLiveLocationMessages {
sendLiveLocationImpl(chatLivePeriods, latitude, longitude)
needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages = false
} else {
sendLiveLocationImpl(chatLivePeriods, latitude, longitude)
return true
return false
fun stopSendingLiveLocationToChat(chatId: Long) {
val msgId = chatLiveMessages[chatId]?.id
if (msgId != null && msgId != 0L) {
TdApi.EditMessageLiveLocation(chatId, msgId, null, null),
needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages = true
fun stopSendingLiveLocationMessages() {
chatLiveMessages.forEach { (chatId, _ )->
fun getActiveLiveLocationMessages(onComplete: (() -> Unit)?) {
requestingActiveLiveLocationMessages = true
client?.send(TdApi.GetActiveLiveLocationMessages()) { obj ->
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
if (error.code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages = true
listener?.onSendLiveLocationError(error.code, error.message)
TdApi.Messages.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val messages = (obj as TdApi.Messages).messages
if (messages.isNotEmpty()) {
for (msg in messages) {
val chatId = msg.chatId
chatLiveMessages[chatId] = msg
else -> listener?.onSendLiveLocationError(-1, "Receive wrong response from TDLib: $obj")
requestingActiveLiveLocationMessages = false
private fun sendLiveLocationImpl(chatLivePeriods: Map<Long, Long>, latitude: Double, longitude: Double) {
val location = TdApi.Location(latitude, longitude)
chatLivePeriods.forEach { (chatId, livePeriod) ->
val content = TdApi.InputMessageLocation(location, livePeriod.toInt())
val msgId = chatLiveMessages[chatId]?.id
if (msgId != null) {
if (msgId != 0L) {
TdApi.EditMessageLiveLocation(chatId, msgId, null, location),
} else {
TdApi.SendMessage(chatId, 0, false, true, null, content),
* @chatId Id of the chat
* @message Text of the message
fun sendTextMessage(chatId: Long, message: String): Boolean {
// initialize reply markup just for testing
//val row = arrayOf(TdApi.InlineKeyboardButton("https://telegram.org?1", TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl()), TdApi.InlineKeyboardButton("https://telegram.org?2", TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl()), TdApi.InlineKeyboardButton("https://telegram.org?3", TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl()))
//val replyMarkup = TdApi.ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard(arrayOf(row, row, row))
if (haveAuthorization) {
val content = TdApi.InputMessageText(TdApi.FormattedText(message, null), false, true)
client?.send(TdApi.SendMessage(chatId, 0, false, true, null, content), defaultHandler)
return true
return false
fun logout(): Boolean {
return if (libraryLoaded) {
haveAuthorization = false
client!!.send(TdApi.LogOut(), defaultHandler)
} else {
fun close(): Boolean {
return if (libraryLoaded) {
haveAuthorization = false
client!!.send(TdApi.Close(), defaultHandler)
} else {
private fun setChatOrder(chat: TdApi.Chat, order: Long) {
synchronized(chatList) {
val isChannel = isChannel(chat)
if (chat.order != 0L) {
chatList.remove(OrderedChat(chat.order, chat.id, isChannel))
chat.order = order
if (chat.order != 0L) {
chatList.add(OrderedChat(chat.order, chat.id, isChannel))
private inner class LiveLocationMessageUpdatesHandler : ResultHandler {
override fun onResult(obj: TdApi.Object) {
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
if (error.code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages = true
listener?.onSendLiveLocationError(error.code, error.message)
else -> {
if (obj is TdApi.Message) {
when (obj.sendingState?.constructor) {
TdApi.MessageSendingStateFailed.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages = true
listener?.onSendLiveLocationError(-1, "Live location message ${obj.id} failed to send")
private fun onAuthorizationStateUpdated(authorizationState: AuthorizationState?, info: Boolean = false) {
val prevAuthState = getTelegramAuthorizationState()
if (authorizationState != null) {
this.authorizationState = authorizationState
when (this.authorizationState?.constructor) {
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
if (!info) {
log.info("Init tdlib parameters")
val parameters = TdApi.TdlibParameters()
parameters.databaseDirectory = File(appDir, "tdlib").absolutePath
parameters.useMessageDatabase = true
parameters.useSecretChats = true
parameters.apiId = 293148
parameters.apiHash = "d1942abd0f1364efe5020e2bfed2ed15"
parameters.systemLanguageCode = "en"
parameters.deviceModel = "Android"
parameters.systemVersion = "OsmAnd Telegram"
parameters.applicationVersion = "1.0"
parameters.enableStorageOptimizer = true
client!!.send(TdApi.SetTdlibParameters(parameters), AuthorizationRequestHandler())
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
if (!info) {
client!!.send(TdApi.CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey(), AuthorizationRequestHandler())
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
log.info("Request phone number")
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitCode.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
log.info("Request code")
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitPassword.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
log.info("Request password")
TdApi.AuthorizationStateReady.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
TdApi.AuthorizationStateLoggingOut.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
log.info("Logging out")
TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosing.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosed.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
else -> log.error("Unsupported authorization state: " + this.authorizationState!!)
val wasAuthorized = haveAuthorization
haveAuthorization = this.authorizationState?.constructor == TdApi.AuthorizationStateReady.CONSTRUCTOR
if (wasAuthorized != haveAuthorization) {
needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages = true
if (haveAuthorization) {
val newAuthState = getTelegramAuthorizationState()
listener?.onTelegramStatusChanged(prevAuthState, newAuthState)
private fun TdApi.Message.isAppropriate(): Boolean {
if (isOutgoing || isChannelPost) {
return false
val lastEdited = Math.max(date, editDate)
if (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(System.currentTimeMillis()) - lastEdited > messageActiveTimeSec) {
return false
val content = content
return when (content) {
is TdApi.MessageLocation -> true
is TdApi.MessageText -> (isOsmAndBot(senderUserId) || isOsmAndBot(viaBotUserId))
&& content.text.text.startsWith(DEVICE_PREFIX)
else -> false
private fun parseOsmAndBotLocation(message: TdApi.Message): MessageOsmAndBotLocation {
val messageLocation = message.content as TdApi.MessageLocation
return MessageOsmAndBotLocation().apply {
name = getOsmAndBotDeviceName(message)
lat = messageLocation.location.latitude
lon = messageLocation.location.longitude
lastUpdated = getLastUpdatedTime(message)
private fun parseOsmAndBotLocationContent(oldContent:MessageOsmAndBotLocation, content: TdApi.MessageContent): MessageOsmAndBotLocation {
val messageLocation = content as TdApi.MessageLocation
return MessageOsmAndBotLocation().apply {
name = oldContent.name
lat = messageLocation.location.latitude
lon = messageLocation.location.longitude
lastUpdated = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000).toInt()
private fun parseOsmAndBotLocation(text: String): MessageOsmAndBotLocation {
val res = MessageOsmAndBotLocation()
var locationNA = false
for (s in text.lines()) {
when {
s.startsWith(DEVICE_PREFIX) -> {
res.name = s.removePrefix(DEVICE_PREFIX)
s.startsWith(LOCATION_PREFIX) || s.startsWith(LAST_LOCATION_PREFIX) -> {
var locStr: String
var parse = true
if (s.startsWith(LAST_LOCATION_PREFIX)) {
locStr = s.removePrefix(LAST_LOCATION_PREFIX)
if (!locationNA) {
parse = false
} else {
locStr = s.removePrefix(LOCATION_PREFIX)
if (locStr.trim() == "n/a") {
locationNA = true
parse = false
if (parse) {
try {
val (latS, lonS) = locStr.split(" ")
val updatedS = locStr.substring(locStr.indexOf("("), locStr.length)
res.lastUpdated =
(parseTime(updatedS.removePrefix("(").removeSuffix(")")) / 1000).toInt()
res.lat = latS.dropLast(1).toDouble()
res.lon = lonS.toDouble()
} catch (e: Exception) {
return res
private fun parseTime(timeS: String): Long {
try {
when {
timeS.endsWith(FEW_SECONDS_AGO) -> return System.currentTimeMillis() - 5000
timeS.endsWith(SECONDS_AGO_SUFFIX) -> {
val locStr = timeS.removeSuffix(SECONDS_AGO_SUFFIX)
return System.currentTimeMillis() - locStr.toLong() * 1000
timeS.endsWith(MINUTES_AGO_SUFFIX) -> {
val locStr = timeS.removeSuffix(MINUTES_AGO_SUFFIX)
val minutes = locStr.toLong()
return System.currentTimeMillis() - minutes * 60 * 1000
timeS.endsWith(HOURS_AGO_SUFFIX) -> {
val locStr = timeS.removeSuffix(HOURS_AGO_SUFFIX)
val hours = locStr.toLong()
return (System.currentTimeMillis() - hours * 60 * 60 * 1000)
timeS.endsWith(UTC_FORMAT_SUFFIX) -> {
val locStr = timeS.removeSuffix(UTC_FORMAT_SUFFIX)
val (latS, lonS) = locStr.split(" ")
val date = UTC_DATE_FORMAT.parse(latS)
val time = UTC_TIME_FORMAT.parse(lonS)
val res = date.time + time.time
return res
} catch (e: Exception) {
return 0
class MessageOsmAndBotLocation : TdApi.MessageContent() {
var name: String = ""
internal set
var lat: Double = Double.NaN
internal set
var lon: Double = Double.NaN
internal set
var lastUpdated: Int = 0
internal set
override fun getConstructor() = -1
fun isValid() = name != "" && lat != Double.NaN && lon != Double.NaN
class OrderedChat internal constructor(internal val order: Long, internal val chatId: Long, internal val isChannel: Boolean) : Comparable<OrderedChat> {
override fun compareTo(other: OrderedChat): Int {
if (this.order != other.order) {
return if (other.order < this.order) -1 else 1
return if (this.chatId != other.chatId) {
if (other.chatId < this.chatId) -1 else 1
} else 0
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other == null) {
return false
if (other !is OrderedChat) {
return false
val o = other as OrderedChat?
return this.order == o!!.order && this.chatId == o.chatId
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return (order + chatId).hashCode()
private class DefaultHandler : ResultHandler {
override fun onResult(obj: TdApi.Object) {}
private inner class UpdatesHandler : ResultHandler {
override fun onResult(obj: TdApi.Object) {
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.UpdateAuthorizationState.CONSTRUCTOR -> onAuthorizationStateUpdated((obj as TdApi.UpdateAuthorizationState).authorizationState)
TdApi.UpdateUser.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateUser = obj as TdApi.UpdateUser
users[updateUser.user.id] = updateUser.user
TdApi.UpdateUserStatus.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateUserStatus = obj as TdApi.UpdateUserStatus
val user = users[updateUserStatus.userId]
synchronized(user!!) {
user.status = updateUserStatus.status
TdApi.UpdateBasicGroup.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateBasicGroup = obj as TdApi.UpdateBasicGroup
basicGroups[updateBasicGroup.basicGroup.id] = updateBasicGroup.basicGroup
TdApi.UpdateSupergroup.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateSupergroup = obj as TdApi.UpdateSupergroup
supergroups[updateSupergroup.supergroup.id] = updateSupergroup.supergroup
TdApi.UpdateSecretChat.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateSecretChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateSecretChat
secretChats[updateSecretChat.secretChat.id] = updateSecretChat.secretChat
TdApi.UpdateNewChat.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateNewChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateNewChat
val chat = updateNewChat.chat
synchronized(chat) {
chats[chat.id] = chat
val localPhoto = chat.photo?.small?.local
val hasLocalPhoto = if (localPhoto != null) {
localPhoto.canBeDownloaded && localPhoto.isDownloadingCompleted && localPhoto.path.isNotEmpty()
} else {
if (!hasLocalPhoto) {
val remotePhoto = chat.photo?.small?.remote
if (remotePhoto != null && remotePhoto.id.isNotEmpty()) {
downloadChatFilesMap[remotePhoto.id] = chat
client!!.send(TdApi.GetRemoteFile(remotePhoto.id, null)) { obj ->
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val error = obj as TdApi.Error
val code = error.code
if (code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
listener?.onTelegramError(code, error.message)
val file = obj as TdApi.File
client!!.send(TdApi.DownloadFile(file.id, 10), defaultHandler)
else -> listener?.onTelegramError(-1, "Receive wrong response from TDLib: $obj")
val order = chat.order
chat.order = 0
setChatOrder(chat, order)
TdApi.UpdateChatTitle.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatTitle
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.title = updateChat.title
TdApi.UpdateChatPhoto.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatPhoto
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.photo = updateChat.photo
TdApi.UpdateChatLastMessage.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatLastMessage
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.lastMessage = updateChat.lastMessage
setChatOrder(chat, updateChat.order)
TdApi.UpdateChatOrder.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatOrder
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
setChatOrder(chat, updateChat.order)
TdApi.UpdateChatIsPinned.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatIsPinned
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.isPinned = updateChat.isPinned
setChatOrder(chat, updateChat.order)
TdApi.UpdateChatReadInbox.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatReadInbox
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.lastReadInboxMessageId = updateChat.lastReadInboxMessageId
chat.unreadCount = updateChat.unreadCount
TdApi.UpdateChatReadOutbox.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatReadOutbox
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.lastReadOutboxMessageId = updateChat.lastReadOutboxMessageId
TdApi.UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.unreadMentionCount = updateChat.unreadMentionCount
TdApi.UpdateMessageEdited.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateMessageEdited = obj as TdApi.UpdateMessageEdited
val message = usersLocationMessages[updateMessageEdited.messageId]
if (message == null) {
updateMessageEdited.apply {
requestMessage(chatId, messageId, this@TelegramHelper::addNewMessage)
} else {
synchronized(message) {
message.editDate = updateMessageEdited.editDate
incomingMessagesListeners.forEach {
it.onReceiveChatLocationMessages(message.chatId, message)
TdApi.UpdateMessageContent.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateMessageContent = obj as TdApi.UpdateMessageContent
val message = usersLocationMessages[updateMessageContent.messageId]
if (message == null) {
updateMessageContent.apply {
requestMessage(chatId, messageId, this@TelegramHelper::addNewMessage)
} else {
synchronized(message) {
val newContent = updateMessageContent.newContent
message.content = if (newContent is TdApi.MessageText) {
} else if (newContent is TdApi.MessageLocation &&
(isOsmAndBot(message.senderUserId) || isOsmAndBot(message.viaBotUserId))) {
parseOsmAndBotLocationContent(message.content as MessageOsmAndBotLocation, newContent)
} else {
incomingMessagesListeners.forEach {
it.onReceiveChatLocationMessages(message.chatId, message)
TdApi.UpdateNewMessage.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
addNewMessage((obj as TdApi.UpdateNewMessage).message)
TdApi.UpdateMessageMentionRead.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateMessageMentionRead
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.unreadMentionCount = updateChat.unreadMentionCount
TdApi.UpdateMessageSendFailed.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
needRefreshActiveLiveLocationMessages = true
TdApi.UpdateMessageSendSucceeded.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateMessageSendSucceeded = obj as TdApi.UpdateMessageSendSucceeded
val message = updateMessageSendSucceeded.message
chatLiveMessages[message.chatId] = message
TdApi.UpdateDeleteMessages.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateDeleteMessages = obj as TdApi.UpdateDeleteMessages
if (updateDeleteMessages.isPermanent) {
val chatId = updateDeleteMessages.chatId
val deletedMessages = mutableListOf<TdApi.Message>()
for (messageId in updateDeleteMessages.messageIds) {
if (chatLiveMessages[chatId]?.id == messageId) {
?.also { deletedMessages.add(it) }
if (deletedMessages.isNotEmpty()) {
incomingMessagesListeners.forEach {
it.onDeleteChatLocationMessages(chatId, deletedMessages)
TdApi.UpdateChatReplyMarkup.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatReplyMarkup
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.replyMarkupMessageId = updateChat.replyMarkupMessageId
TdApi.UpdateChatDraftMessage.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateChat = obj as TdApi.UpdateChatDraftMessage
val chat = chats[updateChat.chatId]
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.draftMessage = updateChat.draftMessage
setChatOrder(chat, updateChat.order)
// TdApi.UpdateNotificationSettings.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
// val update = obj as TdApi.UpdateNotificationSettings
// if (update.scope is TdApi.NotificationSettingsScopeChat) {
// val chat = chats[(update.scope as TdApi.NotificationSettingsScopeChat).chatId]
// if (chat != null) {
// synchronized(chat) {
// chat.notificationSettings = update.notificationSettings
// }
// }
// }
// }
TdApi.UpdateFile.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateFile = obj as TdApi.UpdateFile
if (updateFile.file.local.isDownloadingCompleted) {
val remoteId = updateFile.file.remote.id
val chat = downloadChatFilesMap.remove(remoteId)
if (chat != null) {
synchronized(chat) {
chat.photo?.small = updateFile.file
val user = downloadUserFilesMap.remove(remoteId)
if (user != null) {
synchronized(user) {
user.profilePhoto?.small = updateFile.file
TdApi.UpdateUserFullInfo.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateUserFullInfo = obj as TdApi.UpdateUserFullInfo
usersFullInfo[updateUserFullInfo.userId] = updateUserFullInfo.userFullInfo
TdApi.UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateBasicGroupFullInfo = obj as TdApi.UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo
val id = updateBasicGroupFullInfo.basicGroupId
if (basicGroupsFullInfo.containsKey(id)) {
val info = updateBasicGroupFullInfo.basicGroupFullInfo
basicGroupsFullInfo[id] = info
fullInfoUpdatesListeners.forEach { it.onBasicGroupFullInfoUpdated(id, info) }
TdApi.UpdateSupergroupFullInfo.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
val updateSupergroupFullInfo = obj as TdApi.UpdateSupergroupFullInfo
val id = updateSupergroupFullInfo.supergroupId
if (supergroupsFullInfo.containsKey(id)) {
val info = updateSupergroupFullInfo.supergroupFullInfo
supergroupsFullInfo[id] = info
fullInfoUpdatesListeners.forEach { it.onSupergroupFullInfoUpdated(id, info) }
private inner class AuthorizationRequestHandler : ResultHandler {
override fun onResult(obj: TdApi.Object) {
when (obj.constructor) {
TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR -> {
log.error("Receive an error: $obj")
val errorObj = obj as TdApi.Error
if (errorObj.code != IGNORED_ERROR_CODE) {
telegramAuthorizationRequestHandler?.telegramAuthorizationRequestListener?.onTelegramAuthorizationRequestError(errorObj.code, errorObj.message)
onAuthorizationStateUpdated(null) // repeat last action
else -> log.error("Receive wrong response from TDLib: $obj")
}// result is already received through UpdateAuthorizationState, nothing to do