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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools">
<string name="app_name">OsmAnd~</string>
<string name="app_version">2.2.0</string>
Note: For our dev build apk's, the above "app_version" is provided (via osmand/build.xml) as the base version prefix to our build number in the format:
X.X.X#YYYYZ , where
X.X.X is the above base (released) "app_version",
YYYY is the build number of build branch Z
Z : M=-master, D=-design, B=-Blackberry, MD=-main-default, MQA=-main-qt-arm, MQDA=-main-qt-default-arm, S=-sherpafy
<!-- Not translatable -->
<string name="last_release">
- New road indexes (including)
<string name="ga_api_key">UA-28342846-2</string>
<string name="ga_dispatchPeriod">10</string>
<string name="ga_debug">true</string>
<string name="versionFeatures">+play_market -amazon -blackberry</string>
<string name="next_tips_and_tricks_not_translate"></string>
<string name="openstreetmap_copyright"><a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">© OpenStreetMap</a></string>
<string name="about_content">Data is powered by OpenStreetMap ODbL, © <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright</a>.
\n\nAll rights belong to OsmAnd app, Copyright © 2010-2015 OsmAnd.
\n\nCredits to all Developers and major Contributors :
\n\tVictor Shcherb - project lead.
\n\tDr. Hardy Mueller - map appearance concept and base renderers, international consistency and testing, usability, app scoping, concepts, documentation, wiki, market research.
\n\tAlexey Pelykh - C++ developer, created native library and made application much snappier.
\n\tDenis Bars - Java developer, worked mostly on new UI and usability from 1.8 version.
\n\tLeonid (xmd5a) - co-author of main OsmAnd rendering, author of UniRS, LightRS styles.
\n\tDusan Kazik - one of the first contributors
\n\tAndre Van Atten - project supporter, active forum participant, one of the first users.
\n\tYvecai - main contributor to Contour Lines and Hillshade maps
\n\tMax (Zahnstocher) - Java contributor, active forum participant.
\n\tPavol Zibrita - first contributor and developer of some utilities
\n\tHarry van der Wolf - contributor (contribute to country boundaries + configuration file + address files and else), active forum participant.
<string name="app_edition"></string>
<string name="preferred_locale_no_translate">Display language</string>
<string name="system_locale_no_translate">Device language</string>
<string name="osmo">OsMo</string>