1786 lines
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1786 lines
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package net.osmand.router;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import gnu.trove.iterator.TIntIterator;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet;
import net.osmand.PlatformUtil;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteTypeRule;
import net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject;
import net.osmand.data.LatLon;
import net.osmand.osm.MapRenderingTypes;
import net.osmand.render.RenderingRuleSearchRequest;
import net.osmand.render.RenderingRulesStorage;
import net.osmand.render.RenderingRulesStorage.RenderingRulesStorageResolver;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.FinalRouteSegment;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment;
import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter.GeneralRouterProfile;
import net.osmand.router.RoutePlannerFrontEnd.RouteCalculationMode;
import net.osmand.router.RouteStatisticsHelper.RouteStatistics;
import net.osmand.util.Algorithms;
import net.osmand.util.MapAlgorithms;
import net.osmand.util.MapUtils;
public class RouteResultPreparation {
public static boolean PRINT_TO_CONSOLE_ROUTE_INFORMATION_TO_TEST = false;
public static String PRINT_TO_GPX_FILE = null;
private static final float TURN_DEGREE_MIN = 45;
public static final int SHIFT_ID = 6;
private Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(RouteResultPreparation.class);
* Helper method to prepare final result
List<RouteSegmentResult> prepareResult(RoutingContext ctx, FinalRouteSegment finalSegment) throws IOException {
List<RouteSegmentResult> result = convertFinalSegmentToResults(ctx, finalSegment);
prepareResult(ctx, result);
return result;
private static class CombineAreaRoutePoint {
int x31;
int y31;
int originalIndex;
private void combineWayPointsForAreaRouting(RoutingContext ctx, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
RouteSegmentResult rsr = result.get(i);
RouteDataObject obj = rsr.getObject();
boolean area = false;
if(obj.getPoint31XTile(0) == obj.getPoint31XTile(obj.getPointsLength() - 1) &&
obj.getPoint31YTile(0) == obj.getPoint31YTile(obj.getPointsLength() - 1)) {
area = true;
if(!area || !ctx.getRouter().isArea(obj)) {
List<CombineAreaRoutePoint> originalWay = new ArrayList<CombineAreaRoutePoint>();
List<CombineAreaRoutePoint> routeWay = new ArrayList<CombineAreaRoutePoint>();
for(int j = 0; j < obj.getPointsLength(); j++) {
CombineAreaRoutePoint pnt = new CombineAreaRoutePoint();
pnt.x31 = obj.getPoint31XTile(j);
pnt.y31 = obj.getPoint31YTile(j);
pnt.originalIndex = j;
if(j >= rsr.getStartPointIndex() && j <= rsr.getEndPointIndex()) {
} else if(j <= rsr.getStartPointIndex() && j >= rsr.getEndPointIndex()) {
routeWay.add(0, pnt);
int originalSize = routeWay.size();
simplifyAreaRouteWay(routeWay, originalWay);
int newsize = routeWay.size();
if (routeWay.size() != originalSize) {
RouteDataObject nobj = new RouteDataObject(obj);
nobj.pointsX = new int[newsize];
nobj.pointsY = new int[newsize];
for (int k = 0; k < newsize; k++) {
nobj.pointsX[k] = routeWay.get(k).x31;
nobj.pointsY[k] = routeWay.get(k).y31;
// in future point names might be used
nobj.restrictions = null;
nobj.restrictionsVia = null;
nobj.pointTypes = null;
nobj.pointNames = null;
nobj.pointNameTypes = null;
RouteSegmentResult nrsr = new RouteSegmentResult(nobj, 0, newsize - 1);
result.set(i, nrsr);
private void simplifyAreaRouteWay(List<CombineAreaRoutePoint> routeWay, List<CombineAreaRoutePoint> originalWay) {
boolean changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
int connectStart = -1;
int connectLen = 0;
double dist = 0;
int length = routeWay.size() - 1;
while (length > 0 && connectLen == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < routeWay.size() - length; i++) {
CombineAreaRoutePoint p = routeWay.get(i);
CombineAreaRoutePoint n = routeWay.get(i + length);
if (segmentLineBelongsToPolygon(p, n, originalWay)) {
double ndist = BinaryRoutePlanner.squareRootDist(p.x31, p.y31, n.x31, n.y31);
if (ndist > dist) {
ndist = dist;
connectStart = i;
connectLen = length;
while (connectLen > 1) {
routeWay.remove(connectStart + 1);
changed = true;
private boolean segmentLineBelongsToPolygon(CombineAreaRoutePoint p, CombineAreaRoutePoint n,
List<CombineAreaRoutePoint> originalWay) {
int intersections = 0;
int mx = p.x31 / 2 + n.x31 / 2;
int my = p.y31 / 2 + n.y31 / 2;
for(int i = 1; i < originalWay.size(); i++) {
CombineAreaRoutePoint p2 = originalWay.get(i -1);
CombineAreaRoutePoint n2 = originalWay.get(i);
if(p.originalIndex != i && p.originalIndex != i - 1) {
if(n.originalIndex != i && n.originalIndex != i - 1) {
if(MapAlgorithms.linesIntersect(p.x31, p.y31, n.x31, n.y31, p2.x31, p2.y31, n2.x31, n2.y31)) {
return false;
int fx = MapAlgorithms.ray_intersect_x(p2.x31, p2.y31, n2.x31, n2.y31, my);
if (Integer.MIN_VALUE != fx && mx >= fx) {
return intersections % 2 == 1;
List<RouteSegmentResult> prepareResult(RoutingContext ctx, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) throws IOException {
for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
checkAndInitRouteRegion(ctx, result.get(i).getObject());
combineWayPointsForAreaRouting(ctx, result);
splitRoadsAndAttachRoadSegments(ctx, result);
calculateTimeSpeed(ctx, result);
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i ++) {
TurnType turnType = getTurnInfo(result, i, ctx.leftSideNavigation);
determineTurnsToMerge(ctx.leftSideNavigation, result);
ignorePrecedingStraightsOnSameIntersection(ctx.leftSideNavigation, result);
justifyUTurns(ctx.leftSideNavigation, result);
return result;
protected void ignorePrecedingStraightsOnSameIntersection(boolean leftside, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
//Issue 2571: Ignore TurnType.C if immediately followed by another turn in non-motorway cases, as these likely belong to the very same intersection
RouteSegmentResult nextSegment = null;
double distanceToNextTurn = 999999;
for (int i = result.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Mark next "real" turn
if (nextSegment != null && nextSegment.getTurnType() != null &&
nextSegment.getTurnType().getValue() != TurnType.C &&
!isMotorway(nextSegment)) {
if (distanceToNextTurn == 999999) {
distanceToNextTurn = 0;
RouteSegmentResult currentSegment = result.get(i);
// Identify preceding goStraights within distance limit and suppress
if (currentSegment != null) {
distanceToNextTurn += currentSegment.getDistance();
if (currentSegment.getTurnType() != null &&
currentSegment.getTurnType().getValue() == TurnType.C &&
distanceToNextTurn <= 100) {
} else {
nextSegment = currentSegment;
distanceToNextTurn = 999999;
private void justifyUTurns(boolean leftSide, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
int next;
for (int i = 0; i < result.size() - 1; i = next) {
next = i + 1;
TurnType t = result.get(i).getTurnType();
// justify turn
if (t != null) {
TurnType jt = justifyUTurn(leftSide, result, i, t);
if (jt != null) {
next = i + 2;
// decrease speed proportionally from 15ms (50kmh)
private static final double SLOW_DOWN_SPEED_THRESHOLD = 15;
// reference speed 30ms (108kmh) - 2ms (7kmh)
private static final double SLOW_DOWN_SPEED = 2;
private void calculateTimeSpeed(RoutingContext ctx, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) throws IOException {
//for Naismith
boolean usePedestrianHeight = ((((GeneralRouter) ctx.getRouter()).getProfile() == GeneralRouterProfile.PEDESTRIAN) && ((GeneralRouter) ctx.getRouter()).getHeightObstacles());
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
RouteSegmentResult rr = result.get(i);
RouteDataObject road = rr.getObject();
double distOnRoadToPass = 0;
double speed = ctx.getRouter().defineVehicleSpeed(road);
if (speed == 0) {
speed = ctx.getRouter().getDefaultSpeed();
} else {
speed = speed - (speed / SLOW_DOWN_SPEED_THRESHOLD - 1) * SLOW_DOWN_SPEED;
boolean plus = rr.getStartPointIndex() < rr.getEndPointIndex();
int next;
double distance = 0;
//for Naismith
float prevHeight = -99999.0f;
float[] heightDistanceArray = null;
if (usePedestrianHeight) {
heightDistanceArray = road.heightDistanceArray;
for (int j = rr.getStartPointIndex(); j != rr.getEndPointIndex(); j = next) {
next = plus ? j + 1 : j - 1;
double d = measuredDist(road.getPoint31XTile(j), road.getPoint31YTile(j), road.getPoint31XTile(next),
distance += d;
double obstacle = ctx.getRouter().defineObstacle(road, j);
if (obstacle < 0) {
obstacle = 0;
distOnRoadToPass += d / speed + obstacle; //this is time in seconds
//for Naismith
if (usePedestrianHeight) {
int heightIndex = 2 * j + 1;
if (heightDistanceArray != null && heightIndex < heightDistanceArray.length) {
float height = heightDistanceArray[heightIndex];
if (prevHeight != -99999.0f) {
float heightDiff = height - prevHeight;
if (heightDiff > 0) { //ascent only
distOnRoadToPass += heightDiff * 6.0f; //Naismith's rule: add 1 hour per every 600m of ascent
prevHeight = height;
// last point turn time can be added
// if(i + 1 < result.size()) { distOnRoadToPass += ctx.getRouter().calculateTurnTime(); }
rr.setSegmentTime((float) distOnRoadToPass);
rr.setSegmentSpeed((float) speed);
rr.setDistance((float) distance);
private void splitRoadsAndAttachRoadSegments(RoutingContext ctx, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
if (ctx.checkIfMemoryLimitCritical(ctx.config.memoryLimitation)) {
RouteSegmentResult rr = result.get(i);
boolean plus = rr.getStartPointIndex() < rr.getEndPointIndex();
int next;
for (int j = rr.getStartPointIndex(); j != rr.getEndPointIndex(); j = next) {
next = plus ? j + 1 : j - 1;
if (j == rr.getStartPointIndex()) {
attachRoadSegments(ctx, result, i, j, plus);
if (next != rr.getEndPointIndex()) {
attachRoadSegments(ctx, result, i, next, plus);
List<RouteSegmentResult> attachedRoutes = rr.getAttachedRoutes(next);
boolean tryToSplit = next != rr.getEndPointIndex() && !rr.getObject().roundabout() && attachedRoutes != null;
if(rr.getDistance(next, plus ) == 0) {
// same point will be processed next step
tryToSplit = false;
if (tryToSplit) {
// avoid small zigzags
float before = rr.getBearing(next, !plus);
float after = rr.getBearing(next, plus);
if(rr.getDistance(next, plus ) < 5) {
after = before + 180;
} else if(rr.getDistance(next, !plus ) < 5) {
before = after - 180;
boolean straight = Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(before + 180, after)) < TURN_DEGREE_MIN;
boolean isSplit = false;
// split if needed
for (RouteSegmentResult rs : attachedRoutes) {
double diff = MapUtils.degreesDiff(before + 180, rs.getBearingBegin());
if (Math.abs(diff) <= TURN_DEGREE_MIN) {
isSplit = true;
} else if (!straight && Math.abs(diff) < 100) {
isSplit = true;
if (isSplit) {
int endPointIndex = rr.getEndPointIndex();
RouteSegmentResult split = new RouteSegmentResult(rr.getObject(), next, endPointIndex);
split.copyPreattachedRoutes(rr, Math.abs(next - rr.getStartPointIndex()));
result.add(i + 1, split);
// switch current segment to the splitted
rr = split;
private void checkAndInitRouteRegion(RoutingContext ctx, RouteDataObject road) throws IOException {
BinaryMapIndexReader reader = ctx.reverseMap.get(road.region);
if(reader != null) {
private void validateAllPointsConnected(List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
for (int i = 1; i < result.size(); i++) {
RouteSegmentResult rr = result.get(i);
RouteSegmentResult pr = result.get(i - 1);
double d = MapUtils.getDistance(pr.getPoint(pr.getEndPointIndex()), rr.getPoint(rr.getStartPointIndex()));
if (d > 0) {
System.err.println("Points are not connected : " + pr.getObject() + "(" + pr.getEndPointIndex() + ") -> " + rr.getObject()
+ "(" + rr.getStartPointIndex() + ") " + d + " meters");
private List<RouteSegmentResult> convertFinalSegmentToResults(RoutingContext ctx, FinalRouteSegment finalSegment) {
List<RouteSegmentResult> result = new ArrayList<RouteSegmentResult>();
if (finalSegment != null) {
ctx.routingTime = finalSegment.distanceFromStart;
println("Routing calculated time distance " + finalSegment.distanceFromStart);
// Get results from opposite direction roads
RouteSegment segment = finalSegment.reverseWaySearch ? finalSegment :
int parentSegmentStart = finalSegment.reverseWaySearch ? finalSegment.opposite.getSegmentStart() :
float parentRoutingTime = -1;
while (segment != null) {
RouteSegmentResult res = new RouteSegmentResult(segment.road, parentSegmentStart, segment.getSegmentStart());
parentRoutingTime = calcRoutingTime(parentRoutingTime, finalSegment, segment, res);
parentSegmentStart = segment.getParentSegmentEnd();
segment = segment.getParentRoute();
addRouteSegmentToResult(ctx, result, res, false);
// reverse it just to attach good direction roads
segment = finalSegment.reverseWaySearch ? finalSegment.opposite.getParentRoute() : finalSegment;
int parentSegmentEnd = finalSegment.reverseWaySearch ? finalSegment.opposite.getParentSegmentEnd() : finalSegment.opposite.getSegmentStart();
parentRoutingTime = -1;
while (segment != null) {
RouteSegmentResult res = new RouteSegmentResult(segment.road, segment.getSegmentStart(), parentSegmentEnd);
parentRoutingTime = calcRoutingTime(parentRoutingTime, finalSegment, segment, res);
parentSegmentEnd = segment.getParentSegmentEnd();
segment = segment.getParentRoute();
// happens in smart recalculation
addRouteSegmentToResult(ctx, result, res, true);
// checkTotalRoutingTime(result);
return result;
protected void checkTotalRoutingTime(List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
float totalRoutingTime = 0;
for(RouteSegmentResult r : result) {
totalRoutingTime += r.getRoutingTime();
println("Total routing time ! " + totalRoutingTime);
private float calcRoutingTime(float parentRoutingTime, RouteSegment finalSegment, RouteSegment segment,
RouteSegmentResult res) {
if(segment != finalSegment) {
if(parentRoutingTime != -1) {
res.setRoutingTime(parentRoutingTime - segment.distanceFromStart);
parentRoutingTime = segment.distanceFromStart;
return parentRoutingTime;
private void addRouteSegmentToResult(RoutingContext ctx, List<RouteSegmentResult> result, RouteSegmentResult res, boolean reverse) {
if (res.getStartPointIndex() != res.getEndPointIndex()) {
if (result.size() > 0) {
RouteSegmentResult last = result.get(result.size() - 1);
if (last.getObject().id == res.getObject().id && ctx.calculationMode != RouteCalculationMode.BASE) {
if (combineTwoSegmentResult(res, last, reverse)) {
private boolean combineTwoSegmentResult(RouteSegmentResult toAdd, RouteSegmentResult previous,
boolean reverse) {
boolean ld = previous.getEndPointIndex() > previous.getStartPointIndex();
boolean rd = toAdd.getEndPointIndex() > toAdd.getStartPointIndex();
if (rd == ld) {
if (toAdd.getStartPointIndex() == previous.getEndPointIndex() && !reverse) {
previous.setRoutingTime(previous.getRoutingTime() + toAdd.getRoutingTime());
return true;
} else if (toAdd.getEndPointIndex() == previous.getStartPointIndex() && reverse) {
previous.setRoutingTime(previous.getRoutingTime() + toAdd.getRoutingTime());
return true;
return false;
void printResults(RoutingContext ctx, LatLon start, LatLon end, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
float completeTime = 0;
float completeDistance = 0;
for(RouteSegmentResult r : result) {
completeTime += r.getSegmentTime();
completeDistance += r.getDistance();
println("ROUTE : ");
double startLat = start.getLatitude();
double startLon = start.getLongitude();
double endLat = end.getLatitude();
double endLon = end.getLongitude();
String msg = String.format("<test regions=\"\" description=\"\" best_percent=\"\" vehicle=\"%s\" \n"
+ " start_lat=\"%.5f\" start_lon=\"%.5f\" target_lat=\"%.5f\" target_lon=\"%.5f\" "
+ " routing_time=\"%.2f\" loadedTiles=\"%d\" visitedSegments=\"%d\" complete_distance=\"%.2f\" complete_time=\"%.2f\" >",
ctx.config.routerName, startLat, startLon, endLat, endLon, ctx.routingTime, ctx.loadedTiles,
ctx.visitedSegments, completeDistance, completeTime);
// String msg = MessageFormat.format("<test regions=\"\" description=\"\" best_percent=\"\" vehicle=\"{4}\" \n"
// + " start_lat=\"{0}\" start_lon=\"{1}\" target_lat=\"{2}\" target_lon=\"{3}\" {5} >",
// startLat + "", startLon + "", endLat + "", endLon + "", ctx.config.routerName,
// "loadedTiles = \"" + ctx.loadedTiles + "\" " + "visitedSegments = \"" + ctx.visitedSegments + "\" " +
// "complete_distance = \"" + completeDistance + "\" " + "complete_time = \"" + completeTime + "\" " +
// "routing_time = \"" + ctx.routingTime + "\" ");
org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer serializer = null;
if(PRINT_TO_GPX_FILE != null) {
serializer = PlatformUtil.newSerializer();
try {
serializer.setOutput(new FileWriter(PRINT_TO_GPX_FILE));
serializer.setFeature("http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/features.html#indent-output", true);
// indentation as 3 spaces
// serializer.setProperty("http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-indentation", " ");
// // also set the line separator
// serializer.setProperty("http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-line-separator", "\n");
serializer.startDocument("UTF-8", true);
serializer.startTag("", "gpx");
serializer.attribute("", "version", "1.1");
serializer.attribute("", "xmlns", "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1");
serializer.attribute("", "xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
serializer.attribute("", "xmlns:schemaLocation", "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd");
serializer.startTag("", "trk");
serializer.startTag("", "trkseg");
} catch (IOException e) {
serializer = null;
double lastHeight = -180;
for (RouteSegmentResult res : result) {
String name = res.getObject().getName();
String ref = res.getObject().getRef("", false, res.isForwardDirection());
if (name == null) {
name = "";
if (ref != null) {
name += " (" + ref + ") ";
StringBuilder additional = new StringBuilder();
additional.append("time = \"").append(res.getSegmentTime()).append("\" ");
if (res.getRoutingTime() > 0) {
additional.append("rspeed = \"")
.append((int) Math.round(res.getDistance() / res.getRoutingTime() * 3.6)).append("\" ");
// additional.append("rtime = \"").append(res.getRoutingTime()).append("\" ");
additional.append("name = \"").append(name).append("\" ");
// float ms = res.getSegmentSpeed();
float ms = res.getObject().getMaximumSpeed(res.isForwardDirection());
if(ms > 0) {
additional.append("maxspeed = \"").append((int) Math.round(ms * 3.6f)).append("\" ").append(res.getObject().getHighway()).append(" ");
additional.append("distance = \"").append(res.getDistance()).append("\" ");
if (res.getTurnType() != null) {
additional.append("turn = \"").append(res.getTurnType()).append("\" ");
additional.append("turn_angle = \"").append(res.getTurnType().getTurnAngle()).append("\" ");
if (res.getTurnType().getLanes() != null) {
additional.append("lanes = \"").append(Arrays.toString(res.getTurnType().getLanes())).append("\" ");
additional.append("start_bearing = \"").append(res.getBearingBegin()).append("\" ");
additional.append("end_bearing = \"").append(res.getBearingEnd()).append("\" ");
additional.append("height = \"").append(Arrays.toString(res.getHeightValues())).append("\" ");
additional.append("description = \"").append(res.getDescription()).append("\" ");
println(MessageFormat.format("\t<segment id=\"{0}\" oid=\"{1}\" start=\"{2}\" end=\"{3}\" {4}/>",
(res.getObject().getId() >> (SHIFT_ID )) + "", res.getObject().getId() + "",
res.getStartPointIndex() + "", res.getEndPointIndex() + "", additional.toString()));
int inc = res.getStartPointIndex() < res.getEndPointIndex() ? 1 : -1;
int indexnext = res.getStartPointIndex();
LatLon prev = null;
for (int index = res.getStartPointIndex() ; index != res.getEndPointIndex(); ) {
index = indexnext;
indexnext += inc;
if (serializer != null) {
try {
LatLon l = res.getPoint(index);
serializer.attribute("", "lat", l.getLatitude() + "");
serializer.attribute("", "lon", l.getLongitude() + "");
float[] vls = res.getObject().heightDistanceArray;
double dist = prev == null ? 0 : MapUtils.getDistance(prev, l);
if(index * 2 + 1 < vls.length) {
double h = vls[2*index + 1];
serializer.text(h +"");
if(lastHeight != -180 && dist > 0) {
serializer.text((float) ((h -lastHeight)/ dist*100) + "% " +
" degree " + (float) Math.atan(((h -lastHeight)/ dist)) / Math.PI * 180 +
" asc " + (float) (h -lastHeight) + " dist "
+ (float) dist);
serializer.text((h -lastHeight)/ dist*100 + "");
serializer.text((res.getObject().getId() >> (SHIFT_ID )) + " " + index);
lastHeight = h;
} else if(lastHeight != -180){
// serializer.startTag("","ele");
// serializer.text(lastHeight +"");
// serializer.endTag("","ele");
serializer.endTag("", "trkpt");
prev = l;
} catch (IOException e) {
if(serializer != null) {
try {
serializer.endTag("", "trkseg");
serializer.endTag("", "trk");
serializer.endTag("", "gpx");
} catch (IOException e) {
// calculateStatistics(result);
private void calculateStatistics(List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
InputStream is = RenderingRulesStorage.class.getResourceAsStream("default.render.xml");
final Map<String, String> renderingConstants = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
try {
InputStream pis = RenderingRulesStorage.class.getResourceAsStream("default.render.xml");
try {
XmlPullParser parser = PlatformUtil.newXMLPullParser();
parser.setInput(pis, "UTF-8");
int tok;
while ((tok = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (tok == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tagName = parser.getName();
if (tagName.equals("renderingConstant")) {
if (!renderingConstants.containsKey(parser.getAttributeValue("", "name"))) {
renderingConstants.put(parser.getAttributeValue("", "name"),
parser.getAttributeValue("", "value"));
} finally {
RenderingRulesStorage rrs = new RenderingRulesStorage("default", renderingConstants);
rrs.parseRulesFromXmlInputStream(is, new RenderingRulesStorageResolver() {
public RenderingRulesStorage resolve(String name, RenderingRulesStorageResolver ref)
throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
RenderingRuleSearchRequest req = new RenderingRuleSearchRequest(rrs);
List<RouteStatistics> rsr = RouteStatisticsHelper.calculateRouteStatistic(result, null, rrs, null, req);
for(RouteStatistics r : rsr) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
private void printAdditionalPointInfo(RouteSegmentResult res) {
boolean plus = res.getStartPointIndex() < res.getEndPointIndex();
for(int k = res.getStartPointIndex(); k != res.getEndPointIndex(); ) {
int[] tp = res.getObject().getPointTypes(k);
String[] pointNames = res.getObject().getPointNames(k);
int[] pointNameTypes = res.getObject().getPointNameTypes(k);
if (tp != null || pointNameTypes != null) {
StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();
bld.append("<point " + (k));
if (tp != null) {
for (int t = 0; t < tp.length; t++) {
RouteTypeRule rr = res.getObject().region.quickGetEncodingRule(tp[t]);
bld.append(" " + rr.getTag() + "=\"" + rr.getValue() + "\"");
if (pointNameTypes != null) {
for (int t = 0; t < pointNameTypes.length; t++) {
RouteTypeRule rr = res.getObject().region.quickGetEncodingRule(pointNameTypes[t]);
bld.append(" " + rr.getTag() + "=\"" + pointNames[t] + "\"");
if(plus) {
} else {
protected void addTurnInfoDescriptions(List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
int prevSegment = -1;
float dist = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= result.size(); i++) {
if (i == result.size() || result.get(i).getTurnType() != null) {
if (prevSegment >= 0) {
String turn = result.get(prevSegment).getTurnType().toString();
turn + MessageFormat.format(" and go {0,number,#.##} meters", dist));
if (result.get(prevSegment).getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak()) {
result.get(prevSegment).setDescription("-*" + result.get(prevSegment).getDescription());
prevSegment = i;
dist = 0;
if (i < result.size()) {
dist += result.get(i).getDistance();
protected TurnType justifyUTurn(boolean leftside, List<RouteSegmentResult> result, int i, TurnType t) {
boolean tl = TurnType.isLeftTurnNoUTurn(t.getValue());
boolean tr = TurnType.isRightTurnNoUTurn(t.getValue());
if(tl || tr) {
TurnType tnext = result.get(i + 1).getTurnType();
if (tnext != null && result.get(i).getDistance() < 50) { //
boolean ut = true;
if (i > 0) {
double uTurn = MapUtils.degreesDiff(result.get(i - 1).getBearingEnd(), result
.get(i + 1).getBearingBegin());
if (Math.abs(uTurn) < 120) {
ut = false;
// String highway = result.get(i).getObject().getHighway();
// if(highway == null || highway.endsWith("track") || highway.endsWith("services") || highway.endsWith("service")
// || highway.endsWith("path")) {
// ut = false;
// }
if (result.get(i - 1).getObject().getOneway() == 0 || result.get(i + 1).getObject().getOneway() == 0) {
ut = false;
if (!Algorithms.objectEquals(getStreetName(result, i - 1, false),
getStreetName(result, i + 1, true))) {
ut = false;
if (ut) {
if (tl && TurnType.isLeftTurnNoUTurn(tnext.getValue())) {
TurnType tt = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TU, false);
return tt;
} else if (tr && TurnType.isRightTurnNoUTurn(tnext.getValue())) {
TurnType tt = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TU, true);
return tt;
return null;
private String getStreetName(List<RouteSegmentResult> result, int i, boolean dir) {
String nm = result.get(i).getObject().getName();
if (Algorithms.isEmpty(nm)) {
if (!dir) {
if (i > 0) {
nm = result.get(i - 1).getObject().getName();
} else {
if(i < result.size() - 1) {
nm = result.get(i + 1).getObject().getName();
return nm;
private void determineTurnsToMerge(boolean leftside, List<RouteSegmentResult> result) {
RouteSegmentResult nextSegment = null;
double dist = 0;
for (int i = result.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
RouteSegmentResult currentSegment = result.get(i);
TurnType currentTurn = currentSegment.getTurnType();
dist += currentSegment.getDistance();
if (currentTurn == null || currentTurn.getLanes() == null) {
// skip
} else {
boolean merged = false;
if (nextSegment != null) {
String hw = currentSegment.getObject().getHighway();
double mergeDistance = 200;
if (hw != null && (hw.startsWith("trunk") || hw.startsWith("motorway"))) {
mergeDistance = 400;
if (dist < mergeDistance) {
mergeTurnLanes(leftside, currentSegment, nextSegment);
inferCommonActiveLane(currentSegment.getTurnType(), nextSegment.getTurnType());
merged = true;
if (!merged) {
TurnType tt = currentSegment.getTurnType();
inferActiveTurnLanesFromTurn(tt, TurnType.C);
nextSegment = currentSegment;
dist = 0;
private void inferActiveTurnLanesFromTurn(TurnType tt, int type) {
boolean found = false;
if (tt.getValue() == type && tt.getLanes() != null) {
for (int it = 0; it < tt.getLanes().length; it++) {
int turn = tt.getLanes()[it];
if (TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(turn) == type ||
TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(turn) == type ||
TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(turn) == type) {
found = true;
if(found) {
for (int it = 0; it < tt.getLanes().length; it++) {
int turn = tt.getLanes()[it];
if (TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(turn) != type) {
if(TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(turn) == type) {
int st = TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(turn);
TurnType.setSecondaryTurn(tt.getLanes(), it, TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(turn));
TurnType.setPrimaryTurn(tt.getLanes(), it, st);
} else if(TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(turn) == type) {
int st = TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(turn);
TurnType.setTertiaryTurn(tt.getLanes(), it, TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(turn));
TurnType.setPrimaryTurn(tt.getLanes(), it, st);
} else {
tt.getLanes()[it] = turn & (~1);
private class MergeTurnLaneTurn {
TurnType turn;
int[] originalLanes;
int[] disabledLanes;
int activeStartIndex = -1;
int activeEndIndex = -1;
int activeLen = 0;
public MergeTurnLaneTurn(RouteSegmentResult segment) {
this.turn = segment.getTurnType();
if(turn != null) {
originalLanes = turn.getLanes();
if(originalLanes != null) {
disabledLanes = new int[originalLanes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < originalLanes.length; i++) {
int ln = originalLanes[i];
disabledLanes[i] = ln & ~1;
if ((ln & 1) > 0) {
if (activeStartIndex == -1) {
activeStartIndex = i;
activeEndIndex = i;
public boolean isActiveTurnMostLeft() {
return activeStartIndex == 0;
public boolean isActiveTurnMostRight() {
return activeEndIndex == originalLanes.length - 1;
private boolean mergeTurnLanes(boolean leftSide, RouteSegmentResult currentSegment, RouteSegmentResult nextSegment) {
MergeTurnLaneTurn active = new MergeTurnLaneTurn(currentSegment);
MergeTurnLaneTurn target = new MergeTurnLaneTurn(nextSegment);
if (active.activeLen < 2) {
return false;
if (target.activeStartIndex == -1) {
return false;
boolean changed = false;
if (target.isActiveTurnMostLeft()) {
// let only the most left lanes be enabled
if (target.activeLen < active.activeLen) {
active.activeEndIndex -= (active.activeLen - target.activeLen);
changed = true;
} else if (target.isActiveTurnMostRight()) {
// next turn is right
// let only the most right lanes be enabled
if (target.activeLen < active.activeLen ) {
active.activeStartIndex += (active.activeLen - target.activeLen);
changed = true;
} else {
// next turn is get through (take out the left and the right turn)
if (target.activeLen < active.activeLen) {
if(target.originalLanes.length == active.activeLen) {
active.activeEndIndex = active.activeStartIndex + target.activeEndIndex;
active.activeStartIndex = active.activeStartIndex + target.activeStartIndex;
changed = true;
} else {
int straightActiveLen = 0;
int straightActiveBegin = -1;
for(int i = active.activeStartIndex; i <= active.activeEndIndex; i++) {
if(TurnType.hasAnyTurnLane(active.originalLanes[i], TurnType.C)) {
if(straightActiveBegin == -1) {
straightActiveBegin = i;
if(straightActiveBegin != -1 && straightActiveLen <= target.activeLen) {
active.activeStartIndex = straightActiveBegin;
active.activeEndIndex = straightActiveBegin + straightActiveLen - 1;
changed = true;
} else {
// cause the next-turn goes forward exclude left most and right most lane
if (active.activeStartIndex == 0) {
if (active.activeEndIndex == active.originalLanes.length - 1) {
float ratio = (active.activeLen - target.activeLen) / 2f;
if (ratio > 0) {
active.activeEndIndex = (int) Math.ceil(active.activeEndIndex - ratio);
active.activeStartIndex = (int) Math.floor(active.activeStartIndex + ratio);
changed = true;
if (!changed) {
return false;
// set the allowed lane bit
for (int i = 0; i < active.disabledLanes.length; i++) {
if (i >= active.activeStartIndex && i <= active.activeEndIndex &&
active.originalLanes[i] % 2 == 1) {
active.disabledLanes[i] |= 1;
TurnType currentTurn = currentSegment.getTurnType();
return true;
private void inferCommonActiveLane(TurnType currentTurn, TurnType nextTurn) {
int[] lanes = currentTurn.getLanes();
TIntHashSet turnSet = new TIntHashSet();
for(int i = 0; i < lanes.length; i++) {
if(lanes[i] % 2 == 1 ) {
int singleTurn = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]);
if(TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(lanes[i]) != 0) {
if(TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(lanes[i]) != 0) {
int singleTurn = 0;
if(turnSet.size() == 1) {
singleTurn = turnSet.iterator().next();
} else if(currentTurn.goAhead() && turnSet.contains(nextTurn.getValue())) {
if(currentTurn.isPossibleLeftTurn() &&
TurnType.isLeftTurn(nextTurn.getValue())) {
singleTurn = nextTurn.getValue();
} else if(currentTurn.isPossibleLeftTurn() &&
TurnType.isLeftTurn(nextTurn.getActiveCommonLaneTurn())) {
singleTurn = nextTurn.getActiveCommonLaneTurn();
} else if(currentTurn.isPossibleRightTurn() &&
TurnType.isRightTurn(nextTurn.getValue())) {
singleTurn = nextTurn.getValue();
} else if(currentTurn.isPossibleRightTurn() &&
TurnType.isRightTurn(nextTurn.getActiveCommonLaneTurn())) {
singleTurn = nextTurn.getActiveCommonLaneTurn();
if (singleTurn == 0) {
singleTurn = currentTurn.getValue();
if(singleTurn == TurnType.KL || singleTurn == TurnType.KR) {
for(int i = 0; i < lanes.length; i++) {
if(lanes[i] % 2 == 1 && TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]) != singleTurn) {
if(TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(lanes[i]) == singleTurn) {
TurnType.setSecondaryTurn(lanes, i, TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]));
TurnType.setPrimaryTurn(lanes, i, singleTurn);
} else if(TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(lanes[i]) == singleTurn) {
TurnType.setTertiaryTurn(lanes, i, TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]));
TurnType.setPrimaryTurn(lanes, i, singleTurn);
} else {
// disable lane
lanes[i] = lanes[i] - 1;
private static final int MAX_SPEAK_PRIORITY = 5;
private int highwaySpeakPriority(String highway) {
if(highway == null || highway.endsWith("track") || highway.endsWith("services") || highway.endsWith("service")
|| highway.endsWith("path")) {
if (highway.endsWith("_link") || highway.endsWith("unclassified") || highway.endsWith("road")
|| highway.endsWith("living_street") || highway.endsWith("residential") || highway.endsWith("tertiary") ) {
return 1;
return 0;
private TurnType getTurnInfo(List<RouteSegmentResult> result, int i, boolean leftSide) {
if (i == 0) {
return TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.C, false);
RouteSegmentResult prev = result.get(i - 1) ;
if(prev.getObject().roundabout()) {
// already analyzed!
return null;
RouteSegmentResult rr = result.get(i);
if (rr.getObject().roundabout()) {
return processRoundaboutTurn(result, i, leftSide, prev, rr);
TurnType t = null;
if (prev != null) {
boolean noAttachedRoads = rr.getAttachedRoutes(rr.getStartPointIndex()).size() == 0;
// add description about turn
double mpi = MapUtils.degreesDiff(prev.getBearingEnd(), rr.getBearingBegin());
// TODO VICTOR : look at the comment inside direction route
// ? avoid small zigzags is covered at (search for "zigzags")
// double begin = rr.getObject().directionRoute(rr.getStartPointIndex(), rr.getStartPointIndex() <
// rr.getEndPointIndex(), 25);
// mpi = MapUtils.degreesDiff(prev.getBearingEnd(), begin);
if (mpi >= TURN_DEGREE_MIN) {
if (mpi < 45) {
// Slight turn detection here causes many false positives where drivers would expect a "normal" TL. Best use limit-angle=TURN_DEGREE_MIN, this reduces TSL to the turn-lanes cases.
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSLL, leftSide);
} else if (mpi < 120) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TL, leftSide);
} else if (mpi < 150 || leftSide) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSHL, leftSide);
} else {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TU, leftSide);
int[] lanes = getTurnLanesInfo(prev, t.getValue());
} else if (mpi < -TURN_DEGREE_MIN) {
if (mpi > -45) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSLR, leftSide);
} else if (mpi > -120) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TR, leftSide);
} else if (mpi > -150 || !leftSide) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSHR, leftSide);
} else {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TRU, leftSide);
int[] lanes = getTurnLanesInfo(prev, t.getValue());
} else {
t = attachKeepLeftInfoAndLanes(leftSide, prev, rr);
if (t != null) {
t.setTurnAngle((float) -mpi);
return t;
private int[] getTurnLanesInfo(RouteSegmentResult prevSegm, int mainTurnType) { String turnLanes = getTurnLanesString(prevSegm);
int[] lanesArray ;
if (turnLanes == null) {
if(prevSegm.getTurnType() != null && prevSegm.getTurnType().getLanes() != null
&& prevSegm.getDistance() < 100) {
int[] lns = prevSegm.getTurnType().getLanes();
TIntArrayList lst = new TIntArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < lns.length; i++) {
if(lns[i] % 2 == 1) {
lst.add((lns[i] >> 1) << 1);
if(lst.isEmpty()) {
return null;
lanesArray = lst.toArray();
} else {
return null;
} else {
lanesArray = calculateRawTurnLanes(turnLanes, mainTurnType);
// Manually set the allowed lanes.
boolean isSet = setAllowedLanes(mainTurnType, lanesArray);
if(!isSet && lanesArray.length > 0) {
// In some cases (at least in the US), the rightmost lane might not have a right turn indicated as per turn:lanes,
// but is allowed and being used here. This section adds in that indicator. The same applies for where leftSide is true.
boolean leftTurn = TurnType.isLeftTurn(mainTurnType);
int ind = leftTurn? 0 : lanesArray.length - 1;
int primaryTurn = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanesArray[ind]);
final int st = TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(lanesArray[ind]);
if (leftTurn) {
if (!TurnType.isLeftTurn(primaryTurn)) {
// This was just to make sure that there's no bad data.
TurnType.setPrimaryTurnAndReset(lanesArray, ind, TurnType.TL);
TurnType.setSecondaryTurn(lanesArray, ind, primaryTurn);
TurnType.setTertiaryTurn(lanesArray, ind, st);
primaryTurn = TurnType.TL;
lanesArray[ind] |= 1;
} else {
if (!TurnType.isRightTurn(primaryTurn)) {
// This was just to make sure that there's no bad data.
TurnType.setPrimaryTurnAndReset(lanesArray, ind, TurnType.TR);
TurnType.setSecondaryTurn(lanesArray, ind, primaryTurn);
TurnType.setTertiaryTurn(lanesArray, ind, st);
primaryTurn = TurnType.TR;
lanesArray[ind] |= 1;
setAllowedLanes(primaryTurn, lanesArray);
return lanesArray;
protected boolean setAllowedLanes(int mainTurnType, int[] lanesArray) {
boolean turnSet = false;
for (int i = 0; i < lanesArray.length; i++) {
if (TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanesArray[i]) == mainTurnType) {
lanesArray[i] |= 1;
turnSet = true;
return turnSet;
private TurnType processRoundaboutTurn(List<RouteSegmentResult> result, int i, boolean leftSide, RouteSegmentResult prev,
RouteSegmentResult rr) {
int exit = 1;
RouteSegmentResult last = rr;
RouteSegmentResult firstRoundabout = rr;
RouteSegmentResult lastRoundabout = rr;
for (int j = i; j < result.size(); j++) {
RouteSegmentResult rnext = result.get(j);
last = rnext;
if (rnext.getObject().roundabout()) {
lastRoundabout = rnext;
boolean plus = rnext.getStartPointIndex() < rnext.getEndPointIndex();
int k = rnext.getStartPointIndex();
if (j == i) {
// first exit could be immediately after roundabout enter
// k = plus ? k + 1 : k - 1;
while (k != rnext.getEndPointIndex()) {
int attachedRoads = rnext.getAttachedRoutes(k).size();
if(attachedRoads > 0) {
k = plus ? k + 1 : k - 1;
} else {
// combine all roundabouts
TurnType t = TurnType.getExitTurn(exit, 0, leftSide);
// usually covers more than expected
float turnAngleBasedOnOutRoads = (float) MapUtils.degreesDiff(last.getBearingBegin(), prev.getBearingEnd());
// usually covers less than expected
float turnAngleBasedOnCircle = (float) -MapUtils.degreesDiff(firstRoundabout.getBearingBegin(), lastRoundabout.getBearingEnd() + 180);
if(Math.abs(turnAngleBasedOnOutRoads - turnAngleBasedOnCircle) > 180) {
t.setTurnAngle(turnAngleBasedOnCircle ) ;
} else {
t.setTurnAngle((turnAngleBasedOnCircle + turnAngleBasedOnOutRoads) / 2) ;
return t;
private class RoadSplitStructure {
boolean keepLeft = false;
boolean keepRight = false;
boolean speak = false;
List<int[]> leftLanesInfo = new ArrayList<int[]>();
int leftLanes = 0;
List<int[]> rightLanesInfo = new ArrayList<int[]>();
int rightLanes = 0;
int roadsOnLeft = 0;
int addRoadsOnLeft = 0;
int roadsOnRight = 0;
int addRoadsOnRight = 0;
private TurnType attachKeepLeftInfoAndLanes(boolean leftSide, RouteSegmentResult prevSegm, RouteSegmentResult currentSegm) {
List<RouteSegmentResult> attachedRoutes = currentSegm.getAttachedRoutes(currentSegm.getStartPointIndex());
if(attachedRoutes == null || attachedRoutes.size() == 0) {
return null;
// keep left/right
RoadSplitStructure rs = calculateRoadSplitStructure(prevSegm, currentSegm, attachedRoutes);
if(rs.roadsOnLeft + rs.roadsOnRight == 0) {
return null;
// turn lanes exist
String turnLanes = getTurnLanesString(prevSegm);
if (turnLanes != null) {
return createKeepLeftRightTurnBasedOnTurnTypes(rs, prevSegm, currentSegm, turnLanes, leftSide);
// turn lanes don't exist
if (rs.keepLeft || rs.keepRight) {
return createSimpleKeepLeftRightTurn(leftSide, prevSegm, currentSegm, rs);
return null;
protected TurnType createKeepLeftRightTurnBasedOnTurnTypes(RoadSplitStructure rs, RouteSegmentResult prevSegm,
RouteSegmentResult currentSegm, String turnLanes, boolean leftSide) {
// Maybe going straight at a 90-degree intersection
TurnType t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.C, leftSide);
int[] rawLanes = calculateRawTurnLanes(turnLanes, TurnType.C);
boolean possiblyLeftTurn = rs.roadsOnLeft == 0;
boolean possiblyRightTurn = rs.roadsOnRight == 0;
for (int k = 0; k < rawLanes.length; k++) {
int turn = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(rawLanes[k]);
int sturn = TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(rawLanes[k]);
int tturn = TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(rawLanes[k]);
if (turn == TurnType.TU || sturn == TurnType.TU || tturn == TurnType.TU) {
possiblyLeftTurn = true;
if (turn == TurnType.TRU || sturn == TurnType.TRU || sturn == TurnType.TRU) {
possiblyRightTurn = true;
if (rs.keepLeft || rs.keepRight) {
String[] splitLaneOptions = turnLanes.split("\\|", -1);
int activeBeginIndex = findActiveIndex(rawLanes, splitLaneOptions, rs.leftLanes, true,
rs.leftLanesInfo, rs.roadsOnLeft, rs.addRoadsOnLeft);
if(!rs.keepLeft && activeBeginIndex != -1 &&
splitLaneOptions.length > 0 && !splitLaneOptions[splitLaneOptions.length - 1].contains(";")) {
activeBeginIndex = Math.max(activeBeginIndex, 1);
int activeEndIndex = findActiveIndex(rawLanes, splitLaneOptions, rs.rightLanes, false,
rs.rightLanesInfo, rs.roadsOnRight, rs.addRoadsOnRight);
if(!rs.keepRight && activeEndIndex != -1 &&
splitLaneOptions.length > 0 && !splitLaneOptions[0].contains(";") ) {
activeEndIndex = Math.min(activeEndIndex, rawLanes.length - 1);
if (activeBeginIndex == -1 || activeEndIndex == -1 || activeBeginIndex > activeEndIndex) {
// something went wrong
return createSimpleKeepLeftRightTurn(leftSide, prevSegm, currentSegm, rs);
for (int k = 0; k < rawLanes.length; k++) {
if (k >= activeBeginIndex && k <= activeEndIndex) {
rawLanes[k] |= 1;
int tp = inferSlightTurnFromLanes(rawLanes, rs);
if (tp != t.getValue() && tp != 0) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(tp, leftSide);
} else {
for (int k = 0; k < rawLanes.length; k++) {
int turn = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(rawLanes[k]);
int sturn = TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(rawLanes[k]);
int tturn = TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(rawLanes[k]);
boolean active = false;
// some turns go through many segments (to turn right or left)
// so on one first segment the lane could be available and may be only 1 possible
// all undesired lanes will be disabled through the 2nd pass
if((TurnType.isRightTurn(sturn) && possiblyRightTurn) ||
(TurnType.isLeftTurn(sturn) && possiblyLeftTurn)) {
// we can't predict here whether it will be a left turn or straight on,
// it could be done during 2nd pass
TurnType.setPrimaryTurn(rawLanes, k, sturn);
TurnType.setSecondaryTurn(rawLanes, k, turn);
active = true;
} else if((TurnType.isRightTurn(tturn) && possiblyRightTurn) ||
(TurnType.isLeftTurn(tturn) && possiblyLeftTurn)) {
TurnType.setPrimaryTurn(rawLanes, k, tturn);
TurnType.setTertiaryTurn(rawLanes, k, turn);
active = true;
} else if((TurnType.isRightTurn(turn) && possiblyRightTurn) ||
(TurnType.isLeftTurn(turn) && possiblyLeftTurn)) {
active = true;
} else if (turn == TurnType.C) {
active = true;
if (active) {
rawLanes[k] |= 1;
return t;
protected int findActiveIndex(int[] rawLanes, String[] splitLaneOptions, int lanes, boolean left,
List<int[]> lanesInfo, int roads, int addRoads) {
int activeStartIndex = -1;
boolean lookupSlightTurn = addRoads > 0;
TIntHashSet addedTurns = new TIntHashSet();
// if we have information increase number of roads per each turn direction
int diffTurnRoads = roads;
int increaseTurnRoads = 0;
for(int[] li : lanesInfo) {
TIntHashSet set = new TIntHashSet();
if(li != null) {
for(int k = 0; k < li.length; k++) {
TurnType.collectTurnTypes(li[k], set);
increaseTurnRoads = Math.max(set.size() - 1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < rawLanes.length; i++) {
int ind = left ? i : (rawLanes.length - i - 1);
if (!lookupSlightTurn ||
TurnType.hasAnySlightTurnLane(rawLanes[ind])) {
String[] laneTurns = splitLaneOptions[ind].split(";");
int cnt = 0;
for(String lTurn : laneTurns) {
boolean added = addedTurns.add(TurnType.convertType(lTurn));
if(added) {
diffTurnRoads --;
lanes -= cnt;
// we already found slight turn others are turn in different direction
lookupSlightTurn = false;
if (lanes < 0 || diffTurnRoads + increaseTurnRoads < 0) {
activeStartIndex = ind;
} else if(diffTurnRoads < 0 && activeStartIndex < 0) {
activeStartIndex = ind;
return activeStartIndex;
protected RoadSplitStructure calculateRoadSplitStructure(RouteSegmentResult prevSegm, RouteSegmentResult currentSegm,
List<RouteSegmentResult> attachedRoutes) {
RoadSplitStructure rs = new RoadSplitStructure();
int speakPriority = Math.max(highwaySpeakPriority(prevSegm.getObject().getHighway()), highwaySpeakPriority(currentSegm.getObject().getHighway()));
for (RouteSegmentResult attached : attachedRoutes) {
boolean restricted = false;
for(int k = 0; k < prevSegm.getObject().getRestrictionLength(); k++) {
if(prevSegm.getObject().getRestrictionId(k) == attached.getObject().getId() &&
prevSegm.getObject().getRestrictionType(k) <= MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_STRAIGHT_ON) {
restricted = true;
if(restricted) {
double ex = MapUtils.degreesDiff(attached.getBearingBegin(), currentSegm.getBearingBegin());
double mpi = Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(prevSegm.getBearingEnd(), attached.getBearingBegin()));
int rsSpeakPriority = highwaySpeakPriority(attached.getObject().getHighway());
int lanes = countLanesMinOne(attached);
int[] turnLanes = parseTurnLanes(attached.getObject(), attached.getBearingBegin() * Math.PI / 180);
boolean smallStraightVariation = mpi < TURN_DEGREE_MIN;
boolean smallTargetVariation = Math.abs(ex) < TURN_DEGREE_MIN;
boolean attachedOnTheRight = ex >= 0;
if (attachedOnTheRight) {
} else {
if (rsSpeakPriority != MAX_SPEAK_PRIORITY || speakPriority == MAX_SPEAK_PRIORITY) {
if (smallTargetVariation || smallStraightVariation) {
if (attachedOnTheRight) {
rs.keepLeft = true;
rs.rightLanes += lanes;
if(turnLanes != null) {
} else {
rs.keepRight = true;
rs.leftLanes += lanes;
if(turnLanes != null) {
rs.speak = rs.speak || rsSpeakPriority <= speakPriority;
} else {
if (attachedOnTheRight) {
} else {
return rs;
protected TurnType createSimpleKeepLeftRightTurn(boolean leftSide, RouteSegmentResult prevSegm,
RouteSegmentResult currentSegm, RoadSplitStructure rs) {
int current = countLanesMinOne(currentSegm);
int ls = current + rs.leftLanes + rs.rightLanes;
int[] lanes = new int[ls];
for (int it = 0; it < ls; it++) {
if (it < rs.leftLanes || it >= rs.leftLanes + current) {
lanes[it] = 0;
} else {
lanes[it] = 1;
// sometimes links are
if ((current <= rs.leftLanes + rs.rightLanes) && (rs.leftLanes > 1 || rs.rightLanes > 1)) {
rs.speak = true;
double devation = Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(prevSegm.getBearingEnd(), currentSegm.getBearingBegin()));
boolean makeSlightTurn = devation > 5 && (!isMotorway(prevSegm) || !isMotorway(currentSegm));
TurnType t = null;
if (rs.keepLeft && rs.keepRight) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.C, leftSide);
} else if (rs.keepLeft) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(makeSlightTurn ? TurnType.TSLL : TurnType.KL, leftSide);
} else if (rs.keepRight) {
t = TurnType.valueOf(makeSlightTurn ? TurnType.TSLR : TurnType.KR, leftSide);
} else {
return t;
return t;
protected int countLanesMinOne(RouteSegmentResult attached) {
final boolean oneway = attached.getObject().getOneway() != 0;
int lns = attached.getObject().getLanes();
if(lns == 0) {
String tls = getTurnLanesString(attached);
if(tls != null) {
return Math.max(1, countOccurrences(tls, '|'));
if (oneway) {
return Math.max(1, lns);
try {
if (attached.isForwardDirection() && attached.getObject().getValue("lanes:forward") != null) {
return Integer.parseInt(attached.getObject().getValue("lanes:forward"));
} else if (!attached.isForwardDirection() && attached.getObject().getValue("lanes:backward") != null) {
return Integer.parseInt(attached.getObject().getValue("lanes:backward"));
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
return Math.max(1, (lns + 1) / 2);
protected static String getTurnLanesString(RouteSegmentResult segment) {
if (segment.getObject().getOneway() == 0) {
if (segment.isForwardDirection()) {
return segment.getObject().getValue("turn:lanes:forward");
} else {
return segment.getObject().getValue("turn:lanes:backward");
} else {
return segment.getObject().getValue("turn:lanes");
private int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < haystack.length(); i++) {
if (haystack.charAt(i) == needle) {
return count;
public static int[] parseTurnLanes(RouteDataObject ro, double dirToNorthEastPi) {
String turnLanes = null;
if (ro.getOneway() == 0) {
// we should get direction to detect forward or backward
double cmp = ro.directionRoute(0, true);
if(Math.abs(MapUtils.alignAngleDifference(dirToNorthEastPi -cmp)) < Math.PI / 2) {
turnLanes = ro.getValue("turn:lanes:forward");
} else {
turnLanes = ro.getValue("turn:lanes:backward");
} else {
turnLanes = ro.getValue("turn:lanes");
if(turnLanes == null) {
return null;
return calculateRawTurnLanes(turnLanes, 0);
public static int[] parseLanes(RouteDataObject ro, double dirToNorthEastPi) {
int lns = 0;
try {
if (ro.getOneway() == 0) {
// we should get direction to detect forward or backward
double cmp = ro.directionRoute(0, true);
if(Math.abs(MapUtils.alignAngleDifference(dirToNorthEastPi -cmp)) < Math.PI / 2) {
if(ro.getValue("lanes:forward") != null) {
lns = Integer.parseInt(ro.getValue("lanes:forward"));
} else {
if(ro.getValue("lanes:backward") != null) {
lns = Integer.parseInt(ro.getValue("lanes:backward"));
if (lns == 0 && ro.getValue("lanes") != null) {
lns = Integer.parseInt(ro.getValue("lanes")) / 2;
} else {
lns = Integer.parseInt(ro.getValue("lanes"));
if(lns > 0 ) {
return new int[lns];
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
private static int[] calculateRawTurnLanes(String turnLanes, int calcTurnType) {
String[] splitLaneOptions = turnLanes.split("\\|", -1);
int[] lanes = new int[splitLaneOptions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < splitLaneOptions.length; i++) {
String[] laneOptions = splitLaneOptions[i].split(";");
boolean isTertiaryTurn = false;
for (int j = 0; j < laneOptions.length; j++) {
int turn = TurnType.convertType(laneOptions[j]);
final int primary = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]);
if (primary == 0) {
TurnType.setPrimaryTurnAndReset(lanes, i, turn);
} else {
if (turn == calcTurnType ||
(TurnType.isRightTurn(calcTurnType) && TurnType.isRightTurn(turn)) ||
(TurnType.isLeftTurn(calcTurnType) && TurnType.isLeftTurn(turn))
) {
TurnType.setPrimaryTurnShiftOthers(lanes, i, turn);
} else if (!isTertiaryTurn) {
TurnType.setSecondaryTurnShiftOthers(lanes, i, turn);
isTertiaryTurn = true;
} else {
TurnType.setTertiaryTurn(lanes, i, turn);
return lanes;
private int inferSlightTurnFromLanes(int[] oLanes, RoadSplitStructure rs) {
TIntHashSet possibleTurns = new TIntHashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < oLanes.length; i++) {
if ((oLanes[i] & 1) == 0) {
if (possibleTurns.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing is in the list to compare to, so add the first elements
if (TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(oLanes[i]) != 0) {
if (TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(oLanes[i]) != 0) {
} else {
TIntArrayList laneTurns = new TIntArrayList();
if (TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(oLanes[i]) != 0) {
if (TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(oLanes[i]) != 0) {
if (possibleTurns.isEmpty()) {
// No common turns, so can't determine anything.
return 0;
// Remove all turns from lanes not selected...because those aren't it
for (int i = 0; i < oLanes.length; i++) {
if ((oLanes[i] & 1) == 0 && !possibleTurns.isEmpty()) {
possibleTurns.remove((Integer) TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(oLanes[i]));
if (TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(oLanes[i]) != 0) {
possibleTurns.remove((Integer) TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(oLanes[i]));
if (TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(oLanes[i]) != 0) {
possibleTurns.remove((Integer) TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(oLanes[i]));
// remove all non-slight turns // TEST don't pass
// if(possibleTurns.size() > 1) {
// TIntIterator it = possibleTurns.iterator();
// while(it.hasNext()) {
// int nxt = it.next();
// if(!TurnType.isSlightTurn(nxt)) {
// it.remove();
// }
// }
// }
int infer = 0;
if (possibleTurns.size() == 1) {
infer = possibleTurns.iterator().next();
} else if (possibleTurns.size() > 1) {
if (rs.keepLeft && rs.keepRight && possibleTurns.contains(TurnType.C)) {
infer = TurnType.C;
} else if (rs.keepLeft || rs.keepRight) {
TIntIterator it = possibleTurns.iterator();
infer = it.next();
while(it.hasNext()) {
int next = it.next();
int orderInfer = TurnType.orderFromLeftToRight(infer);
int orderNext = TurnType.orderFromLeftToRight(next) ;
if(rs.keepLeft && orderNext < orderInfer) {
infer = next;
} else if(rs.keepRight && orderNext > orderInfer) {
infer = next;
// Checking to see that there is only one unique turn
if (infer != 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < oLanes.length; i++) {
if(TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(oLanes[i]) == infer) {
int pt = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(oLanes[i]);
int en = oLanes[i] & 1;
TurnType.setPrimaryTurnAndReset(oLanes, i, infer);
oLanes[i] |= en;
TurnType.setSecondaryTurn(oLanes, i, pt);
return infer;
private boolean isMotorway(RouteSegmentResult s){
String h = s.getObject().getHighway();
return "motorway".equals(h) || "motorway_link".equals(h) ||
"trunk".equals(h) || "trunk_link".equals(h);
private void attachRoadSegments(RoutingContext ctx, List<RouteSegmentResult> result, int routeInd, int pointInd, boolean plus) throws IOException {
RouteSegmentResult rr = result.get(routeInd);
RouteDataObject road = rr.getObject();
long nextL = pointInd < road.getPointsLength() - 1 ? getPoint(road, pointInd + 1) : 0;
long prevL = pointInd > 0 ? getPoint(road, pointInd - 1) : 0;
// attach additional roads to represent more information about the route
RouteSegmentResult previousResult = null;
// by default make same as this road id
long previousRoadId = road.getId();
if (pointInd == rr.getStartPointIndex() && routeInd > 0) {
previousResult = result.get(routeInd - 1);
previousRoadId = previousResult.getObject().getId();
if (previousRoadId != road.getId()) {
if (previousResult.getStartPointIndex() < previousResult.getEndPointIndex()
&& previousResult.getEndPointIndex() < previousResult.getObject().getPointsLength() - 1) {
rr.attachRoute(pointInd, new RouteSegmentResult(previousResult.getObject(), previousResult.getEndPointIndex(),
previousResult.getObject().getPointsLength() - 1));
} else if (previousResult.getStartPointIndex() > previousResult.getEndPointIndex()
&& previousResult.getEndPointIndex() > 0) {
rr.attachRoute(pointInd, new RouteSegmentResult(previousResult.getObject(), previousResult.getEndPointIndex(), 0));
Iterator<RouteSegment> it;
if(rr.getPreAttachedRoutes(pointInd) != null) {
final RouteSegmentResult[] list = rr.getPreAttachedRoutes(pointInd);
it = new Iterator<BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment>() {
int i = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return i < list.length;
public RouteSegment next() {
RouteSegmentResult r = list[i++];
return new RouteSegment(r.getObject(), r.getStartPointIndex());
public void remove() {
} else {
RouteSegment rt = ctx.loadRouteSegment(road.getPoint31XTile(pointInd), road.getPoint31YTile(pointInd), ctx.config.memoryLimitation);
it = rt == null ? null : rt.getIterator();
// try to attach all segments except with current id
while (it != null && it.hasNext()) {
RouteSegment routeSegment = it.next();
if (routeSegment.road.getId() != road.getId() && routeSegment.road.getId() != previousRoadId) {
RouteDataObject addRoad = routeSegment.road;
checkAndInitRouteRegion(ctx, addRoad);
// TODO restrictions can be considered as well
int oneWay = ctx.getRouter().isOneWay(addRoad);
if (oneWay >= 0 && routeSegment.getSegmentStart() < addRoad.getPointsLength() - 1) {
long pointL = getPoint(addRoad, routeSegment.getSegmentStart() + 1);
if(pointL != nextL && pointL != prevL) {
// if way contains same segment (nodes) as different way (do not attach it)
rr.attachRoute(pointInd, new RouteSegmentResult(addRoad, routeSegment.getSegmentStart(), addRoad.getPointsLength() - 1));
if (oneWay <= 0 && routeSegment.getSegmentStart() > 0) {
long pointL = getPoint(addRoad, routeSegment.getSegmentStart() - 1);
// if way contains same segment (nodes) as different way (do not attach it)
if(pointL != nextL && pointL != prevL) {
rr.attachRoute(pointInd, new RouteSegmentResult(addRoad, routeSegment.getSegmentStart(), 0));
private static void println(String logMsg) {
// log.info(logMsg);
private long getPoint(RouteDataObject road, int pointInd) {
return (((long) road.getPoint31XTile(pointInd)) << 31) + (long) road.getPoint31YTile(pointInd);
private static double measuredDist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
return MapUtils.getDistance(MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(y1), MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(x1),
MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(y2), MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(x2));