2013-08-17 23:33:19 +02:00

42 lines
1.9 KiB

package net.osmand.binary;
import java.io.IOException;
public class BinaryInspectorNative {
public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1 << 20;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
if(args == null || args.length == 0) {
args = new String[]{"-vmap", "-bbox=11.3,47.1,11.6,47", "/home/victor/projects/OsmAnd/data/osm-gen/Austria_2.obf"};
// test cases show info
public static void printUsage(String warning) {
if(warning != null){
println("Inspector is console utility for working with binary indexes of OsmAnd.");
println("It allows print info about file, extract parts and merge indexes.");
println("\nUsage for print info : inspector [-vaddress] [-vstreetgroups] [-vstreets] [-vbuildings] [-vintersections] [-vmap] [-vpoi] [-vtransport] [-zoom=Zoom] [-bbox=LeftLon,TopLat,RightLon,BottomLan] [file]");
println(" Prints information about [file] binary index of OsmAnd.");
println(" -v.. more verbouse output (like all cities and their streets or all map objects with tags/values and coordinates)");
println("\nUsage for combining indexes : inspector -c file_to_create (file_from_extract ((+|-)parts_to_extract)? )*");
println("\tCreate new file of extracted parts from input file. [parts_to_extract] could be parts to include or exclude.");
println(" Example : inspector -c output_file input_file +1,2,3\n\tExtracts 1, 2, 3 parts (could be find in print info)");
println(" Example : inspector -c output_file input_file -2,3\n\tExtracts all parts excluding 2, 3");
println(" Example : inspector -c output_file input_file1 input_file2 input_file3\n\tSimply combine 3 files");
println(" Example : inspector -c output_file input_file1 input_file2 -4\n\tCombine all parts of 1st file and all parts excluding 4th part of 2nd file");
private static void println(String string) {