327 lines
13 KiB
327 lines
13 KiB
package net.osmand.router;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.osmand.NativeLibrary;
import net.osmand.PlatformUtil;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader;
import net.osmand.data.LatLon;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.FinalRouteSegment;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment;
import net.osmand.router.RoutingConfiguration.Builder;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
public class TestRouting {
public static int MEMORY_TEST_LIMIT = 800;
public static boolean TEST_WO_HEURISTIC = false;
public static boolean TEST_BOTH_DIRECTION = false;
public static NativeLibrary lib = null;
private static String vehicle = "car";
public static class Parameters {
public File obfDir;
public List<File> tests = new ArrayList<File>();
public double startLat = 0;
public double startLon = 0;
public double endLat = 0;
public double endLon = 0;
public RoutingConfiguration.Builder configBuilder;
public String vehicle = "car";
public static Parameters init(String[] args) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
Parameters p = new Parameters();
String routingXmlFile = null;
String obfDirectory = null;
for (String a : args) {
if (a.startsWith("-routingXmlPath=")) {
routingXmlFile = a.substring("-routingXmlPath=".length());
} else if (a.startsWith("-verbose")) {
} else if (a.startsWith("-obfDir=")) {
obfDirectory = a.substring("-obfDir=".length());
} else if (a.startsWith("-vehicle=")) {
p.vehicle = a.substring("-vehicle=".length());
} else if (a.startsWith("-start=")) {
String start = a.substring("-start=".length());
String[] pt = start.split(";");
p.startLat = Double.parseDouble(pt[0]);
p.startLon = Double.parseDouble(pt[1]);
} else if (a.startsWith("-end=")) {
String start = a.substring("-end=".length());
String[] pt = start.split(";");
p.endLat = Double.parseDouble(pt[0]);
p.endLon = Double.parseDouble(pt[1]);
} else if (a.startsWith("-testDir=")) {
String testDirectory = a.substring("-testDir=".length());
for(File f : new File(testDirectory).listFiles()) {
} else if(!a.startsWith("-")){
p.tests.add(new File(a));
if (obfDirectory == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Directory with obf files not specified");
p.obfDir = new File(obfDirectory);
if (routingXmlFile == null || routingXmlFile.equals("routing.xml")) {
p.configBuilder = RoutingConfiguration.getDefault();
} else {
p.configBuilder = RoutingConfiguration.parseFromInputStream(new FileInputStream(routingXmlFile));
return p;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if(args == null || args.length == 0) {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
Parameters params = Parameters.init(args);
if((params.tests.isEmpty() && params.startLat == 0) || params.obfDir == null) {
if (!params.tests.isEmpty()) {
boolean allSuccess = runAllTests(params, lib);
if (allSuccess) {
System.out.println("All is successfull " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms");
if(params.startLat != 0) {
// calculateRoute(params.obfDir.getAbsolutePath(), params.startLat, params.startLon,
// params.endLat, params.endLon);
BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs = collectFiles(params.obfDir.getAbsolutePath());
vehicle = params.vehicle;
calculateRoute(params.startLat, params.startLon,
params.endLat, params.endLon, rs);
calculateRoute(params.startLat, params.startLon,
params.endLat, params.endLon, rs);
public static boolean runAllTests(Parameters params, NativeLibrary lib) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception {
BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs = collectFiles(params.obfDir.getAbsolutePath());
boolean allSuccess = true;
for(File f : params.tests) {
System.out.println("Before test " + f.getAbsolutePath());
allSuccess &= test(lib, new FileInputStream(f), rs, params.configBuilder);
return allSuccess;
public static void info() {
println("Run router tests is console utility to test route calculation for osmand. It is also possible to calculate one route from -start to -end.");
println("\nUsage for run tests : runTestsSuite [-routingXmlPath=PATH] [-verbose] [-obfDir=PATH] [-vehicle=VEHICLE_STRING] [-start=lat;lon] [-end=lat;lon] [-testDir=PATH] {individualTestPath}");
private static void println(String string) {
public static boolean test(NativeLibrary lib, InputStream resource, BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs, RoutingConfiguration.Builder config) throws Exception {
XmlPullParser parser = PlatformUtil.newXMLPullParser();
parser.setInput(resource, "UTF-8");
int tok;
while ((tok = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (tok == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String name = parser.getName();
testRoute(parser, config, lib, rs);
return true;
private static float parseFloat(XmlPullParser parser, String attr) {
String v = parser.getAttributeValue("", attr);
if(v == null || v.length() == 0){
return 0;
return Float.parseFloat(v);
private static boolean isInOrLess(float expected, float value, float percent){
if(equalPercent(expected, value, percent)){
return true;
if(value < expected) {
System.err.println("Test could be adjusted value " + value + " is much less then expected " + expected);
return true;
return false;
private static boolean equalPercent(float expected, float value, float percent){
if(Math.abs(value/expected - 1) < percent / 100){
return true;
return false;
private static void testRoute(XmlPullParser parser, Builder config, NativeLibrary lib, BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String vehicle = parser.getAttributeValue("", "vehicle");
int loadedTiles = (int) parseFloat(parser, "loadedTiles");
int visitedSegments = (int) parseFloat(parser, "visitedSegments");
int complete_time = (int) parseFloat(parser, "complete_time");
int routing_time = (int) parseFloat(parser, "routing_time");
int complete_distance = (int) parseFloat(parser, "complete_distance");
float percent = parseFloat(parser, "best_percent");
String testDescription = parser.getAttributeValue("", "description");
if(percent == 0){
System.err.println("\n\n!! Skipped test case '" + testDescription + "' because 'best_percent' attribute is not specified \n\n" );
RoutingConfiguration rconfig = config.build(vehicle, MEMORY_TEST_LIMIT);
RoutePlannerFrontEnd router = new RoutePlannerFrontEnd();
RoutingContext ctx = router.buildRoutingContext(rconfig,
lib, rs);
String skip = parser.getAttributeValue("", "skip_comment");
if (skip != null && skip.length() > 0) {
System.err.println("\n\n!! Skipped test case '" + testDescription + "' because '" + skip + "'\n\n" );
System.out.println("Run test " + testDescription);
double startLat = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue("", "start_lat"));
double startLon = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue("", "start_lon"));
double endLat = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue("", "target_lat"));
double endLon = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue("", "target_lon"));
LatLon start = new LatLon(startLat, startLon);
LatLon end = new LatLon(endLat, endLon);
List<RouteSegmentResult> route = router.searchRoute(ctx, start, end, null);
final float calcRoutingTime = ctx.routingTime;
float completeTime = 0;
float completeDistance = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < route.size(); i++) {
completeTime += route.get(i).getSegmentTime();
completeDistance += route.get(i).getDistance();
if(complete_time > 0 && !isInOrLess(complete_time, completeTime, percent)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Complete time (expected) {0} != {1} (original) : {2}", complete_time, completeTime, testDescription));
if(complete_distance > 0 && !isInOrLess(complete_distance, completeDistance, percent)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Complete distance (expected) {0} != {1} (original) : {2}", complete_distance, completeDistance, testDescription));
if(routing_time > 0 && !isInOrLess(routing_time, calcRoutingTime, percent)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Complete routing time (expected) {0} != {1} (original) : {2}", routing_time, calcRoutingTime, testDescription));
if (visitedSegments > 0 && !isInOrLess(visitedSegments, ctx.visitedSegments, percent)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Visited segments (expected) {0} != {1} (original) : {2}", visitedSegments,
ctx.visitedSegments, testDescription));
if (loadedTiles > 0 && !isInOrLess(loadedTiles, ctx.loadedTiles, percent)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Loaded tiles (expected) {0} != {1} (original) : {2}", loadedTiles,
ctx.loadedTiles, testDescription));
rconfig.planRoadDirection = -1;
runTestSpecialTest(lib, rs, rconfig, router, start, end, calcRoutingTime, "Calculated routing time in both direction {0} != {1} time in -1 direction");
rconfig.planRoadDirection = 1;
runTestSpecialTest(lib, rs, rconfig, router, start, end, calcRoutingTime, "Calculated routing time in both direction {0} != {1} time in 1 direction");
rconfig.planRoadDirection = 0;
rconfig.heuristicCoefficient = 0.5f;
runTestSpecialTest(lib, rs, rconfig, router, start, end, calcRoutingTime,
"Calculated routing time with heuristic 1 {0} != {1} with heuristic 0.5");
private static void runTestSpecialTest(NativeLibrary lib, BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs, RoutingConfiguration rconfig, RoutePlannerFrontEnd router,
LatLon start, LatLon end, final float calcRoutingTime, String msg) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
RoutingContext ctx = router.buildRoutingContext(rconfig, lib, rs);
router.searchRoute(ctx, start, end, null);
FinalRouteSegment frs = ctx.finalRouteSegment;
if(frs == null || !equalPercent(calcRoutingTime, frs.distanceFromStart, 0.5f)){
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(msg, calcRoutingTime+"",frs == null?"0":frs.distanceFromStart+""));
public static void calculateRoute(String folderWithObf,
double startLat, double startLon, double endLat, double endLon) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs = collectFiles(folderWithObf);
calculateRoute(startLat, startLon, endLat, endLon, rs);
calculateRoute(startLat, startLon, endLat, endLon, rs);
private static BinaryMapIndexReader[] collectFiles(String folderWithObf) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
for (File f : new File(folderWithObf).listFiles()) {
if (f.getName().endsWith(".obf")) {
BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs = new BinaryMapIndexReader[files.size()];
int it = 0;
for (File f : files) {
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f.getAbsolutePath(), "r"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
rs[it++] = new BinaryMapIndexReader(raf, f);
return rs;
private static void calculateRoute(double startLat, double startLon, double endLat, double endLon, BinaryMapIndexReader[] rs)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
Builder config = RoutingConfiguration.getDefault();
RoutingConfiguration rconfig = config.build(vehicle, MEMORY_TEST_LIMIT);
RoutePlannerFrontEnd router = new RoutePlannerFrontEnd();
RoutingContext ctx = router.buildRoutingContext(rconfig, lib, rs);
RouteSegment startSegment = router.findRouteSegment(startLat, startLon, ctx, null);
RouteSegment endSegment = router.findRouteSegment(endLat, endLon, ctx, null);
if(startSegment == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start segment is not found ");
if(endSegment == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("End segment is not found ");
// Clear ctx
ctx = router.buildRoutingContext(rconfig, lib, rs);
List<RouteSegmentResult> route = router.searchRoute(ctx,
new LatLon(startLat, startLon), new LatLon(endLat, endLon), null);
System.out.println("Route is " + route.size() + " segments " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ts) + " ms ");