2011-06-20 01:41:56 +02:00

780 lines
25 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" ogr2osm beta
(c) Iván Sánchez Ortega, 2009
This piece of crap^H^H^H^Hsoftware is supposed to take just about any vector file
as an input thanks to the magic of the OGR libraries, and then output a pretty OSM XML
file with that data.
The cool part is that it will detect way segments shared between several ways, so
it will build relations outof thin air. This simplifies the structure of boundaries, for
It is also able to translate attributes to tags, though there is only one such translation
scheme by now. In order to translate your own datasets, you should have some basic
understanding of python programming. See the files in the translation/ directory.
An outstanding issue is that elevation in 2.5D features (that can be generated by
reprojecting) is ignored completely.
Usage: specify a filename to be converted (its extension will be changed to .osm), and the
the projection the source data is in. You can specify the source projection by using either
an EPSG code or a Proj.4 string.
If the projection is not specified, ogr2osm will try to fetch it from the source data. If
there is no projection information in the source data, this will assume EPSG:4326 (WGS84
python ogr2osm.py [options] [filename]
-e, --epsg=... EPSG code, forcing the source data projection
-p, --proj4=... PROJ4 string, forcing the source data projection
-v, --verbose Shows some seemingly random characters dancing in the screen
for every feature that's being worked on.
-h, --help Show this message
-d, --debug-tags Outputs the tags for every feature parsed
-a, --attribute-stats Outputs a summary of the different tags / attributes encountered
-t, --translation=... Select the attribute-tags translation method.
See the translations/ diredtory for valid values.
-o, --output=... Set destination .osm file name and location.
(-e and -p are mutually exclusive. If both are specified, only the last one will be
taken into account)
For example, if the shapefile foobar.shp has projection EPSG:23030, do:
python ogr2osm.py foobar.shp -e 23030
This will do an in-the-fly reprojection from EPSG:23030 to EPSG:4326, and write a file
called "foobar.osm"
# <ivan@sanchezortega.es> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you #
# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think #
# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. #
import sys
import os
import getopt
from SimpleXMLWriter import XMLWriter
from osgeo import ogr
import ogr
from osgeo import osr
import osr
# Some needed constants
from ogr import wkbPoint
from ogr import wkbLineString
from ogr import wkbPolygon
from ogr import wkbMultiPoint
from ogr import wkbMultiLineString
from ogr import wkbMultiPolygon
from ogr import wkbGeometryCollection
from ogr import wkbUnknown
from ogr import wkbNone
from ogr import wkbPoint25D
from ogr import wkbLineString25D
from ogr import wkbPolygon25D
from ogr import wkbMultiPoint25D
from ogr import wkbMultiLineString25D
from ogr import wkbMultiPolygon25D
from ogr import wkbGeometryCollection25D
# Default options
sourceEPSG = 4326
sourceProj4 = None
detectProjection = True
useEPSG = False
useProj4 = False
showProgress = False
debugTags = False
attributeStats = False
translationMethod = None
output = None
# Fetch command line parameters: file and source projection
(opts, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "e:p:hvdat:o:", ["epsg=","proj4=","help","verbose","debug-tags","attribute-stats","translation=","output="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print __doc__
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
print __doc__
elif opt in ("-p", "--proj4"):
sourceProj4 = arg
useProj4 = True
useEPSG = False
detectProjection = False
elif opt in ("-e", "--epsg"):
sourceEPSG = int(arg)
print "Error: EPSG code must be numeric (e.g. '4326' instead of 'epsg:4326')"
detectProjection = False
useEPSG = True
useProj4 = False
elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
elif opt in ("-d", "--debug-tags"):
elif opt in ("-a", "--attribute-stats"):
attributeStatsTable = {}
elif opt in ("-t", "--translation"):
translationMethod = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--output"):
output = arg
print "Unknown option " + opt
print (opts,args)
file = args[0]
fileExtension = file.split('.')[-1].lower()
# FIXME: really complete this table
if fileExtension == 'shp':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile');
elif fileExtension == 'tab' or fileExtension == 'mid' or fileExtension == 'mif':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('MapInfo File');
elif fileExtension == 'gpx':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('GPX');
elif fileExtension == 'dgn':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('DGN');
elif fileExtension == 'gml':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('GML');
elif fileExtension == 'csv':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('CSV');
elif fileExtension == 'sqlite':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('SQLite');
elif fileExtension == 'kml':
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('KML');
#elif fileExtension == 'kmz':
#driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('KML');
print "Error: extension " + fileExtension + " is invalid or not implemented yet."
if output is None:
# Strip directories from output file name
slashPosition = file.rfind('/')
if slashPosition != -1:
#print slashPosition
outputFile = file[slashPosition+1:]
#print outputFile
#print len(fileExtension)
outputFile = file
outputFile = outputFile[: -len(fileExtension) ] + 'osm'
outputFile = output
# 0 means read-only
dataSource = driver.Open(file,0);
if dataSource is None:
print 'Could not open ' + file
print "Preparing to convert file " + file + " (extension is " + fileExtension + ") into " + outputFile
if detectProjection:
print "Will try to detect projection from source metadata, or fall back to EPSG:4326"
elif useEPSG:
print "Will assume that source data is in EPSG:" + str(sourceEPSG)
elif useProj4:
print "Will assume that source data has the Proj.4 string: " + sourceProj4
if showProgress:
print "Verbose mode is on. Get ready to see lots of dots."
if debugTags:
print "Tag debugging is on. Get ready to see lots of stuff."
# Some variables to hold stuff...
nodeIDsByXY = {}
nodeTags = {}
nodeCoords = {}
nodeRefs = {}
segmentNodes = {}
segmentIDByNodes = {}
segmentRefs = {}
areaRings = {}
areaTags = {}
lineSegments = {}
lineTags = {}
# nodeIDsByXY holds a node ID, given a set of coordinates (useful for looking for duplicated nodes)
# nodeTags holds the tag pairs given a node ID
# nodeCoords holds the coordinates of a given node ID (redundant if nodeIDsByXY is properly iterated through)
# nodeRefs holds up the IDs of any segment referencing (containing) a given node ID, as a dictionary
# segmentNodes holds up the node IDs for a given segment ID
# segmentIDByNodes holds up segment IDs for a given pair of node IDs (useful for looking for duplicated segments)
# segmentRefs holds up the IDs of any ways or areas referencing (containing) a given segment ID, as a dictionary with segment IDs as keys, and a boolean as value (the bool is a flag indicating whether the segment is an existing segment, but reversed - will probably screw things up with oneway=yes stuff)
# areaRings holds up the rings, as a list of segments, for a given area ID
# areaTags holds up the tags for a given area ID
# lineSegments and lineTags work pretty much as areaRings and areaTags (only that lineSegments is a list, and areaRings is a list of lists)
# Stuff needed for locating translation methods
if translationMethod:
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "/translations")
module = __import__(translationMethod)
translateAttributes = module.translateAttributes
print "Could not load translation method " + translationMethod + ". Check the translations/ directory for valid values."
print "Successfully loaded " + translationMethod + " translation method."
# If no function has been defined, perform no translation: just copy everything.
translateAttributes = lambda(attrs): attrs
elementIdCounter = -1
nodeCount = 0
segmentCount = 0
lineCount = 0
areaCount = 0
segmentJoinCount = 0
print "Parsing features"
# Some aux stuff for parsing the features into the data arrays
def addNode(x,y,tags = {}):
"Given x,y, returns the ID of an existing node there, or creates it and returns the new ID. Node will be updated with the optional tags."
global elementIdCounter, nodeCount, nodeCoords, nodeIDsByXY, nodeTags, nodeCoords
if (x,y) in nodeIDsByXY:
# Node already exists, merge tags
#print "Warning, node already exists"
nodeID = nodeIDsByXY[(x,y)]
return nodeID
# Allocate a new node
nodeID = elementIdCounter
elementIdCounter = elementIdCounter - 1
nodeIDsByXY[(x,y)] = nodeID
nodeCoords[nodeID] = (x,y)
nodeCount = nodeCount +1
return nodeID
def lineStringToSegments(geometry,references):
"Given a LineString geometry, will create the appropiate segments. It will add the optional tags and will not check for duplicate segments. Needs a line or area ID for updating the segment references. Returns a list of segment IDs."
global elementIdCounter, segmentCount, segmentNodes, segmentTags, showProgress, nodeRefs, segmentRefs, segmentIDByNodes
result = []
(lastx,lasty,z) = geometry.GetPoint(0)
lastNodeID = addNode(lastx,lasty)
for k in range(1,geometry.GetPointCount()):
(newx,newy,z) = geometry.GetPoint(k)
newNodeID = addNode(newx,newy)
if (lastNodeID, newNodeID) in segmentIDByNodes:
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write(u"-")
segmentID = segmentIDByNodes[(lastNodeID, newNodeID)]
reversed = False
#print "Duplicated segment"
elif (newNodeID, lastNodeID) in segmentIDByNodes:
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write(u"_")
segmentID = segmentIDByNodes[(newNodeID, lastNodeID)]
reversed = True
#print "Duplicated reverse segment"
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('.')
segmentID = elementIdCounter
elementIdCounter = elementIdCounter - 1
segmentCount = segmentCount +1
segmentNodes[segmentID] = [ lastNodeID, newNodeID ]
segmentIDByNodes[(lastNodeID, newNodeID)] = segmentID
reversed = False
lastNodeID = newNodeID
return result
# Let's dive into the OGR data source and fetch the features
for i in range(dataSource.GetLayerCount()):
layer = dataSource.GetLayer(i)
spatialRef = None
if detectProjection:
spatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
if spatialRef != None:
print "Detected projection metadata:"
print spatialRef
print "No projection metadata, falling back to EPSG:4326"
elif useEPSG:
spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
elif useProj4:
spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
if spatialRef == None: # No source proj specified yet? Then default to do no reprojection.
# Some python magic: skip reprojection altogether by using a dummy lamdba funcion. Otherwise, the lambda will be a call to the OGR reprojection stuff.
reproject = lambda(geometry): None
destSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
destSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # Destionation projection will *always* be EPSG:4326, WGS84 lat-lon
coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(spatialRef,destSpatialRef)
reproject = lambda(geometry): geometry.Transform(coordTrans)
featureDefinition = layer.GetLayerDefn()
fieldNames = []
fieldCount = featureDefinition.GetFieldCount();
for j in range(fieldCount):
#print featureDefinition.GetFieldDefn(j).GetNameRef()
fieldNames.append (featureDefinition.GetFieldDefn(j).GetNameRef())
if attributeStats:
attributeStatsTable.update({featureDefinition.GetFieldDefn(j).GetNameRef():{} })
print fieldNames
print "Got layer field definitions"
#print "Feature definition: " + str(featureDefinition);
for j in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
if geometry == None:
fields = {}
for k in range(fieldCount-1):
#fields[ fieldNames[k] ] = feature.GetRawFieldRef(k)
fields[ fieldNames[k] ] = feature.GetFieldAsString(k)
if attributeStats:
attributeStatsTable[ fieldNames[k] ][ feature.GetFieldAsString(k) ] = attributeStatsTable[ fieldNames[k] ][ feature.GetFieldAsString(k) ] + 1
attributeStatsTable[ fieldNames[k] ].update({ feature.GetFieldAsString(k) : 1})
# Translate attributes into tags, as defined per the selected translation method
tags = translateAttributes(fields)
if debugTags:
print tags
# Do the reprojection (or pass if no reprojection is neccesary, see the lambda function definition)
# Now we got the fields for this feature. Now, let's convert the geometry.
# Points will get converted into nodes.
# LineStrings will get converted into a set of ways, each having only two nodes
# Polygons will be converted into relations
# Later, we'll fix the topology and simplify the ways. If a relation can be simplified into a way (i.e. only has one member), it will be. Adjacent segments will be merged if they share tags and direction.
# We'll split a geometry into subGeometries or "elementary" geometries: points, linestrings, and polygons. This will take care of OGRMultiLineStrings, OGRGeometryCollections and the like
geometryType = geometry.GetGeometryType()
subGeometries = []
if geometryType == wkbPoint or geometryType == wkbLineString or geometryType == wkbPolygon:
subGeometries = [geometry]
elif geometryType == wkbMultiPoint or geometryType == wkbMultiLineString or geometryType == wkbMultiPolygon or geometryType == wkbGeometryCollection:
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('M')
for k in range(geometry.GetGeometryCount()):
elif geometryType == wkbPoint25D or geometryType == wkbLineString25D or geometryType == wkbPolygon25D:
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('z')
subGeometries = [geometry]
elif geometryType == wkbMultiPoint25D or geometryType == wkbMultiLineString25D or geometryType == wkbMultiPolygon25D or geometryType == wkbGeometryCollection25D:
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('Mz')
for k in range(geometry.GetGeometryCount()):
elif geometryType == wkbUnknown:
print "Geometry type is wkbUnknown, feature will be ignored\n"
elif geometryType == wkbNone:
print "Geometry type is wkbNone, feature will be ignored\n"
print "Unknown or unimplemented geometry type :" + str(geometryType) + ", feature will be ignored\n"
for geometry in subGeometries:
if geometry.GetDimension() == 0:
# 0-D = point
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write(',')
x = geometry.GetX()
y = geometry.GetY()
nodeID = addNode(x,y,tags)
# TODO: tags
elif geometry.GetDimension() == 1:
# 1-D = linestring
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('|')
lineID = elementIdCounter
elementIdCounter = elementIdCounter - 1
lineSegments[lineID] = lineStringToSegments(geometry,lineID)
lineTags[lineID] = tags
lineCount = lineCount + 1
elif geometry.GetDimension() == 2:
# 2-D = area
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('O')
areaID = elementIdCounter
elementIdCounter = elementIdCounter - 1
rings = []
for k in range(0,geometry.GetGeometryCount()):
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('r')
rings.append(lineStringToSegments(geometry.GetGeometryRef(k), areaID))
areaRings[areaID] = rings
areaTags[areaID] = tags
areaCount = areaCount + 1
# TODO: tags
# The ring 0 will be the outer hull, any other rings will be inner hulls.
print "Nodes: " + str(nodeCount)
print "Way segments: " + str(segmentCount)
print "Lines: " + str(lineCount)
print "Areas: " + str(areaCount)
print "Joining segments"
# OK, all features should be parsed in the arrays by now
# Let's start to do some topological magic
# We'll iterate through all the lines and areas, then iterate through all the nodes contained there
# We'll then fetch all segments referencing that node. If a pair of segments share the same references (i.e. they are part of the same line or area), they will be joined as one and de-referenced from that node. Joining segments mean than the concept of segment changes at this point, becoming linestrings or ways.
# There are some edge cases in which the algorithm may not prove optimal: if a line (or area ring) crosses itself, then the node will have more than two segments referenced to the line (or area), and does NOT check for the optimal one. As a result, lines that cross themselves may be (incorrectly) split into two and merged via a relation. In other words, the order of the points in a line (or ring) may not be kept if the line crosses itself.
# The algorithm will not check if the node has been de-referenced: instead, it will check for the first and last node of the segments involved - if the segments have already been joined, the check will fail.
def simplifyNode(nodeID):
global nodeRefs, segmentNodes, segmentRefs, showProgress, lineSegments, areaRings, segmentJoinCount
#for (nodeID, segments) in nodeRefs.items():
segments = nodeRefs[nodeID]
segmentsJoined = 0
#print "Node ID: " + str(nodeID)
#print "Node references to: " + str(segments)
# We have to try all pairs of segments somehow
for segmentID1 in segments.copy():
for segmentID2 in segments.copy(): # We'll be changing the references, so make sure we iterate through the original list
if segmentID1 != segmentID2:
#print str(segmentID1) + " vs " + str(segmentID2)
if segmentNodes[segmentID1][-1] == segmentNodes[segmentID2][0] == nodeID and segmentRefs[segmentID1] == segmentRefs[segmentID2] :
#print "Segment " + str(segmentID1) + ": " + str(segmentNodes[segmentID1])
#print "Segment " + str(segmentID2) + ": " + str(segmentNodes[segmentID2])
#if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('=')
segmentNodes[segmentID1].extend( segmentNodes[segmentID2][1:] ) # Voila! Joined!
for nodeShifted in segmentNodes[segmentID2][1:]: # Replace node references
#print "deleting reference from node " + str(nodeShifted) + " to segment " + str(segmentID2) + "; updating to " + str(segmentID1)
del nodeRefs[nodeShifted][segmentID2]
# TODO: Check for potential clashes between the references? As in "way X has these segments in the wrong direction". The trivial case for this looks like a topology error, anyway.
# Anyway, delete all references to the second segment - we're 100% sure that the line or area references the first one 'cause we've checked before joining the segments
for segmentRef in segmentRefs[segmentID2]:
for ring in areaRings[segmentRef]:
del segmentRefs[segmentID2]
del segmentNodes[segmentID2]
segmentJoinCount = segmentJoinCount +1
segmentsJoined = segmentsJoined + 1
pass # This is due to the node no longer referencing to a segment because we just de-referenced it in a previous pass of the loop; this will be quite common
# FIXME: if segmentsJoined > 1, this should mark the node for further testing - It's very likely to be a self-intersection.
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write(str(segmentsJoined))
print "Simplifying line segments"
for line in lineSegments.values():
#print line
for segmentID in line: # No need to check the last segment, it could not be simplyfied
#print segmentID
#print segmentNodes[segmentID]
for nodeID in segmentNodes[segmentID]:
#simplifyNode(segmentNodes[segmentID][0]) # last node in segment
print "Simplifying area segments"
for area in areaRings.values():
for ring in area:
for segmentID in ring:
for nodeID in segmentNodes[segmentID]:
simplifyNode(nodeID) # last node in segment
# That *should* do it... but a second pass through all the nodes will really fix things up. I wonder why some nodes are left out of the previous pass
print "Simplifying remaining nodes"
for node in nodeRefs.keys():
print "Nodes: " + str(nodeCount)
print "Original way segments: " + str(segmentCount)
print "Segment join operations: " + str(segmentJoinCount)
print "Lines: " + str(lineCount)
print "Areas: " + str(areaCount)
#print nodeRefs
#print segmentNodes
#print lineSegments
#print areaRings
#print segmentRefs
print "Generating OSM XML..."
print "Generating nodes."
#w = XMLWriter(sys.stdout)
w = XMLWriter(open(outputFile,'w'))
w.start("osm", version='0.6', generator='ogr2osm')
# First, the nodes
for (nodeID,(x,y)) in nodeCoords.items():
w.start("node", visible="true", id=str(nodeID), lat=str(y), lon=str(x))
for (tagKey,tagValue) in nodeTags[nodeID].items():
if tagValue:
w.element("tag", k=tagKey, v=tagValue)
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('.')
#print "Generated nodes. On to shared segments."
# Now, the segments used by more than one line/area, as untagged ways
#for (segmentID, segmentRef) in segmentRefs.items():
#if len(segmentRef) > 1:
#print "FIXME: output shared segment"
#outputtedSegments[segmentID] = True
print "Generated nodes. On to lines."
# Next, the lines, either as ways or as relations
outputtedSegments = {}
for (lineID, lineSegment) in lineSegments.items():
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write(str(len(lineSegment)) + " ")
if len(lineSegment) == 1: # The line will be a simple way
w.start('way', id=str(lineID), action='modify', visible='true')
for nodeID in segmentNodes[ lineSegment[0] ]:
for (tagKey,tagValue) in lineTags[lineID].items():
if tagValue:
w.element("tag", k=tagKey, v=tagValue)
else: # The line will be a relationship
#print "Line ID " + str(lineID) + " uses more than one segment: " + str(lineSegment)
for segmentID in lineSegment:
if segmentID not in outputtedSegments:
w.start('way', id=str(segmentID), action='modify', visible='true')
for nodeID in segmentNodes[ segmentID ]:
w.start('relation', id=str(lineID), action='modify', visible='true')
for segmentID in lineSegment:
w.element('member', type='way', ref=str(segmentID), role='')
for (tagKey,tagValue) in lineTags[lineID].items():
if tagValue:
w.element("tag", k=tagKey, v=tagValue)
print "Generated lines. On to areas."
# And last, the areas, either as ways or as relations
#print areaRings
for (areaID, areaRing) in areaRings.items():
if len(areaRing) == 1 and len(areaRing[0]) == 1: # The area will be a simple way
w.start('way', id=str(areaID), action='modify', visible='true')
for nodeID in segmentNodes[ areaRing[0][0] ]:
for (tagKey,tagValue) in areaTags[areaID].items():
if tagValue:
w.element("tag", k=tagKey, v=tagValue)
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write('0 ')
segmentsUsed = 0
segmentsUsedInRing = 0
#print "FIXME"
for ring in areaRing:
for segmentID in ring:
if segmentID not in outputtedSegments:
w.start('way', id=str(segmentID), action='modify', visible='true')
for nodeID in segmentNodes[ segmentID ]:
w.start('relation', id=str(areaID), action='modify', visible='true')
w.element("tag", k='type', v='multipolygon')
role = 'outer'
for ring in areaRing:
for segmentID in ring:
w.element('member', type='way', ref=str(segmentID), role=role)
segmentsUsed = segmentsUsed + 1
segmentsUsedInRing = segmentsUsedInRing + 1
role = 'inner'
#if showProgress: sys.stdout.write(str(segmentsUsedInRing)+'r')
segmentsUsedInRing = 0
for (tagKey,tagValue) in areaTags[areaID].items():
if tagValue:
w.element("tag", k=tagKey, v=tagValue)
if showProgress: sys.stdout.write(str(segmentsUsed) + " ")
if attributeStats:
for (attribute, stats) in attributeStatsTable.items():
print "All values for attribute " + attribute + ":"
print stats
print "All done. Enjoy your data!"