887 lines
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887 lines
25 KiB
package net.osmand.router;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteRegion;
import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteTypeRule;
import net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject;
import net.osmand.router.BinaryRoutePlanner.RouteSegment;
import net.osmand.util.Algorithms;
import net.osmand.util.MapUtils;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet;
public class GeneralRouter implements VehicleRouter {
private static final float CAR_SHORTEST_DEFAULT_SPEED = 55/3.6f;
public static final String USE_SHORTEST_WAY = "short_way";
public static final String AVOID_FERRIES = "avoid_ferries";
public static final String AVOID_TOLL = "avoid_toll";
public static final String AVOID_MOTORWAY = "avoid_motorway";
public static final String AVOID_UNPAVED = "avoid_unpaved";
public static final String PREFER_MOTORWAYS = "prefer_motorway";
private final RouteAttributeContext[] objectAttributes;
public final Map<String, String> attributes;
private final Map<String, RoutingParameter> parameters;
private final Map<String, Integer> universalRules;
private final List<String> universalRulesById;
private final Map<String, BitSet> tagRuleMask;
private final ArrayList<Object> ruleToValue;
private boolean shortestRoute;
private Map<RouteRegion, Map<Integer, Integer>> regionConvert = new LinkedHashMap<RouteRegion, Map<Integer,Integer>>();
// cached values
private boolean restrictionsAware = true;
private float leftTurn;
private float roundaboutTurn;
private float rightTurn;
// speed in m/s
private float minDefaultSpeed = 10;
// speed in m/s
private float maxDefaultSpeed = 10;
private TLongHashSet impassableRoads;
public enum RouteDataObjectAttribute {
public final String nm;
RouteDataObjectAttribute(String name) {
nm = name;
public static RouteDataObjectAttribute getValueOf(String s){
for(RouteDataObjectAttribute a : RouteDataObjectAttribute.values()){
return a;
return null;
public enum GeneralRouterProfile {
public enum RoutingParameterType {
public GeneralRouter(GeneralRouterProfile profile, Map<String, String> attributes) {
this.attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
Iterator<Entry<String, String>> e = attributes.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<String, String> next = e.next();
addAttribute(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
objectAttributes = new RouteAttributeContext[RouteDataObjectAttribute.values().length];
for (int i = 0; i < objectAttributes.length; i++) {
objectAttributes[i] = new RouteAttributeContext();
universalRules = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
universalRulesById = new ArrayList<String>();
tagRuleMask = new LinkedHashMap<String, BitSet>();
ruleToValue = new ArrayList<Object>();
parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, GeneralRouter.RoutingParameter>();
public GeneralRouter(GeneralRouter parent, Map<String, String> params) {
this.attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
Iterator<Entry<String, String>> e = parent.attributes.entrySet().iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, String> next = e.next();
addAttribute(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
// do not copy, keep linked
universalRules = parent.universalRules;
universalRulesById = parent.universalRulesById;
tagRuleMask = parent.tagRuleMask;
ruleToValue = parent.ruleToValue;
parameters = parent.parameters;
objectAttributes = new RouteAttributeContext[RouteDataObjectAttribute.values().length];
for (int i = 0; i < objectAttributes.length; i++) {
objectAttributes[i] = new RouteAttributeContext(parent.objectAttributes[i], params);
shortestRoute = params.containsKey(USE_SHORTEST_WAY) && parseSilentBoolean(params.get(USE_SHORTEST_WAY), false);
if(shortestRoute) {
maxDefaultSpeed = Math.min(CAR_SHORTEST_DEFAULT_SPEED, maxDefaultSpeed);
public Map<String, RoutingParameter> getParameters() {
return parameters;
public void addAttribute(String k, String v) {
attributes.put(k, v);
if(k.equals("restrictionsAware")) {
restrictionsAware = parseSilentBoolean(v, restrictionsAware);
} else if(k.equals("leftTurn")) {
leftTurn = parseSilentFloat(v, leftTurn);
} else if(k.equals("rightTurn")) {
rightTurn = parseSilentFloat(v, rightTurn);
} else if(k.equals("roundaboutTurn")) {
roundaboutTurn = parseSilentFloat(v, roundaboutTurn);
} else if(k.equals("minDefaultSpeed")) {
minDefaultSpeed = parseSilentFloat(v, minDefaultSpeed * 3.6f) / 3.6f;
} else if(k.equals("maxDefaultSpeed")) {
maxDefaultSpeed = parseSilentFloat(v, maxDefaultSpeed * 3.6f) / 3.6f;
public RouteAttributeContext getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute a) {
return objectAttributes[a.ordinal()];
public void registerBooleanParameter(String id, String name, String description) {
RoutingParameter rp = new RoutingParameter();
rp.name = name;
rp.description = description;
rp.id = id;
rp.type = RoutingParameterType.BOOLEAN;
parameters.put(rp.id, rp);
public void registerNumericParameter(String id, String name, String description, Double[] vls, String[] vlsDescriptions) {
RoutingParameter rp = new RoutingParameter();
rp.name = name;
rp.description = description;
rp.id = id;
rp.possibleValues = vls;
rp.possibleValueDescriptions = vlsDescriptions;
rp.type = RoutingParameterType.NUMERIC;
parameters.put(rp.id, rp);
public boolean acceptLine(RouteDataObject way) {
int res = getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute.ACCESS).evaluateInt(way, 0);
if(impassableRoads != null && impassableRoads.contains(way.id)) {
return false;
return res >= 0;
public long[] getImpassableRoadIds() {
if(impassableRoads == null) {
return new long[0];
return impassableRoads.toArray();
private int registerTagValueAttribute(String tag, String value) {
String key = tag +"$"+value;
if(universalRules.containsKey(key)) {
return universalRules.get(key);
int id = universalRules.size();
universalRules.put(key, id);
if(!tagRuleMask.containsKey(tag)) {
tagRuleMask.put(tag, new BitSet());
return id;
private Object parseValue(String value, String type) {
float vl = -1;
value = value.trim();
if("speed".equals(type)) {
vl = RouteDataObject.parseSpeed(value, vl);
} else if("weight".equals(type)) {
vl = RouteDataObject.parseWeightInTon(value, vl);
} else if("length".equals(type)) {
vl = RouteDataObject.parseLength(value, vl);
} else {
int i = Algorithms.findFirstNumberEndIndex(value);
if (i > 0) {
// could be negative
return Float.parseFloat(value.substring(0, i));
if(vl == -1) {
return null;
return vl;
private Object parseValueFromTag(int id, String type) {
while (ruleToValue.size() <= id) {
Object res = ruleToValue.get(id);
if (res == null) {
String v = universalRulesById.get(id);
String value = v.substring(v.indexOf('$') + 1);
res = parseValue(value, type);
if (res == null) {
res = "";
ruleToValue.set(id, res);
if ("".equals(res)) {
return null;
return res;
public GeneralRouter build(Map<String, String> params) {
return new GeneralRouter(this, params);
public boolean restrictionsAware() {
return restrictionsAware;
public float defineObstacle(RouteDataObject road, int point) {
int[] pointTypes = road.getPointTypes(point);
if(pointTypes != null) {
return getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute.OBSTACLES).evaluateFloat(road.region, pointTypes, 0);
return 0;
public float defineRoutingObstacle(RouteDataObject road, int point) {
int[] pointTypes = road.getPointTypes(point);
if(pointTypes != null){
return getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute.ROUTING_OBSTACLES).evaluateFloat(road.region, pointTypes, 0);
return 0;
public int isOneWay(RouteDataObject road) {
return getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute.ONEWAY).evaluateInt(road, 0);
public float getPenaltyTransition(RouteDataObject road) {
return getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute.PENALTY_TRANSITION).evaluateInt(road, 0);
public float defineRoutingSpeed(RouteDataObject road) {
return Math.min(defineVehicleSpeed(road), maxDefaultSpeed);
public float defineVehicleSpeed(RouteDataObject road) {
return getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute.ROAD_SPEED) .evaluateFloat(road, getMinDefaultSpeed());
public float defineSpeedPriority(RouteDataObject road) {
return getObjContext(RouteDataObjectAttribute.ROAD_PRIORITIES).evaluateFloat(road, 1f);
public float getMinDefaultSpeed() {
return minDefaultSpeed;
public float getMaxDefaultSpeed() {
return maxDefaultSpeed;
public double getLeftTurn() {
return leftTurn;
public double getRightTurn() {
return rightTurn;
public double getRoundaboutTurn() {
return roundaboutTurn;
public double calculateTurnTime(RouteSegment segment, int segmentEnd, RouteSegment prev, int prevSegmentEnd) {
float ts = getPenaltyTransition(segment.getRoad());
float prevTs = getPenaltyTransition(prev.getRoad());
if(prevTs != ts) {
return Math.abs(ts - prevTs) / 2;
// int[] pt = prev.getRoad().getPointTypes(prevSegmentEnd);
// if(pt != null) {
// RouteRegion reg = prev.getRoad().region;
// for (int i = 0; i < pt.length; i++) {
// RouteTypeRule r = reg.quickGetEncodingRule(pt[i]);
// if ("highway".equals(r.getTag()) && "traffic_signals".equals(r.getValue())) {
// // traffic signals don't add turn info
// return 0;
// }
// }
// }
if(segment.getRoad().roundabout() && !prev.getRoad().roundabout()) {
double rt = getRoundaboutTurn();
if(rt > 0) {
return rt;
if (getLeftTurn() > 0 || getRightTurn() > 0) {
double a1 = segment.getRoad().directionRoute(segment.getSegmentStart(), segment.getSegmentStart() < segmentEnd);
double a2 = prev.getRoad().directionRoute(prevSegmentEnd, prevSegmentEnd < prev.getSegmentStart());
double diff = Math.abs(MapUtils.alignAngleDifference(a1 - a2 - Math.PI));
// more like UT
if (diff > 2 * Math.PI / 3) {
return getLeftTurn();
} else if (diff > Math.PI / 2) {
return getRightTurn();
return 0;
return 0;
public boolean containsAttribute(String attribute) {
return attributes.containsKey(attribute);
public String getAttribute(String attribute) {
return attributes.get(attribute);
private static boolean parseSilentBoolean(String t, boolean v) {
if (t == null || t.length() == 0) {
return v;
return Boolean.parseBoolean(t);
private static float parseSilentFloat(String t, float v) {
if (t == null || t.length() == 0) {
return v;
return Float.parseFloat(t);
public static class RoutingParameter {
private String id;
private String name;
private String description;
private RoutingParameterType type;
private Object[] possibleValues;
private String[] possibleValueDescriptions;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public RoutingParameterType getType() {
return type;
public String[] getPossibleValueDescriptions() {
return possibleValueDescriptions;
public Object[] getPossibleValues() {
return possibleValues;
private class ParameterContext {
private Map<String, String> vars;
public class RouteAttributeContext {
List<RouteAttributeEvalRule> rules = new ArrayList<RouteAttributeEvalRule>();
ParameterContext paramContext = null;
public RouteAttributeContext(){
public RouteAttributeContext(RouteAttributeContext original, Map<String, String> params){
if (params != null) {
paramContext = new ParameterContext();
paramContext.vars = params;
for(RouteAttributeEvalRule rt : original.rules){
public RouteAttributeEvalRule[] getRules() {
return rules.toArray(new RouteAttributeEvalRule[rules.size()]);
public String[] getParamKeys() {
if(paramContext == null) {
return new String[0];
return paramContext.vars.keySet().toArray(new String[paramContext.vars.size()]);
public String[] getParamValues() {
if(paramContext == null) {
return new String[0];
return paramContext.vars.values().toArray(new String[paramContext.vars.size()]);
private Object evaluate(RouteDataObject ro) {
return evaluate(convert(ro.region, ro.types));
public void printRules(PrintStream out) {
for(RouteAttributeEvalRule r : rules) {
public RouteAttributeEvalRule registerNewRule(String selectValue, String selectType) {
RouteAttributeEvalRule ev = new RouteAttributeEvalRule();
ev.registerSelectValue(selectValue, selectType);
return ev;
public RouteAttributeEvalRule getLastRule() {
return rules.get(rules.size() - 1);
private Object evaluate(BitSet types) {
for (int k = 0; k < rules.size(); k++) {
RouteAttributeEvalRule r = rules.get(k);
Object o = r.eval(types, paramContext);
if (o != null) {
return o;
return null;
private boolean checkParameter(RouteAttributeEvalRule r) {
if (paramContext != null && r.parameters.size() > 0) {
for (String p : r.parameters) {
boolean not = false;
if (p.startsWith("-")) {
not = true;
p = p.substring(1);
boolean val = paramContext.vars.containsKey(p);
if (not && val) {
return false;
} else if (!not && !val) {
return false;
return true;
public int evaluateInt(RouteDataObject ro, int defValue) {
Object o = evaluate(ro);
if(!(o instanceof Number)) {
return defValue;
return ((Number)o).intValue();
public int evaluateInt(RouteRegion region, int[] types, int defValue) {
Object o = evaluate(convert(region, types));
if(!(o instanceof Number)){
return defValue;
return ((Number)o).intValue();
public float evaluateFloat(RouteDataObject ro, float defValue) {
Object o = evaluate(ro);
if(!(o instanceof Number)) {
return defValue;
return ((Number)o).floatValue();
public float evaluateFloat(RouteRegion region, int[] types, float defValue) {
Object o = evaluate(convert(region, types));
if(!(o instanceof Number)) {
return defValue;
return ((Number)o).floatValue();
private BitSet convert(RouteRegion reg, int[] types) {
BitSet b = new BitSet(universalRules.size());
Map<Integer, Integer> map = regionConvert.get(reg);
if(map == null){
map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
regionConvert.put(reg, map);
for(int k = 0; k < types.length; k++) {
Integer nid = map.get(types[k]);
if(nid == null){
RouteTypeRule r = reg.quickGetEncodingRule(types[k]);
nid = registerTagValueAttribute(r.getTag(), r.getValue());
map.put(types[k], nid);
return b;
public class RouteAttributeExpression {
public static final int LESS_EXPRESSION = 1;
public static final int GREAT_EXPRESSION = 2;
public RouteAttributeExpression(String[] vs, String valueType, int expressionId) {
this.expressionType = expressionId;
this.values = vs;
if (vs.length < 2) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expression should have at least 2 arguments");
this.cacheValues = new Number[vs.length];
this.valueType = valueType;
for (int i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
if(!vs[i].startsWith("$") && !vs[i].startsWith(":")) {
Object o = parseValue(vs[i], valueType);
if (o instanceof Number) {
cacheValues[i] = (Number) o;
// definition
private String[] values;
private int expressionType;
private String valueType;
// numbers
private Number[] cacheValues;
public boolean matches(BitSet types, ParameterContext paramContext) {
double f1 = calculateExprValue(0, types, paramContext);
double f2 = calculateExprValue(1, types, paramContext);
if (Double.isNaN(f1) || Double.isNaN(f2)) {
return false;
if (expressionType == LESS_EXPRESSION) {
return f1 <= f2;
} else if (expressionType == GREAT_EXPRESSION) {
return f1 >= f2;
return false;
private double calculateExprValue(int id, BitSet types, ParameterContext paramContext) {
String value = values[id];
Number cacheValue = cacheValues[id];
if(cacheValue != null) {
return cacheValue.doubleValue();
Object o = null;
if (value instanceof String && value.toString().startsWith("$")) {
BitSet mask = tagRuleMask.get(value.toString().substring(1));
if (mask != null && mask.intersects(types)) {
BitSet findBit = new BitSet(mask.size());
int v = findBit.nextSetBit(0);
o = parseValueFromTag(v, valueType);
} else if (value instanceof String && value.toString().startsWith(":")) {
String p = ((String) value).substring(1);
if (paramContext != null && paramContext.vars.containsKey(p)) {
o = parseValue(paramContext.vars.get(p), valueType);
if(o instanceof Number) {
return ((Number)o).doubleValue();
return Double.NaN;
public class RouteAttributeEvalRule {
protected List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>() ;
protected List<String> tagValueCondDefTag = new ArrayList<String>();
protected List<String> tagValueCondDefValue = new ArrayList<String>();
protected List<Boolean> tagValueCondDefNot = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
protected String selectValueDef = null;
protected Object selectValue = null;
protected String selectType = null;
protected BitSet filterTypes = new BitSet();
protected BitSet filterNotTypes = new BitSet();
protected BitSet evalFilterTypes = new BitSet();
protected Set<String> onlyTags = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
protected Set<String> onlyNotTags = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
protected List<RouteAttributeExpression> expressions = new ArrayList<RouteAttributeExpression>();
public RouteAttributeExpression[] getExpressions() {
return expressions.toArray(new RouteAttributeExpression[expressions.size()]);
public String[] getParameters() {
return parameters.toArray(new String[parameters.size()]);
public String[] getTagValueCondDefTag() {
return tagValueCondDefTag.toArray(new String[tagValueCondDefTag.size()]);
public String[] getTagValueCondDefValue() {
return tagValueCondDefValue.toArray(new String[tagValueCondDefValue.size()]);
public boolean[] getTagValueCondDefNot() {
boolean[] r = new boolean[tagValueCondDefNot.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
r[i] = tagValueCondDefNot.get(i).booleanValue();
return r;
public void registerSelectValue(String value, String type) {
selectType = type;
selectValueDef = value;
if(value.startsWith(":") || value.startsWith("$")) {
selectValue = value;
} else {
selectValue = parseValue(value, type);
if(selectValue == null) {
System.err.println("Routing.xml select value '" + value+"' was not registered");
public void printRule(PrintStream out) {
out.print(" Select " + selectValue + " if ");
for(int k = 0; k < filterTypes.size(); k++) {
if(filterTypes.get(k)) {
String key = universalRulesById.get(k);
out.print(key + " ");
if(filterNotTypes.size() > 0) {
out.print(" ifnot ");
for(int k = 0; k < filterNotTypes.size(); k++) {
if(filterNotTypes.get(k)) {
String key = universalRulesById.get(k);
out.print(key + " ");
for(int k = 0; k < parameters.size(); k++) {
out.print(" param="+parameters.get(k));
if(onlyTags.size() > 0) {
out.print(" match tag = " + onlyTags);
if(onlyNotTags.size() > 0) {
out.print(" not match tag = " + onlyNotTags);
if(expressions.size() > 0) {
out.println(" subexpressions " + expressions.size());
public void registerAndTagValueCondition(String tag, String value, boolean not) {
if(value == null) {
if (not) {
} else {
} else {
int vtype = registerTagValueAttribute(tag, value);
if(not) {
} else {
public void registerLessCondition(String value1, String value2, String valueType) {
expressions.add(new RouteAttributeExpression(new String[] { value1, value2 }, valueType,
public void registerGreatCondition(String value1, String value2, String valueType) {
expressions.add(new RouteAttributeExpression(new String[] { value1, value2 }, valueType,
public void registerAndParamCondition(String param, boolean not) {
param = not ? "-" + param : param;
public synchronized Object eval(BitSet types, ParameterContext paramContext) {
if (matches(types, paramContext)) {
return calcSelectValue(types, paramContext);
return null;
protected Object calcSelectValue(BitSet types, ParameterContext paramContext) {
if (selectValue instanceof String && selectValue.toString().startsWith("$")) {
BitSet mask = tagRuleMask.get(selectValue.toString().substring(1));
if (mask != null && mask.intersects(types)) {
BitSet findBit = new BitSet(mask.size());
int value = findBit.nextSetBit(0);
return parseValueFromTag(value, selectType);
} else if (selectValue instanceof String && selectValue.toString().startsWith(":")) {
String p = ((String) selectValue).substring(1);
if (paramContext != null && paramContext.vars.containsKey(p)) {
selectValue = parseValue(paramContext.vars.get(p), selectType);
} else {
return null;
return selectValue;
public boolean matches(BitSet types, ParameterContext paramContext) {
if(!checkAllTypesShouldBePresent(types)) {
return false;
if(!checkAllTypesShouldNotBePresent(types)) {
return false;
if(!checkFreeTags(types)) {
return false;
if(!checkNotFreeTags(types)) {
return false;
if(!checkExpressions(types, paramContext)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean checkExpressions(BitSet types, ParameterContext paramContext) {
for(RouteAttributeExpression e : expressions){
if(!e.matches(types, paramContext)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean checkFreeTags(BitSet types) {
for (String ts : onlyTags) {
BitSet b = tagRuleMask.get(ts);
if (b == null || !b.intersects(types)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean checkNotFreeTags(BitSet types) {
for (String ts : onlyNotTags) {
BitSet b = tagRuleMask.get(ts);
if (b != null && b.intersects(types)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean checkAllTypesShouldNotBePresent(BitSet types) {
if(filterNotTypes.intersects(types)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean checkAllTypesShouldBePresent(BitSet types) {
// Bitset method subset is missing "filterTypes.isSubset(types)"
// reset previous evaluation
// evalFilterTypes.clear(); // not needed same as or()
// evaluate bit intersection and check if filterTypes contained as set in types
if(!evalFilterTypes.equals(filterTypes)) {
return false;
return true;
public void printRules(PrintStream out) {
for(int i = 0; i < RouteDataObjectAttribute.values().length ; i++) {
public void addImpassableRoads(Set<Long> impassableRoads) {
if (impassableRoads != null && !impassableRoads.isEmpty()) {
if (this.impassableRoads == null) {
this.impassableRoads = new TLongHashSet();