use std::sync::Mutex; use actix_web::{ delete, get, post, put, web::{Data, Json, Path, Query, ServiceConfig}, HttpResponse, Responder, }; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use utoipa::{ToSchema, IntoParams}; use crate::{LogApiKey, RequireApiKey}; #[derive(Default)] pub(super) struct TodoStore { todos: Mutex>, } pub(super) fn configure(store: Data) -> impl FnOnce(&mut ServiceConfig) { |config: &mut ServiceConfig| { config .app_data(store) .service(search_todos) .service(get_todos) .service(create_todo) .service(delete_todo) .service(get_todo_by_id) .service(update_todo); } } /// Task to do. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema, Clone, Debug)] pub(super) struct Todo { /// Unique id for the todo item. #[schema(example = 1)] id: i32, /// Description of the tasks to do. #[schema(example = "Remember to buy groceries")] value: String, /// Mark is the task done or not checked: bool, } /// Request to update existing `Todo` item. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema, Clone, Debug)] pub(super) struct TodoUpdateRequest { /// Optional new value for the `Todo` task. #[schema(example = "Dentist at 14.00")] value: Option, /// Optional check status to mark is the task done or not. checked: Option, } /// Todo endpoint error responses #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, ToSchema)] pub(super) enum ErrorResponse { /// When Todo is not found by search term. NotFound(String), /// When there is a conflict storing a new todo. Conflict(String), /// When todo endpoint was called without correct credentials Unauthorized(String), } /// Get list of todos. /// /// List todos from in-memory todo store. /// /// One could call the api endpoint with following curl. /// ```text /// curl localhost:8080/todo /// ``` #[utoipa::path( responses( (status = 200, description = "List current todo items", body = [Todo]) ) )] #[get("/todo")] pub(super) async fn get_todos(todo_store: Data) -> impl Responder { let todos = todo_store.todos.lock().unwrap(); HttpResponse::Ok().json(todos.clone()) } /// Create new Todo to shared in-memory storage. /// /// Post a new `Todo` in request body as json to store it. Api will return /// created `Todo` on success or `ErrorResponse::Conflict` if todo with same id already exists. /// /// One could call the api with. /// ```text /// curl localhost:8080/todo -d '{"id": 1, "value": "Buy movie ticket", "checked": false}' /// ``` #[utoipa::path( request_body = Todo, responses( (status = 201, description = "Todo created successfully", body = Todo), (status = 409, description = "Todo with id already exists", body = ErrorResponse, example = json!(ErrorResponse::Conflict(String::from("id = 1")))) ) )] #[post("/todo")] pub(super) async fn create_todo(todo: Json, todo_store: Data) -> impl Responder { let mut todos = todo_store.todos.lock().unwrap(); let todo = &todo.into_inner(); todos .iter() .find(|existing| == .map(|existing| { HttpResponse::Conflict().json(ErrorResponse::Conflict(format!("id = {}", }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { todos.push(todo.clone()); HttpResponse::Ok().json(todo) }) } /// Delete Todo by given path variable id. /// /// This endpoint needs `api_key` authentication in order to call. Api key can be found from /// /// Api will delete todo from shared in-memory storage by the provided id and return success 200. /// If storage does not contain `Todo` with given id 404 not found will be returned. #[utoipa::path( responses( (status = 200, description = "Todo deleted successfully"), (status = 401, description = "Unauthorized to delete Todo", body = ErrorResponse, example = json!(ErrorResponse::Unauthorized(String::from("missing api key")))), (status = 404, description = "Todo not found by id", body = ErrorResponse, example = json!(ErrorResponse::NotFound(String::from("id = 1")))) ), params( ("id", description = "Unique storage id of Todo") ), security( ("api_key" = []) ) )] #[delete("/todo/{id}", wrap = "RequireApiKey")] pub(super) async fn delete_todo(id: Path, todo_store: Data) -> impl Responder { let mut todos = todo_store.todos.lock().unwrap(); let id = id.into_inner(); let new_todos = todos .iter() .filter(|todo| != id) .cloned() .collect::>(); if new_todos.len() == todos.len() { HttpResponse::NotFound().json(ErrorResponse::NotFound(format!("id = {id}"))) } else { *todos = new_todos; HttpResponse::Ok().finish() } } /// Get Todo by given todo id. /// /// Return found `Todo` with status 200 or 404 not found if `Todo` is not found from shared in-memory storage. #[utoipa::path( responses( (status = 200, description = "Todo found from storage", body = Todo), (status = 404, description = "Todo not found by id", body = ErrorResponse, example = json!(ErrorResponse::NotFound(String::from("id = 1")))) ), params( ("id", description = "Unique storage id of Todo") ) )] #[get("/todo/{id}")] pub(super) async fn get_todo_by_id(id: Path, todo_store: Data) -> impl Responder { let todos = todo_store.todos.lock().unwrap(); let id = id.into_inner(); todos .iter() .find(|todo| == id) .map(|todo| HttpResponse::Ok().json(todo)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { HttpResponse::NotFound().json(ErrorResponse::NotFound(format!("id = {id}"))) }) } /// Update Todo with given id. /// /// This endpoint supports optional authentication. /// /// Tries to update `Todo` by given id as path variable. If todo is found by id values are /// updated according `TodoUpdateRequest` and updated `Todo` is returned with status 200. /// If todo is not found then 404 not found is returned. #[utoipa::path( request_body = TodoUpdateRequest, responses( (status = 200, description = "Todo updated successfully", body = Todo), (status = 404, description = "Todo not found by id", body = ErrorResponse, example = json!(ErrorResponse::NotFound(String::from("id = 1")))) ), params( ("id", description = "Unique storage id of Todo") ), security( (), ("api_key" = []) ) )] #[put("/todo/{id}", wrap = "LogApiKey")] pub(super) async fn update_todo( id: Path, todo: Json, todo_store: Data, ) -> impl Responder { let mut todos = todo_store.todos.lock().unwrap(); let id = id.into_inner(); let todo = todo.into_inner(); todos .iter_mut() .find_map(|todo| if == id { Some(todo) } else { None }) .map(|existing_todo| { if let Some(checked) = todo.checked { existing_todo.checked = checked; } if let Some(value) = todo.value { existing_todo.value = value; } HttpResponse::Ok().json(existing_todo) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { HttpResponse::NotFound().json(ErrorResponse::NotFound(format!("id = {id}"))) }) } /// Search todos Query #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, IntoParams)] pub(super) struct SearchTodos { /// Content that should be found from Todo's value field value: String, } /// Search Todos with by value /// /// Perform search from `Todo`s present in in-memory storage by matching Todo's value to /// value provided as query parameter. Returns 200 and matching `Todo` items. #[utoipa::path( params( SearchTodos ), responses( (status = 200, description = "Search Todos did not result error", body = [Todo]), ) )] #[get("/todo/search")] pub(super) async fn search_todos( query: Query, todo_store: Data, ) -> impl Responder { let todos = todo_store.todos.lock().unwrap(); HttpResponse::Ok().json( todos .iter() .filter(|todo| { todo.value .to_lowercase() .contains(&query.value.to_lowercase()) }) .cloned() .collect::>(), ) }