from triangle import Triangle, BeautifyTri, FilterTri print """Hi! I'm glad You chose me as your go to Pascal's Triangle software! You are currently running my, so I assume You're interested in using my friendly I/O access. Feel free to also implement my functions in any of your own code. For now, I will just ask you for the numbers of lines you want and which filter to apply. A filter usually applies some function to each number in the triangle. You can create your own filters in If you don't know what to do use the filter "help" ;). Have Fun!""" while True: error = False try: size = int(raw_input("Number of rows: ")) except ValueError: print "Damn, I couldn't get that number. Please only use numerical characters here..." error = True if not error: filter = raw_input("Filter: ") if filter == "none": print BeautifyTri(Triangle(size)) elif filter == "help" or filter == "Help" or filter == "HELP": print """Here are all the builtin filters, try them out as you like: - Modulo2 - Modulo3 - Digits - IsPrime - Mod2Vis - Mod3Vis - PrimeVis !The Prime family of filters might take a while for triangles over 20 rows!""" else: print BeautifyTri(FilterTri(Triangle(size), filter))