#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' feedgenerator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow :license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see LICENSE for more details. ''' from feedgenerator.feed import FeedGenerator from feedgenerator.podcast import PodcastGenerator import sys if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not ( sys.argv[1].endswith('rss') \ or sys.argv[1].endswith('atom') \ or sys.argv[1].endswith('podcast') ): print 'Usage: %s ( .atom | atom | .rss | rss )' % \ 'pythom -m feedgenerator' print '' print ' atom -- Generate ATOM test output and print it to stdout.' print ' rss -- Generate RSS test output and print it to stdout.' print ' .atom -- Generate ATOM test feed and write it to file.atom.' print ' .rss -- Generate RSS test teed and write it to file.rss.' print '' exit() arg = sys.argv[1] fg = PodcastGenerator() if arg.endswith('podcast') else FeedGenerator() fg.id('http://lernfunk.de/_MEDIAID_123') fg.title('Testfeed') fg.author( {'name':'Lars Kiesow','email':'lkiesow@uos.de'} ) fg.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' ) fg.category(term='test') fg.contributor( name='Lars Kiesow', email='lkiesow@uos.de' ) fg.contributor( name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com' ) fg.icon('http://ex.com/icon.jpg') fg.logo('http://ex.com/logo.jpg') fg.rights('cc-by') fg.subtitle('This is a cool feed!') fg.link( href='http://larskiesow.de/test.atom', rel='self' ) fg.language('de') fe = fg.add_entry() fe.id('http://lernfunk.de/_MEDIAID_123#1') fe.title('First Element') fe.content('''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tamen aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista mala sunt, placet. Aut etiam, ut vestitum, sic sententiam habeas aliam domesticam, aliam forensem, ut in fronte ostentatio sit, intus veritas occultetur? Cum id fugiunt, re eadem defendunt, quae Peripatetici, verba.''') fe.summary('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...') fe.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' ) fe.author( name='Lars Kiesow', email='lkiesow@uos.de' ) if arg == 'atom': print fg.atom_str(pretty=True) elif arg == 'rss': print fg.rss_str(pretty=True) elif arg == 'podcast': fg.itunes_author('Lars Kiesow') fg.itunes_category('Technology', 'Podcasting') fg.itunes_explicit('no') fg.itunes_complete('no') fg.itunes_new_feed_url('http://example.com/new-feed.rss') fg.itunes_owner('John Doe', 'john@example.com') fg.itunes_summary('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Verba tu fingas et ea dicas, quae non sentias?') fe.itunes_author('Lars Kiesow') print fg.podcast_str(pretty=True) elif arg.endswith('atom'): fg.atom_file(arg) elif arg.endswith('rss'): fg.rss_file(arg)