#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' feedgenerator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow :license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see LICENSE for more details. ''' from lxml import etree from datetime import datetime class FeedGenerator: ## ATOM # http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/ # required __atom_id = None __atom_title = None __atom_updated = datetime.utcnow().isoformat('T')+'Z' # recommended __atom_author = None # {name*, uri, email} __atom_link = None # {href*, rel, type, hreflang, title, length} # optional __atom_category = None # {term*, schema, label} __atom_contributor = None __atom_generator = {'value':'Lernfunk3 FeedGenerator'} #{value*,uri,version} __atom_icon = None __atom_logo = None __atom_rights = None __atom_subtitle = None ## RSS __rss_title = None __rss_link = None __rss_description = None ''' category cloud copyright docs generator image language lastBuildDate managingEditor pubDate rating skipHours skipDays textInput ttl webMaster # feed # rss -> channel ''' def __ensure_format(self, val, allowed, required, allowed_values={}): if not val: return None # Make shure that we have a list of dicts. Even if there is only one. if not isinstance(val, list): val = [val] for elem in val: if not isinstance(elem, dict): raise ValueError('Invalid data (value is no dictionary)') if not set(elem.keys()) <= allowed: raise ValueError('Data contains invalid keys') if not set(elem.keys()) >= required: raise ValueError('Data contains not all required keys') for k,v in allowed_values.iteritems(): if elem.get(k) and not elem[k] in v: raise ValueError('Invalid value for %s' % k ) return val def atom_str(self): feed = etree.Element('feed', xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom') doc = etree.ElementTree(feed) if not ( self.__atom_id and self.__atom_title and self.__atom_updated ): raise ValueError('Required fields not set') id = etree.SubElement(feed, 'id') id.text = self.__atom_id title = etree.SubElement(feed, 'title') title.text = self.__atom_title updated = etree.SubElement(feed, 'updated') updated.text = self.__atom_updated # Add author elements for a in self.__atom_author or []: # Atom requires a name. Skip elements without. if not a.get('name'): continue author = etree.SubElement(feed, 'author') name = etree.SubElement(author, 'name') name.text = a.get('name') if a.get('email'): email = etree.SubElement(author, 'email') email.text = a.get('email') if a.get('uri'): email = etree.SubElement(author, 'url') email.text = a.get('uri') for l in self.__atom_link or []: link = etree.SubElement(feed, 'link', href=l['href']) if l.get('rel'): link.attrib['rel'] = l['rel'] if l.get('type'): link.attrib['type'] = l['type'] if l.get('hreflang'): link.attrib['hreflang'] = l['hreflang'] if l.get('title'): link.attrib['title'] = l['title'] if l.get('length'): link.attrib['length'] = l['length'] for c in self.__atom_category or []: cat = etree.SubElement(feed, 'category', term=c['term']) if c.get('schema'): cat.attrib['schema'] = c['schema'] if c.get('label'): cat.attrib['label'] = c['label'] # Add author elements for c in self.__atom_contributor or []: # Atom requires a name. Skip elements without. if not c.get('name'): continue contrib = etree.SubElement(feed, 'contributor') name = etree.SubElement(contrib, 'name') name.text = c.get('name') if c.get('email'): email = etree.SubElement(contrib, 'email') email.text = c.get('email') if c.get('uri'): email = etree.SubElement(contrib, 'url') email.text = c.get('uri') if self.__atom_generator: generator = etree.SubElement(feed, 'generator') generator.text = self.__atom_generator['value'] if self.__atom_generator.get('uri'): generator.attrib['uri'] = self.__atom_generator['uri'] if self.__atom_generator.get('version'): generator.attrib['version'] = self.__atom_generator['version'] if self.__atom_icon: icon = etree.SubElement(feed, 'icon') icon.text = self.__atom_icon if self.__atom_logo: logo = etree.SubElement(feed, 'logo') logo.text = self.__atom_logo if self.__atom_rights: rights = etree.SubElement(feed, 'rights') rights.text = self.__atom_rights if self.__atom_subtitle: subtitle = etree.SubElement(feed, 'subtitle') subtitle.text = self.__atom_subtitle return etree.tostring(feed, pretty_print=True) ''' outFile = open('homemade.xml', 'w') doc.write(outFile) ''' def title(self, title=None): if not title is None: self.__atom_title = title self.__rss_title = title return self.__atom_title def id(self, id=None): if not id is None: self.__atom_id = id return self.__atom_id def author(self, author=None, replace=False, **kwargs): '''Get or set autor data. An author element is a dict containing a name, an email adress and a uri. Name is mandatory for ATOM, email is mandatory for RSS. :param author: Dict or list of dicts with author data. :param replace: Add or replace old data. Example:: >>> author( { 'name':'John Doe', 'email':'jdoe@example.com' } ) [{'name':'John Doe','email':'jdoe@example.com'}] >>> author([{'name':'Mr. X'},{'name':'Max'}]) [{'name':'John Doe','email':'jdoe@example.com'}, {'name':'John Doe'}, {'name':'Max'}] >>> author( name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com', replace=True ) [{'name':'John Doe','email':'jdoe@example.com'}] ''' if author is None and kwargs: author = kwargs if not author is None: if replace or self.__atom_author is None: self.__atom_author = [] self.__atom_author += self.__ensure_format( author, set(['name', 'email', 'uri']), set(['name'])) return self.__atom_author def link(self, link=None, replace=False, **kwargs): '''Get or set link data. An link element is a dict with the fields href, rel, type, hreflang, title, and length. Href is mandatory for ATOM. :param link: Dict or list of dicts with data. :param replace: Add or replace old data. Example:: link(...) ''' if link is None and kwargs: link = kwargs if not link is None: if replace or self.__atom_link is None: self.__atom_link = [] self.__atom_link += self.__ensure_format( link, set(['href', 'rel', 'type', 'hreflang', 'title', 'length']), set(['href']), {'rel':['alternate', 'enclosure', 'related', 'self', 'via']} ) # RSS only needs the URL: self.__rss_link = [ l['href'] for l in self.__atom_link ] # return the set with more information (atom) return self.__atom_link def category(self, category=None, replace=False, **kwargs): if category is None and kwargs: category = kwargs if not category is None: if replace or self.__atom_category is None: self.__atom_category = [] self.__atom_category += self.__ensure_format( category, set(['term', 'schema', 'label']), set(['term']) ) return self.__atom_category def contributor(self, contributor=None, replace=False, **kwargs): if contributor is None and kwargs: contributor = kwargs if not contributor is None: if replace or self.__atom_contributor is None: self.__atom_contributor = [] self.__atom_contributor += self.__ensure_format( contributor, set(['name', 'email', 'uri']), set(['name'])) return self.__atom_contributor def generator(self, generator=None, version=None, uri=None): if not generator is None: self.__atom_generator = {'value':generator} if not version in None: self.__atom_generator['version'] = version if not uri in None: self.__atom_generator['uri'] = uri return self.__atom_generator def icon(self, icon=None): if not icon is None: self.__atom_icon = icon return self.__atom_icon def logo(self, logo=None): if not logo is None: self.__atom_logo = logo return self.__atom_logo def rights(self, rights=None): if not rights is None: self.__atom_rights = rights return self.__atom_rights def subtitle(self, subtitle=None): if not subtitle is None: self.__atom_subtitle = subtitle self.__rss_description = subtitle return self.__atom_subtitle def description(self, description=None): '''Set and get the description of the feed. This is a RSS only element which is a phrase or sentence describing the channel. It is roughly the same as atom:subtitle. Setting this will also set subtitle. :param description: Description/Subtitle of the channel. ''' return subtitle( description ) class FeedEntry: ''' # ATOM # required id title updated # recommended author content link summary # optional category contributor source rights # RSS author category #@domain comments description enclosure #@length #@type #@url guid #@isPermaLink link pubDate source @url title ''' if __name__ == '__main__': fg = FeedGenerator() fg.id('http://lernfunk.de/_MEDIAID_123') fg.title('Testfeed') fg.author( {'name':'Lars Kiesow','email':'lkiesow@uos.de'} ) fg.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' ) fg.category(term='test') fg.contributor( name='Lars Kiesow', email='lkiesow@uos.de' ) fg.contributor( name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com' ) fg.icon('http://ex.com/icon.jpg') fg.logo('http://ex.com/logo.jpg') fg.rights('cc-by') fg.subtitle('This is a cool feed!') fg.link( href='http://larskiesow.de/test.atom', rel='self' ) print fg.atom_str()