# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ============= feedgenerator ============= This module can be used to generate web feeds in both ATOM and RSS format. They included PodcastGenerator furthermore includes all of Apples RSS extension for Podcasts. :copyright: 2013 by Lars Kiesow :license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see LICENSE for more details. ------------- Create a Feed ------------- To create a feed simply instanciate the FeedGenerator class and insert some data:: >>> from feedgenerator.feed import FeedGenerator >>> fg = FeedGenerator() >>> fg.id('http://lernfunk.de/media/654321') >>> fg.title('Some Testfeed') >>> fg.author( {'name':'John Doe','email':'john@example.de'} ) >>> fg.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' ) >>> fg.logo('http://ex.com/logo.jpg') >>> fg.subtitle('This is a cool feed!') >>> fg.link( href='http://larskiesow.de/test.atom', rel='self' ) >>> fg.language('en') Note that for the methods which set fields that can occur more than once in a feed you can use all of the following ways to provide data: - Provide the data for that element as keyword arguments:: - Provide the data for that element as dictionary:: - Provide a list of dictionaries with the data for several elements:: Example:: >>> fg.contributor( name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com' ) >>> fg.contributor({'name':'John Doe', 'email':'jdoe@example.com'}) >>> fg.contributor([{'name':'John Doe', 'email':'jdoe@example.com'}, ...]) ----------------- Generate the Feed ----------------- After that you can generate both RSS or ATOM by calling the respective method:: >>> atomfeed = fg.atom_str(pretty=True) # Get the ATOM feed as string >>> rssfeed = fg.rss_str(pretty=True) # Get the RSS feed as string >>> fg.atom_file('atom.xml') # Write the ATOM feed to a file >>> fg.rss_file('rss.xml') # Write the RSS feed to a file ---------------- Add Feed Entries ---------------- To add entries (items) to a feed you need to create new FeedEntry objects and append them to the list of entries in the FeedGenerator. The most convenient way to go is to use the FeedGenerator itself for the instantiation of the FeedEntry object:: >>> fe = fg.add_entry() >>> fe.id('http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1') >>> fe.title('The First Episode') The FeedGenerators method add_entry(...) without argument provides will automaticall generate a new FeedEntry object, append it to the feeds internal list of entries and return it, so that additional data can be added. ----------------- Produce a Podcast ----------------- A podcast is an RSS feed with some additional elements for ITunes. The feedgenerator has a PodcastGenerator class as extension to the default FeedGenerator which you can use to set these additional fields. To produce a podcast simply do something like this:: >>> from feedgenerator.podcast import PodcastGenerator >>> fg = PodcastGenerator() ... >>> fg.podcast_str(pretty=True) >>> fg.podcast_file('podcast.xml') For the episodes of the podcast you should also use PodcastEntry instead of FeedEntry. However, if you use the add_entry(...) method to generator the entry objects, it will take care of that for you. Of cause you can still produce a normat ATOM or RSS feed, even if you use the PodcastGenerator using the {atom,rss}_{str,file} methods. --------------------- Testing the Generator --------------------- You can test the module by simply executing:: %> pythom -m feedgenerator """