# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' feedgen.util ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file contains helper functions for the feed generator module. :copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow :license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details. ''' def ensure_format(val, allowed, required, allowed_values=None, defaults=None): '''Takes a dictionary or a list of dictionaries and check if all keys are in the set of allowed keys, if all required keys are present and if the values of a specific key are ok. :param val: Dictionaries to check. :param allowed: Set of allowed keys. :param required: Set of required keys. :param allowed_values: Dictionary with keys and sets of their allowed values. :returns: List of checked dictionaries. :param defaults: Dictionary with default values. ''' if not val: return None if allowed_values is None: allowed_values = {} if defaults is None: defaults = {} # Make shure that we have a list of dicts. Even if there is only one. if not isinstance(val, list): val = [val] for elem in val: if not isinstance(elem, dict): raise ValueError('Invalid data (value is no dictionary)') # Set default values for k,v in defaults.iteritems(): elem[k] = elem.get(k, v) if not set(elem.keys()) <= allowed: raise ValueError('Data contains invalid keys') if not set(elem.keys()) >= required: raise ValueError('Data contains not all required keys') for k,v in allowed_values.iteritems(): if elem.get(k) and not elem[k] in v: raise ValueError('Invalid value for %s' % k ) return val