# Taskwarrior.el An interactive emacs frontend for taskwarrior. > NOTE: **This major mode is under heavy infrequent development.** ## Installation Eventually my goal is to make taskwarrior.el available through MELPA. Currently I simply load the necessary elisp through: ``` emacs-lisp (use-package taskwarrior :init (load "~/yourcheckout/taskwarrior.el") :bind (("C-x t" . taskwarrior) ("C-x t" . taskwarrior))) ``` ## Configuration TBD ## Development While developing we don't want taskwarrior.el to mess with our taskwarrior tasks. That's why we use [direnv](https://direnv.net/) to export $TASKRC and $TASKDATA to point to the git repository. With direnv you can either launch emacs within the taskwarrior.el repository to make use of the mentioned einvironment variables or use the excellent [emacs-direnv mode](https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-direnv) to make emacs direnv aware.