The Script will choose an automatic bitrate for every audiostream dependent on the number of channels and the original bitrate.
See for more information about this.
If used on containers with video- or multiple audiostreams, this skript will only convert the audiostream and copy all streams in a Matroska container.
### Flags
```-e``` defines the extension of the files that should be converted<br>
```-d``` deletes original files after conversion<br>
```-h``` show help (not implemented)
### Examples
convert all files to opus<br>
```bash -e "*"```
convert all files with .mp3-extension and .flac-extension to opus and deletes original files after that<br>
```bash -e mp3 -e flac```
convert the audiostream of an movie<br>
```bash -e mp4```
### Dependencies
- ffmpeg
- Bash 4^
### Why opus?
Opus is an open format and royalty free. It is FOSS.
It is supported on most platforms and has a better quality per bitrate then formats like mp3 or Vorbis.