#!/bin/bash # set shopt-options used by this shell-script # Note, 0 (true) from shopt -q is "false" in a math context. shopt -q globstar; globstar_set=$? ((globstar_set)) && shopt -s globstar shopt -q extglob; extglob_set=$? ((extglob_set)) && shopt -s extglob # return default shopt-options function finish { ((globstar_set)) && shopt -u globstar ((extglob_set)) && shopt -u extglob } trap finish EXIT # setting default extension to mp3 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then extension="mp3" else extension=$@ extension=${extension// /|} fi echo "extension is $extension" for file in **/*.@($extension); do channels=$(ffprobe "$file" -show_entries stream=channels -select_streams a -of compact=p=0:nk=1 -v 0) streams=$(echo "$channels" | wc -l) if [ streams -gt 1 ]; then echo "Error: Automatic Bitrate is not supported for files with multiple audiostreams. The default bitrate of 128k will be used" channels="2" fi case $channels in 1) bitrate="64k";; 2) bitrate="128k";; 6) bitrate="256k";; 8) bitrate="450k";; *) continue;; esac # https://wiki.xiph.org/Opus_Recommended_Settings ffmpeg -threads 4 -v 0 -i "$file" -map 0 -c:a libopus -b:a $bitrate "${file%.*}.opus" && rm "$file" done exit 0