#!/bin/bash # set shopt-options used by this shell-script # Note, 0 (true) from shopt -q is "false" in a math context. shopt -q globstar; globstar_set=$? ((globstar_set)) && shopt -s globstar shopt -q extglob; extglob_set=$? ((extglob_set)) && shopt -s extglob # return default shopt-options function finish { ((globstar_set)) && shopt -u globstar ((extglob_set)) && shopt -u extglob } trap finish EXIT print_help() { printf "Help: not implemented yet" } while getopts 'e:' flag; do case "${flag}" in e) extension+=("$OPTARG");; h) print_help exit 0;; *) exit 1 ;; esac done # write array into string extension="${extension[*]}" # remove leading space extension="${extension##+([[:space:]])}" # change separator extension=${extension// /|} for file in **/*.@($extension); do # array over the number of channels of all streams readarray -t channels <<<"$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams a -show_entries stream=channels -of compact=p=0:nk=1 "$file")" # array over the bitrates of all streams readarray -t bitrate <<<"$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams a -show_entries stream=bit_rate -of compact=p=0:nk=1 "$file")" # number of audiostreams audiostreams=${#channels[@]} # check if it contains video streams (Thumbnails etc. will be ignored) isvideo=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams V -show_entries stream=codec_type "$file") use_mkv="false" command="ffmpeg -i \"$file\"" # use mkv, if multiple audiostreams exists or it is a videofile if [[ ${#channels[@]} -gt 1 || -n "$is_video" ]]; then command="$command -map 0 -map -0:d -c copy -c:a libopus" use_mkv="true" fi # set a channel dependend bitrate for every audio stream # https://wiki.xiph.org/Opus_Recommended_Settings # to use ffmpegs default just comment out this block for ((index=0; index