<stringname="poi_filter_namefinder">Pesquisa nome on-line</string>
<stringname="reading_cached_tiles">Leitura do cache de imagens…</string>
<stringname="version_index_is_big_for_memory">O índice \'\'{0}\'\' não coube na memória</string>
<stringname="version_index_is_not_supported">A versão do índice \'\'{0}\'\' não é suportada</string>
<stringname="voice_is_not_available_msg">Instrução de voz não disponível. Por favor, vá até configurações e escolha os dados de voz para download.</string>
<stringname="voice_is_not_available_title">Nenhum dado de voz especificado</string>
<stringname="trace_rendering_descr">Marque esta opção para verificar o desempenho de renderização</string>
<stringname="trace_rendering">Mostrar velocidade de renderização</string>
<stringname="daynight_mode_auto">Nascer/por do sol</string>
<stringname="daynight_mode_sensor">Sensor de luz</string>
<stringname="daynight_descr">Definir regra para mudança entre modos dia e noite</string>
<stringname="daynight">Modo Dia/Noite</string>
<stringname="download_files_question">Gostaria de baixar {0} arquivos ({1} MB)?</string>
<stringname="items_were_selected">{0} objetos estão selecionados</string>
<stringname="sd_unmounted">O cartão SD está inacessível. \n Será impossível ver mapas ou procurar coisas.</string>
<stringname="sd_mounted_ro">O cartão SD está disponivel só para leitura. \nVocê não pode baixar da Internet, só pode visualizar os mapas pré-carregados.</string>
<stringname="first_time_msg">Obrigado por escolher OsmAnd. \nPara utilizar todos os recursos do aplicativo, você necessidade de alguns dados regionais, que você pode baixar (Configurações -> Dados) ou preparar você mesmo. Depois, Você poderá procurar por um endereço, um Ponto de Interesse (POI), um meio de transporte.</string>
<stringname="reading_indexes">Lendo os índices…</string>
<stringname="previous_run_crashed">Uma execução anterior da aplicação foi interrompida inesperadamente. O arquivo de log encontra-se em {0}. Por favor, informe o problema e inclua o arquivo de log.</string>
<stringname="saving_gpx_tracks">Salvando trilhas GPX no cartão SD…</string>
<stringname="reload_indexes_descr">Recarregar os índices do cartão SD</string>
<stringname="reload_indexes">Recarregar os índices</string>
<stringname="download_indexes_descr">Baixar ou atualizar os dados para usar mapa offline</string>
<stringname="download_indexes">Fazer download do conteúdo</string>
<stringname="use_online_routing_descr">Utilizar Internet para calcular a rota</string>
<stringname="incremental_search_city">Pesquisa progressiva de cidade. Para encontrar cidades/código postal, insira pelo menos os três primeiros caracteres</string>
<stringname="offline_navigation_not_available">Navegação OsmAnd offline está temporariamente indisponível.</string>
<stringname="left_side_navigation">"Conduzir do lado esquerdo "</string>
<stringname="left_side_navigation_descr">Selecione para países com tráfego à esquerda</string>
<stringname="download_link_and_local_description">Clique aqui para obter ou actualizar dados offline. Clique em qualquer item existente para ver mais detalhes, pressione e segure para desactivar ou apagar. Dados actuais no dispositivo (%1$s livre):</string>
<stringname="unknown_from_location">Precisa definir um Ponto de partida</string>
<stringname="context_menu_item_directions">Direcções para aqui</string>
<stringname="modify_transparency">Modificar a transparência (0 - transparente, 255 - opaco)</string>
<stringname="confirm_interrupt_download">Quer interromper o download de arquivos?</string>
<stringname="basemap_was_selected_to_download">O Mapa-Base é necessário para o funcionamento adequado da aplicação e foi seleccionado para download.</string>
<stringname="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<stringname="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in sleep (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device.</string>
<stringname="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<stringname="osmand_monitoring_description">This plugin facilitates recording your trips to GPX files or live tracking using a web service.</string>
<stringname="osmand_extra_settings_description">This plugin provides advanced map configuration and some device-specific settings.</string>
<stringname="osmand_development_plugin_description">This plugin enables development and debugging features like animated navigation or rendering performance display.</string>
<stringname="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins provide extra functionality bundled within the application like tile maps, tracking, sleep mode operation, accessibility settings, and others.</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Changes in 0.8.0 : \n\t- Plugin functionality \n\t- New offline map data support \n\t- Improve usability and simplify Profile concept \n\t- Lots of bug fixes "</string>
<stringname="osm_editing_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates OSM feedback like collecting / modifying OSM POI objects, opening / commenting OSM bugs, and contributing recorded GPX files (requires OSM credentials).</string>
<stringname="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vector maps likely display faster. May not work well on some devices.</string>
<stringname="switch_to_raster_map_to_see">No offline vector map present for this location. You can download one in Settings (Offline data), or switch to online maps.</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_7_2_t">"Changes in 0.7.2 : \n\t- Native rendering for all devices \n\t- Offline POI editing \n\t- Accessibility \n\t- Lots of bug fixes "</string>
<stringname="send_files_to_osm">Send GPX files to OSM?</string>
<stringname="offline_edition_descr">Always use offline editing</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_7_1_t">"Changes in 0.7.1 : \n\t- Offline POI editing \n\t- Live Tracking option - send coordinates to web service periodically (read how to setup your own web service in HowTo Articles) \n\t- Show currently recorded track on map \n\t- Direction detection: \'Make U-turn\' is indicated and announced when heading in opposite direction or after missing a turn \n\t- New voice prompt \'Route recalculated\' \n\t- Optical indication of an imminent turn within 100m by diretion arrow changing color \n\t- Actuality also of deactivated index files now shown on Download screen in dark green and dark blue \n\t- Other changes "</string>
<stringname="update_poi_does_not_change_indexes">POI changes inside application do not affect downloaded map files, changes are saved to local file instead.</string>
<stringname="live_monitoring_url_descr">Specify the web address with parameter syntax : lat={0}, lon={1}, timestamp={2}, hdop={3}, altitude={4}, speed={5}</string>
<stringname="live_monitoring_url">Live tracking web address</string>
<stringname="show_current_gpx_title">Show current track</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Changes in 0.7.0 : \n\t- Offline wikipedia data with articles \n\t- Updated maps \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<stringname="free_version_message">This free OsmAnd version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<stringname="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tYou can choose whether and how the map display is rotated in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' -> \'Map rotation\'. \n\tThe choices are: \n\t\'Don\'t rotate\' - Map will not be rotated. North will be always up \n\t\'To direction of movement\' - Map will continuously be aligned with your heading \n\t\'To compass\' - Map will continuously be aligned with device compass reading \n\tHint: To quickly change between rotation by compass and the one you selected in settings, you can simply tap on the compass needle in map view.</string>
<stringname="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tThe map appearance can for some vector maps be changed between day (brighter) and night (darker). \n\tNight colors are safer for night driving. \n\tYou can set a policy for day/night switching in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' ->\'Day/night mode\'. \n\tChoices are: \n\t\'Sunrise/Sunset\' - automatic mode, controlled by position of the sun (default) \n\t\'Day\' - always use day mode \n\t\'Night\' - always use night mode \n\t\'Light sensor\' - map appearance is controlled by light sensor of your device (only if equipped)</string>
<stringname="tip_osm_improve">Improving OSM Data</string>
<stringname="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM Editing\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<stringname="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'.
\n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and OsmAnd displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">"Changes in 0.6.9 : \n\t- Improved offline map rendering \n\t- Fast Native offline rendering - look in experimental features (may not work on some devices) \n\t- Massive look and feel changes \n\t- Altitude info \n\t- New translations (Vienamese, Polish) \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_6_8_t">"Changes in 0.6.8 : \n\t- Completely redesigned search (POI, Address)! Make address search much faster and more responsive. Create one Search interface with many different options. \n\t- Implement POI search by name in big areas (countries) \n\t- Fix flickering map screen for tablets (Issue 641) \n\t- Auto-center map view option (Issue 356) \n\t- GPX navigation moved to \'Directions\' and \'Save Directions\' moved to \'About route\' \n\t- POI data included in .obf file (all download indexes after 01/10/11) \n\t- Voice prompt fixes (GPS position fix, omitting first command) \n\t- Small improvements "</string>
<stringname="file_can_not_be_renamed">File can not be renamed.</string>
<stringname="file_with_name_already_exists">File with that name already exists.</string>
<stringname="gpx_navigation">GPX route</string>
<stringname="poi_query_by_name_matches_categories">Several POI categories found matching the query :</string>
<stringname="data_to_search_poi_not_available">Local data to search POI is not present.</string>
<stringname="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<stringname="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<stringname="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<stringname="basemap_missing">Base world map (covering the whole world at small zooms) is missing. Please consider downloading World_basemap_x.obf for a complete environment.</string>
<stringname="vector_data_missing">On board (\'offline\') data is missing on SD card. Please consider to download it in order to use maps offline.</string>
<stringname="local_index_gpx_info_show">"\n\nPress and hold for options"</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_6_6_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.6 : \n\t- Text To Speech engine for voice navigation \n\t- Make map renderer more detailed \n\t- Basemap for whole world packaged with app \n\t- Tweak offline navigation (still experimental) \n\t- GPX navigation options \n\t- UI update and large bug fixing "</string>
<stringname="installing_new_resources">Unpacking new data…</string>
<stringname="internet_connection_required_for_online_route">An online navigation service is selected but no internet connection is available.</string>
<stringname="tts_language_not_supported_title">Language not supported</string>
<stringname="tts_language_not_supported">The selected language is not supported by the installed Android TTS (text-to-speech) engine. Do you want to go to the Market to look for another TTS engine? Otherwise the preset TTS language will be used.</string>
<stringname="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<stringname="tip_location_sharing_t">\tVocê pode compartilhar a localização de lugares interessantes em sua viagem com a família ou amigos.
\n\tPara partes qualquer local que você deseja:
\n\tUsar \'menu de contexto Mapa\' -> \'Compartilhar local\' menu.
\n\tThen selecionar uma forma de partilhar a sua localização. As opções são: e-mail, SMS (texto), ou apenas a localização cópia coordena a área de transferência.
<stringname="tip_favorites_t">\tFrequently used points can be saved as Favorites. \n\tTo save a point as Favorite go to the map context menu, select option \'Add to favorites\' and then enter a name for it. After saving a Favorite, it is accessible via \'Main Menu\' -> \'Favorites\'. \n\tLong pressing on a Favorite in the \'Favorites\' menu provides options to set it as desination, Edit or Delete it. \n\tTo display all Favorite points directly on the map, enable layer \'Favorites\' in \'Map context menu\' ->\'Define view\'.</string>
<stringname="create_poi_link_to_osm_doc">" <u>Online OSM</u> map classification with images"</string>
<stringname="error_doing_search">Error occurred in offline search</string>
<stringname="search_offline_geo_error">Could not parse geo intent \'%s\'</string>
<stringname="search_osm_offline">Search address using offline maps</string>
<stringname="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmAndMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmAnd also supports custom sources.</string>
<stringname="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<stringname="tip_navigation_t">\tBefore starting a navigation you need to select a destination. Afterwards press \'Menu\' -> \'Directions\' on map and select the navigation type.</string>
<stringname="tip_search_t">\tYou can search for places directly on the map, or by address, by location, as POI, or as predefined favorite. \n\tPressing \'Search\' in the main menu opens the search activities. For all hits a context menu offers 2 options: \'Set as destination\' or \'Show on map\'.</string>
<stringname="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tThe map context menu is available by pressing and holding on the map or by pressing the trackball button. \n\tThis produces a box with point coordinates. To open the map context menu dialog, tap on it. (Or press and hold on it to hide the box again.) \n\tThe map context menu contains all actions referring to a point (location).</string>
<stringname="tip_initial">Tips and Tricks</string>
<stringname="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use OsmAnd offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<stringname="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<stringname="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside OsmAnd. Continue anyway?</string>
<stringname="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous OsmAnd version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<stringname="osmand_parking_warning_text">A notificação para ir buscar a sua viatura foi previamente adicionada ao seu calendário. Ela permanecerá até que você a exclua manualmente.</string>
<stringname="osmand_parking_time_limit_title">Definir o tempo limite de estacionamento</string>
<stringname="osmand_parking_delete_confirm">Quer remover a localização do estacionamento?</string>
<stringname="osmand_parking_delete">Excluir um marcador de estacionamento</string>
<stringname="osmand_parking_choose_type">Escolha o tipo de estacionamento</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_8_3_t">Alterações em 0.8.3:\n\t* Pontos de rota intermédios\n\t* Melhoria na orientação de rota\n\t* Adicionada opção que permite evitar auto-estradas ao planear a rota\n\t* Adicionado mais um tipo de via para bicicletas no mapa (Cycleway=track)\n\t* Correções de erros</string>
OsmAnd é uma aplicação de navegação livre com acesso a uma ampla variedade de globais OpenStreetMap (OSM) de dados. Todos os dados de mapas (mapas vetoriais ou telha) podem ser armazenados no cartão de memória do telefone para uso offline. OsmAnd também oferece offline e online, incluindo a funcionalidade de roteamento turn-by-turn orientação por voz.
Algumas das características principais:
- Completa funcionalidade offline (mapas baixados da loja vetor ou telha em uma pasta selecionável)
- Compacto off-line mapas vetoriais para o mundo inteiro disponível
- Faça o download de mapas de países ou região diretamente do aplicativo
- Sobreposição de camadas de mapas diversos possíveis, como GPX ou navegação faixas, Pontos de Interesse, favoritos, curvas de nível, paragens de transportes públicos, mapas adicionais com transparência personalizável
- Pesquisa offline para endereços e locais (POIs)
- Encaminhamento offline para distâncias curtas (experimental)
- Carro, bicicleta, e os modos de pedestres com:
- Opcional vista de dia/noite automático de comutação
- Mapa em função da velocidade opcional zoom
- Alinhamento mapa opcional de acordo com bússola ou direção do movimento
- Orientação pista opcional, display de limite de velocidade, registradas e vozes TTS
Limitações desta versão gratuita de OsmAnd:
- Número de downloads de mapa limitado
- Sem acesso a Wikipedia off-line POIs
OsmAnd está sendo ativamente desenvolvida e nosso projeto e seu progresso depende ainda contribuições financeiras para financiar o desenvolvimento e testdriving novas funcionalidades. Por favor, considere a compra de OsmAnd, ou financiar novas funcionalidades específicas ou fazer uma doação geral sobre osmand.net.</string>
<stringname="rendering_attr_roadColors_description">Selecione um esquema de cores de estrada:</string>
<stringname="rendering_attr_roadColors_name">Esquema de cores</string>
<stringname="map_widget_show_destination_arrow">Exibir a direção do destino</string>
<stringname="enable_plugin_monitoring_services">Habilitar plugin de rastreamento para utilizar serviços de registro de posição (log, acompanhamento ao vivo)</string>
<stringname="non_optimal_route_calculation">Calcular rota possivelmente não-ideal em longas distâncias</string>
<stringname="gps_not_available">Ative o GPS nas configurações</string>
<stringname="map_widget_monitoring_services">Serviços de registro</string>
<stringname="no_route">Sem rota</string>
<stringname="delete_target_point">Remover o waypoint</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_0_8_4_t">"Mudanças no 0.8.4:\n\t* Algumas correções de bugs\n\t* Mapa não perde a posição de bloqueio após interrupções "</string>
<stringname="context_menu_item_intermediate_point">Adicionar como ponto de passagem</string>
<stringname="arrived_at_intermediate_point">Você chegou ao seu ponto de passagem</string>
<stringname="map_widget_intermediate_distance">Ponto de passagem</string>
<stringname="ending_point_too_far">Destino muito longe da estrada mais próxima.</string>
<stringname="tip_recent_changes_1_1_0_t">Mudanças em 1.1.0:\n\t* Plugin calculador de distância\n\t* Plugin de notas áudio / vídeo\n\t* Plugin de Curvas de Nível\n\t* Correções de bugs\n\t* Opção de estilo de mapa \"Touring view\" com mais detalhes, novos estilos de estradas, mais contraste, e opção de caminhadas Alpinas (escala SAC)\n\t* Opção de correção do geóide EGM96, para corrigir as leituras de altitude GPS</string>
<stringname="local_indexes_cat_av">Dados de Áudio/Vídeo</string>
<stringname="stop_routing_confirm">Confirma que quer parar a navegação?</string>
<stringname="clear_dest_confirm">Confirma que deseja apagar o seu ponto de destino?</string>
<stringname="precise_routing_mode_descr">Ativar o roteamento preciso para calcular rotas precisas sem falhas. É muito limitado pela distância e não usa a biblioteca nativa.</string>
<stringname="srtm_paid_version_msg">Por favor, considere comprar o plugin \"Linhas de Contorno\" na loja do Google Play para apoiar o desenvolvimento.</string>
<stringname="srtm_paid_version_title">Plugin Contorno de Linhas</string>
<stringname="av_def_action_choose">Selecionar na altura</string>
<stringname="av_video_format_descr">Selecione o formato de saída de vídeo</string>
<stringname="av_use_external_recorder_descr">Usar gravador do sistema para vídeo</string>
<stringname="av_use_external_camera_descr">Utilize aplicação do sistema para a foto</string>
<stringname="av_use_external_camera">Use aplicativo da câmera</string>
<stringname="recording_playing">A tocar o áudio da gravação %1$s</string>
<stringname="map_widget_av_notes">Notas de Áudio/vídeo</string>
<stringname="osmand_srtm_short_description_80_chars">Plugin OsmAnd para linhas de contorno off-line</string>
<stringname="osmand_distance_plugin_description">Medir a distância entre dois ou mais pontos. Adicione pontos com um clique curto e remova com um toque longo.</string>
<stringname="osmand_distance_plugin_name">Calculador de distância</string>
<stringname="use_clear_distance_measurement">Clique mais uma vez para eliminar os pontos de medição.</string>
<stringname="use_distance_measurement">Toque para marcar um ponto, pressione e segure para excluir pontos anteriores, clique na ferramenta de medição para sair.</string>
<stringname="map_widget_distancemeasurement">Medição da distância</string>
<stringname="audionotes_location_not_defined">Local para associar com a nota ainda não está definido. \"Usar localização...\" para atribuir uma nota para o local especificado</string>