Osmand -> OsmAnd facelift
This commit is contained in:
24 changed files with 1135 additions and 1135 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Osmand Copyright 2010-2012
OsmAnd Copyright 2010-2012
Victor Shcherb - all parts of the project, originator
Pavol Zibrita - main parts of the project
Hardy Mueller - main parts of the project, mostly rendering, UI interaction design
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Hledat podle jména</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">Soubor s POI daty \'%1$s\' již není potřeba a může být smazán.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Lokální soubor pro úpravu POI bodů nebyl nalezen a ani nemohl být vytvořen.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgradovat Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgradovat OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Na serveru jsou mapy nekompatibilní s vaší verzí aplikace. Prosím aktualizujte aplikaci na novější verzi, abyste data mohli používat.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Přejmenovat</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Zobrazit na mapě</string>
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Posledního místa na mapě</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Hledat v okolí :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Hledat</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Poslední změny ve verzi 0.6.7 : \n\t- Správce offline dat (stáhnout, smazat, zálohovat přímo z Osmandu) \n\t- Oblíbené body a skupiny (uložení do kategorií, smazání, správa oblíbených) \n\t- GPX Explorer v aplikaci (zobrazit trasy, vzdálenost, prům. rychlost, nadm. výšku, atd.) \n\t- GPX navigace (užitečné nastavení, pokračovat navigaci po pádu aplikace, podpora kruhových objezdů) \n\t- Funkce na uložení trasy jako GPX track pro použití offline \n\t- Vylepšené monitorování GPX (vyfiltrování nepřesné polohy a uložení přesnosti/nadm. výšky/rychlosti) \n\t- Nahrání GPX do komunity (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Vylepšený vektorový renderer \n\t- Vylepšený TTS engine (přesná vzdálenost, míle) \n\t- Oprava chyb "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Poslední změny ve verzi 0.6.7 : \n\t- Správce offline dat (stáhnout, smazat, zálohovat přímo z OsmAndu) \n\t- Oblíbené body a skupiny (uložení do kategorií, smazání, správa oblíbených) \n\t- GPX Explorer v aplikaci (zobrazit trasy, vzdálenost, prům. rychlost, nadm. výšku, atd.) \n\t- GPX navigace (užitečné nastavení, pokračovat navigaci po pádu aplikace, podpora kruhových objezdů) \n\t- Funkce na uložení trasy jako GPX track pro použití offline \n\t- Vylepšené monitorování GPX (vyfiltrování nepřesné polohy a uložení přesnosti/nadm. výšky/rychlosti) \n\t- Nahrání GPX do komunity (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Vylepšený vektorový renderer \n\t- Vylepšený TTS engine (přesná vzdálenost, míle) \n\t- Oprava chyb "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Uložit trasu jako GPX</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Trasa úspěšně uložena jako \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Jméno souboru : "</string>
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">Filtr {0} byl smazán</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">Filtr {0} byl vytvořen</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Vybrat vše</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Offline navigace v Osmand je dočasně nedostupná.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Offline navigace v OsmAnd je dočasně nedostupná.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Levostranný provoz</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Zvolte pokud jste v zemi, kde se jezdí vlevo</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Klikněte zde pro stažení nebo aktualizaci offline dat.\nKlikněte na položku pro zobrazení více detailů, dlouze stiskněte pro deaktivaci nebo smazání.\nMnožství offline dat v zařízení (%1$s volného místa):</string>
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Nastavení rastrových překryvných nebo podkresových map</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Mapa</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Nastavení mapového zobrazení</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Modul umožňuje použití mnoha rastrových map jako překryv nebo podkres. Rastrové mapy mohou být získány online nebo připravené offline na SD kartě v adresáři Osmand.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Modul umožňuje použití mnoha rastrových map jako překryv nebo podkres. Rastrové mapy mohou být získány online nebo připravené offline na SD kartě v adresáři OsmAnd.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">Tento modul umožňuje záznam trasy nebo navigaci v úsporném režimu (při vypnuté obrazovce). Aplikace pravidelně zapíná GPS přijímač, aby zaznamenala bod trasy nebo přehrála hlasový pokyn.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">Tento modul aktivuje přídavné funkce zpřístupnění pro osoby s omezením zraku.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Pokročilá nastavení</string>
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<string name="map_settings">- Karten-Einstellungen</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Konfigurieren der Karten-Anzeige</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Dieses Modul ermöglicht die Verwendung vieler online oder gecachter Kachel-Kartenquellen, auch als Overlay- oder Underlay. Solche Karten können auch offline erstellt und in das Osmand-Verzeichnis kopiert werden.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Dieses Modul ermöglicht die Verwendung vieler online oder gecachter Kachel-Kartenquellen, auch als Overlay- oder Underlay. Solche Karten können auch offline erstellt und in das OsmAnd-Verzeichnis kopiert werden.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">Dieses Modul ermöglicht das Positions-Logging oder die Navigation während das Gerät im Standby-Modus ist durch periodischen Aufwecken des GPS-Empfängers.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">Dieses Modul konfiguriert spezielle Barrierefreiheits-Erweiterungen.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Erweiterte Einstellungen</string>
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">Dieses Modul ermöglicht erweiterte Kartenkonfiguration und einige gerätespezifische Einstellungen.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">Dieses Modul aktivert Entwicklungs- und Fehlersuchhilfen wie simulierte Navigation oder die Messung der Render-Leistung.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Modul-Manager</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Module zum Aktivieren oder Deaktivieren anklicken. (Ein Neustart von Osmand könnte nötig sein.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Module zum Aktivieren oder Deaktivieren anklicken. (Ein Neustart von OsmAnd könnte nötig sein.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Module aktivieren (bereits enthaltene) Extra-Funktionalität wie Online-Karten, Positions-Logging, Hintergrundservice, Barrierefreiheit und anderes.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Modul-Manager</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Änderungen in 0.8.0 : \n\t- Modul-Funktionalität \n\t- Unterstützung neuer Offline-Karten \n\t- Viele Fehler behoben "</string>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vektorkarten werden eventuell schneller angezeigt. Funktioniert nur auf manchen Geräten.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simuliere die Navigation</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Spiele Ansagen der aktuell ausgewählten Stimme ab</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Osmand Debugging</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">OsmAnd Debugging</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Natives Rendern</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Simuliere Navigation</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Sprachansagen testen</string>
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<string name="gpx_tags_txt">Tags</string>
<string name="gpx_description_txt">Beschreibung</string>
<string name="validate_gpx_upload_name_pwd">Bitte trage OSM Benutzername und Passwort ein, um GPX-Dateien hochzuladen.</string>
<string name="default_buttons_support">Unterstütze Osmand</string>
<string name="default_buttons_support">Unterstütze OsmAnd</string>
<string name="support_new_features">Unterstütze neue Features</string>
<string name="show_ruler_level_descr">Zeige Maßstab auf der Karte an</string>
<string name="show_ruler_level">Zeige Maßstab an</string>
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Bitte Positions-Logging in den Einstellungen aktivieren</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Aktuellen Track anzeigen</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Änderungen in 0.7.0 : \n\t- Offline Wikipedia Daten mit Artikeln \n\t- Aktualisierte Karten \n\t- Weitere kleine Verbesserungen "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Diese kostenlose Version von Osmand ist limitiert auf %1$s Downloads %2$s und unterstützt keine offline Wikipedia-Artikel.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Diese kostenlose Version von OsmAnd ist limitiert auf %1$s Downloads %2$s und unterstützt keine offline Wikipedia-Artikel.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Kostenlose Version</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Zeige POI-Beschreibung</string>
<string name="index_name_north_america">Nordamerika</string>
@ -164,19 +164,19 @@
<string name="user_password">OSM-Kennwort</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Nötig für openstreetmap.org-Beiträge</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Hintergrundservice</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Für Verwendung von Osmand bei ausgeschalteter Anzeige</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Für Verwendung von OsmAnd bei ausgeschalteter Anzeige</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">Kartenrotation</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tSie können unter \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Kartendarstellung\' -> \'Kartenrotation\' wählen, in welche Richtung die Anzeige der Landkarte ausgerichtet werden soll. \n\tZur Wahl stehen: \n\t\'Keine Rotation\' - Die Ausrichtung wird nicht nachgeführt, Norden ist immer oben \n\t\'Nach Bewegungsrichtung\' - Die Karte wird gemäß Bewegungsrichtung ausgerichtet und nachgeführt \n\t\'Nach Kompass\' - Die Karte wird gemäß Kompass ausgerichtet und nachgeführt \n\tTipp: Um schnell zwischen der Kompassnachführung und der in den Einstellungen gewählten Option zu wechseln, einfach auf die Kompassnadel in der Kartenansicht drücken.</string>
<string name="binary_map_download_success">Download erfolgreich.\n\t\n\tAktivieren unter: \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Kartenkonfiguration\' -> \'Offline-Vektor-Karten\'</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Tag/Nacht Modus</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tDie Anzeige von Offline-Vektor-Karten kann für einige Anzeigemodi zwischen Tag- (heller) und Nachtansicht (dunkler) umgeschaltet werden. \n\tInsbesondere bei nächtlichen Autofahrten ist die dunklere Nacht-Anzeige angenehmer und sicherer. \n\tDer Umschaltmechanismus kann unter \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Anzeigenkonfiguration\' -> \'Tag/Nacht Modus\' geändert werden. \n\tZur Auswahl stehen: \n\t\'Sonnenaufgang/-untergang\' - automatischer Modus (Voreinstellung) \n\t\'Tag\' - permanente Tagesansicht \n\t\'Nacht\' - permanente Nachtansicht \n\t\'Umgebungslicht-Sensor\' - automatischer Modus gemäß Umgebungslichtsensor des Gerätes (nur wenn Sensor vorhanden)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">OSM Bearbeitung</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand verwendet Daten basierend auf OpenStreetMap.org (OSM), und kann (neben Kartenanzeige und Navigation) auch zur Verbesserung der OSM-Daten verwendet werden. Sie können mit nur wenigen Klicks neue POIs und OSM-Fehlerberichte einsenden. \n\tDazu müssen Sie zunächst unter \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Allgemein\' unter dem Menüpunkt \'OSM-Bearbeitung\' Ihre OSM-Login-Daten hinterlegen. \n\tEinen neuen POI erstellen Sie ganz einfach mittels \'POI erstellen\' im Karten-Kontextmenü. Anschließend die Informationen zum POI eintragen und über die Menüführung zu OSM hochladen. Fertig! \n\tGefundene Fehler auf der Karte können direkt gemeldet werden. \n\tOSM Fehlerberichte erstellen Sie mittels \'OSM Fehlerbericht einsenden\' im Karten-Kontextmenü. \n\tAchtung: Für alle OSM-Aktivitäten wird eine Internetverbindung benötigt.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd verwendet Daten basierend auf OpenStreetMap.org (OSM), und kann (neben Kartenanzeige und Navigation) auch zur Verbesserung der OSM-Daten verwendet werden. Sie können mit nur wenigen Klicks neue POIs und OSM-Fehlerberichte einsenden. \n\tDazu müssen Sie zunächst unter \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Allgemein\' unter dem Menüpunkt \'OSM-Bearbeitung\' Ihre OSM-Login-Daten hinterlegen. \n\tEinen neuen POI erstellen Sie ganz einfach mittels \'POI erstellen\' im Karten-Kontextmenü. Anschließend die Informationen zum POI eintragen und über die Menüführung zu OSM hochladen. Fertig! \n\tGefundene Fehler auf der Karte können direkt gemeldet werden. \n\tOSM Fehlerberichte erstellen Sie mittels \'OSM Fehlerbericht einsenden\' im Karten-Kontextmenü. \n\tAchtung: Für alle OSM-Aktivitäten wird eine Internetverbindung benötigt.</string>
<!-- end of string changes for new menu structure -->
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">Nicht genügend freier Speicher vorhanden zum Laden von %1$s MB (frei: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">{2} MB freier Speicher vorhanden! {0} Datei(en) ({1} MB) herunterladen?</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point">Ziel wählen</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tEin Ziel kann direkt in der Karte gewählt werden via Kontextmenü -> \'Als Ziel wählen\', aus der Such-Funktion heraus oder über die Favoritenliste durch langes Drücken. \n\tDer Zielpunkt wird als orangefarbener Punkt auf der Karte markiert. Zu einem gewählten Ziel zeigt Osmand in der Karte die Entfernung und die Richtung (oranges Dreieck) an.</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tEin Ziel kann direkt in der Karte gewählt werden via Kontextmenü -> \'Als Ziel wählen\', aus der Such-Funktion heraus oder über die Favoritenliste durch langes Drücken. \n\tDer Zielpunkt wird als orangefarbener Punkt auf der Karte markiert. Zu einem gewählten Ziel zeigt OsmAnd in der Karte die Entfernung und die Richtung (oranges Dreieck) an.</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">"Änderungen in 0.6.9 : \n\t- Verbesserte Offline-Kartenanzeige \n\t- Schnelles \"Native Rendering\" - siehe Development-Einstellungen (funktioniert evtl. nicht auf jedem Gerät) \n\t- Massive Änderungen am \"Look and Feel\" \n\t- Höhenanzeige \n\t- Neue Sprachversionen (vietnamesisch, polnisch) \n\t- Weitere kleine Funktionalitäten "</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info_descr">Anzeige der gegenwärtigen Höhe in der Kartenansicht</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info">Höhe anzeigen</string>
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Nach Namen suchen</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">Die POI-Datei \'%1$s\' wird nicht mehr benötigt und kann gelöscht werden.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Lokale Datei für POI-Änderungen nicht gefunden und konnte nicht erstellt werden.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Osmand+ aktualisieren</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">OsmAnd+ aktualisieren</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Der Server enthält Karten die mit ihrer derzeitigen Anwendungsversion nicht kompatibel sind. Um sie zu laden und zu verwenden, aktualisieren Sie bitte auf die neueste Version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Umbenennen</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Auf Karte anzeigen</string>
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Letzte Kartenposition</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Suche nahe:</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">In der Nähe suchen</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Verbesserungen in 0.6.7: \n\t- Offline-Daten Manager (Herunterladen, Löschen, und Aktivieren / Deaktivieren von Offline-Daten direkt in Osmand) \n\t- Favoriten und Favoritengruppen (Kategorisieren, Löschen, Managen von Favoriten) \n\t- GPX Explorer innerhalb der Applikation (Tracks und Track-Daten ansehen) \n\t- GPX Navigation (nützliche Optionen, Fortsetzung der Navigation nach Crash, unterstützt jetzt Kreisverkehre) \n\t- Abspeichern von Routen als GPX-Tracks zur Offline-Verwendung \n\t- Verbessertes GPX Tracking (Filtern von ungenauen Positionen, Abspeichern von Genauigkeit, Höhe, Geschwindigkeit) \n\t- Funktion zum Upload von GPX Dateien zur OSM Community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Verbessertes Vektor-Rendering \n\t- Verbesserung der TTS-Ansagen (genaue Entfernungsansagen, optional auch in Meilen+Fuß) \n\t- Fehlerbehebung "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Verbesserungen in 0.6.7: \n\t- Offline-Daten Manager (Herunterladen, Löschen, und Aktivieren / Deaktivieren von Offline-Daten direkt in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favoriten und Favoritengruppen (Kategorisieren, Löschen, Managen von Favoriten) \n\t- GPX Explorer innerhalb der Applikation (Tracks und Track-Daten ansehen) \n\t- GPX Navigation (nützliche Optionen, Fortsetzung der Navigation nach Crash, unterstützt jetzt Kreisverkehre) \n\t- Abspeichern von Routen als GPX-Tracks zur Offline-Verwendung \n\t- Verbessertes GPX Tracking (Filtern von ungenauen Positionen, Abspeichern von Genauigkeit, Höhe, Geschwindigkeit) \n\t- Funktion zum Upload von GPX Dateien zur OSM Community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Verbessertes Vektor-Rendering \n\t- Verbesserung der TTS-Ansagen (genaue Entfernungsansagen, optional auch in Meilen+Fuß) \n\t- Fehlerbehebung "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Route als GPX-Track speichern</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Route erfolgreich gespeichert als \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Dateiname: "</string>
@ -322,11 +322,11 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internet Verbindung erforderlich aber nicht verfügbar</string>
<string name="install_more">Weitere installieren …</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update der Offline-Daten</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tAktuelle Kartendaten sind natürlich wichtig. Osmand bietet einen Download-Manager, mit dem Sie die Verfügbarkeit neuerer Offline-Daten prüfen können. \n\tUpdates finden Sie via \'Hauptmenü\' -> \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Offline-Daten\'. \n\tNachdem die Liste verfügbarer Offline-Daten geladen wurde, kann auf Wunsch mit der Option \'Menü\' -> \'Filter Gespeicherte\' auf Updates eingegrenzt werden, zu denen auf dem Gerät bereits Vorgänger existieren. \n\tAngezeigt werden verfügbare Updates nach dem folgenden Farbschema: \n\t\'Grün\' - Daten sind aktuell \n\t\'Blau\' - neuere Version vorhanden</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tAktuelle Kartendaten sind natürlich wichtig. OsmAnd bietet einen Download-Manager, mit dem Sie die Verfügbarkeit neuerer Offline-Daten prüfen können. \n\tUpdates finden Sie via \'Hauptmenü\' -> \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Offline-Daten\'. \n\tNachdem die Liste verfügbarer Offline-Daten geladen wurde, kann auf Wunsch mit der Option \'Menü\' -> \'Filter Gespeicherte\' auf Updates eingegrenzt werden, zu denen auf dem Gerät bereits Vorgänger existieren. \n\tAngezeigt werden verfügbare Updates nach dem folgenden Farbschema: \n\t\'Grün\' - Daten sind aktuell \n\t\'Blau\' - neuere Version vorhanden</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimaler Zoomlevel bis zu dem Offline-Vektor-Karten (statt Kacheln) verwendet werden sollen</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. Vektor-Zoomlevel</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Lokation mitteilen</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing_t">\tWollen Sie einen interessanten Ort Freunden oder Familie mitteilen? \n\tMit Osmand kann jeder Aufenthaltsort leicht mit Anderen geteilt werden. \n\tDazu einfach im Karten-Kontextmenü die Option \'Lokation mitteilen\' auswählen. \n\tZur Auswahl stehen mehrere Übertragungswege: E-Mail, SMS, oder die Lokationskoordinaten einfach in die Ablage (Clipboard) kopieren.</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing_t">\tWollen Sie einen interessanten Ort Freunden oder Familie mitteilen? \n\tMit OsmAnd kann jeder Aufenthaltsort leicht mit Anderen geteilt werden. \n\tDazu einfach im Karten-Kontextmenü die Option \'Lokation mitteilen\' auswählen. \n\tZur Auswahl stehen mehrere Übertragungswege: E-Mail, SMS, oder die Lokationskoordinaten einfach in die Ablage (Clipboard) kopieren.</string>
<string name="tip_favorites">Favoriten</string>
<string name="tip_favorites_t">\tOrte, die Sie sich merken möchten, können Sie als Favoriten speichern. \n\tEinen Favoriten erstellen Sie im Karten-Kontextmenü via \'Als Favorit speichern\'. Name und Kategorie sind dabei frei wählbar. \n\t Favoriten sind leicht zugänglich über \'Hauptmenü\' -> \'Favoriten\'. Mittels Kontextmenü können Sie jeden Favoriten bearbeiten, löschen, als Ziel wählen oder einfach nur auf der Karte anzeigen lassen. \n\tSie können sich auch alle Ihre Favoriten gleichzeitig auf der Karte anzeigen lassen. Dazu in der Kartenansicht unter \'Menü\' -> \'Darstellung\' einen Haken bei \'Favoriten\' setzen.</string>
<string name="create_poi_link_to_osm_doc">" <u>Online OSM</u> Klassifizierung mit Bildern"</string>
@ -337,9 +337,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Anzeigesprache wählen</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Anzeigesprache</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Kartenquelle</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tDurch drücken auf den Globus in der Kartenansicht, können Sie schnell zwischen den Kartenquellen wechseln. Alternativ in der Kartenansicht via \'Menü\' -> \'Darstellung\' den Punkt \'Kartenquelle...\' auswählen. \n\tSie können zwischen vordefinierten Quellen für Online- oder Offline-Kacheln, Offline-Vektor-Karten, oder selbst auf dem PC (z.B. via OsmandMapCreator) erstellten Karten wählen. \n\tOsmand unterstützt auch selbst definierte Quellen.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tDurch drücken auf den Globus in der Kartenansicht, können Sie schnell zwischen den Kartenquellen wechseln. Alternativ in der Kartenansicht via \'Menü\' -> \'Darstellung\' den Punkt \'Kartenquelle...\' auswählen. \n\tSie können zwischen vordefinierten Quellen für Online- oder Offline-Kacheln, Offline-Vektor-Karten, oder selbst auf dem PC (z.B. via OsmAndMapCreator) erstellten Karten wählen. \n\tOsmAnd unterstützt auch selbst definierte Quellen.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">Nutzerprofile</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand unterstützt verschiedene (individuell anpassbare) Profile für unterschiedliche Einsatzzwecke. \n\tDas Profil kann unter \'Menü\' -> \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Nutzerprofil\' gewechselt werden, oder auch beim Berechnen einer Route.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd unterstützt verschiedene (individuell anpassbare) Profile für unterschiedliche Einsatzzwecke. \n\tDas Profil kann unter \'Menü\' -> \'Einstellungen\' -> \'Nutzerprofil\' gewechselt werden, oder auch beim Berechnen einer Route.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigation</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tVor dem Starten der Navigationsfunktion ist ein Ziel zu wählen. Anschließend kann mittels \'Menü\' -> \'Navigation\' das Navigations-Menü gestartet werden. Dort können Sie optional noch den Routing-Typ (Auto, Fahrrad, Fußgänger) ändern und schließlich die Route berechnen lassen.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Suchen</string>
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Kontextmenü in der Karte</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tDas Karten-Kontextmenü wird über ein langes Drücken auf einen Punkt in der Karte oder das Drücken des Trackball-Knopfes in der Kartenansicht aufgerufen. \n\tEs erscheint eine Koordinatenanzeige: Kurzes Drücken darauf öffnet das Kontextmenü, langes Drücken entfernt es wieder. \n\tDas Karten-Kontextmenü enthält alle Aktionen im Zusammenhang mit einem Kartenpunkt.</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tipps und Tricks</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand ist eine Navigationsanwendung mit vielen Fähigkeiten. \n\tEine Einführung geben die über das Hauptmenü zugänglichen Tipps und Tricks.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd ist eine Navigationsanwendung mit vielen Fähigkeiten. \n\tEine Einführung geben die über das Hauptmenü zugänglichen Tipps und Tricks.</string>
<string name="next_button">Weiter</string>
<string name="previous_button">Zurück</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Verwendete Längen- und Geschwindigkeitseinheiten</string>
@ -407,19 +407,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Lese gepufferte Kacheln …</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">"Nicht genügend Speicher für Index \'\'{0}\'\' "</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">Die Index-Version \'\'{0}\'\' wird nicht unterstützt</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand-Navigation > 20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Osmand Offline-Navigation für große Entfernungen verwenden (experimentell) anstatt automatisch CloudMade zu nehmen</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand Offline-Navigation ist noch experimentell und funktioniert nicht gut für Entfernungen über 20 km.\n\nAls Navigationsdienst wird temporär online CloudMade verwendet.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd-Navigation > 20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">OsmAnd Offline-Navigation für große Entfernungen verwenden (experimentell) anstatt automatisch CloudMade zu nehmen</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd Offline-Navigation ist noch experimentell und funktioniert nicht gut für Entfernungen über 20 km.\n\nAls Navigationsdienst wird temporär online CloudMade verwendet.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Angegebener Ordner kann nicht gefunden werden.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Verzeichnis</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Das Wechseln des Verzeichnis verschiebt oder löscht keine Daten. Dies muss separat außerhalb von Osmand durchgeführt werden. Dennoch fortfahren?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Eine Vorversion von Osmand ist installiert. Alle Offline-Daten werden weiter unterstützt. Favoriten müssen aber in der Vorversion exportiert und anschließend in die neue Version importiert werden.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Das Wechseln des Verzeichnis verschiebt oder löscht keine Daten. Dies muss separat außerhalb von OsmAnd durchgeführt werden. Dennoch fortfahren?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Eine Vorversion von OsmAnd ist installiert. Alle Offline-Daten werden weiter unterstützt. Favoriten müssen aber in der Vorversion exportiert und anschließend in die neue Version importiert werden.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} erfolgreich installiert ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Lade Build …</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Möchten Sie Osmand ({0} von {1} {2} MB) installieren?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Laden der Liste von Osmand-Builds ist fehlgeschlagen</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Lade Osmand-Builds …</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Auswählen eines Osmand-Builds für die Installation</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Möchten Sie OsmAnd ({0} von {1} {2} MB) installieren?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Laden der Liste von OsmAnd-Builds ist fehlgeschlagen</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Lade OsmAnd-Builds …</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Auswählen eines OsmAnd-Builds für die Installation</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Aktion speziell für die Contribution Version</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">Applikation GPS-Status nicht installiert. Im Market suchen?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Keine Sprachansage verfügbar. Bitte unter Einstellungen ein Sprachpaket auswählen oder herunterladen.</string>
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Maximale Suchzeit</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Hintergrund-Navigationsdienst ausschalten</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Wo bin ich?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand-Navigationsdienst</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd-Navigationsdienst</string>
<string name="network_provider">Netzwerk</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">Sekunden</string>
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">Positionierungsintervall</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">Art der Hintergrund-Positionsbestimmung</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">Positionsbestimmung</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Aktiviere Osmand-Hintergrunddienst während Anzeige ausgeschaltet ist</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Aktiviere OsmAnd-Hintergrunddienst während Anzeige ausgeschaltet ist</string>
<string name="background_router_service">Hintergrundservice</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">Die Hintergrundnavigation erfordert aktiviertes GPS.</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">Filter verstecken</string>
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
<string name="route_head">Kopf</string>
<string name="first_time_continue">Weiter</string>
<string name="first_time_download">Offline-Daten herunterladen</string>
<string name="first_time_msg">Danke, dass Sie Osmand verwenden. \nUm alle Funktionen verwenden zu können, sind Offline-Daten erforderlich, die Sie in den Einstellungen unter Offline-Daten herunterladen oder selbst erstellen können. Danach können Sie Adressen, POI und ÖPNV finden.</string>
<string name="first_time_msg">Danke, dass Sie OsmAnd verwenden. \nUm alle Funktionen verwenden zu können, sind Offline-Daten erforderlich, die Sie in den Einstellungen unter Offline-Daten herunterladen oder selbst erstellen können. Danach können Sie Adressen, POI und ÖPNV finden.</string>
<string name="search_poi_location">Suche Signal …</string>
<string name="search_near_map">Suche um Lokation</string>
<string name="search_nearby">Suche um Aufenthaltsort</string>
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Zeige öffentliche Haltestellen auf der Karte</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Zeige Haltestellen</string>
<string name="hello">Navigationsanwendung Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Navigationsanwendung OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">POI-Daten wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert ({0} wurden geladen)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Fehler beim Updaten der Offline-Daten</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Fehler beim Herunterladen der Daten vom Server.</string>
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">Route neu berechnet, Entfernung</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">Sie haben Ihr Ziel erreicht</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Koordinaten sind ungültig!</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">zurück zu Osmand</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">zurück zu OsmAnd</string>
<string name="close">Schließen</string>
<string name="loading_data">Daten werden geladen …</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Verarbeite Indizes …</string>
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
<string name="settings_activity">Einstellungen</string>
<string name="show_gps_coordinates_text">GPS-Koordinaten auf der Karte anzeigen</string>
<string name="use_internet_to_download_tile">Fehlende Kartenteile aus dem Internet nachladen</string>
<string name="app_description">Navigationsanwendung Osmand</string>
<string name="app_description">Navigationsanwendung OsmAnd</string>
<string name="exit_Button">Beenden</string>
<string name="map_Button">Karte</string>
<string name="settings_Button">Einstellungen</string>
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">Der Filter {0} wurde gelöscht.</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">Der Filter {0} wurde erstellt.</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Alles markieren</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand Offline Navigation steht zur Zeit nicht zur Verfügung.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd Offline Navigation steht zur Zeit nicht zur Verfügung.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Linksverkehr</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Auswählen für Länder mit Linksverkehr</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Hier klicken um Offline-Daten herunterzuladen oder zu aktualisieren. \nAnklicken bestehender Einträge liefert Details, drücken und halten ermöglicht deaktivieren oder löschen. Aktuelle Daten auf dem Gerät (%1$s frei):</string>
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Búsqueda por nombre</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">El archivo de datos de POI \'%1$s\' es redundante y puede borrarlo.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">El archivo local para guardar cambios a POIs no se ha encontrado ni puede crearse.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Actualizar Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Actualizar OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">El servidor contiene archivos de mapas incompatibles con la versión actual de la aplicación. Para descargarlos y usarlos, por favor actualice la aplicación a una versión más reciente.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Renombrar</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Mostrar en el mapa</string>
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Última vista del mapa</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Buscar cerca:</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Busca cerca de aquí</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Cambios en 0.6.7 : \n\t- Gestor de datos descargados (descargar, borrar, activar/desactivar datos descargados directamente en Osmand) \n\t- Puntos y grupos favoritos (categorizar, borrar, gestionar favoritos) \n\t- Explorador de GPX en la aplicación (ver detalle del trayecto, distancia, velocidad media, elevación, etc.) \n\t- Navegación GPX (más opciones, continuar la navegación tras un fallo de aplicación, soportar rotondas) \n\t- Función para guardar la ruta como traza GPX para uso sin conexión \n\t- Mejora de la monitorización GPX (filtra alguna posición incorrecta y guarda precisión/elevación/velocidad) \n\t- Envía GPX a la comunidad OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Mejora del dibujo vectorial \n\t- Mejora del motor TTS (anuncia la distancia exacta, permite millas) \n\t- Arreglo de fallos "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Cambios en 0.6.7 : \n\t- Gestor de datos descargados (descargar, borrar, activar/desactivar datos descargados directamente en OsmAnd) \n\t- Puntos y grupos favoritos (categorizar, borrar, gestionar favoritos) \n\t- Explorador de GPX en la aplicación (ver detalle del trayecto, distancia, velocidad media, elevación, etc.) \n\t- Navegación GPX (más opciones, continuar la navegación tras un fallo de aplicación, soportar rotondas) \n\t- Función para guardar la ruta como traza GPX para uso sin conexión \n\t- Mejora de la monitorización GPX (filtra alguna posición incorrecta y guarda precisión/elevación/velocidad) \n\t- Envía GPX a la comunidad OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Mejora del dibujo vectorial \n\t- Mejora del motor TTS (anuncia la distancia exacta, permite millas) \n\t- Arreglo de fallos "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Guarda la ruta como traza GPX</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Ruta guardada correctamente como \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Nombre de archivo: "</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">No está disponible la conexión a Internet que se necesita para la operación</string>
<string name="install_more">Instalar más…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Actualizar datos descargados</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tEs esencial tener datos de mapa actualizados. Osmand proporciona un gestor de descargas que puede comprobar la disponibilidad de actualizaciones de los datos descargados. \n\tPara comprobar las actualizaciones vaya a \'Opciones\' -> \'Datos descargados\' -> \'Descargar…\'. Tras recuperar de Internet la lista de regiones, puede seleccionar la opción \'Menú\' -> \'Filtrar descargados\' para buscar actualizaciones sólo para datos que estén ya en su dispositivo. \n\tLa disponibilidad de actualizaciones se indica por los siguientes colores: \n\t\'Verde\' - indica archivos idénticos en el dispositivo y en el servidor \n\t\'Azul\' - indica actualizaciones disponibles en el servidor</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tEs esencial tener datos de mapa actualizados. OsmAnd proporciona un gestor de descargas que puede comprobar la disponibilidad de actualizaciones de los datos descargados. \n\tPara comprobar las actualizaciones vaya a \'Opciones\' -> \'Datos descargados\' -> \'Descargar…\'. Tras recuperar de Internet la lista de regiones, puede seleccionar la opción \'Menú\' -> \'Filtrar descargados\' para buscar actualizaciones sólo para datos que estén ya en su dispositivo. \n\tLa disponibilidad de actualizaciones se indica por los siguientes colores: \n\t\'Verde\' - indica archivos idénticos en el dispositivo y en el servidor \n\t\'Azul\' - indica actualizaciones disponibles en el servidor</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Nivel de zoom mínimo para utilizar dibujo de vectores en vez de teselas de mapa</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Mín. zoom vectores</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Compartir localización</string>
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Máx. espera lectura</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Apagar servicio de navegación de fondo</string>
<string name="where_am_i">¿Dónde estoy?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Servicio de navegación Osmand</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Servicio de navegación OsmAnd</string>
<string name="network_provider">Red</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">segundos</string>
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configurar fuentes de teselas de mapa online o cacheado</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Configuraciones de Mapa</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configurar pantalla de mapa</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">Este plugin permite rastrear o navegar en modo de bajo consumo (pantalla off) despertando periódicamente el dispositivo GPS para registrar un punto de la ruta o reproducir un aviso de voz.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Configuraciones avanzadas</string>
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">This plugin provides advanced map configuration and some device-specific settings.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">This plugin enables development and debugging features like animated navigation or rendering performance display.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Gestor de Plugin</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Toca un Plugin para activarlo o desactivarlo. (Puede ser necesario reiniciar Osmand.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Toca un Plugin para activarlo o desactivarlo. (Puede ser necesario reiniciar OsmAnd.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins provide extra functionality bundled within the application like tracking, tile maps, screen off mode, accessibility settings, and others.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Gestor de Plugin</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Cambios en 0.8.0 : \n\t- Funcionalidad de plugins \n\t- Soporte para nuevos datos de mapa offline \n\t- Muchos arreglos de fallos "</string>
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Los mapas vectoriales pueden mostrarse más rápido. Puede no funciona correctamente en algunos dispositivos.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simular la progresión de la ruta manualmente</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Reproducir ordenes de la voz seleccionada actualmente</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Debug y desarrollo de Osmand</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Debug y desarrollo de OsmAnd</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Rendering nativo</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animate navigation</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Probar avisos de voz</string>
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
1. All your modified/created strings are in the top of the file (to make easier find what's translated).
PLEASE: Have a look at http://code.google.com/p/osmand/wiki/UIConsistency, it may really improve your and our work :-) Thx - Hardy
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Left-Hand Driving</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Select for countries with left-hand traffic</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Click here to download or update offline data. \nClick any existing item to see more details, press and hold to deactivate or delete. Current data on device (%1$s free):</string>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configure online or cached tile map sources</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Map Settings</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configure the map display</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in power saving (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device to record a track point or play a voice prompt.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Advanced settings</string>
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">This plugin provides advanced map configuration and some device-specific settings.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">This plugin enables development and debugging features like animated navigation or rendering performance display.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting Osmand may be required.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting OsmAnd may be required.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins provide extra functionality bundled within the application like tracking, tile maps, screen off mode, accessibility settings, and others.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Changes in 0.8.0 : \n\t- Plugin functionality \n\t- New offline map data support \n\t- Lots of bug fixes "</string>
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vector maps likely display faster. May not work well on some devices.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simulate route progression manually</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Play commands of currently selected voice</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Osmand debugging and development</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">OsmAnd debugging and development</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Native rendering</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animate navigation</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Test voice prompts</string>
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Please enable \'Log track to GPX\' Tracking settings</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Show current track</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Changes in 0.7.0 : \n\t- Offline wikipedia data with articles \n\t- Updated maps \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">This free Osmand version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">This free OsmAnd version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Free version</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Show POI description</string>
<string name="index_name_north_america">North America</string>
@ -187,19 +187,19 @@
<string name="user_password">Your OSM password</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Needed for openstreetmap.org submissions</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Background Settings</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Use to run Osmand while screen is off</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Use to run OsmAnd while screen is off</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">Map Orientation</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tYou can choose whether and how the map display is rotated in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' -> \'Map rotation\'. \n\tThe choices are: \n\t\'Don\'t rotate\' - Map will not be rotated. North will be always up \n\t\'To direction of movement\' - Map will continuously be aligned with your heading \n\t\'To compass\' - Map will continuously be aligned with device compass reading \n\tHint: To quickly change between rotation by compass and the one you selected in settings, you can simply tap on the compass needle in map view.</string>
<string name="binary_map_download_success">Download successful.\n\t\n\tTo use activate \'Settings\' -> \'Map configuration\' -> \'Offline vector maps\'.</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Day/Night Mode</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tThe map appearance can for some vector maps be changed between day (brighter) and night (darker). \n\tNight colors are safer for night driving. \n\tYou can set a policy for day/night switching in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' ->\'Day/night mode\'. \n\tChoices are: \n\t\'Sunrise/Sunset\' - automatic mode, controlled by position of the sun (default) \n\t\'Day\' - always use day mode \n\t\'Night\' - always use night mode \n\t\'Light sensor\' - map appearance is controlled by light sensor of your device (only if equipped)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">Improving OSM Data</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<!-- end of string changes for new Preferences structure -->
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">There is not enough free space to download %1$s MB (free: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Free space now {2} MB! Download {0} file(s) ({1} MB)?</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point">Select Destination</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and Osmand displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and OsmAnd displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">"Changes in 0.6.9 : \n\t- Improved offline map rendering \n\t- Fast Native offline rendering - look in experimental features (may not work on some devices) \n\t- Massive look and feel changes \n\t- Altitude info \n\t- New translations (Vienamese, Polish) \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info_descr">Show current altitude information on map</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info">Show altitude</string>
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Search by name</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Rename</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Show on map</string>
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Last map view</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Search near :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Search near here</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in Osmand) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Save route as GPX track</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Route successfully saved as \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"File name : "</string>
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internet connection required for operation is not available</string>
<string name="install_more">Install more…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update of Offline Data</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. Osmand provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimum zoom level to use vector maps</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vector zoom level</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Location Sharing</string>
@ -358,9 +358,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Select display language</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Display language</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Map Source</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmandMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmand also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmAndMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmAnd also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">User Profile</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigation</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tBefore starting a navigation you need to select a destination. Afterwards press \'Menu\' -> \'Directions\' on map and select the navigation type.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Searching</string>
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Map Context Menu</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tThe map context menu is available by pressing and holding on the map or by pressing the trackball button. \n\tThis produces a box with point coordinates. To open the map context menu dialog, tap on it. (Or press and hold on it to hide the box again.) \n\tThe map context menu contains all actions referring to a point (location).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tips and Tricks</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="next_button">Next</string>
<string name="previous_button">Previous</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Change units of length and speed</string>
@ -428,19 +428,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Reading cached tiles…</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">The index \'\'{0}\'\' did not fit into memory</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">The version of index \'\'{0}\'\' is not supported</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use Osmand offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use OsmAnd offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Can not find specified directory.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Storage directory</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside Osmand. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous Osmand version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside OsmAnd. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous OsmAnd version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} successfully installed ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Downloading build…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install Osmand - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of Osmand builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading Osmand builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the Osmand builds to install</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install OsmAnd - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of OsmAnd builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading OsmAnd builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the OsmAnd builds to install</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Special activity for contribution version</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">GPS Status application not installed. Search in Market?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Voice guidance is not available. Please go to settings, choose preferred voice data package, and download it.</string>
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Maximum wait for fix</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Switch off background navigation service</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Where am I?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand navigation service</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd navigation service</string>
<string name="network_provider">Network</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">seconds</string>
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">Wake-up interval</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">Choose location provider while running in background mode</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">Location provider</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Runs Osmand in the background to track your position while screen is off</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Runs OsmAnd in the background to track your position while screen is off</string>
<string name="background_router_service">Run in the background</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">The background navigation service requires a location provider to be turned on.</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">Hide filter</string>
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Show public transport stops on map</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Show transport stops</string>
<string name="hello">Navigation application Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Navigation application OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">POI data was updated successfully ({0} were loaded)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Error updating local POI list</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Error while loading data from server</string>
@ -665,11 +665,11 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">New route calculated, distance</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">You have arrived at your destination</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Coordinates are invalid!</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Go back to Osmand map</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Go back to OsmAnd map</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="loading_data">Loading data…</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Reading local data…</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Last Osmand run crashed. Log file is at {0}. Please report the issue and attach the log file.</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Last OsmAnd run crashed. Log file is at {0}. Please report the issue and attach the log file.</string>
<string name="saving_gpx_tracks">Saving GPX tracks to SD…</string>
<string name="finished_task">Finished</string>
<string name="reload_indexes_descr">Re-read offline vector maps and data from SD card</string>
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Recherche par nom</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">Le fichier de PI \'%1$s\' est obsolète et peut être supprimé.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Fichier local de gestion des modifications de PI introuvable, et ne peut être créé.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Mettre à jour Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Mettre à jour OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Les fichiers de cartes sur le serveur sont incompatibles avec votre version de l\'application. Pour les télécharger et les utiliser, installez une version plus récente de votre application</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Renommer</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Afficher sur la carte</string>
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Dernière vue</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Recherche autour de :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Recherche</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Changement pour 0.6.7 : \n\t- Gestionaire de données hors ligne (téléchargement, suppression, sauvegarde des données hors ligne directement dans Osmand) \n\t- Favoris et groupes (categorisation, suppression, gestion) \n\t- Explorateur GPX dans l\'application (voir les itinéraires, distance, vitesse moyenne, altitude, etc.) \n\t- Navigation GPX (options utiles, continuer un itinéraire après plantage, identification des rond-points) \n\t- Fonction d\'enregistrement des itinéraires au format GPX pour utilisation ultérieure hors ligne \n\t- Amélioration gestion GPX (filtrage emplacements imprécis et enregistrement de la précision, altitude et vitesse) \n\t- Téléchargement des traces GPX à la communauté OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Améliorations du rendu vectoriel \n\t- Améliorations du moteur de synthèse vocale (distance exacte, support des miles) \n\t- Corrections de Bogues "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Changement pour 0.6.7 : \n\t- Gestionaire de données hors ligne (téléchargement, suppression, sauvegarde des données hors ligne directement dans OsmAnd) \n\t- Favoris et groupes (categorisation, suppression, gestion) \n\t- Explorateur GPX dans l\'application (voir les itinéraires, distance, vitesse moyenne, altitude, etc.) \n\t- Navigation GPX (options utiles, continuer un itinéraire après plantage, identification des rond-points) \n\t- Fonction d\'enregistrement des itinéraires au format GPX pour utilisation ultérieure hors ligne \n\t- Amélioration gestion GPX (filtrage emplacements imprécis et enregistrement de la précision, altitude et vitesse) \n\t- Téléchargement des traces GPX à la communauté OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Améliorations du rendu vectoriel \n\t- Améliorations du moteur de synthèse vocale (distance exacte, support des miles) \n\t- Corrections de Bogues "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Enregistrer l\'itinéraire au format GPX</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Itinéraire correctement enregistré dans \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Nom du fichier : "</string>
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Connexion Internet nécessaire pour cette opération non disponible</string>
<string name="install_more">Installer plus…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Mise à jour des cartes locales</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">Il est très important d\'avoir des données cartographiques à jour. Osmand a un gestionnaire de téléchargements qui permet de vérifier si les cartes locales peuvent être mises à jour. \n\tPour vérifier les mises à jour, aller à \'Menu Principal\'->\'Paramètres\'->\'Données hors-ligne\'->\'Télécharger du contenu\'. Sélectionner l\'option \'Filtrer téléchargé\' dans le menu contextuel. \nLà, seules les cartes déjà téléchargées sur votre système sont affichées, avec les couleurs suivantes: \n\t\'Vert\' - pour les cartes à jour avec le serveur \n\t\'Bleu\' - pour les cartes qui peuvent être mises à jour depuis le serveur</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">Il est très important d\'avoir des données cartographiques à jour. OsmAnd a un gestionnaire de téléchargements qui permet de vérifier si les cartes locales peuvent être mises à jour. \n\tPour vérifier les mises à jour, aller à \'Menu Principal\'->\'Paramètres\'->\'Données hors-ligne\'->\'Télécharger du contenu\'. Sélectionner l\'option \'Filtrer téléchargé\' dans le menu contextuel. \nLà, seules les cartes déjà téléchargées sur votre système sont affichées, avec les couleurs suivantes: \n\t\'Vert\' - pour les cartes à jour avec le serveur \n\t\'Bleu\' - pour les cartes qui peuvent être mises à jour depuis le serveur</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Niveau de zoom maximum pour l\'utilisation du rendu vectoriel au lieu de raster</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Niveau de zoom vectoriel</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Partage d\'emplacement</string>
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ navigate_point_format_D, DM & DMS
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">Filtre {0} effacé</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">Le filtre {0} a été créé</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Tout sélectionner</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Navigation hors ligne Osmand temporairement indisponible</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Navigation hors ligne OsmAnd temporairement indisponible</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Conduite à gauche</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Activer dans les pays on l\'on conduit à gauche</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Télécharger des données hors ligne\nPour plus d\'information, cliquer sur l\'élement, pour le désactiver ou le supprimer, faire appui long.\nEspace actuellement disponible sur l\'appareil (%1$s ):</string>
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ navigate_point_format_D, DM & DMS
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configurer la source des cartes en ligne ou en cache</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Paramètres des cartes</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configurer l\'affichage des cartes</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Ce greffon permet d\'utiliser une grande gamme de cartes au format image en ligne, ou conservée en cache comme carte de base ou comme sur- ou sous-couche de carte. Les cartes peuvent également être préparées hors ligne et copiées dans le dossier Osmand.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Ce greffon permet d\'utiliser une grande gamme de cartes au format image en ligne, ou conservée en cache comme carte de base ou comme sur- ou sous-couche de carte. Les cartes peuvent également être préparées hors ligne et copiées dans le dossier OsmAnd.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">Ce greffon permet d\'utiliser l\'enregistrement des traces et la navigation en mode économie (écran éteint) en réveillant périodiquement le GPS pour enregistrer une position ou jouer une instruction vocale.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">Ce greffon configure les fonctionnalités d\'accessibilité</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Paramètres avancés</string>
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ navigate_point_format_D, DM & DMS
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">Ce greffon permet de gérer des paramètres de configuration avancés et propres à certains appareils</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">Ce greffon permet la gestion de paramètres de développement et de déboggage tels que la navigation animée ou l\'affichage des temps de rendu.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Gestionnaire des greffons</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Toucher un greffon pour l\'activer ou le désactiver (Redémarrage d\'Osmand peut être nécessaire)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Toucher un greffon pour l\'activer ou le désactiver (Redémarrage d\'OsmAnd peut être nécessaire)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Les greffons fournissent des fonctionnalités supplémentaires à l\'application telles que l\'enregistrement des traces, les cartes image, le mode sans affichage, le mode accessibilité et autres.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Gestionnaire de greffons</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Changements en 0.8.0 : \n\t- Fonctionnalité des greffons \n\t- Nouvelle gestion des cartes hors ligne\n\t- Multiples corrections de bugs"</string>
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ navigate_point_format_D, DM & DMS
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Cartes vectorielles (hors-ligne) peuvent s\'afficher plus rapidement. Peut ne pas fonctionner sur certains appareils</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simule la progression sur un itinéraire manuellement</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Diffuse les commandes sonores disponibles pour la voix sélectionnée</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Déboggage et développement Osmand</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Déboggage et développement OsmAnd</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Rendu pré-compilé</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Navigation animée</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Tester les commandes vocales</string>
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
If you are making/correcting english translations make sure :
1. All your modified/created strings are in the top of the file (to make easier find what's translated).
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Left Side Navigation</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Turn on if you navigate in left side countries</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Download or update offline data. \nTo see more details click on the item, to deactivate or delete offline data press and hold. \nCurrent data on device (%1$s free):</string>
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configure online or cached tile map sources</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Map Settings</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configure the map display</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in power saving (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device to record a track point or play a voice prompt.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Advanced settings</string>
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Search by name</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Rename</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Show on map</string>
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Last map view</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Search near :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Search near here</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in Osmand) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Save route as GPX track</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Route successfully saved as \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"File name : "</string>
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internet connection required for operation is not available</string>
<string name="install_more">Install more…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update of Offline Data</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. Osmand provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimum zoom level to use vector maps</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vector zoom level</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Location Sharing</string>
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
<string name="user_password">OSM jelszavad</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">openstreetmap.org felé történő adatküldéshez szükséges</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Háttérszolgáltatás</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Osmand kikapcsolt képernyővel való használatához</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">OsmAnd kikapcsolt képernyővel való használatához</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">Térkép elforgatása</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tBeállítható, hogy mikor és hogyan forduljon el a térkép a \'Beállítások\' -> \'Térkép megjelenítés\' -> \'Térkép forgatása\'. \n\tLehetőségek: \n\t\'Ne forogjon\' - A térkép nem forog. Észak van mindig fönt \n\t\'Mozgás alapján\' - A térkép folyamatosan a mozgás irányába néz \n\t\'Iránytű alapján\' - A térkép mindig a beépített iránytűnek megfelelően fordul el \n\tTanács: A forgás alapjának a kiválasztottról iránytűre és vissza váltásához egyszerűen csak meg kell érinteni a kijelzőn az iránytűt.</string>
<string name="switch_to_raster_map_to_see">Nincs internet nélkül használható térkép erre a területre. Letölthetsz egyet a Beállításokban (Offilne adatok), vagy átválthatsz online térképekre.</string>
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Név szerinti keresés</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">A(z) \'%1$s\' POI adat fájl fölösleges és törölhető.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">A POI változások tárolásához nem található és nem hozható létre helyi fájl.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Osmand+ frissítése</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">OsmAnd+ frissítése</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">A szerveren található térképek nem kompatibilisek az OsmAnd ezen verziójával. Letöltésükhöz és használatukhoz frissíteni kell az alkalmazást.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Átnevezés</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Mutasd a térképen</string>
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">A művelet elvégzéséhez internetelérés szükséges</string>
<string name="install_more">További telepítése…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Térképadatok frissítése</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">Fontos az aktuális térképek megléte. Az Osmand program tartalmaz egy letöltéskezelőt amivel egyszerűen ellenőrizhető, hogy létezik-e frissebb a meglévő térképadatokból. \n\tA frissítések ellenőrzéséhez a \'Főmenü\'->\'Beállítások\'->\'Offline adatok\'->\'Térképadatok letöltése\' menüpontot kell választani. A térképadatok internetről való frissítése után a \'Letöltöttek szűrése\' menüt kell választani. \nÍgy most már csak a letöltött térképadatok jelennek meg a következő színekkel jelölve: \n\t\'Zöld\' - azt jelenti, hogy az index állomány megegyezik a szerveren lévővel \n\t\'Kék\' - azt jelenti, hogy újabb verzió tölthető le a szerverről</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">Fontos az aktuális térképek megléte. Az OsmAnd program tartalmaz egy letöltéskezelőt amivel egyszerűen ellenőrizhető, hogy létezik-e frissebb a meglévő térképadatokból. \n\tA frissítések ellenőrzéséhez a \'Főmenü\'->\'Beállítások\'->\'Offline adatok\'->\'Térképadatok letöltése\' menüpontot kell választani. A térképadatok internetről való frissítése után a \'Letöltöttek szűrése\' menüt kell választani. \nÍgy most már csak a letöltött térképadatok jelennek meg a következő színekkel jelölve: \n\t\'Zöld\' - azt jelenti, hogy az index állomány megegyezik a szerveren lévővel \n\t\'Kék\' - azt jelenti, hogy újabb verzió tölthető le a szerverről</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimális nagyítási szint vektoros megjelenítéshez térképcsempék helyett</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vektoros nagyítás</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Hely megosztás</string>
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_switch">Térképforrás</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">A térkép forrásának és rétegeknek a cseréjére a leggyorsabb megoldás a \'menü\'->\'Rétegek\' menüpont. \n\t\'Térképforrás…\' alatt lehet választani az előre definiált térképek és az OsmAndMapCreator által PC-n készített térképek között. \n\tOsmAnd egyéni forrásokat is támogat.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">Működési mód</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">Az Osmand több, személyre szabható megjelenítési módot támogat, különböző felhasználási esetekre. \n\tA mód kiválasztható a \'Főmenü\'->\'Beállítások\'->\'Működési mód\' alatt.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">Az OsmAnd több, személyre szabható megjelenítési módot támogat, különböző felhasználási esetekre. \n\tA mód kiválasztható a \'Főmenü\'->\'Beállítások\'->\'Működési mód\' alatt.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigáció</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">Navigáció indításához először ki kell választani egy célpontot. Ezután a térképmenü \'Útirány\' menütét kell választani és megjelölni a közlekedési módot.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Cím keresés</string>
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Térképmenü</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tA térképmenü a térképen egy pont hosszú megnyomásával vagy a \'trackball\' gombbal érhető el. \n\tA kattintás után megjelenik egy doboz a koordinátákkal, vagy a POI nevével. A térképmenü megnyitásához kattints erre a dobozra (vagstring name=y kattints rá hosszan az eltüntetéséhez). \n\tA térképmenü tartalmaz minden olyan műveletet, amit azzal a ponttal tenni tudsz.</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tippek és trükkök</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tAz Osmand navigációs alkalmazás sok lehetőséggel rendelkezik. \n\tA gyorsabb megértés érdekében ajánlott a tippek és trükkök elolvasása ami egy linken keresztül elérhető a főmenüből.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tAz OsmAnd navigációs alkalmazás sok lehetőséggel rendelkezik. \n\tA gyorsabb megértés érdekében ajánlott a tippek és trükkök elolvasása ami egy linken keresztül elérhető a főmenüből.</string>
<string name="next_button">Következő</string>
<string name="previous_button">Előző</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Hosszúság és sebesség mértékegységének megváltoztatása</string>
@ -381,17 +381,17 @@
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">A(z) \'\'{0}\'\' indexadat nem fér a memóriába</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">\'\'{0}\'\' index verziója nem támogatott</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Ön már telepített egy korábbi OsmAnd verziót. Minden internettől független adat használható az új alkalmazással. A Kedvenc pontokat a régi alkalmazásból érdemes kimenteni és az újba betölteni</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand útvonaltervező >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Osmand offline útvonaltervező használata nagy távolságokra is (kísérleti funkció) CloudMade-re váltás helyett.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd útvonaltervező >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">OsmAnd offline útvonaltervező használata nagy távolságokra is (kísérleti funkció) CloudMade-re váltás helyett.</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Az OsmAnd offline útvonaltervezője kísérleti funkció és nem működik 20 kilométernél nagyobb távolságban.\n\nÁtmenetileg átállítva online Cluodmade-re.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Nem található a megadott könyvtár.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Tárolási könyvtár</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">A tárolási könyvtár megváltoztatása nem helyezi át vagy törli az adatokat, ezt kézzel kell megtenni, nem az Osmandban. Biztosan folytatod?</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">A tárolási könyvtár megváltoztatása nem helyezi át vagy törli az adatokat, ezt kézzel kell megtenni, nem az OsmAndban. Biztosan folytatod?</string>
<string name="build_installed">OsmAnd verzió {0} sikeresen telepítve ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">OsmAnd verzió letöltése…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Telepíted az Osmand alkalmazást - {0} innen: {1} {2} MB?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">"Az Osmand verziók listájának letöltése nem sikerült "</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Osmand verziók töltése…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Telepíted az OsmAnd alkalmazást - {0} innen: {1} {2} MB?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">"Az OsmAnd verziók listájának letöltése nem sikerült "</string>
<string name="loading_builds">OsmAnd verziók töltése…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">A telepítéshez válassz egy OsmAnd buildet</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Special activity for contribution version</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">GPS Státusz alkalmazás nincs telepítve. Megkeresed a Marketen?</string>
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Maximális várakozás helymeghatározásra</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Navigációs háttérszolgáltatás kikapcsolása</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Hol vagyok?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand navigációs szolgáltatás</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd navigációs szolgáltatás</string>
<string name="network_provider">Hálózat</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">másodperc</string>
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">Helymeghatározási időköz</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">Helymeghatározási szolgáltatás kiválasztása a háttérszolgáltatáshoz</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">Helymeghatározási szolgáltatás</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Osmand futtatása a háttérben, hogy kikapcsolt képernyővel is kövesse a pozíciódat\nHosszú idejű pozíciókövetéshez bekapcsolja a háttérszolgáltatást</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">OsmAnd futtatása a háttérben, hogy kikapcsolt képernyővel is kövesse a pozíciódat\nHosszú idejű pozíciókövetéshez bekapcsolja a háttérszolgáltatást</string>
<string name="background_router_service">Háttérszolgáltatás pozíciókövetéshez</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">Helymeghatározó szolgáltatás szükséges a háttérben futó útvonaltervező szolgáltatáshoz.</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">Szűrő elrejtéshez</string>
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Tömegközlekedési megállok mutatása a térképen</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Tömegközlekedési megállok mutatása</string>
<string name="hello">Osmand navigációs alkalmazás</string>
<string name="hello">OsmAnd navigációs alkalmazás</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">POI adatok sikeresen frissítve ({0} db betöltve)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Hiba a helyi index állományok frissítésénél</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Hiba az adatok szerverről való letöltésekor</string>
@ -620,11 +620,11 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">Új útvonal tervezve, távolság</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">Megérkeztél a célponthoz</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Érvénytelen koordináta</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Vissza az Osmand térképhez</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Vissza az OsmAnd térképhez</string>
<string name="close">Bezár</string>
<string name="loading_data">Adatok betöltése</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Térképadatok olvasása…</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Az Osmand legutóbb összeomlott. Naplófájl: {0}. Kérlek jelentsd a hibát és csatolja hozzá a naplófájlt.</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Az OsmAnd legutóbb összeomlott. Naplófájl: {0}. Kérlek jelentsd a hibát és csatolja hozzá a naplófájlt.</string>
<string name="saving_gpx_tracks">GPX útvonalak mentése SD kártyára…</string>
<string name="finished_task">Befejezve</string>
<string name="reload_indexes_descr">Térképadatok újraolvasása SD kártyáról</string>
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">{0} szűrő törölve</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">{0} szűrő létrehozva</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Mindet kijelöl</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Az Osmand offline navigációja átmenetileg nem elérhető.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Az OsmAnd offline navigációja átmenetileg nem elérhető.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Baloldali navigáció</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">"Kapcsold be, ha baloldali közlekedésű országban navigálsz"</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Offline adatok letöltése vagy frissítése.\nRészletekért kattints a listaelemre, deaktiváláshoz vagy törléshez kattints rá hosszan. Adatok jelenleg az eszközön (%1$s szabad):</string>
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">"Ez a kiterjesztés további térkép és pár eszközre jellemző beállítást tesz lehetővé. "</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">Ez a bővítmény elérhetővé teszi a fejlesztői és hibakeresési eszközöket, mint szimulált navigáció, vagy teljesítmény kijelzés.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Bővítménykezelő</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Kiterjesztés be- és kikapcsolása érintésre történik. (Lehet, hogy az Osmandot újra kell indítanod.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Kiterjesztés be- és kikapcsolása érintésre történik. (Lehet, hogy az OsmAndot újra kell indítanod.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">A kiterjesztések további lehetőségeket biztosítanak az alkalmazásban mint a útvonal mentés, raszteres térképek, kikapcsolt képernyős lehetőségek, akadálymentesítés és mások.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Bővítménykezelő</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"A 0.8.0 kiadás változásai:\n\t- Beépülők\n\t- Új offline térképadat formátum\n\t- Sok hibajavítás"</string>
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<string name="transport_search_desc">Transport search</string>
<string name="favourites_search_desc">Favourites search</string>
<string name="history_search_desc">Search history</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Left-Hand Driving</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Select for countries with left-hand traffic</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Click here to download or update offline data. \nClick any existing item to see more details, press and hold to deactivate or delete. Current data on device (%1$s free):</string>
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configure online or cached tile map sources</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Map Settings</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configure the map display</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in power saving (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device to record a track point or play a voice prompt.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Advanced settings</string>
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">This plugin provides advanced map configuration and some device-specific settings.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">This plugin enables development and debugging features like animated navigation or rendering performance display.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting Osmand may be required.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting OsmAnd may be required.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins provide extra functionality bundled within the application like tracking, tile maps, screen off mode, accessibility settings, and others.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Changes in 0.8.0 : \n\t- Plugin functionality \n\t- New offline map data support \n\t- Lots of bug fixes "</string>
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vector maps likely display faster. May not work well on some devices.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simulate route progression manually</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Play commands of currently selected voice</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Osmand debugging and development</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">OsmAnd debugging and development</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Native rendering</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animate navigation</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Test voice prompts</string>
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Please enable \'Log track to GPX\' Tracking settings</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Show current track</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Changes in 0.7.0 : \n\t- Offline wikipedia data with articles \n\t- Updated maps \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">This free Osmand version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">This free OsmAnd version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Free version</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Show POI description</string>
<string name="index_name_north_america">North America</string>
@ -195,19 +195,19 @@
<string name="user_password">Your OSM password</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Needed for openstreetmap.org submissions</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Background Settings</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Use to run Osmand while screen is off</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Use to run OsmAnd while screen is off</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">Map Orientation</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tYou can choose whether and how the map display is rotated in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' -> \'Map rotation\'. \n\tThe choices are: \n\t\'Don\'t rotate\' - Map will not be rotated. North will be always up \n\t\'To direction of movement\' - Map will continuously be aligned with your heading \n\t\'To compass\' - Map will continuously be aligned with device compass reading \n\tHint: To quickly change between rotation by compass and the one you selected in settings, you can simply tap on the compass needle in map view.</string>
<string name="binary_map_download_success">Download successful.\n\t\n\tTo use activate \'Settings\' -> \'Map configuration\' -> \'Offline vector maps\'.</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Day/Night Mode</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tThe map appearance can for some vector maps be changed between day (brighter) and night (darker). \n\tNight colors are safer for night driving. \n\tYou can set a policy for day/night switching in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' ->\'Day/night mode\'. \n\tChoices are: \n\t\'Sunrise/Sunset\' - automatic mode, controlled by position of the sun (default) \n\t\'Day\' - always use day mode \n\t\'Night\' - always use night mode \n\t\'Light sensor\' - map appearance is controlled by light sensor of your device (only if equipped)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">Improving OSM Data</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<!-- end of string changes for new Preferences structure -->
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">There is not enough free space to download %1$s MB (free: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Free space now {2} MB! Download {0} file(s) ({1} MB)?</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point">Select Destination</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and Osmand displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and OsmAnd displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">"Changes in 0.6.9 : \n\t- Improved offline map rendering \n\t- Fast Native offline rendering - look in experimental features (may not work on some devices) \n\t- Massive look and feel changes \n\t- Altitude info \n\t- New translations (Vienamese, Polish) \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info_descr">Show current altitude information on map</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info">Show altitude</string>
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Search by name</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Rename</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Show on map</string>
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Last map view</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Search near :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Search near here</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in Osmand) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Save route as GPX track</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Route successfully saved as \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"File name : "</string>
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internet connection required for operation is not available</string>
<string name="install_more">Install more…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update of Offline Data</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. Osmand provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimum zoom level to use vector maps</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vector zoom level</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Location Sharing</string>
@ -366,9 +366,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Select display language</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Display language</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Map Source</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmandMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmand also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmAndMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmAnd also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">User Profile</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigation</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tBefore starting a navigation you need to select a destination. Afterwards press \'Menu\' -> \'Directions\' on map and select the navigation type.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Searching</string>
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Map Context Menu</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tThe map context menu is available by pressing and holding on the map or by pressing the trackball button. \n\tThis produces a box with point coordinates. To open the map context menu dialog, tap on it. (Or press and hold on it to hide the box again.) \n\tThe map context menu contains all actions referring to a point (location).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tips and Tricks</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="next_button">Next</string>
<string name="previous_button">Previous</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Change units of length and speed</string>
@ -436,19 +436,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Reading cached tiles…</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">The index \'\'{0}\'\' did not fit into memory</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">The version of index \'\'{0}\'\' is not supported</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use Osmand offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use OsmAnd offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Can not find specified directory.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Storage directory</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside Osmand. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous Osmand version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside OsmAnd. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous OsmAnd version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} successfully installed ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Downloading build…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install Osmand - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of Osmand builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading Osmand builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the Osmand builds to install</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install OsmAnd - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of OsmAnd builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading OsmAnd builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the OsmAnd builds to install</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Special activity for contribution version</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">GPS Status application not installed. Search in Market?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Voice guidance is not available. Please go to settings, choose preferred voice data package, and download it.</string>
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Maximum wait for fix</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Switch off background navigation service</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Where am I?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand navigation service</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd navigation service</string>
<string name="network_provider">Network</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">seconds</string>
@ -550,7 +550,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">Wake-up interval</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">Choose location provider while running in background mode</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">Location provider</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Runs Osmand in the background to track your position while screen is off</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Runs OsmAnd in the background to track your position while screen is off</string>
<string name="background_router_service">Run in the background</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">The background navigation service requires a location provider to be turned on.</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">Hide filter</string>
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Show public transport stops on map</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Show transport stops</string>
<string name="hello">Navigation application Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Navigation application OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">POI data was updated successfully ({0} were loaded)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Error updating local POI list</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Error while loading data from server</string>
@ -673,11 +673,11 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">New route calculated, distance</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">You have arrived at your destination</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Coordinates are invalid!</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Go back to Osmand map</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Go back to OsmAnd map</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="loading_data">Loading data…</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Reading local data…</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Last Osmand run crashed. Log file is at {0}. Please report the issue and attach the log file.</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Last OsmAnd run crashed. Log file is at {0}. Please report the issue and attach the log file.</string>
<string name="saving_gpx_tracks">Saving GPX tracks to SD…</string>
<string name="finished_task">Finished</string>
<string name="reload_indexes_descr">Re-read offline vector maps and data from SD card</string>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Abilita \'Log della traccia in GPX\' nelle impostazioni di Tracking</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Mostra la traccia corrente</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Cambiamenti nella versione 0.7.0 : \n\t- Articoli di Wikipedia accessibili offline \n\t- Aggiornate le mappe \n\t- Altre feature minori "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Questa versione gratuita di Osmand è limitata a %1$s download %2$s e non supporta gli articoli offline di Wikipedia.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Questa versione gratuita di OsmAnd è limitata a %1$s download %2$s e non supporta gli articoli offline di Wikipedia.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Versione gratuita</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Mostra descrizione</string>
<string name="amenity_type_wikiosm">Wikipedia (offline)</string>
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<string name="user_password">Password OSM</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Necessario per inviare contributi a openstreetmap.org</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Servizio in Background</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Usato per eseguire Osmand mentre lo schermo è spento</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Usato per eseguire OsmAnd mentre lo schermo è spento</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">Rotazione della mappa</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tPuoi scegliere se e come ruotare la visualizzazione della mappa in \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Aspetto della mappa\' -> \'Rotazione della mappa\'. \n\tLe scelte sono: \n\t\'Non ruotare\' - La mappa non verra\' ruotata. Il nord sara\' sempre in alto \n\t\'Nella direzione del movimento\' - La mappa si allineera\' continaumente con la tua direzione \n\t\'Alla bussola\' - La mappa sara\' continuamente allineata con la bussola del device \n\tSuggerimento: Per cambiare velocemente tra la rotazione secondo la bussola e quella selezionata nelle impostazioni, puoi semplicemente premere l\'ago della bussola della vista della mappa.</string>
<string name="switch_to_raster_map_to_see">Nessuna mappa vettoriale è presente per questa posizione. \n\t\n\tNe puoi scaricare una in \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Dati offline\', o passare alle mappe online tramite \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Configurazione delle mappe\'.</string>
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Modo giorno/notte</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tL\'aspetto della mappa può essere cambiato per alcune mappe vettoriali tra giorno (più luminoso) e notte (più scuro). \n\tI colori scuri sono più sicuri per la guida notturna. \n\tPuoi impostare una regola per il cambio giorno/notte in \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Aspetto delle mappe\' -> \'Modo giorno/notte\'. \n\tLe scelte sono: \n\t\'Alba/Tramonto\' - automatico, controllato dalla posizione del sole (default) \n\t\'Giorno\' - usa sempre la modalità giorno \n\t\'Notte\' - usa sempre la modalità notte \n\t\'Sensore luminosità\' - l\'aspetto della mappa è controllato dal sensore del tuo device (solo se è presente)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">Migliorare i dati OSM</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand usa mappe basate sui dati di Openstreetmap.org (OSM) e -oltre a visualizzare e navigare le mappe- può essere usato per migliorare la qualità dei dati OSM. Puoi creare e caricare facilmente nuovi PDI o segnalazioni di bug con solo un paio di click! \n\tPer questo devi prima fornire le credenziali d\'accesso ad OSM in \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Impostazioni generali\' -> \'OSM\'. \n\tPer aggiungere un nuovo PDI usa l\'opzione \'Crea un PDI\' nel menù contestuale. Procedi inserendo le informazioni relative al nuovo PDI nella finestra \'Crea PDI\' e infine invialo. \n\tGli errori sulle mappe possono essere immediatamente segnalati tramite un bug OSM, e la comunità OSM può correggere velocemente il problema. \n\tPer aggiungere un bug OSM usa l\'opzione \'Apri un bug OSM\' nel menù contestuale. Inserisci una descrizione dettagliata del problema e infine inviala con il bottone \'Aggiungi\'. \n\tNota che è necessaria la connessione ad Internet per contribuire PDI e bug.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd usa mappe basate sui dati di Openstreetmap.org (OSM) e -oltre a visualizzare e navigare le mappe- può essere usato per migliorare la qualità dei dati OSM. Puoi creare e caricare facilmente nuovi PDI o segnalazioni di bug con solo un paio di click! \n\tPer questo devi prima fornire le credenziali d\'accesso ad OSM in \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Impostazioni generali\' -> \'OSM\'. \n\tPer aggiungere un nuovo PDI usa l\'opzione \'Crea un PDI\' nel menù contestuale. Procedi inserendo le informazioni relative al nuovo PDI nella finestra \'Crea PDI\' e infine invialo. \n\tGli errori sulle mappe possono essere immediatamente segnalati tramite un bug OSM, e la comunità OSM può correggere velocemente il problema. \n\tPer aggiungere un bug OSM usa l\'opzione \'Apri un bug OSM\' nel menù contestuale. Inserisci una descrizione dettagliata del problema e infine inviala con il bottone \'Aggiungi\'. \n\tNota che è necessaria la connessione ad Internet per contribuire PDI e bug.</string>
<!-- end of string changes for new menu structure -->
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">Non c\'è abbastanza spazio per scaricare %1$s MB (liberi: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Lo spazio disponibile è di {2} MB! Scaricare {0} file(s) ({1} MB)?</string>
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Ricerca per nome</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">Il file dati PDI \'%1$s\' non è più in uso e può essere cancellato.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">File per registrare i cambiamenti ai PDI non è stato trovato nè creato.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Aggiorna Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Aggiorna OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Sul server ci sono file di mappa incompatibili con l\'attuale versione utilizzata. Per scaricarli ed utilizzarli aggiorna l\'applicazione.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Rinomina</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Visualizza</string>
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Ultima vista mappa</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Cerca vicino :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Cerca</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Modifiche recenti versione 0.6.7 : \n\t- Manager dati offline (scaricare, cancellare e backup di dati offlina direttamente da Osmand) \n\t- Punti e gruppi Preferiti (categorizza, cancella, gestisci preferiti) \n\t- GPX Explorer nella applicazione (vedere percorsi, distanze, velocità, elevazione, ecc.) \n\t- Navigazione GPX (opzioni utili, continua la navigazione post crash, supporto rotonde) \n\t- Funzione per salvare il percorso in formato GPX e usarlo offline \n\t- Migliorato monitoraggio GPX (filtrati luoghi non precisi e salvati dati per precisione/elevazione/velocità) \n\t- Invio di file GPX alla comunità OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Migliorie al rendering dei vettori \n\t- Migliorie al motore TTS (distanza esatta, miglia abilitate) \n\t- Fix di bug vari "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Modifiche recenti versione 0.6.7 : \n\t- Manager dati offline (scaricare, cancellare e backup di dati offlina direttamente da OsmAnd) \n\t- Punti e gruppi Preferiti (categorizza, cancella, gestisci preferiti) \n\t- GPX Explorer nella applicazione (vedere percorsi, distanze, velocità, elevazione, ecc.) \n\t- Navigazione GPX (opzioni utili, continua la navigazione post crash, supporto rotonde) \n\t- Funzione per salvare il percorso in formato GPX e usarlo offline \n\t- Migliorato monitoraggio GPX (filtrati luoghi non precisi e salvati dati per precisione/elevazione/velocità) \n\t- Invio di file GPX alla comunità OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Migliorie al rendering dei vettori \n\t- Migliorie al motore TTS (distanza esatta, miglia abilitate) \n\t- Fix di bug vari "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Salva il percorso in formato GPX</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Percorso salvato come \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Nome file: "</string>
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Connessione internet richiesta ma non disponibile</string>
<string name="install_more">Installa altro…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Aggiornamento Dati Offline</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tAvere dati aggiornati è importante. Osmand fornisce un download manager che controlla gli aggiornamenti disponibili. \n\tPer controllare gli aggiornamenti andare su \'Menu Principale\' -> \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Dati offline\' -> \'Download dati offline\'. Dopo il download della lista delle regioni ti basterà selezionare \'Menu\' -> \'Filtra scaricati\' per indicare aggiornamenti di file già in tuo possesso. \n\tLa disponibilità degli aggiornamenti viene indicata dai colori seguenti: \n\t\'Verde\' - file aggiornato \n\t\'Blu\' - aggiornamento disponibile</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tAvere dati aggiornati è importante. OsmAnd fornisce un download manager che controlla gli aggiornamenti disponibili. \n\tPer controllare gli aggiornamenti andare su \'Menu Principale\' -> \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Dati offline\' -> \'Download dati offline\'. Dopo il download della lista delle regioni ti basterà selezionare \'Menu\' -> \'Filtra scaricati\' per indicare aggiornamenti di file già in tuo possesso. \n\tLa disponibilità degli aggiornamenti viene indicata dai colori seguenti: \n\t\'Verde\' - file aggiornato \n\t\'Blu\' - aggiornamento disponibile</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimo livello di zoom per usare il rendering vettoriale al posto dei tile mappa</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. livello zoom</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Condivisione Posizione</string>
@ -223,9 +223,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Seleziona linguaggio display</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Linguaggio display</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Fonte Mappa</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tIl modo più veloce per cambiare la fonte per la mappa e i layers è tramite \'Menu\' -> \'Definisci Vista\' in vista mappa. \n\tSotto \'Fonte mappa…\' puoi scegliere tra le mappe vettoriali pre-caricate, fonti predefinite (online), mappe create manualmente utilizzando OsmAndMapCreator sul PC. \n\tOsmand supporta anche fonti personalizzate.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tIl modo più veloce per cambiare la fonte per la mappa e i layers è tramite \'Menu\' -> \'Definisci Vista\' in vista mappa. \n\tSotto \'Fonte mappa…\' puoi scegliere tra le mappe vettoriali pre-caricate, fonti predefinite (online), mappe create manualmente utilizzando OsmAndMapCreator sul PC. \n\tOsmAnd supporta anche fonti personalizzate.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">Modo Applicazione</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand supporta diversi profili personalizzabili per differenti usi. \n\tPuoi cambiare tra i profili su \'Menu\' -> \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Modo applicazione\', o mentre crei un percorso.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd supporta diversi profili personalizzabili per differenti usi. \n\tPuoi cambiare tra i profili su \'Menu\' -> \'Impostazioni\' -> \'Modo applicazione\', o mentre crei un percorso.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigazione</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tPrima di iniziare la navigazione devi selezionare una destinazione. Dopo averla selezionata premi \'Menu\' -> \'Percorsi\' sulla mappa e seleziona il tipo di navigazione.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Ricerca</string>
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Menu contestuale</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tIl menu contestuale viene visualizzato premendo a lungo sulla mappa o premendo il pulsante trackball. \n\tQuesto visualizza un box con le coordinate del punto. Per aprire il menu, cliccaci sopra. (O premi a lungo per nascondere il menù.) \n\tIl menù contestuale contiene tutte le azioni possibili per quel punto (luogo).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Consigli</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand è una applicazione di navigazione con molte funzioni. \n\tPer una introduzione base, alcuni consigli sono linkati nel menù principale.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd è una applicazione di navigazione con molte funzioni. \n\tPer una introduzione base, alcuni consigli sono linkati nel menù principale.</string>
<string name="next_button">Prossimo</string>
<string name="previous_button">Precedente</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Cambia le unità di misura per spazio e velocità</string>
@ -293,19 +293,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Lettura tiles dalla cache…</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">L\'indice \'\'{0}\'\' è troppo grande per l\'attuale memoria</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">La versione di indice \'\'{0}\'\' non è supportata</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Routing Osmand > 20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Usa il routing Osmand offline per distanze maggiori di 20 km (sperimentale)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Il routing offline di Osmand è sperimentale e non funziona per distanze superiori ai 20 km.\n\nIl servizio routing viene fornito temporaneamente tramite CloudMade online.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Routing OsmAnd > 20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Usa il routing OsmAnd offline per distanze maggiori di 20 km (sperimentale)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Il routing offline di OsmAnd è sperimentale e non funziona per distanze superiori ai 20 km.\n\nIl servizio routing viene fornito temporaneamente tramite CloudMade online.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Impossibile trovare la directory specificata.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Cartella deposito</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Il cambiamento della cartella non sposterà nè eliminerà i dati. Dovrà essere fatto manualmente al di fuori di Osmand. Continuare?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">E\' stata trovata una versione precedente di Osmand. Tutti i dati verranno supportati dalla nuova applicazione. I Preferiti devono essere esportati dalla vecchia applicazione e importati manualmente nella nuova.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Il cambiamento della cartella non sposterà nè eliminerà i dati. Dovrà essere fatto manualmente al di fuori di OsmAnd. Continuare?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">E\' stata trovata una versione precedente di OsmAnd. Tutti i dati verranno supportati dalla nuova applicazione. I Preferiti devono essere esportati dalla vecchia applicazione e importati manualmente nella nuova.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} installata ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Scaricamento build…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Vuoi installare Osmand - {0} da {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Caricamento della lista delle build di Osmand fallito</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Caricamento build Osmand…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Seleziona una build Osmand da installare</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Vuoi installare OsmAnd - {0} da {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Caricamento della lista delle build di OsmAnd fallito</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Caricamento build OsmAnd…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Seleziona una build OsmAnd da installare</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Attività speciale per la versione a pagamento</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">Applicazione Stato GPS non installata. Cercare nel Market?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Voce non disponibile. Andare nelle impostazioni, scegliere il pacchetto voce preferito e scaricarlo.</string>
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Intervallo di attesa</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Spegnere il servizio di navigazione in background</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Dove mi trovo?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Servizio di navigazione Osmand</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Servizio di navigazione OsmAnd</string>
<string name="network_provider">Rete</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">secondi</string>
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">Intervallo di posizionamento</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">Scegliere il provider per il servizio in background</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">Provider di posizionamento</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Abilitare il servizio in background di Osmand per il tracking della posizione mentre lo schermo è spento</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Abilitare il servizio in background di OsmAnd per il tracking della posizione mentre lo schermo è spento</string>
<string name="background_router_service">Servizio di ricerca percorso</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">Il servizio in background OsmAnd di generazione percorso necessita del sistema di posizionamento attivato.</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">Nascondi il filtro</string>
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Visualizzare le fermate di trasporto pubblico sulla mappa</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Visualizza le fermate</string>
<string name="hello">Applicazione di navigazione Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Applicazione di navigazione OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">I PDI sono stati aggiornati ({0} caricati)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Errore nell\'aggiornamento degli indici locali</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Errore durante il caricamento dati dal server</string>
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">Calcolo nuovo percorso, distanza</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">Siete arrivati alla destinazione</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Luoghi invalidi</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Ritornare alla mappa Osmand</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Ritornare alla mappa OsmAnd</string>
<string name="close">Chiudi</string>
<string name="loading_data">Caricamento dati…</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Lettura indici…</string>
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">Il filtro {0} è stato eliminato</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">Il filtro {0} è stato creato</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Selezionare tutto</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">La navigazione offline di Osmand è temporaneamente non disponibile</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">La navigazione offline di OsmAnd è temporaneamente non disponibile</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Guida a sinistra</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Abilita se stai guidando in paesi in cui si guida tenendo la sinistra</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Scarica o aggiorna i dati offline.\nPer vedere maggiori dettagli clicca sull\'elemento, per disabilitare o cancellare i dati offline tieni premuto. \nDati attualmente sul dispositivo (%1$s liberi):</string>
@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configura sorgenti di mappe online o da tiles scaricate</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Impostazioni Mappa</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configura la visualizzazione della mappa</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Questo plugin facilita l\'uso di una serie di mappe online o a tiles (in cache) come mappe di base o overlay / underlay. Le mappe possono essere anche preparate offline e copiate nella cartella di Osmand.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Questo plugin facilita l\'uso di una serie di mappe online o a tiles (in cache) come mappe di base o overlay / underlay. Le mappe possono essere anche preparate offline e copiate nella cartella di OsmAnd.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">"Questo plugin consente il tracking o la navigazione in modalità risparmio energetico (con lo schermo spento) svegliando periodicamente il GPS per registrare un punto della traccia o per enunciare una indicazione vocale."</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">Questo plugin configura funziionalità speciali per l\'accessibilità.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Impostazioni avanzate</string>
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">Questo plugin consente la configurazione avanzata della mappa e altre impostazioni specifiche per i dispositivi.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">Questo plugin abilità funzionalità in sviluppo e debug come la navigazione animata o mostrare la performance del rendering.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Tocca un Plugin per attivarlo o disattivarlo. (Potrebbe essere richiesto il riavvio di Osmand.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Tocca un Plugin per attivarlo o disattivarlo. (Potrebbe essere richiesto il riavvio di OsmAnd.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">I plugin abilitano funzionalità extra dell\'applicazione come il live tracking, la mappe a tiles, la modalità a schermo spento, impostazioni per l\'accessibilità, ed altro.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Cambiamenti nella 0.8.0 : \n\t- Funzionalità a plugin\n\t- Supporto alle nuove mappe vettoriali offilne \n\t- Svariati bug fix "</string>
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Le mappe vettoriali dovrebbero apparire più velocemente. Su certi device potrebbe non funzionare bene.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simula l\'avanzamento del tragitto manualmente</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Esegui i comandi della voce attualmente selezionata</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Debugging e sviluppo di Osmand</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Debugging e sviluppo di OsmAnd</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Rendering nativo</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animate navigation</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Prova i comandi vocali</string>
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ name="internet_connection_required_for_online_route">オンライン経路案内
<string name="tip_update_index">オフラインデータの更新</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\t最新のマップデータを持っていることは
とても重要です。Osmand は利用できるオフラインデータの更新をチェックできる
とても重要です。OsmAnd は利用できるオフラインデータの更新をチェックできる
\n\t更新をチェックするにはこちらへ。\'メインメニュー\' -> \'設定\'
-> \'オフラインデータ\' -> \'オフラインデータのダウンロード\'。
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
1. All your modified/created strings are in the top of the file (to make easier find what's translated).
PLEASE: Have a look at http://code.google.com/p/osmand/wiki/UIConsistency, it may really improve your and our work :-) Thx - Hardy
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand-ით ნავიგაცია გათიშულ რეჟიმში დროებით მიუწვდომელია.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd-ით ნავიგაცია გათიშულ რეჟიმში დროებით მიუწვდომელია.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">მარცხენა ხელით ტარება</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">აირჩიეთ მარცხენა მხარეს საჭის გამომყენებელი ქვეყნებისათვის</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">დააწკაპუნეთ გათიშული რეჟიმის მონაცემების ჩამოტვირთვა/ატვირთვისათვის.\nდააწკაპუნეთ არსებულ მონაცემს მეტი დეტალების მისაღებას. დააჭირეთ და გეჭიროთ მისი დეაქტივაციის ან წაშლისათვის. \nმიმდინარე მონაცემები მოწყობილობაზე (თავისუფალია %1$s):</string>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">მიმდინარე და დაქეშირებული ხაზოვანი რუქების წყაროების გამართვა</string>
<string name="map_settings">- რუქის პარამეტრები</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">რუქის ჩვენების გამართვა</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in power saving (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device to record a track point or play a voice prompt.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">ეს ფლაგინი მართავს სპეციალური წვდომის შესაძლებლობებს.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">მეტი პარამეტრები</string>
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">This plugin provides advanced map configuration and some device-specific settings.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">This plugin enables development and debugging features like animated navigation or rendering performance display.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">ფლაგინების მმართველი</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">შეეხეთ ფლაგინს მის ჩასართავად/გამოსართველად. (შეიძლება საჭირო იყოს Osmand-ს რესტარტი.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">შეეხეთ ფლაგინს მის ჩასართავად/გამოსართველად. (შეიძლება საჭირო იყოს OsmAnd-ს რესტარტი.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins provide extra functionality bundled within the application like tracking, tile maps, screen off mode, accessibility settings, and others.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">ფლაგინის მმართველი</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">ცვლილებები 0.8.0-ში : \n\t- ფლაგინის შესაძლებლობები\n\t- რუკის გათიშულ რეჟიმში გამოყენების ახალი ფორმატი\n\t- გამოსწორებულია ბევრი შეცდომა</string>
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">ვექტორული რუკები როგორც წესი ჩანს უფრო სწრაფად. შეიძლება არ იმუშაოს ზოგიერთ მოწყობილობაზე.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">გზის გავლის ხელით სიმულირება</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">ხმით არჩეული ბრძანებების შესრულება</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Osmand -ის განვითარება და გამართვა</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">OsmAnd -ის განვითარება და გამართვა</string>
<string name="native_rendering">ადგილობრივი რენდერი</string>
<string name="animate_routing">ნავიგაციის ანიმირება</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">ხმის ტესტირება</string>
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">გთხოვთ ჩართოთ \'დევნის GPX ჟურნალში ჩაწერა\' დევნის პარამეტრებში</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">მიმდინარე დევნის ჩვენება</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Changes in 0.7.0 : \n\t- Offline wikipedia data with articles \n\t- Updated maps \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Osmand-ის უფასო ვერსია ლიმიტირებულია %1$s ჩამოტვირთვით %2$s და არ გააჩნია გათიშული ვიკიპედიის სტატიების მხარდაჭერა.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">OsmAnd-ის უფასო ვერსია ლიმიტირებულია %1$s ჩამოტვირთვით %2$s და არ გააჩნია გათიშული ვიკიპედიის სტატიების მხარდაჭერა.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">უფასო ვერსია</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">POI-ის აღწერის ჩვენება</string>
<string name="index_name_north_america">ჩრდილო ამერიკა</string>
@ -187,19 +187,19 @@
<string name="user_password">თქვენი OSM-ს პაროლი</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Needed for openstreetmap.org submissions</string>
<string name="osmand_service">ფონური პარამეტრები</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">გამოიყენეთ Osmand-ის ეკრანის გათიშულობის დროს გამოსაყენებლად</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">გამოიყენეთ OsmAnd-ის ეკრანის გათიშულობის დროს გამოსაყენებლად</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">რუკის ორიენტაცია</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tYou can choose whether and how the map display is rotated in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' -> \'Map rotation\'. \n\tThe choices are: \n\t\'Don\'t rotate\' - Map will not be rotated. North will be always up \n\t\'To direction of movement\' - Map will continuously be aligned with your heading \n\t\'To compass\' - Map will continuously be aligned with device compass reading \n\tHint: To quickly change between rotation by compass and the one you selected in settings, you can simply tap on the compass needle in map view.</string>
<string name="binary_map_download_success">Download successful.\n\t\n\tTo use activate \'Settings\' -> \'Map configuration\' -> \'Offline vector maps\'.</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">დღის/ღამის არჩევა</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tThe map appearance can for some vector maps be changed between day (brighter) and night (darker). \n\tNight colors are safer for night driving. \n\tYou can set a policy for day/night switching in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' ->\'Day/night mode\'. \n\tChoices are: \n\t\'Sunrise/Sunset\' - automatic mode, controlled by position of the sun (default) \n\t\'Day\' - always use day mode \n\t\'Night\' - always use night mode \n\t\'Light sensor\' - map appearance is controlled by light sensor of your device (only if equipped)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">OSM-ს მონაცემების გაუმჯობესება</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM-ის გამართვა\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM-ის გამართვა\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<!-- end of string changes for new Preferences structure -->
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">There is not enough free space to download %1$s MB (free: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Free space now {2} MB! Download {0} file(s) ({1} MB)?</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point">აირჩიეთ საბოლოო წერტილი</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and Osmand displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and OsmAnd displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">"Changes in 0.6.9 : \n\t- Improved offline map rendering \n\t- Fast Native offline rendering - look in experimental features (may not work on some devices) \n\t- Massive look and feel changes \n\t- Altitude info \n\t- New translations (Vienamese, Polish) \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info_descr">Show current altitude information on map</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info">Show altitude</string>
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">სახელით ძებნა</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">განახლება Osmand+-მდე</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">განახლება OsmAnd+-მდე</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">სახელის გადარქმევა</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">რუქაზე ჩვენება</string>
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">უკანასკნელად ნანახი რუკის ხედი</string>
<string name="select_search_position">ძებნა ახლოს :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">ახლოს ძებნა</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in Osmand) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Save route as GPX track</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">გზა შეინახა წარმატებით. სახელი \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"ფაილის სახელი:"</string>
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internet connection required for operation is not available</string>
<string name="install_more">მეტის ჩაყენება...</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update of Offline Data</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. Osmand provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimum zoom level to use vector maps</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vector zoom level</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">მდებარეობის გაზიარება</string>
@ -358,9 +358,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Select display language</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Display language</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">რუქის წყარო</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmandMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmand also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmAndMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmAnd also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">User Profile</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">- ნავიგაცია</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tBefore starting a navigation you need to select a destination. Afterwards press \'Menu\' -> \'Directions\' on map and select the navigation type.</string>
<string name="tip_search">მიმდინარეობს ძებნა</string>
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Map Context Menu</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tThe map context menu is available by pressing and holding on the map or by pressing the trackball button. \n\tThis produces a box with point coordinates. To open the map context menu dialog, tap on it. (Or press and hold on it to hide the box again.) \n\tThe map context menu contains all actions referring to a point (location).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tips and Tricks</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="next_button">შემდეგი</string>
<string name="previous_button">წინა</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">სიგრძისა და სიჩქარის ერთეულები</string>
@ -428,19 +428,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Reading cached tiles…</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">The index \'\'{0}\'\' did not fit into memory</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">The version of index \'\'{0}\'\' is not supported</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use Osmand offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use OsmAnd offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Can not find specified directory.</string>
<string name="application_dir">შესანახი დასტა</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside Osmand. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous Osmand version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside OsmAnd. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous OsmAnd version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} successfully installed ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Downloading build…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install Osmand - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of Osmand builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading Osmand builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the Osmand builds to install</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install OsmAnd - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of OsmAnd builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading OsmAnd builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the OsmAnd builds to install</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Special activity for contribution version</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">GPS Status application not installed. Search in Market?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Voice guidance is not available. Please go to settings, choose preferred voice data package, and download it.</string>
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">ჩასწორების მოლოდინის მაქსიმალური დრო</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">ფონური ნავიგაციის სერვისის გამორთვა</string>
<string name="where_am_i">სად ვარ?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand-ის ნავიგაციის სერვისი</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd-ის ნავიგაციის სერვისი</string>
<string name="network_provider">ქსელი</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">წამი</string>
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">გაღვიძების ინტერვალი</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">აირჩიეთ მდებარეობის მომწოდებელი ფონური რეჟიმის დროს</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">მდებარეობის მომწოდებელი</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">"როდესაც ეკრანი გამორთულია, Osmand დარჩეს გაშვებული ფონურ რეჟიმში "</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">"როდესაც ეკრანი გამორთულია, OsmAnd დარჩეს გაშვებული ფონურ რეჟიმში "</string>
<string name="background_router_service">ფონად გაშვება</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">ფონური ნავიგაციის სერვისი მოითხოვს მდებარეობის მომწოდებლის ჩართვას</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">ფილტრის დამალვა</string>
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">საზოგადოებრივი ტრანსპორტის გაჩერებების ჩვენება რუქაზე</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">გაჩერებების ჩვენება</string>
<string name="hello">Osmand - სანავიგაციო აპლიკაცია</string>
<string name="hello">OsmAnd - სანავიგაციო აპლიკაცია</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">POI მონაცემები წარმატებით განახლდა (ჩატვირთულ იქნა {0})</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">შეცდომა ლოკალური POI სიის განახლებისას</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">შეცდომა მონაცემების სერვერიდან კითხვისას</string>
@ -665,11 +665,11 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">ახალი გზა დათვლილია. დაშორება</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">თქვენ მიხვედით თქვენს დანიშნულების ადგილას</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">კოორდინატები არასწორია!</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Osmand-ის რუქაზე დაბრუნება</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">OsmAnd-ის რუქაზე დაბრუნება</string>
<string name="close">დახურვა</string>
<string name="loading_data">მონაცემების კითხვა...</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">ლოკალური მონაცემების კითხვა...</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">ბოლოს გაშვებული Osmand მოკვდა. ჟურნალის ფაილია {0}. გთხოვთ მოგვწეროთ ჟურნალის ფაილი და როგორ მოხდა ეს.</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">ბოლოს გაშვებული OsmAnd მოკვდა. ჟურნალის ფაილია {0}. გთხოვთ მოგვწეროთ ჟურნალის ფაილი და როგორ მოხდა ეს.</string>
<string name="saving_gpx_tracks">GPX ძიების SD-ზე შენახვა…</string>
<string name="finished_task">დამთავრდა</string>
<string name="reload_indexes_descr">გათიშული ვექტორული რუქებისა და მონაცემების თავიდან წაკითხვა sdcard-დან</string>
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">POI 데이터 파일 \'%1$s\' 가 중복되어 있으니 삭제할 수 있습니다.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">POI 변경을 포함하는 지역 파일을 찾을 수 없으며 만들 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Osmand+ 로 업그레이드</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">OsmAnd+ 로 업그레이드</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">서버가 현재 앱 버전과 호환되지 않는 맵 파일을 가지고 있습니다. 그것들을 다운로드하고 사용하기 위해, 앱을 새로운 버전으로 업그레이드하세요.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">이름 수정</string>
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
<string name="select_search_position">주변 검색 :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">주변 검색</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">0.6.7 버전에 대한 변경사항들 :
\n\t- 오프라인 데이터 관리 (Osmand 에서 직접 오프라인 데이터 다운로드, 삭제, 활성화 / 비활성화)
\n\t- 오프라인 데이터 관리 (OsmAnd 에서 직접 오프라인 데이터 다운로드, 삭제, 활성화 / 비활성화)
\n\t- 등록지점 및 그룹 (등록지점 그룹화, 삭제, 관리)
\n\t- 앱 내의 GPX 탐색 (트랙 세부사항, 거리, 평균 속도, 고도 등 보기)
\n\t- GPX 네비게이션 (다 많은 옵션, 종료 후 네비게이션 계속, 로타리 지원)
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
<string name="install_more">추가 설치…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">오프라인 데이터 갱신</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\t맵 데이터를 갱신할 때 필요합니다. Osmand 는 사용가능한 오프라인 갱신 데이터를 찾을 수 있는 다운로드 관리자를 제공합니다.
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\t맵 데이터를 갱신할 때 필요합니다. OsmAnd 는 사용가능한 오프라인 갱신 데이터를 찾을 수 있는 다운로드 관리자를 제공합니다.
\n\t갱신 데이터를 찾기 위해 \'설정\' -> \'오프라인 데이터\' -> \'오프라인 데이터 다운로드\' 로 갑니다. 인터넷으로부터 지역 목록을 받은 후에, 장치에 이미 존재하는 데이터에 대해서만 갱신하도록 \'메뉴\' -> \'다운로드된 것들로 필터링\' 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다.
\n\t갱신 데이터에 대한 사용 가능성은 다음 색깔로 구분됩니다:
\n\t\'녹색\' - 장치와 서버의 데이터 파일이 같다는 것을 가리킵니다
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<string name="plugins_screen">Spraudņi</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Atzīmējiet spraudni, lai to aktivizētu vai deaktivizētu. (Iespējams ir nepieciešams Osmand restarts.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Atzīmējiet spraudni, lai to aktivizētu vai deaktivizētu. (Iespējams ir nepieciešams OsmAnd restarts.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Spraudņi iespējo aplikācijas papildu funkcionalitāti, tādu kā sekošana, kartes, baterijas saglabāšanas funkcijas, pieejamība un daudzas citas.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Spraudņi</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Izmaiņas 0.8.0 : \n\t- Spraudņu funkcionalitāte \n\t- Jauns bezsaistes kartes atbalsts \n\t- Daudz kļūdu labojumu "</string>
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Lūdzu iespējojat \'Ierakstīt treku GPX failā\' Sekošanas uzstādījumos</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Rādīt tekošo treku</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Jaunumi 0.7.0 versijā : \n\t- Bezsaistes wikipedia dati \n\t- Atjaunotas kartes \n\t- Citi mazi uzlabojumi "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Šajā bezmaksas Osmand versijā ir ierobežojums uz %1$s lejuplādētiem %2$s nu tā neatbalsta bezsaistes wikipedia rakstus.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Šajā bezmaksas OsmAnd versijā ir ierobežojums uz %1$s lejuplādētiem %2$s nu tā neatbalsta bezsaistes wikipedia rakstus.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Bezmaksas versija</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Rādīt POI aprakstu</string>
<string name="index_name_north_america">Ziemeļ Amerkika</string>
@ -149,14 +149,14 @@
<string name="user_password">Jūsu OSM parole</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Nepieciešams, lai veiktu openstreetmap.org augšuplādi</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Fona uzstādījumi</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Lietojiet šo, lai Osmand strādātu kad ekrāns ir izslēgts</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Lietojiet šo, lai OsmAnd strādātu kad ekrāns ir izslēgts</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">Kartes rotēšana</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tJūs variet izvēlēties vai un kā notiks kartes rotācija \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Kartes izskats\' -> \'Kartes rotēšana\'. \n\tIzvēle ir: \n\t\'Nerotēt\' - Karte nemainīs orientāciju. Ziemeļi vienmēr būs augšā \n\t\'Kustības virzienā\' - Karte vienmēr pagriezīsies jūsu kustības virzienā \n\t\'Pēc kompasa\' - Karte vienmēr pagriezīsies pēc iekārtas kompasa datiem \n\tPadoms: Lai ātri pārslēgtu starp rotāciju ar kompasu un jūsu izstādījumos norādīto, jūs variet uzspiest uz kompasa kartes skatā.</string>
<string name="binary_map_download_success">Lejuplāde ir veiksmīga.\n\t\n\tLai aktivizētu \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Kartes konfigurācija\' -> \'Bezsaistes vektoru kartes\'.</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Dienas/Nakts režīms</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tDažām vektoru kartēm izskats var tikt mainīts starp dienas (gaišāku) un nakts (tumšāku). \n\tNakts krāsas ir drošākas braukšanai. \n\tJūs variet izvēlēties noteikumus dienas/nakts pārslēgšana ar \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Kartes izskats\' ->\'Dienas/nakts režīms\'. \n\tJūs variet izvēlēties: \n\t\'Ausma/Saulriets\' - automātiskais režīms, kas ir atkarīgs no saules (noklusētais) \n\t\'Diena\' - vienmēr lietot dienas režīmu \n\t\'Night\' - vienmēr lietot nakts režīmu \n\t\'Gaismas sensors\' - kartes izskats tiek kontrolēts izmantojot jūsu iekārtas gaismas sensoru (ja tāds jūsu iekārtai ir)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">OSM datu uzlabošana</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand lieto kartes kuras ir bāzētas uz Openstreetmap.org (OSM) datiem un, kopā ar kartes skatīšanos un navigāciju, var tikt izmantota, lai uzlabotu OSM datu kvalitāti. Jūs variet vienkārši augšuplādēt jaunus POI vai OSM kļūdas pieteikumus ar dažām dabībām! \n\tLai tas strādātu jums vispirms ir jānorāda OSM pieslēguma informācija \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Vispārīgie uzstādījumi\' -> \'OSM labošana\'. \n\tLai pievienotu jaunu POI lietojiet opciju \'Izveidot POI\' kartes konteksta izvēlnē. Turpiniet ievadot POI informāciju par jauno punktu \'Izveidot POI\' dialogā un pabeidzot darbību apstipriniet ievadu. \n\tJums ir iespēja nekavējoties ziņot par kļūdām kartē ar OSM kļūdas pieteikuma palīdzību, tad OSM kopiena var ātrāk šo kļūdu izlabot. \n\tLai pievienotu OSM kļūdas pieteikumu izmantojiet opciju \'Pieteikt OSM kļūdu\' kartes konteksta izvēlnē. Tad ievadiet detalizētu kļūdas aprakstu un nobeidzot apstipriniet pieteikumu piespiežot pogu \'Pievienot\'. \n\tŅemiet vērā. OSM POI un kļūdu pieteikšanai ir nepieciešams datu savienojums.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd lieto kartes kuras ir bāzētas uz Openstreetmap.org (OSM) datiem un, kopā ar kartes skatīšanos un navigāciju, var tikt izmantota, lai uzlabotu OSM datu kvalitāti. Jūs variet vienkārši augšuplādēt jaunus POI vai OSM kļūdas pieteikumus ar dažām dabībām! \n\tLai tas strādātu jums vispirms ir jānorāda OSM pieslēguma informācija \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Vispārīgie uzstādījumi\' -> \'OSM labošana\'. \n\tLai pievienotu jaunu POI lietojiet opciju \'Izveidot POI\' kartes konteksta izvēlnē. Turpiniet ievadot POI informāciju par jauno punktu \'Izveidot POI\' dialogā un pabeidzot darbību apstipriniet ievadu. \n\tJums ir iespēja nekavējoties ziņot par kļūdām kartē ar OSM kļūdas pieteikuma palīdzību, tad OSM kopiena var ātrāk šo kļūdu izlabot. \n\tLai pievienotu OSM kļūdas pieteikumu izmantojiet opciju \'Pieteikt OSM kļūdu\' kartes konteksta izvēlnē. Tad ievadiet detalizētu kļūdas aprakstu un nobeidzot apstipriniet pieteikumu piespiežot pogu \'Pievienot\'. \n\tŅemiet vērā. OSM POI un kļūdu pieteikšanai ir nepieciešams datu savienojums.</string>
<!-- end of string changes for new Preferences structure -->
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">Nepietiek brīvas vietas lai lejuplādētu %1$s MB (brīvi: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Patreiz ir brīvi {2} MB! Lejuplādēt {0} failu(s) ({1} MB)?</string>
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Meklēt pēc nosaukuma</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">POI datu fails \'%1$s\' vairs nav nepieciešams un to var izdzēst.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Nevar atrast un izveidot failu kurā uzturēt POI izmaiņas.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Atjaunināt Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Atjaunināt OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Serveris satur kartes failus, kuri nav savietojami ar jūsu aplikācijas tekošo versiju. Lai tās lejuplādētu un lietotu lūdzu atjauniniet aplikāciju uz jaunāku versiju.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Pārsaukt</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Parādīt kartē</string>
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Šai darbībai nepieciešamais interneta savienojums nav pieejams</string>
<string name="install_more">Instalēt vēl...</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Atjaunināt bezsaistes datus</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tĻoti savarīgi, lai jums būtu jaunakās kartes. Osmand iebūvēts lejuplādes menedžeris var pārbaudīt pieejamo bezsaistes datu atjaunošanu. \n\tLai pārbaudītu jauninājumus izpildiet \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Bezsaistes dati\' -> \'Lejuplādēt bezsaistes datus\'. Pēc tam, kad saraksts ir lejuplādēts no interneta, jūs varat izvēlēties opciju \'Izvēlne\' -> \'Filtrēt lejuplādētos\' lai redzētu tikai jauninājumus jau lejuplādētiem datiem. \n\tJauninājumu pieejamība ir norādīta ar krāsām: \n\t\'Zaļa\' - norāda datu failus kuri ir identiski uz servera un iekārtas \n\t\'Zila\' - norāda uz pieejamiem jauninājumiem</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tĻoti savarīgi, lai jums būtu jaunakās kartes. OsmAnd iebūvēts lejuplādes menedžeris var pārbaudīt pieejamo bezsaistes datu atjaunošanu. \n\tLai pārbaudītu jauninājumus izpildiet \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Bezsaistes dati\' -> \'Lejuplādēt bezsaistes datus\'. Pēc tam, kad saraksts ir lejuplādēts no interneta, jūs varat izvēlēties opciju \'Izvēlne\' -> \'Filtrēt lejuplādētos\' lai redzētu tikai jauninājumus jau lejuplādētiem datiem. \n\tJauninājumu pieejamība ir norādīta ar krāsām: \n\t\'Zaļa\' - norāda datu failus kuri ir identiski uz servera un iekārtas \n\t\'Zila\' - norāda uz pieejamiem jauninājumiem</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimālais palielinājuma līmenis ko pielietot vektoru kartēm</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vektoru palielinājuma līmenis</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Atrašanās vietas koplietošana</string>
@ -323,9 +323,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Izvēlēties attēlošanas valodu</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Attēlošanas valoda</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Kartes Avots</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tĀtrākais veids lai mainītu kartes avotu un attēlojuma slāņus ir nospiest \'Izvēlne\' -> \'Definēt skatu\' kartes skatā. \n\tZem \'Kartes avots...\' jūs variet izvēlēties vai lietot lejuplādētās bezsaistes kartes, predefinētās (tiešsaistes) bilžu kartes avotu, vai kartes kas ir pašu veidotas (piemēram ar OsmAndMapCreator uz jūsu datora. \n\tOsmand arī atbalsta ārējos avotus.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tĀtrākais veids lai mainītu kartes avotu un attēlojuma slāņus ir nospiest \'Izvēlne\' -> \'Definēt skatu\' kartes skatā. \n\tZem \'Kartes avots...\' jūs variet izvēlēties vai lietot lejuplādētās bezsaistes kartes, predefinētās (tiešsaistes) bilžu kartes avotu, vai kartes kas ir pašu veidotas (piemēram ar OsmAndMapCreator uz jūsu datora. \n\tOsmAnd arī atbalsta ārējos avotus.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">Lietotāja profils</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand atbalsta dažādus (pielāgojamus) aplikācijas profilus dažādiem pielietojumiem. \n\tJūs variet mainīt profilus ar \'Izvēlne\' -> \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Lietotāja profils\', vai arī veidojot maršrutu.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd atbalsta dažādus (pielāgojamus) aplikācijas profilus dažādiem pielietojumiem. \n\tJūs variet mainīt profilus ar \'Izvēlne\' -> \'Uzstādījumi\' -> \'Lietotāja profils\', vai arī veidojot maršrutu.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigācija</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tPirms sākat navigāciju jums jāizvēlas gala punkts. Pēc tam nospiežat \'Izvēlne\' -> \'Norādes\' uz kartes un izvēlaties navigācijas tipu.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Meklēju</string>
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Kartes konteksta izvēlne</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tKartes konteksta izvēlne ir pieejama nospiežot un turot nospiestu kartes punktu. \n\tPēc darbības kartē parādās iezīme ar koordinātēm. Lai atvērtu kartes konteksta izvēlnes dialogu piespiežat uz tām. (Vai arī pieturiet nospiestu lai koordināšu ieraksts pazustu.) \n\tKartes konteksta izvēlne satur visas darbības kuras saistītas ar punktu (atrašanās vietu).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Padomi un triki</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand ir navigācijas aplikācija ar daudz iespējām. \n\tIevadam, daži lietošanas padomi ir piesaistīti galvenajai ekrāna izvēlnei.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd ir navigācijas aplikācija ar daudz iespējām. \n\tIevadam, daži lietošanas padomi ir piesaistīti galvenajai ekrāna izvēlnei.</string>
<string name="next_button">Tālāk</string>
<string name="previous_button">Atpakaļ</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Izmainīt garuma un ātruma vienības</string>
@ -393,19 +393,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Lasa kešotās bildes...</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">Indekss \'\'{0}\'\' neietilpst atmiņā</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">Indeksa versija \'\'{0}\'\' netiek atbalstīta</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand navigācija >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Osmand bezsaistes navigācija darbojas tikai > 20 km gariem maršrutiem (eksperimentāli)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand bezsaistes navigācija ir eksperimentāla funkcija un tā nestrādā attālumiem kas lielāki par 20 km.\n\nNavigācijas serviss pagaidām ir pārslēgts uz tiešsaistes CloudMade.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd navigācija >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">OsmAnd bezsaistes navigācija darbojas tikai > 20 km gariem maršrutiem (eksperimentāli)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd bezsaistes navigācija ir eksperimentāla funkcija un tā nestrādā attālumiem kas lielāki par 20 km.\n\nNavigācijas serviss pagaidām ir pārslēgts uz tiešsaistes CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Nevar atrast norādīto direktoriju.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Glabātuves direktorija</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Glabātuves direktorijas izmaiņas nepārvietos un nedzēsīs datus. Tas jādara ne ar Osmand. Vai turpināt?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Ir instalēta vecākas versijas Osmand aplikācija. Visi bezsaistes dati ir atbalstīt ar jauno aplikācijas versiju. Tikai nepieciešams eksportēt Izlases punktus un vēlāk importēt atpakaļ jaunajā aplikācijā.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Glabātuves direktorijas izmaiņas nepārvietos un nedzēsīs datus. Tas jādara ne ar OsmAnd. Vai turpināt?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Ir instalēta vecākas versijas OsmAnd aplikācija. Visi bezsaistes dati ir atbalstīt ar jauno aplikācijas versiju. Tikai nepieciešams eksportēt Izlases punktus un vēlāk importēt atpakaļ jaunajā aplikācijā.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Būvējums {0} ir veiksmīgi uzinstalēts ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Lejuplādē būvējumu...</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Vēlaties instalēt Osmand - {0} no {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Osmand būvējumu saraksta saņemšana nav izdevusies</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Lejuplādēju Osmand būvējumus…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Izvēlaties kuru Osmand būvējumu instalēt</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Vēlaties instalēt OsmAnd - {0} no {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">OsmAnd būvējumu saraksta saņemšana nav izdevusies</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Lejuplādēju OsmAnd būvējumus…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Izvēlaties kuru OsmAnd būvējumu instalēt</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Speciāla aktivitāte ieguldījuma versijai</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">GPS statusa aplikācija nav instalēta. Meklēt marketā?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Balss vadība nav pieejama. Lūdzu dodaties uz uzstādījumiem izvēlaties datu pakotni un lejuplādēiet to.</string>
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Maksimālā gaidīšana līdz labojumam</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Izslēgt fona navigācijas servisu</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Kur es atrodos?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand navigācijas serviss</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd navigācijas serviss</string>
<string name="network_provider">Tīkls</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">sekundes</string>
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">Pamošanās intervāls</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">Izvēlaties pozīcijas sniedzēju kamēr darbojas fona režīmā</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">"Pozīcijas sniedzējs"</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Darbina Osmand fonā, lai sekotu jūsu atrašanās vietai kamēr ekrāns ir izslēgts</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Darbina OsmAnd fonā, lai sekotu jūsu atrašanās vietai kamēr ekrāns ir izslēgts</string>
<string name="background_router_service">Darbināt fonā</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">Navigācijas servisam fona navigācijas servisam ir jābūt ieslēgtam.</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">Paslēpt filtru</string>
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Rādīt uz kartes sabiedriskā transporta kartes</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Rādīt transporta pieturas</string>
<string name="hello">Navigācijas programma Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Navigācijas programma OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">POI dati tika veiksmīgi augšuplādēti ({0} tika ielādēti)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Kļūda augšuplādējot lokālo POI sarakstu</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Kļūda ielādējot datus no servera</string>
@ -633,11 +633,11 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">Jauns ceļš ir aprēķināts, attālums</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">Esat ieradies galapunktā</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Koordinātas nav derīgas!</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Iet atpakaļ uz Osmand karti</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Iet atpakaļ uz OsmAnd karti</string>
<string name="close">Aizvērt</string>
<string name="loading_data">Ielādē datus…</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Nolasa lokālos datus…</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Pēdējā Osmand palaišana avarēja. Žurnālfails atrodas {0}. Lūdzu nosūtiet paziņojumu par kļūdu un pievienojot žurnālfailu.</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Pēdējā OsmAnd palaišana avarēja. Žurnālfails atrodas {0}. Lūdzu nosūtiet paziņojumu par kļūdu un pievienojot žurnālfailu.</string>
<string name="saving_gpx_tracks">Saglabā GPX ceļu uz SD...</string>
<string name="finished_task">Pabeigts</string>
<string name="reload_indexes_descr">Pārlasa vektorkartes un datus no SD kartes</string>
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">Filtrs {0} tika izdzēsts</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">Filtrs {0} tika izveidots</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Izvēlēties visu</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand bezsaistes navigācija pagaidām nav pieejama.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd bezsaistes navigācija pagaidām nav pieejama.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Kreisās rokas navigācija</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Ieslēdziet ja jūs atrodaties valstīs ar kreisās puses kustību</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Lejuplādēt vai atjaunināt bezsaistes datus.\nLai redzētu detaļas uzklikšķiniet uz ieraksta, lai deaktivizētu vai dzēstu bezsaistes datus uzspiežat un turiet piespiestu. Datu apjoms (%1$s brīvs):</string>
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
If you are making/correcting english translations make sure :
1. All your modified/created strings are in the top of the file (to make easier find what's translated).
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Left-Hand Driving</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Select for countries with left-hand traffic</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Download or update offline data. \nTo see more details click on the item, to deactivate or delete offline data press and hold. \nCurrent data on device (%1$s free):</string>
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configure online or cached tile map sources</string>
<string name="map_settings">- नकाशाच्या सेटिंग्स</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configure the map display</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. The maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in power saving (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device to record a track point or play a voice prompt.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Advanced settings</string>
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">नावाने शोधा</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">नाव बदला</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">नकाशावर दाखवा</string>
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Last map view</string>
<string name="select_search_position">: च्या जवळ शोधा</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">इथे जवळ शोधा</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in Osmand) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Save route as GPX track</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Route successfully saved as \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"फाइलचे नाव : "</string>
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internet connection required for operation is not available</string>
<string name="install_more">Install more…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update of Offline Data</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. Osmand provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimum zoom level to use vector maps</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vector zoom level</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Location Sharing</string>
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vectorkaarten worden vaak sneller weergegeven. Werkt niet op sommige apparaten.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simuleer routeverloop handmatig</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Speel instructies af met de geselecteerde stem</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Osmand fout-opsporing en ontwikkeling</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">OsmAnd fout-opsporing en ontwikkeling</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Interne kaartgeneratie</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animeer navigatie</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Test stem-instructies</string>
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Eerst \'Log track to GPX\' toestaan in Tracking instellingen</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Toon huidige track</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Wijzigingen in 0.7.0 : \n\t- Offline Wikipedia gegevens met artikelen \n\t- Vernieuwde kaarten \n\t- Andere kleine features "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Deze gratis Osmand versie is beperkt tot %1$s downloads %2$s en ondersteunt geen offline Wikipedia artikelen.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Deze gratis OsmAnd versie is beperkt tot %1$s downloads %2$s en ondersteunt geen offline Wikipedia artikelen.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Gratis versie</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Toon interessepunt-beschrijvingen</string>
<string name="index_name_north_america">Noord Amerika</string>
@ -142,14 +142,14 @@
<string name="user_password">Uw OSM wachtwoord</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Nodig voor openstreetmap.org aanmelding</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Achtergrondservice</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Dit is om Osmand te gebruiken als het scherm uit is</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Dit is om OsmAnd te gebruiken als het scherm uit is</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">kaartrotatie</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching_t">\tU kunt kiezen of en hoe de kaart geroteerd wordt in \'Instellingen\' -> \'Kaart uiterlijk\' -> \'Kaart rotatie\'. \n\tDe keuzes zijn: \n\t\'Niet roteren - de kaart wordt niet geroteerd. Het noorden is altijd boven \n\t\'In de beweegrichting\' - de kaart wordt permanent aangepast aan uw beweegrichting \n\t\'Naar kompas\' - de kaartkanteling wordt permanent aangepast aan de ingebouwde kompas \n\tHint: Om snel te wisslen van rotatie-instelling, toets de kompasnaald in het kaartscherm.</string>
<string name="binary_map_download_success">Download succesvol.\n\t\n\tOm te gebruiken \'Instellingen\' -> \'Kaart configuratie\' -> \'Offline vector kaarten\'.</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Dag/Nacht modus</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tDe kaartweegave kan voor sommige vectorkaarten worden ingesteld op dag (helderder) en nacht (donkerder). \n\tNachtkleuren zijn veiliger voor nachtelijke ritten. \n\tU kunt de dag/nacht-omschakeling instellen bij \'Instellingen\' -> \'Kaart uiterlijk\' ->\'Dag/nacht modus\'. \n\tDe keuzes zijn: \n\t\'Zonsopkomst/Zonsondergang\' - automatische modus, gerelateerd aan de positie van de zon (standaardinstelling) \n\t\'Dag\' - gebruik altijd de dag-modus \n\t\'Nacht\' - gebruik altijd de nacht-modus \n\t\'Lichtsensor\' - de kaartweegave wordt bepaald door de lichtsensor van het apparaat (indien aanwezig)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">Verbeter openstreetmap gegevens</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand gebruikt kaarten, gebaseerd op Openstreetmap.org (OSM) gegevens en kan -behalve voor kaartweergave en navigatie- gebruikt worden om de kwaliteit van OSM gegevens te verbeteren. U kunt eenvoudig met een paar klikken interessepunten of OSM foutrapporten uploaden! \n\tHiervoor moet u eerst uw OSM login informatie opgeven bij \'Instellingen\' -> \'Algemene instellingen\' -> \'OSM bewerken\'. \n\tOm een nieuw interessepunt toe te voegen, gebruik de optie \'Creëer interessepunt\' in het kaartcontextmenu. Vervolg met het ingeven van de informatie over het interessepunt en bevestig de wijziging. \n\tFouten in de kaarten kunnen direct worden gerapporteerd via OSM bug, de OSM groep kan het probleem dan sneller oplossen. \n\Om een fout te rapporteren, gebruik de optie \'Open OSM bug\' in het kaartcontextmenu. Geef daar een gedetailleerde beschrijving van het probleem en stuur het op met de \'Toevoegen\' knop. \n\tEr is een Internetverbinding nodig voor het aanmelden van bugs en interessepunten.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd gebruikt kaarten, gebaseerd op Openstreetmap.org (OSM) gegevens en kan -behalve voor kaartweergave en navigatie- gebruikt worden om de kwaliteit van OSM gegevens te verbeteren. U kunt eenvoudig met een paar klikken interessepunten of OSM foutrapporten uploaden! \n\tHiervoor moet u eerst uw OSM login informatie opgeven bij \'Instellingen\' -> \'Algemene instellingen\' -> \'OSM bewerken\'. \n\tOm een nieuw interessepunt toe te voegen, gebruik de optie \'Creëer interessepunt\' in het kaartcontextmenu. Vervolg met het ingeven van de informatie over het interessepunt en bevestig de wijziging. \n\tFouten in de kaarten kunnen direct worden gerapporteerd via OSM bug, de OSM groep kan het probleem dan sneller oplossen. \n\Om een fout te rapporteren, gebruik de optie \'Open OSM bug\' in het kaartcontextmenu. Geef daar een gedetailleerde beschrijving van het probleem en stuur het op met de \'Toevoegen\' knop. \n\tEr is een Internetverbinding nodig voor het aanmelden van bugs en interessepunten.</string>
<!-- end of string wijzigingen for new Preferences structure -->
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">Er is niet voldoende vrije ruimte %1$s MB te downloaden (vrij: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Vrije ruimte is nu {2} MB! Download {0} bestand(en) ({1} MB)?</string>
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
<string name="select_search_position">Zoek dichtbij:</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Zoek dichtbij hier</string>
<!-- this block not translated, is obsolete -->
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent wijzigingen for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline gegevens manager (download, verwijder, activate / deactivate offline gegevens directly in Osmand) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, verwijder, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (beeld track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline gebruik \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector oplevering \n\t- Improvement of stemgenerator engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent wijzigingen for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline gegevens manager (download, verwijder, activate / deactivate offline gegevens directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, verwijder, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (beeld track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline gebruik \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector oplevering \n\t- Improvement of stemgenerator engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<!-- End: this block not translated, is obsolete -->
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Sla route op als GPX track</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Route succesvol opgeslagen als \'%1$s\'.</string>
@ -318,9 +318,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Selecteer taal</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Taal</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Kaartbron</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tDe snelste manier de kaartbron en de lagen te veranderen is via: \'Menu\' -> \'Definieer beeld\'. \n\tBij \'Kaartbron…\' kunt een selectie maken uit de aanwezige offline vectorkaarten, ingestelde (online) kaartsegmenten, of handmatig vervaardigde kaarten bijvoorbeeld d.m.v OsmAndMapCreator op een PC. \n\tOsmand ondersteunt ook eigen kaartbronnen.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tDe snelste manier de kaartbron en de lagen te veranderen is via: \'Menu\' -> \'Definieer beeld\'. \n\tBij \'Kaartbron…\' kunt een selectie maken uit de aanwezige offline vectorkaarten, ingestelde (online) kaartsegmenten, of handmatig vervaardigde kaarten bijvoorbeeld d.m.v OsmAndMapCreator op een PC. \n\tOsmAnd ondersteunt ook eigen kaartbronnen.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">Gebruikersprofiel</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand ondersteunt verschillende (aanpasbare) programmaprofielen voor verschillende toepassingen. \n\tU kunt het profiel instellen in \'Menu\' -> \'Instellingen\' -> \'Gebruiksprofiel\', of bij het creëren van een route.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd ondersteunt verschillende (aanpasbare) programmaprofielen voor verschillende toepassingen. \n\tU kunt het profiel instellen in \'Menu\' -> \'Instellingen\' -> \'Gebruiksprofiel\', of bij het creëren van een route.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigatie</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tVoordat u een navigatie start (routing), moet u eerst een bestemming kiezen. Druk daarna op \'Menu\' -> \'Navigeer\' op de kaart en selecteer het type navigatie.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Zoeken</string>
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Kaart-ContextMenu</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tHet kaart-contextmenu is beschikbaar door een lange druk op de kaart of door op de trackball knop te drukken. \n\tDit toont een venster met de puntcoördinaten. Om de kaart-contextmenu dialoog te openen, druk er op. (Een lange druk verbergt het venster weer) \n\tHet kaart-contextmenu bevat alle acties met betrekking tot een punt (locatie).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tips and Trucs</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand is een navigatieprogramma met vele mogelijkheden. \n\tAls introductie worden sommige tips en trucs getoond op het hoofdmenu scherm.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd is een navigatieprogramma met vele mogelijkheden. \n\tAls introductie worden sommige tips en trucs getoond op het hoofdmenu scherm.</string>
<string name="next_button">Volgende</string>
<string name="previous_button">Vorige</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Wijzig eenheden van lengte en snelheid</string>
@ -388,19 +388,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Kaartsegmenten worden gelezen…</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">De index \'\'{0}\'\' paste niet in het geheugen</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">De versie van index \'\'{0}\'\' wordt niet ondersteund</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand routing >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Gebruik Osmand offline routing voor lange afstanden (> 20 km, experimenteel)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand offline routing is een experimentele functie en werkt niet voor afstanden van meer dan ongeveer 20 km.\n\nRouting service is tijdelijk omgeschakeld naar online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd routing >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Gebruik OsmAnd offline routing voor lange afstanden (> 20 km, experimenteel)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline routing is een experimentele functie en werkt niet voor afstanden van meer dan ongeveer 20 km.\n\nRouting service is tijdelijk omgeschakeld naar online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Kan de opgegeven directory niet vinden.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Opslagdirectory</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Wijziging van de opslagdirectory verplaatst of verwijdert de gegevens niet. Dit moet u afzonderlijk en buiten Osmand doen. Toch doorgaan?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Een oudere Osmand versie is al geïnstalleerd. Alle offline gegevens worden ondersteund door het nieuwe programma, maar Favorieten moeten worden geëxporteerd in het oude programma en later worden geïmporteerd door het nieuwe.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Wijziging van de opslagdirectory verplaatst of verwijdert de gegevens niet. Dit moet u afzonderlijk en buiten OsmAnd doen. Toch doorgaan?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Een oudere OsmAnd versie is al geïnstalleerd. Alle offline gegevens worden ondersteund door het nieuwe programma, maar Favorieten moeten worden geëxporteerd in het oude programma en later worden geïmporteerd door het nieuwe.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Versie {0} succesvol geïnstalleerd ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Downloaden versie…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Doorgaan met de installatie van Osmand - {0} van {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Het ophalen van de lijst met de versies van Osmand is mislukt</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Osmand versies worden geladen...</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Selecteer één van de Osmand versies om te installeren</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Doorgaan met de installatie van OsmAnd - {0} van {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Het ophalen van de lijst met de versies van OsmAnd is mislukt</string>
<string name="loading_builds">OsmAnd versies worden geladen...</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Selecteer één van de OsmAnd versies om te installeren</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Speciale actie voor contributie-versies</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">GPS Status programma niet geïnstalleerd. Zoeken in Market?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Stem-begeleiding is niet aanwezig. Ga naar instellingen, selecteer een stem-gegevens pakket, en download deze.</string>
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Maximum wachttijd voor positiebepaling</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Achtergrond navigatieservice uitschakelen</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Waar ben ik?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand navigatieservice</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd navigatieservice</string>
<string name="network_provider">Netwerk</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">seconden</string>
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Toon openbaar vervoer haltes op kaart</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Toon openbaar vervoer haltes</string>
<string name="hello">Navigatieprogamma Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Navigatieprogamma OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">Interessepunt gegevens succesvol vernieuwd ({0})</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Fout bij het vernieuwen van de locale lijst met interessepunten</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Fout bij het laden van gegevens van server</string>
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">Nieuwe route berekend, afstand</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">U bent aangekomen op uw bestemming</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Coördinaten zijn ongeldig!</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Ga terug naar de Osmand kaart</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Ga terug naar de OsmAnd kaart</string>
<string name="close">Sluiten</string>
<string name="loading_data">Gegevens worden geladen…</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Locale gegevens worden gelezen…</string>
@ -789,14 +789,14 @@
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">Filter {0} is verwijderd</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">Filter {0} is aangemaakt</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Selecteer Alle</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigatie is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigatie is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Links verkeer navigatie</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Activeer in een land waar men links rijdt</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">"Download of update offline gegevens.\nKlik op een item om meer details te zien, druk lang om ze te deactiveren, te hernoemen of te verwijderen.\nHuidige data op apparaat (%1$s vrij): "</string>
<string name="unknown_from_location">Startlocatie is nog niet bepaald</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_directions">Aanwijzingen naar hier</string>
<string name="confirm_interrupt_download">Wil je het downloaden afbreken?</string>
<string name="basemap_was_selected_to_download">De basiskaart is nodig voor het werken met Osmand en is geselecteerd.</string>
<string name="basemap_was_selected_to_download">De basiskaart is nodig voor het werken met OsmAnd en is geselecteerd.</string>
<string name="gpx_index_settings_descr">" (inclusief GPX analysering)"</string>
<string name="map_online_plugin_is_not_installed">Activeer de online kaarten plugin om andere kaartbronnen te kunnen selecteren.</string>
<string name="map_online_data">Online kaarten</string>
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configureer online of gecachete kaartbronnen</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Kaart instellingen</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configureer de kaartweergave</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Met deze plugin kan je gebruik maken van een aantal online- of locaal opgeslagen kaarten als basiskaart of als overlay/underlay kaart. De kaarten kunnen ook offline aangemaakt worden en gekopieerd naar de Osmand map.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Met deze plugin kan je gebruik maken van een aantal online- of locaal opgeslagen kaarten als basiskaart of als overlay/underlay kaart. De kaarten kunnen ook offline aangemaakt worden en gekopieerd naar de OsmAnd map.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">Met deze plugin kan je tracken of navigeren in energie zuinige mode (scherm uit) door slechts periodiek de GPS te activeren om de locatie op te vragen.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">Met deze plugin kan je speciale toegankelijkheidsopties activeren.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Geavanceerde instellingen</string>
@ -813,7 +813,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">Met deze plugin kan je geavanceerde kaartinstellingen en enkele apparaatspecifieke instellingen wijzigen.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">Met deze plugin kan je ontwikkeling en debugging opties activeren zoals navigatie met animatie of de kaartgeneratie snelheid.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Plugin manager</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Toets een plugin om deze te (de)activeren. (Het kan nodig zijn om Osmand te herstarten).</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Toets een plugin om deze te (de)activeren. (Het kan nodig zijn om OsmAnd te herstarten).</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins geven extra functionaliteit zoals tracking, rasterkaarten, scherm-uit mode, toegankelijkheidsinstellingen en meer.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Plugin manager</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Wijzigingen in 0.8.0 : \n\t- Plugin functionaliteit \n\t- Nieuw offline kaart formaat\n\t- Veel bugs opgelost "</string>
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">Plik \'%1$s\' z danymi POI jest nadmiarowy i można go usunąć.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Nie znaleziono lokalnego pliku z POI i nie może on zostać utworzony.</string>
<string name="update_poi_does_not_change_indexes">Zmiana POI w aplikacji nie powoduje zmian w mapie, a jedynie jest zapisywana w pliku lokalnym.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Uaktualnij Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Uaktualnij OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Na serwerze są mapy, które są niekompatybilne z tą wersją programu. Aby je pobrać i używać, musisz zaktualizować program do nowszej wersji.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Zmień nazwę</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Pokaż na mapie</string>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Ostatni widok mapy</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Pozycja:</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Znajdź</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Zmiany dla wersji 0.6.7: \n\t- możliwość pobrania map bezpośrednio z poziomu aplikacji (pobierz, usuń, zrób kopię zapasową danych bezpośrednio w Osmand) \n\t- ulubione punkty i grupy (kategoryzuj, usuń, zarządzaj ulubionymi) \n\t- GPX Explorer w aplikacji (see tracks, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- nawigacja w oparciu o track GPX (useful options, continue navigation after crash, supports roundabouts) \n\t- możliwość zapisania trasy jako ślad GPX do wykorzystania w trybie offline \n\t- poprawiono monitorowanie GPX (filtruje niektóre nieprecyzyjne położenia i zapisuje precyzję/wysokość/prędkość) \n\t- możliwość wysłania śladu GPX dla społeczności OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- usprawnienie rendera wektorowego \n\t- usprawnienie mechanizmu TTS (dokładny dystans) \n\t- poprawki różnych błędów "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Zmiany dla wersji 0.6.7: \n\t- możliwość pobrania map bezpośrednio z poziomu aplikacji (pobierz, usuń, zrób kopię zapasową danych bezpośrednio w OsmAnd) \n\t- ulubione punkty i grupy (kategoryzuj, usuń, zarządzaj ulubionymi) \n\t- GPX Explorer w aplikacji (see tracks, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- nawigacja w oparciu o track GPX (useful options, continue navigation after crash, supports roundabouts) \n\t- możliwość zapisania trasy jako ślad GPX do wykorzystania w trybie offline \n\t- poprawiono monitorowanie GPX (filtruje niektóre nieprecyzyjne położenia i zapisuje precyzję/wysokość/prędkość) \n\t- możliwość wysłania śladu GPX dla społeczności OSM (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- usprawnienie rendera wektorowego \n\t- usprawnienie mechanizmu TTS (dokładny dystans) \n\t- poprawki różnych błędów "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Zapisz trasę jako ślad GPX</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Trasa została zapisana jako \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Nazwa pliku: "</string>
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Połączenie internetowe, wymagane dla tej operacji, jest niedostępne</string>
<string name="install_more">Zainstaluj więcej…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Aktualizacja danych offline</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tPosiadanie aktualnych danych to podstawa. Osmand posiada menedżera pobierania danych offline, który może sprawdzić i pobrać dostępne aktualizacje. \n\tAby sprawdzić aktualizacje: \'Ustawienia\' -> \'Dane offline\' -> \'Pobierz\' \n\tDostępność aktualizacji jest opisana przez następujące kolory: \n\t\'Zielony\' - oznacza dane nieposiadające aktualizacji na serwerze \n\t\'Niebieski\' - oznacza dane do ewentualnej aktualizacji</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tPosiadanie aktualnych danych to podstawa. OsmAnd posiada menedżera pobierania danych offline, który może sprawdzić i pobrać dostępne aktualizacje. \n\tAby sprawdzić aktualizacje: \'Ustawienia\' -> \'Dane offline\' -> \'Pobierz\' \n\tDostępność aktualizacji jest opisana przez następujące kolory: \n\t\'Zielony\' - oznacza dane nieposiadające aktualizacji na serwerze \n\t\'Niebieski\' - oznacza dane do ewentualnej aktualizacji</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimalny zoom, powyżej którego zostanie użyta mapa wektorowa zamiast mapy kafelkowej</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. zoom dla mapy wektorowej</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Tryb dzień/noc</string>
@ -240,8 +240,8 @@
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Routing offline OsmAnd-a jest funkcją eksperymentalną i nie działa dobrze dla odległości większych niż 20km.\n\nUsługa routująca jest automatycznie przełączana do CloudMade (online).</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Nie mogę odnaleźć wskazanego katalogu.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Katalog danych</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Zmiana katalogu danych nie przeniesie ani nie usunie znajdujących się w nim plików. Musisz zrobić do ręcznie poza Osmand. Kontynuować mimo to?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Poprzednia wersja Osmand jest zainstalowana. Wszystkie dane offline są obsługiwane przez nową wersję aplikacji ale punkty ulubione powinny być wyeksportowane w starej wersji aplikacji i zaimportowane w nowej.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Zmiana katalogu danych nie przeniesie ani nie usunie znajdujących się w nim plików. Musisz zrobić do ręcznie poza OsmAnd. Kontynuować mimo to?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Poprzednia wersja OsmAnd jest zainstalowana. Wszystkie dane offline są obsługiwane przez nową wersję aplikacji ale punkty ulubione powinny być wyeksportowane w starej wersji aplikacji i zaimportowane w nowej.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} successfully installed ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Downloading build…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Kontynuować instalację OsmAnd - {0} z {1} {2} MB ?</string>
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
<string name="edit_filter_delete_message">Filtr {0} został usunięty</string>
<string name="edit_filter_create_message">Filtr {0} został utworzony</string>
<string name="default_buttons_selectall">Zaznacz wszystko</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Nawigacja offline w Osmand jest tymczasowo niedostępna.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Nawigacja offline w OsmAnd jest tymczasowo niedostępna.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Nawigacja lewostronna</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Włącz jeśli używasz nawigacji w krajach z ruchem lewostronnym</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Pobierz lub zaktualizuj dane offline.\nAby zobaczyć szczegóły danych, kliknij na nie. Aby je zdezaktywować lub usunąć, kliknij i przytrzymaj.\nIstniejące dane offline na urządzeniu (%1$s jest dostępne):</string>
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Skonfiguruj źródła kafelków online i offline</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Ustawienia map</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Skonfiguruj wyświetlanie map</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Ta wtyczka umożliwia użycie różnych źródeł kafelków mapowych online oraz offline do mapy bazowej lub jako podkład/nakładka na mapę. Mapy mogą być również przygotowane offline i skopiowane do katalogu Osmand.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">Ta wtyczka umożliwia użycie różnych źródeł kafelków mapowych online oraz offline do mapy bazowej lub jako podkład/nakładka na mapę. Mapy mogą być również przygotowane offline i skopiowane do katalogu OsmAnd.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">Ta wtyczka umożliwia zapisywanie trasy oraz nawigację w trybie oszczędzania zasilania (wyłączonego ekranu) przez cykliczne budzenie urządzenia w celu zapisania współrzędnych lub odegrania wskazówki głosowej.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">Ta wtyczka służy do konfiguracji specjalnych ustawień ułatwiających dostęp.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Ustawienia zaawansowane</string>
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Mapy wektorowe mogą wyświetlać się szybciej. Może nie działać dobrze na niektórych urządzeniach.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simulate route progression manually</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Odtwórz komendy w aktualnie wybranym głosie</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">"Debugowanie oraz rozwój Osmand "</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">"Debugowanie oraz rozwój OsmAnd "</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Renderowanie natywne</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Nawigacja animowana</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Przetestuj podpowiedzi głosowe</string>
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<string name="index_settings_descr">Obter ou atualizar dados para uso offline</string>
<string name="index_settings">Dados offline</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Serviço de segundo plano</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Executar o serviço de segundo plano para usar Osmand enquanto a tela está desligada</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Executar o serviço de segundo plano para usar OsmAnd enquanto a tela está desligada</string>
<string name="fast_route_mode">Caminho mais rápido</string>
<string name="fast_route_mode_descr">Ative para calcular a rota mais rápida ou desative para calcular a rota mais curta</string>
<string name="tiles_to_download_estimated_size">Zoom {0}: baixar {1} imagens ({2} MB )</string>
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
<string name="route_head">Vá</string>
<string name="first_time_continue">Continuar</string>
<string name="first_time_download">Download de regiões</string>
<string name="first_time_msg">"Obrigado por escolher Osmand. \nPara utilizar todos os recursos do aplicativo, você necessidade de alguns dados regionais, que você pode baixar (Configurações -> Dados) ou preparar você mesmo. Depois, Você poderá procurar por um endereço, um Ponto de Interesse (POI), um meio de transporte … "</string>
<string name="first_time_msg">"Obrigado por escolher OsmAnd. \nPara utilizar todos os recursos do aplicativo, você necessidade de alguns dados regionais, que você pode baixar (Configurações -> Dados) ou preparar você mesmo. Depois, Você poderá procurar por um endereço, um Ponto de Interesse (POI), um meio de transporte … "</string>
<string name="search_poi_location">Procurando um sinal…</string>
<string name="search_near_map">Procure perto do último local conhecido</string>
<string name="search_nearby">Busca nas proximidades</string>
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
<string name="transport_search_desc">Transport search</string>
<string name="favourites_search_desc">Favorites search</string>
<string name="history_search_desc">Search history</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Left-hand driving</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Select for countries with left-hand traffic</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Click here to download or update offline data. \nClick any existing item to see more details, press and hold to deactivate or delete. Current data on device (%1$s free):</string>
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
<string name="online_map_settings_descr">Configure online or cached tile map sources</string>
<string name="map_settings">- Map Settings</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configure the map display</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in sleep (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Advanced settings</string>
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">This plugin provides advanced map configuration and some device-specific settings.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">This plugin enables development and debugging features like animated navigation or rendering performance display.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting Osmand may be required.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting OsmAnd may be required.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins provide extra functionality bundled within the application like tile maps, tracking, sleep mode operation, accessibility settings, and others.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">"Changes in 0.8.0 : \n\t- Plugin functionality \n\t- New offline map data support \n\t- Improve usability and simplify Profile concept \n\t- Lots of bug fixes "</string>
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vector maps likely display faster. May not work well on some devices.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simulate route progression manually</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Play commands of currently selected voice</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Osmand development</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">OsmAnd development</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Native rendering</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animate navigation</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Test voice prompts</string>
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Please enable \'Log track to GPX\' Tracking settings</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Show current track</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Changes in 0.7.0 : \n\t- Offline wikipedia data with articles \n\t- Updated maps \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">This free Osmand version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">This free OsmAnd version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Free version</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Show POI description</string>
<string name="index_name_north_america">North America</string>
@ -618,11 +618,11 @@
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Day/Night Mode</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">\tThe map appearance can for some vector maps be changed between day (brighter) and night (darker). \n\tNight colors are safer for night driving. \n\tYou can set a policy for day/night switching in \'Settings\' -> \'Map appearance\' ->\'Day/night mode\'. \n\tChoices are: \n\t\'Sunrise/Sunset\' - automatic mode, controlled by position of the sun (default) \n\t\'Day\' - always use day mode \n\t\'Night\' - always use night mode \n\t\'Light sensor\' - map appearance is controlled by light sensor of your device (only if equipped)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">Improving OSM Data</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM Editing\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks! \n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM Editing\'. \n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it. \n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem. \n\tTo add a OSM bug use option \'Open OSM bug\' in the map context menu. Then enter the detailed description of the problem and finally post it using the \'Add\' button. \n\tPlease note that Internet connectivity is needed for OSM POI and and OSM bug contributions.</string>
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">There is not enough free space to download %1$s MB (free: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Free space now {2} MB! Download {0} file(s) ({1} MB)?</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point">Select Destination</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and Osmand displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'. \n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and OsmAnd displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">"Changes in 0.6.9 : \n\t- Improved offline map rendering \n\t- Fast Native offline rendering - look in experimental features (may not work on some devices) \n\t- Massive look and feel changes \n\t- Altitude info \n\t- New translations (Vienamese, Polish) \n\t- Other small features "</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info_descr">Show current altitude information on map</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info">Show altitude</string>
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
<string name="data_to_search_poi_not_available">Local data to search POI is not present.</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Rename</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Show on map</string>
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Last map view</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Search near :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Pesquisar aqui perto</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in Osmand) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Recent changes for 0.6.7 : \n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd) \n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites) \n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.) \n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts) \n\t- Function to save route as GPX track for offline use \n\t- Improve GPX monitoring (filter some inaccurate position and save accuracy/elevation/speed) \n\t- Upload GPX to OSM community (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Improve vector rendering \n\t- Improvement of TTS engine (announce exact distance, enable miles) \n\t- Bug fixes "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Save route as GPX track</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Route successfully saved as \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"File name : "</string>
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internet connection required for operation is not available</string>
<string name="install_more">Instalar mais...</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update of Offline Data</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. Osmand provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates. \n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device. \n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors: \n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server \n\t\'Blue\' - indicates available updates on server</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Minimum zoom level to use vector maps</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Min. vector zoom level</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Location Sharing</string>
@ -776,9 +776,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Select display language</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Display language</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Map Source</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmandMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmand also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view. \n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmAndMapCreator on a PC. \n\tOsmAnd also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">User Profile</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases. \n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigation</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">\tBefore starting a navigation you need to select a destination. Afterwards press \'Menu\' -> \'Directions\' on map and select the navigation type.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Searching</string>
@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Map Context Menu</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tThe map context menu is available by pressing and holding on the map or by pressing the trackball button. \n\tThis produces a box with point coordinates. To open the map context menu dialog, tap on it. (Or press and hold on it to hide the box again.) \n\tThe map context menu contains all actions referring to a point (location).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tips and Tricks</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd is a navigation application with many features. \n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="next_button">Next</string>
<string name="previous_button">Previous</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Change units of length and speed</string>
@ -806,19 +806,19 @@
<string name="add_waypoint_dialog_added">Waypoint \'\'{0}\'\' was successfully added</string>
<string name="add_waypoint_dialog_title">Acrescentar ponto à trilha GPX gravada</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_add_waypoint">Acrescentar ponto GPX</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use Osmand offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use OsmAnd offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Can not find specified directory.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Storage directory</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside Osmand. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous Osmand version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside OsmAnd. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous OsmAnd version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} successfully installed ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Downloading build…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install Osmand - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of Osmand builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading Osmand builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the Osmand builds to install</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install OsmAnd - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of OsmAnd builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading OsmAnd builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the OsmAnd builds to install</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Special activity for contribution version</string>
<string name="navigate_point_format_D">DDD.DD</string>
<string name="navigate_point_format_DM">DDD MM.MM</string>
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Поиск по имени</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">POI данные \'%1$s\' устарели и могут быть удалены.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Локальный файл, который содержит обновляемые POI не найден и не может быть создан.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Обновить Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Обновить OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">На сервере данных были найдены файлы новее данной версии программы, чтобы использовать их, пожалуйста, обновите приложение.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Переименовать</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Показать на карте</string>
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Вид карты</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Искать рядом:</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Искать</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Изменения в 0.6.7: \n\t- Менеджер офлайн данных (просмотр, удаление, создание архива данных прямо в Osmand) \n\t- Избранные точки и группы (категоризация точек, удаление и т.п.) \n\t- GPX анализатор (просмотр записанных треков, общая длина, средняя скорость, подъем, спуск, средняя высота и др.) \n\t- GPX навигация (полезные опции, продолжение навигации после ошибки, поддержка инструкций по движению из треков) \n\t- Сохранение расчитанного маршрута как GPX трека для использования офлайн \n\t- Улучшенный GPX мониторинг (фильтрация неточных местоположений) \n\t- Возможность загрузить записанные GPX для OSM сообщества (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Улучшенный векторный рендеринг \n\t- Улучшенное использование TTS \n\t- Исправление ошибок "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Изменения в 0.6.7: \n\t- Менеджер офлайн данных (просмотр, удаление, создание архива данных прямо в OsmAnd) \n\t- Избранные точки и группы (категоризация точек, удаление и т.п.) \n\t- GPX анализатор (просмотр записанных треков, общая длина, средняя скорость, подъем, спуск, средняя высота и др.) \n\t- GPX навигация (полезные опции, продолжение навигации после ошибки, поддержка инструкций по движению из треков) \n\t- Сохранение расчитанного маршрута как GPX трека для использования офлайн \n\t- Улучшенный GPX мониторинг (фильтрация неточных местоположений) \n\t- Возможность загрузить записанные GPX для OSM сообщества (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Улучшенный векторный рендеринг \n\t- Улучшенное использование TTS \n\t- Исправление ошибок "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Сохранить маршрут как GPX путь</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Маршрут успешно сохранен \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Имя файла: "</string>
@ -817,11 +817,11 @@
<string name="favourites_edit_dialog_name">Имя</string>
<string name="favourites_edit_dialog_category">Категория</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Обновление офлайн данных</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tВажно иметь актуальные данные карты. Osmand имеет менеджер офлайн данных, который может проверять обновления загруженных данных. \n\tЧтобы проверить обновления перейдите в \'Настройки\' -> \'Данные\' -> \'Загрузить данные\'. После загрузки списка регионов из интернета вы можете выбрать \'Меню\' -> \'Загруженные\' чтобы отобразить обновления только для уже загруженных данных. \n\tДоступность обновлений отображается цветами: \n\t\'Зелёный\' - данные на устройстве и на сервере идентичны \n\t\'Синий\' - доступны обновления</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tВажно иметь актуальные данные карты. OsmAnd имеет менеджер офлайн данных, который может проверять обновления загруженных данных. \n\tЧтобы проверить обновления перейдите в \'Настройки\' -> \'Данные\' -> \'Загрузить данные\'. После загрузки списка регионов из интернета вы можете выбрать \'Меню\' -> \'Загруженные\' чтобы отобразить обновления только для уже загруженных данных. \n\tДоступность обновлений отображается цветами: \n\t\'Зелёный\' - данные на устройстве и на сервере идентичны \n\t\'Синий\' - доступны обновления</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Поделиться местоположением</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing_t">\tВы можете поделиться местоположением интересных мест \n\tЧтобы поделиться: \n\tИспользуйте \'Контекстное меню карты\' -> \'Поделиться местоположением\'. \n\tЗатем выберите способ как поделиться. Варианты: E-Mail, SMS(текст) или просто скопировать координаты места в буфер обмена.</string>
<string name="tip_favorites">Избранные точки</string>
<string name="tip_favorites_t">\tЧасто используемые точки могут быть сохранены в \"Избранное\"\n\tЧтобы сохранить точку в \"Избранное\" откройте контекстное меню карты, выберите пункт \'Добавить в избранное\' и введите имя для этой точки. После сохранения, эта точка будет доступна через \"Главное меню\" -> \"Избранное\". \n\tДолгое нажатие на точку в \"Избранное\" позволяет установить её как место назначения, редактировать или удалить её. \n\tЧтобы отобразить все избранные точки на карте, включите слой \'Избранное\' в \'Контекстное меню карты\' ->\'Слои\'.</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Специальное действие для платной версии</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Навигационный сервис Osmand</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Оффлайн навигация Osmand временно недоступна.</string><string name="left_side_navigation">Левосторонняя навигация</string><string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Включите, если пользуетесь навигацией в странах с левосторонним движением</string><string name="local_index_routing_data">Данные роутинга</string><string name="navigate_point_format">Формат:</string><string name="poi_search_desc">Поиск POI</string><string name="address_search_desc">Поиск по адресу</string><string name="navpoint_search_desc">Координаты</string><string name="transport_search_desc">Поиск транспорта</string><string name="favourites_search_desc">Поиск в избранном</string><string name="history_search_desc">История поиска</string></resources>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Навигационный сервис OsmAnd</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Оффлайн навигация OsmAnd временно недоступна.</string><string name="left_side_navigation">Левосторонняя навигация</string><string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Включите, если пользуетесь навигацией в странах с левосторонним движением</string><string name="local_index_routing_data">Данные роутинга</string><string name="navigate_point_format">Формат:</string><string name="poi_search_desc">Поиск POI</string><string name="address_search_desc">Поиск по адресу</string><string name="navpoint_search_desc">Координаты</string><string name="transport_search_desc">Поиск транспорта</string><string name="favourites_search_desc">Поиск в избранном</string><string name="history_search_desc">История поиска</string></resources>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vektorové mapy môžu byť zobrazované rýchlejšie. Nemusí správne fungovať na niektorých zariadeniach.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Ručné simulovanie priebehu cesty</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Prehranie povelov pre aktuálne zvolený hlas</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Vývoj Osmandu</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Vývoj OsmAndu</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Natívne vykresľovanie</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animovať rutovanie</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Test hlasových povelov</string>
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
<string name="gpx_monitoring_disabled_warn">Prosím, zapnite \'Zaznemať stopu do GPX\' v stopovacích nastaveniach</string>
<string name="show_current_gpx_title">Zobraziť aktuálnu stopu</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_7_0_t">"Zmeny vo verzii 0.7.0 : \n\t- Údaje článkov offline wikipedie \n\t- Aktualizované mapy \n\t- Iné menšie funkce "</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Táto bezplatná verzia Osmandu je obmedzená na %1$s stiahnutí %2$s a nepodporuje články offline wikipedie.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">Táto bezplatná verzia OsmAndu je obmedzená na %1$s stiahnutí %2$s a nepodporuje články offline wikipedie.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Bezplatná verzia</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Zobraziť POI popis</string>
<string name="index_name_us">Severná Amerika - Spojené Štáty</string>
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
<string name="download_files_not_enough_space">Nie je dostatok voľného miesta pre stiahnutie %1$s MB (voľné: %2$s).</string>
<string name="download_files_question_space">Aktuálne je voľných {2} MB! Stiahnuť {0} súbor(y/ov) ({1} MB)?</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point">Výber cieľového bodu</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">"\tCieľ môžete určiť priamo na mape (kontextové menu, potom \'Nastaviť ako cieľ\'), vo všetkých hľadacích aktivitách, alebo dlhým kliknutím vo Vašom \'Zozname obľúbených bodov\'. \n\tCieľ je označený ako oranžový krúžok na mape a Osmand zobrazí vzdialenosť a smer k nemu (oranžový trojuholník). "</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">"\tCieľ môžete určiť priamo na mape (kontextové menu, potom \'Nastaviť ako cieľ\'), vo všetkých hľadacích aktivitách, alebo dlhým kliknutím vo Vašom \'Zozname obľúbených bodov\'. \n\tCieľ je označený ako oranžový krúžok na mape a OsmAnd zobrazí vzdialenosť a smer k nemu (oranžový trojuholník). "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">"Zmeny vo verzii 0.6.9 : \n\t- Vylepšené offline vykresľovanie mapy \n\t- Rýchle natívne offline vykresľovanie - viď experimentálne funkcie (nemusí fungovať na všetkých zariadeniach) \n\t- Veľké zmeny vo vzhľade aplikácie \n\t- Informácie o nadmorskej výške \n\t- Nové preklady (Vietnamský, Polský) \n\t- Iné malé funkcie "</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info_descr">Zobrazí aktuálnu nadm. výšku na mape</string>
<string name="show_altitude_info">Zobraziť nadm. výšku</string>
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
<string name="poi_filter_by_name">Hľadať podľa názvu</string>
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">Súbor POI údajov \'%1$s\' je zbytočný a môže byť vymazaný.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Miestný súbor na udržiavanie POI zmien sa nenašiel a nemôže byť vytvorený.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Aktualizovať Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Aktualizovať OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Na serveri sú nekompatibilné mapové súbory s Vašou aktuálnou verziou aplikácie. Na ich stiahnutie a použitie, prosím, aktualizujte aplikáciu na novšiu verziu.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Premenovať</string>
<string name="show_gpx_route">Zobraziť na mape</string>
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
<string name="search_position_map_view">Posledné mapové zobrazenie</string>
<string name="select_search_position">Hľadať v okolí:</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Hľadať</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Novinky vo verzii 0.6.7 : \n\t- Manažér offline údajov (sťahovanie, mazanie a záloha offline dát priamo v Osmande) \n\t- Obľúbené body a skupiny (kategorizácia, mazanie a organizácia obľúbených bodov) \n\t- GPX prieskumník v aplikácii (zobrazenie stôp, vzdialenosti, priemernej rýchlosti, stúpania, atď.) \n\t- GPX navigácia (užitočné možnosti, pokračovanie v navigovaní po páde, podpora kruhových objazdov) \n\t- Funkcia na uloženie cesty do GPX stopy, pre neskoršie použitie offline \n\t- Vylepšenie GPX stopovania (filtrovanie niektorých nepresných umiestnení a uloženie presnosti/stúpania/rýchlosti) \n\t- Nahrávanie GPX pre OSM komunitu (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Vylepšenie vektorového vykresľovania \n\t- Vylepšenie TTS jadra (oznamovanie presnej vzdialenosti, povolenie míľ) \n\t- Oprava chýb "</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">"Novinky vo verzii 0.6.7 : \n\t- Manažér offline údajov (sťahovanie, mazanie a záloha offline dát priamo v OsmAnde) \n\t- Obľúbené body a skupiny (kategorizácia, mazanie a organizácia obľúbených bodov) \n\t- GPX prieskumník v aplikácii (zobrazenie stôp, vzdialenosti, priemernej rýchlosti, stúpania, atď.) \n\t- GPX navigácia (užitočné možnosti, pokračovanie v navigovaní po páde, podpora kruhových objazdov) \n\t- Funkcia na uloženie cesty do GPX stopy, pre neskoršie použitie offline \n\t- Vylepšenie GPX stopovania (filtrovanie niektorých nepresných umiestnení a uloženie presnosti/stúpania/rýchlosti) \n\t- Nahrávanie GPX pre OSM komunitu (http://download.osmand.net/gpx/) \n\t- Vylepšenie vektorového vykresľovania \n\t- Vylepšenie TTS jadra (oznamovanie presnej vzdialenosti, povolenie míľ) \n\t- Oprava chýb "</string>
<string name="save_route_dialog_title">Uložiť cestu ako GPX stopu</string>
<string name="route_successfully_saved_at">Cesta je úspešne uložená v \'%1$s\'.</string>
<string name="filename_input">"Názov súboru: "</string>
@ -298,17 +298,17 @@
<string name="internet_not_available">Internetové pripojenie potrebné pre operáciu nie je dostupné</string>
<string name="install_more">Inštalovať viac…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Aktualizácia indexov</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">Veľmi dôležité je mať aktuálne mapové údaje. Osmand je vybavený sťahovacím manažérom, s ktorým môžete ľahko zistiť, či Vaše indexy môžu byť aktualizované. \n\tNa kontrolu aktualizácií choďte do \'Hlavné menu\' -> \'Nastavenia\' -> \'Údaje pre offline použitie\' -> \'Stiahnuť offline údaje\'. Po načítaní zoznamu indexov z internetu, vyberte možnosť \'Zobraziť stiahnuté\' z kontextového menu. \nTeraz sú zobrazené iba stiahnuté indexy vo Vašom zariadení a sú zvýraznené príslušnou farbou: \n\t\'Zelená\' - indikuje, že Vaše indexy sú aktuálne so serverovými \n\t\'Modrá\' - indikuje, že Vaše indexy môžu byť aktualizované zo servera</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">Veľmi dôležité je mať aktuálne mapové údaje. OsmAnd je vybavený sťahovacím manažérom, s ktorým môžete ľahko zistiť, či Vaše indexy môžu byť aktualizované. \n\tNa kontrolu aktualizácií choďte do \'Hlavné menu\' -> \'Nastavenia\' -> \'Údaje pre offline použitie\' -> \'Stiahnuť offline údaje\'. Po načítaní zoznamu indexov z internetu, vyberte možnosť \'Zobraziť stiahnuté\' z kontextového menu. \nTeraz sú zobrazené iba stiahnuté indexy vo Vašom zariadení a sú zvýraznené príslušnou farbou: \n\t\'Zelená\' - indikuje, že Vaše indexy sú aktuálne so serverovými \n\t\'Modrá\' - indikuje, že Vaše indexy môžu byť aktualizované zo servera</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster_descr">Max. úroveň priblíženia použitá pri vektorovom vykresľovaní a nie rastrovom</string>
<string name="level_to_switch_vector_raster">Úroveň vektorového zoomu</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode">Denný/Nočný režim</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">Môžete zmeniť vzhľad mapy, podľa toho, či používate Osmand cez deň(jasné svetelné podmienky) alebo v noci(tmavé svetelné podmienky). \nKeď jazdíte v noci, je bezpečnejšie, keď sú farby mapy tmavšie, pretože nie ste tak oslepovaný ako s jasnejšími farbami na displeji. \n\tMôžete nastaviť ako meniť režim cez \'Hlavné menu\' -> \'Nastavenia\' -> \'Vzhľad mapy\' -> \'Denný/nočný režim\'. \nMožnosti sú: \n\t\'Východ/Západ slnka\' - automatický režim, ovládaný polohou slnka(štandardný) \n\t\'Deň\' - vždy použiť denný režim \n\t\'Noc\' - vždy použiť nočný režim \n\t\'Svetelný senzor\' - vzhľad mapy je ovládaný svetelným senzorom Vášho zariadenia(iba ak je dostupný)</string>
<string name="tip_day_night_mode_t">Môžete zmeniť vzhľad mapy, podľa toho, či používate OsmAnd cez deň(jasné svetelné podmienky) alebo v noci(tmavé svetelné podmienky). \nKeď jazdíte v noci, je bezpečnejšie, keď sú farby mapy tmavšie, pretože nie ste tak oslepovaný ako s jasnejšími farbami na displeji. \n\tMôžete nastaviť ako meniť režim cez \'Hlavné menu\' -> \'Nastavenia\' -> \'Vzhľad mapy\' -> \'Denný/nočný režim\'. \nMožnosti sú: \n\t\'Východ/Západ slnka\' - automatický režim, ovládaný polohou slnka(štandardný) \n\t\'Deň\' - vždy použiť denný režim \n\t\'Noc\' - vždy použiť nočný režim \n\t\'Svetelný senzor\' - vzhľad mapy je ovládaný svetelným senzorom Vášho zariadenia(iba ak je dostupný)</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing">Zdieľanie umiestnenia</string>
<string name="tip_location_sharing_t">Objavili ste nejaké zaujímavé miesto na Vašom výlete a chcete zdieľať jeho pozíciu s Vašimi priateľmi alebo rodinou? \nOsmAnd Vám umožňuje jednoducho zdieľať hodcijaké umiestnenie chcete. \n\tMôžete to urobiť cez \'Kontextové menu mapy\' -> \'Zdieľať umiestnenie\'. \nPotom vyberiete spôsob ako zdieľať Vaše umiestnenie. Na výber je: E-Mail, SMS alebo len skopírovanie súradníc umiestnenia do schránky.</string>
<string name="tip_favorites">Obľúbené body</string>
<string name="tip_favorites_t">Ak Vás unavuje hľadať miesta, ktoré často navštevujete, môžete si tieto miesta jednoducho pridať medzi Obľúbené a potom ich používať iba pár kliknutiami. \n\tNa vytvorenie Obľúbeného bodu musíte ísť do Kontextového menu mapy, vybrať možnosť \'Pridať do obľúbených\' a zadať preň vhodné meno. Po uložení potom môžte k nemu jednoducho pristupovať cez \'Hlavné Menu\'->\'Obľúbené\'. \n\tDlhým kliknutím na obľúbený bod v ponuke \'Obľúbené\', sa môžete navigovať k tomuto bodu, upraviť alebo zmazať ho. \n\tNa zobrazenie všetkých Obľúbených bodov priamo na mape, môžete zapnúť vrstvu \'Obľúbené\' cez \'Kontextové menu mapy\' -> \'Zobrazenie\'.</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">Vylepšovanie Openstreetmap-u</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">Osmand používa mapy založené na dátach Openstreetmap.org a nie je navrhnutý len pre cestovanie a navigovanie ale aj pre vylepšovanie a pomoc projektu Openstreetmap. Iba pár kliknutiami môžete jednoducho vytvoriť a nahrať nový bod záujmu(POI) alebo OSM chybu! \nAko prvé potrebujete zadať prihlasovacie informácie cez \'Nastavenia\'->\'Všeobecné nastavenia\'->\'OSM upravovanie\'. \n\tNa pridanie nového POI použite možnosť \'Vytvoriť POI\' v kontextovom menu mapy. Potom môžete postupovať so zadávaním informácií o novom POI v dialógu vytvárania POI a na koniec ho Nahrať. \n\tAk nájdete na mape nejakú chybu, môžete to oznámiť Openstreetmap komunite, ktorá potom môže tento problém rýchlejšie odstrániť. \n\tNa pridanie OSM chyby použite možnosť \'Otvoriť OSM chybu\' v kontextovom menu mapy. Potom je otvorený dialóg, kde môžete zadať podrobný popis problému a na koniec ho zverejniť tlačidlom \'Pridať\'. \n\tNezabudnite, že pre používanie týchto funkcií potrebujete internetové pripojenie!</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">OsmAnd používa mapy založené na dátach Openstreetmap.org a nie je navrhnutý len pre cestovanie a navigovanie ale aj pre vylepšovanie a pomoc projektu Openstreetmap. Iba pár kliknutiami môžete jednoducho vytvoriť a nahrať nový bod záujmu(POI) alebo OSM chybu! \nAko prvé potrebujete zadať prihlasovacie informácie cez \'Nastavenia\'->\'Všeobecné nastavenia\'->\'OSM upravovanie\'. \n\tNa pridanie nového POI použite možnosť \'Vytvoriť POI\' v kontextovom menu mapy. Potom môžete postupovať so zadávaním informácií o novom POI v dialógu vytvárania POI a na koniec ho Nahrať. \n\tAk nájdete na mape nejakú chybu, môžete to oznámiť Openstreetmap komunite, ktorá potom môže tento problém rýchlejšie odstrániť. \n\tNa pridanie OSM chyby použite možnosť \'Otvoriť OSM chybu\' v kontextovom menu mapy. Potom je otvorený dialóg, kde môžete zadať podrobný popis problému a na koniec ho zverejniť tlačidlom \'Pridať\'. \n\tNezabudnite, že pre používanie týchto funkcií potrebujete internetové pripojenie!</string>
<string name="create_poi_link_to_osm_doc">" <u>Online OSM</u> mapová klasifikácia s obrázkami"</string>
<string name="error_doing_search">Prihodila sa chyba pri offline hľadaní</string>
<string name="search_offline_geo_error">Nedá sa parsovať geo obsah: \'%s\'</string>
@ -317,9 +317,9 @@
<string name="preferred_locale_descr">Zmeniť zobrazovaný jazyk</string>
<string name="preferred_locale">Jazyk zobrazenia</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch">Zdroj mapy</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">Najrýchlejšia cesta ako zmeniť zdroj mapy a vrstvy je stlačením \'Menu\' -> \'Zobrazenie\' na mape. \n\tPoložkou \'Zdroj mapy…\' možete vybrať predefinovaný zdroj dlaždíc alebo ručne vytvorený s OsmandMapCreator-om na PC. \n\tOsmand podporuje užívateľom definované zdroje.</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">Najrýchlejšia cesta ako zmeniť zdroj mapy a vrstvy je stlačením \'Menu\' -> \'Zobrazenie\' na mape. \n\tPoložkou \'Zdroj mapy…\' možete vybrať predefinovaný zdroj dlaždíc alebo ručne vytvorený s OsmAndMapCreator-om na PC. \n\tOsmAnd podporuje užívateľom definované zdroje.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">Režim aplikácie</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">Osmand podporuje rozličné režimy reprezentujúce mapu pre typické situácie. \n\tMôžete zmeniť režim v \'Menu\' -> \'Nastavenia\' -> \'Režim aplikácie\'.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">OsmAnd podporuje rozličné režimy reprezentujúce mapu pre typické situácie. \n\tMôžete zmeniť režim v \'Menu\' -> \'Nastavenia\' -> \'Režim aplikácie\'.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigácia</string>
<string name="tip_navigation_t">Na zapnutie navigácie musíte najskôr vybrať cieľový bod. Potom stlačte \'Menu\'->\'Pokyny\' na mape a vyberte typ navigovania.</string>
<string name="tip_search">Vyhľadávanie</string>
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
<string name="tip_map_context_menu">Kontextové menu</string>
<string name="tip_map_context_menu_t">\tKontextové menu mapy je dostupné dlhším držaním na mape alebo stlačením track ball tlačidla. \n\tPo kliknutí na zobrazený obdĺžnik so súradnicami sa zobrazí kontextové menu. Pre skrytie obdĺžnika ho dlhšie podržte. Kontextové menu je tiež dostupné pod tlačidlom \'Menu\' na mape. \n\tKontextové menu mapy pozostáva z akcií, ktoré používaju umiestnenie ako vstup.</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tipy a triky</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand je navigačná aplikácia, ktorá ma rozmanité funkcie. \n\tNa jej lepšie využitie môžete využiť tipy a triky dostupné ako odkaz v hlavnej ponuke.</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd je navigačná aplikácia, ktorá ma rozmanité funkcie. \n\tNa jej lepšie využitie môžete využiť tipy a triky dostupné ako odkaz v hlavnej ponuke.</string>
<string name="next_button">Ďalší</string>
<string name="previous_button">Predošlý</string>
<string name="unit_of_length_descr">Zmena jednotiek dĺžky a rýchlosti</string>
@ -387,19 +387,19 @@
<string name="reading_cached_tiles">Načítavajú sa dlaždice zo zásobníka…</string>
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">Index \'\'{0}\'\' sa nezmestil do pamäti</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">Verzia indexu \'\'{0}\'\' nie je podporovaná</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand offline rútovanie >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd offline rútovanie >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Použitie offline rutovania na dlhé vzdialenosti (experimentálne) namiesto CloudMade</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand offline rutovanie je experimentálna funkcia a nefunguje na vzdialenosť väčšiu ako 20 km.\n\nRútovacia služba je dočasne prepnutá na online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline rutovanie je experimentálna funkcia a nefunguje na vzdialenosť väčšiu ako 20 km.\n\nRútovacia služba je dočasne prepnutá na online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Nedá sa nájsť určený adresár.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Úložiskový adresár</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Zmena úložiskového adresára nepresunie alebo nezmaže dát. Musíte to urobiť sami! Robíte to na vlastné riziko! Napriek tomu pokračovať?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Máte nainštalovanú predošlú verziu Osmandu. Všetky stiahnuté dáta budú podporované novou aplikáciou. Obľúbené body môžu byť exportované v starej aplikácii a potom importované.</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">Máte nainštalovanú predošlú verziu OsmAndu. Všetky stiahnuté dáta budú podporované novou aplikáciou. Obľúbené body môžu byť exportované v starej aplikácii a potom importované.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Zostava {0} úspešne nainštalovaná ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Sťahuje sa zostava…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Naozaj chcete nainštalovať Osmand - {0} z {1} {2} MB.</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Prijímanie zoznamu zostáv Osmandu zlyhalo.</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Načítavajú sa zostavy Osmandu…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Vyberte jednu zo zostáv Osmandu na nainštalovanie</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Naozaj chcete nainštalovať OsmAnd - {0} z {1} {2} MB.</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Prijímanie zoznamu zostáv OsmAndu zlyhalo.</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Načítavajú sa zostavy OsmAndu…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Vyberte jednu zo zostáv OsmAndu na nainštalovanie</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Špeciálna aktivita pre kontribútorskú verziu</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">Aplikácia pre stav GPS nie je nainštalovaná. Nájsť ju na Markete?</string>
<string name="voice_is_not_available_msg">Hlasové navigovanie nie je dostupné. Prosím, choďte do nastavení a zvoľte alebo stiahnite preferované hlasové údaje.</string>
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
<string name="index_settings_descr">Stiahnutie, zobrazenie podrobností a správa offline máp</string>
<string name="index_settings">Offline údaje</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Funkcia v režime spánku</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Použite pre beh Osmandu počas vypnutej obrazovky</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Použite pre beh OsmAndu počas vypnutej obrazovky</string>
<string name="fast_route_mode">Najrýchlejšia trasa</string>
<string name="fast_route_mode_descr">"Zapnite na výpočet najrýchlejšej trasy alebo vypnite pre najkratšiu trasu "</string>
<string name="tiles_to_download_estimated_size">Pri priblížení {0} sa stiahne {1} dlaždíc ({2} Mb )</string>
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Max. doba čakania na fix</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Vypnúť navigačnú službu na pozadí</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Kde som?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Navigačná služba Osmand</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Navigačná služba OsmAnd</string>
<string name="network_provider">Sieť</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">sekúnd</string>
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Zobrazenie zastáviek verejnej dopravy na mape</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Zobraziť zastávky dopravy</string>
<string name="hello">Navigačná aplikácia Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Navigačná aplikácia OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">Údaje POI boli úspešne aktualizované ({0} bolo načítaných)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Chyba počas aktualizácii lokálnych indexov</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Chyba počas načítavania údajov zo servera</string>
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">Vypočítaná nová cesta, vzdialenosť</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">Dorazili ste k cieľovému bodu</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Umiestnenia sú neplatné</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Ísť späť na Osmand mapu</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Ísť späť na OsmAnd mapu</string>
<string name="close">Zavrieť</string>
<string name="loading_data">Načítavajú sa údaje</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Načítavajú sa indexy…</string>
@ -815,4 +815,4 @@
<string name="navigate_point_format_D">DDD.DD</string>
<string name="navigate_point_format_DM">DDD MM.MM</string>
<string name="navigate_point_format_DMS">DDD MM SS.SS</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigácia je dočasne nedostupná.</string><string name="left_side_navigation">Navigácia po ľavej strane</string><string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Zapnite ak chcete navigovať v krajinách s ľavostrannou premávkou</string><string name="local_index_routing_data">Navigačné údaje</string><string name="navigate_point_format">Formát :</string><string name="poi_search_desc">Hľadanie POI (Bodu zájmu)</string><string name="address_search_desc">Hľadanie adresy</string><string name="navpoint_search_desc">Súradnice</string><string name="transport_search_desc">Hľadanie hromadnej dopravy</string><string name="favourites_search_desc">Hľadanie obľúbeného bodu</string><string name="history_search_desc">História hľadania</string></resources>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigácia je dočasne nedostupná.</string><string name="left_side_navigation">Navigácia po ľavej strane</string><string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Zapnite ak chcete navigovať v krajinách s ľavostrannou premávkou</string><string name="local_index_routing_data">Navigačné údaje</string><string name="navigate_point_format">Formát :</string><string name="poi_search_desc">Hľadanie POI (Bodu zájmu)</string><string name="address_search_desc">Hľadanie adresy</string><string name="navpoint_search_desc">Súradnice</string><string name="transport_search_desc">Hľadanie hromadnej dopravy</string><string name="favourites_search_desc">Hľadanie obľúbeného bodu</string><string name="history_search_desc">História hľadania</string></resources>
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Translator: Le Viet Thanh; email: lethanhx2k@gmail.com -->
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="update_poi_does_not_change_indexes">POI changes inside application do not affect downloaded map files, changes are saved to local file instead.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Nâng cấp Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Nâng cấp OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Máy chủ lưu trữ tập tin bản đồ không tương thích với phiên bản hiện tại. Để tải về và dùng được các tập tin này, vui lòng nâng cấp ứng dụng lên phiên bản mới hơn.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Đổi tên</string>
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Translator: Le Viet Thanh; email: lethanhx2k@gmail.com -->
<string name="select_search_position">Tìm kiếm gần:</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Tìm kiếm</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">Recent changes for 0.6.7 :
\n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, backup offline data directly in Osmand)
\n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, backup offline data directly in OsmAnd)
\n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites)
\n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.)
\n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts)
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Translator: Le Viet Thanh; email: lethanhx2k@gmail.com -->
<string name="install_more">Cài đặt thêm…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Cập nhật của dữ liệu Offline</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tOsmand cung cấp trình quản lý download có thể kiểm tra các bản cập nhật cho dữ liệu offline.
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tOsmAnd cung cấp trình quản lý download có thể kiểm tra các bản cập nhật cho dữ liệu offline.
\n\tĐể kiểm tra cập nhật, truy xuất vào \'Main Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device.
\n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors:
\n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<string name="app_name">Osmand~</string>
<string name="app_name">OsmAnd~</string>
<string name="app_version">0.8.0 alpha</string>
<!-- Not translatable -->
<string name="ga_api_key">UA-28342846-2</string>
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<string name="transport_search_desc">Transport search</string>
<string name="favourites_search_desc">Favorites search</string>
<string name="history_search_desc">Search history</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">Osmand offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="offline_navigation_not_available">OsmAnd offline navigation is temporarily not available.</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation">Left-hand driving</string>
<string name="left_side_navigation_descr">Select for countries with left-hand traffic</string>
<string name="download_link_and_local_description">Click here to download or update offline data. \nClick any existing item to see more details, press and hold to deactivate or delete. Current data on device (%1$s free):</string>
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<string name="map_settings">- Map Settings</string>
<string name="map_settings_descr">Configure the map display</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the Osmand folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_rastermaps_plugin_description">This plugin facilitates using a variety of online or cached tile maps as base map or as overlay / underlay maps. These maps can also be prepared offline and copied to the OsmAnd folder.</string>
<string name="osmand_background_plugin_description">This plugin allows tracking or navigation in sleep (screen off) mode by periodically waking up the GPS device.</string>
<string name="osmand_accessibility_description">This plugin configures special accessibility features.</string>
<string name="extra_settings">Advanced settings</string>
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<string name="osmand_extra_settings_description">This plugin provides advanced map configuration and some device-specific settings.</string>
<string name="osmand_development_plugin_description">This plugin enables development and debugging features like animated navigation or rendering performance display.</string>
<string name="plugins_screen">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting Osmand may be required.)</string>
<string name="select_plugin_to_activate">Touch a Plugin to activate or deactivate it. (Restarting OsmAnd may be required.)</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins_descr">Plugins provide extra functionality bundled within the application like tile maps, tracking, sleep mode operation, accessibility settings, and others.</string>
<string name="prefs_plugins">Plugin Manager</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_8_0_t">Changes in 0.8.0 :
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<string name="vector_maps_may_display_faster_on_some_devices">Vector maps likely display faster. May not work well on some devices.</string>
<string name="simulate_route_progression_manually">Simulate route progression manually</string>
<string name="play_commands_of_currently_selected_voice">Play commands of currently selected voice</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">Osmand development</string>
<string name="debugging_and_development">OsmAnd development</string>
<string name="native_rendering">Native rendering</string>
<string name="animate_routing">Animate navigation</string>
<string name="test_voice_prompts">Test voice prompts</string>
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
\n\t- Updated maps
\n\t- Other small features
<string name="free_version_message">This free Osmand version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_message">This free OsmAnd version is limited to %1$s downloads %2$s and does not support offline wikipedia articles.</string>
<string name="free_version_title">Free version</string>
<string name="poi_context_menu_showdescription">Show POI description</string>
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
<string name="user_password">Your OSM password</string>
<string name="user_password_descr">Needed for openstreetmap.org submissions</string>
<string name="osmand_service">Sleep Mode Functionality</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Use to run Osmand while screen is off</string>
<string name="osmand_service_descr">Use to run OsmAnd while screen is off</string>
<string name="tip_rotation_switching">Map Orientation</string>
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
\n\t\'Light sensor\' - map appearance is controlled by light sensor of your device (only if equipped)</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve">Improving OSM Data</string>
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmand uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks!
<string name="tip_osm_improve_t">\tOsmAnd uses maps based on Openstreetmap.org (OSM) data and -besides map viewing and navigation- can be used to improve OSM data quality. You can easily create and upload new POI or OSM bug reports with just a few clicks!
\n\tFor this you need to first provide your OSM login information in \'Settings\' -> \'General settings\' -> \'OSM Editing\'.
\n\tTo add a new POI use option \'Create POI\' in the map context menu. Proceed with entering the information about the new POI in \'Create POI\' dialog and finally commit it.
\n\tErrors in maps can immediately be reported via OSM bug, and OSM community can then faster fix this problem.
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
<string name="tip_select_destination_point">Select Destination</string>
<string name="tip_select_destination_point_t">\tYou can select a destination directly in the map (context menu, then \'Set as destination\'), in all search activities, or via long pressing an entry in your \'List of Favorite Points\'.
\n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and Osmand displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
\n\tThe destination is marked as an orange disk on the map and OsmAnd displays the distance to it and the direction to it (orange triangle).</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_9_t">Changes in 0.6.9 :
\n\t- Improved offline map rendering
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
<string name="old_poi_file_should_be_deleted">The POI data file \'%1$s\' is redundant and can be deleted.</string>
<string name="update_poi_file_not_found">Local file to maintain POI changes not found and could not be created.</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade Osmand+</string>
<string name="button_upgrade_osmandplus">Upgrade OsmAnd+</string>
<string name="map_version_changed_info">Server contains map files not compatible with your current version of the application. To download and use them, please upgrade the application to newer version.</string>
<string name="local_index_mi_rename">Rename</string>
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
<string name="select_search_position">Search near :</string>
<string name="context_menu_item_search">Search near here</string>
<string name="tip_recent_changes_0_6_7_t">Recent changes for 0.6.7 :
\n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in Osmand)
\n\t- Offline data manager (download, delete, activate / deactivate offline data directly in OsmAnd)
\n\t- Favorite points and groups (categorize, delete, manage favorites)
\n\t- GPX Explorer in application (view track detail, distance, average speed, elevation, etc.)
\n\t- GPX navigation (more options, continue navigation after crash, support roundabouts)
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
<string name="install_more">Install more…</string>
<string name="tip_update_index">Update of Offline Data</string>
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. Osmand provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates.
<string name="tip_update_index_t">\tHaving up-to-date map data is essential. OsmAnd provides a download manager which can check for available offline data updates.
\n\tTo check for updates go to \'Settings\' -> \'Offline data\' -> \'Download offline data\'. After region list is retrieved from the internet, you can select option \'Menu\' -> \'Filter downloaded\' to indicate updates only for data already on your device.
\n\tThe availability of updates is depicted by the following colors:
\n\t\'Green\' - indicates data files identical on device and server
@ -497,11 +497,11 @@
<string name="tip_map_switch">Map Source</string>
<string name="tip_map_switch_t">\tThe fastest way to change the map source and layers displayed is pressing \'Menu\' -> \'Define view\' in map view.
\n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmandMapCreator on a PC.
\n\tOsmand also supports custom sources.</string>
\n\tUnder \'Map source…\' you can choose using the pre-loaded offline vector maps, predefined (online) tile sources, or maps manually created using e.g. OsmAndMapCreator on a PC.
\n\tOsmAnd also supports custom sources.</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode">User Profile</string>
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmand supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases.
<string name="tip_app_mode_t">\tOsmAnd supports different (customizable) application profiles for different use cases.
\n\tYou can change profiles in \'Menu\' -> \'Settings\' -> \'User Profile\', or when creating a route.</string>
<string name="tip_navigation">Navigation</string>
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
\n\tThe map context menu contains all actions referring to a point (location).</string>
<string name="tip_initial">Tips and Tricks</string>
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmand is a navigation application with many features.
<string name="tip_initial_t">\tOsmAnd is a navigation application with many features.
\n\tAs an basic introduction, some usage tips and tricks are linked on the main menu screen.</string>
<string name="next_button">Next</string>
<string name="previous_button">Previous</string>
@ -580,20 +580,20 @@
<string name="version_index_is_big_for_memory">The index \'\'{0}\'\' did not fit into memory</string>
<string name="version_index_is_not_supported">The version of index \'\'{0}\'\' is not supported</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">Osmand navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use Osmand offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">Osmand offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service">OsmAnd navigation >20km</string>
<string name="use_osmand_routing_service_descr">Use OsmAnd offline navigation applies only to routes > 20 km (experimental)</string>
<string name="osmand_routing_experimental">OsmAnd offline navigation is an experimental feature and it does not work for distances of more than about 20 km.\n\nNavigation service is temporarily switched to online CloudMade.</string>
<string name="specified_dir_doesnt_exist">Can not find specified directory.</string>
<string name="application_dir">Storage directory</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside Osmand. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="application_dir_change_warning">Changing the storage directory will not move or delete the data. This must be performed separately and outside OsmAnd. Continue anyway?</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous Osmand version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="osmand_net_previously_installed">A previous OsmAnd version is installed. All offline data will be supported by new the new application. But Favorite points should be exported in the old application and later imported by the new one.</string>
<string name="build_installed">Build {0} successfully installed ({1}).</string>
<string name="downloading_build">Downloading build…</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install Osmand - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of Osmand builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading Osmand builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the Osmand builds to install</string>
<string name="install_selected_build">Do you want to install OsmAnd - {0} from {1} {2} MB ?</string>
<string name="loading_builds_failed">Retrieving the list of OsmAnd builds failed</string>
<string name="loading_builds">Loading OsmAnd builds…</string>
<string name="select_build_to_install">Select one of the OsmAnd builds to install</string>
<string name="contribution_activity">Special activity for contribution version</string>
<string name="gps_status_app_not_found">GPS Status application not installed. Search in Market?</string>
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
<string name="background_service_wait_int">Maximum wait for fix</string>
<string name="service_stop_background_service">Switch off background navigation service</string>
<string name="where_am_i">Where am I?</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">Osmand navigation service</string>
<string name="process_navigation_service">OsmAnd navigation service</string>
<string name="network_provider">Network</string>
<string name="gps_provider">GPS</string>
<string name="int_seconds">seconds</string>
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
<string name="background_service_int">Wake-up interval</string>
<string name="background_service_provider_descr">Choose location provider while running in background mode</string>
<string name="background_service_provider">Location provider</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Runs Osmand in the background to track your position while screen is off</string>
<string name="background_router_service_descr">Runs OsmAnd in the background to track your position while screen is off</string>
<string name="background_router_service">Run in the background</string>
<string name="off_router_service_no_gps_available">The background navigation service requires a location provider to be turned on.</string>
<string name="hide_poi_filter">Hide filter</string>
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@
<string name="default_buttons_ok">OK</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map_description">Show public transport stops on map</string>
<string name="show_transport_over_map">Show transport stops</string>
<string name="hello">Navigation application Osmand</string>
<string name="hello">Navigation application OsmAnd</string>
<string name="update_poi_success">POI data was updated successfully ({0} were loaded)</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_local">Error updating local POI list</string>
<string name="update_poi_error_loading">Error while loading data from server</string>
@ -829,11 +829,11 @@
<string name="new_route_calculated_dist">New route calculated, distance</string>
<string name="arrived_at_destination">You have arrived at your destination</string>
<string name="invalid_locations">Coordinates are invalid!</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Go back to Osmand map</string>
<string name="go_back_to_osmand">Go back to OsmAnd map</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="loading_data">Loading data…</string>
<string name="reading_indexes">Reading local data…</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Last Osmand run crashed. Log file is at {0}. Please report the issue and attach the log file.</string>
<string name="previous_run_crashed">Last OsmAnd run crashed. Log file is at {0}. Please report the issue and attach the log file.</string>
<string name="saving_gpx_tracks">Saving GPX tracks to SD…</string>
<string name="finished_task">Finished</string>
<string name="reload_indexes_descr">Re-read offline vector maps and data from SD card</string>
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class RouteProvider {
private static final String OSMAND_ROUTER = "OsmandRouter";
public enum RouteService {
CLOUDMADE("CloudMade"), YOURS("YOURS"), ORS("OpenRouteService"), OSMAND("Osmand (offline)"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
CLOUDMADE("CloudMade"), YOURS("YOURS"), ORS("OpenRouteService"), OSMAND("OsmAnd (offline)"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
private final String name;
private RouteService(String name){
this.name = name;
Reference in a new issue