Flake8 Compatibility

This patch makes the feedgen flake8 compatible, fixing some minor issues
along the way. Most noticeable, this switches from tabs to spaces.

Signed-off-by: Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
This commit is contained in:
Lars Kiesow 2016-12-21 02:04:24 +01:00
parent ccf18502bc
commit 444855a248
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 5DAFE8D9C823CE73
19 changed files with 3553 additions and 3572 deletions

View file

@ -53,3 +53,4 @@ test:
python -m unittest tests.test_entry
python -m unittest tests.test_extension
@rm -f tmp_Atomfeed.xml tmp_Rssfeed.xml
flake8 $$(find setup.py tests feedgen -name '*.py')

View file

@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.
import sys, os, time, codecs, re
import sys
import os
import codecs
import re
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
@ -13,18 +16,18 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
import feedgen.version
# -- General configuration -----------------------------------------------------
# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
extensions = [
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
@ -65,7 +68,8 @@ release = feedgen.version.version_full_str
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
exclude_patterns = ['_build']
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
# documents.
#default_role = None
# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ pygments_style = 'sphinx'
#modindex_common_prefix = []
# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
# -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
@ -169,24 +173,24 @@ html_static_path = ['_static']
htmlhelp_basename = 'pyFeedGen'
# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
# -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
#'papersize': 'letterpaper',
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
#'papersize': 'letterpaper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
#'pointsize': '10pt',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
#'pointsize': '10pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
#'preamble': '',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
#'preamble': '',
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples (source start
# file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'pyFeedGen.tex', u'pyFeedGen Documentation',
u'Lars Kiesow', 'manual'),
('index', 'pyFeedGen.tex', u'pyFeedGen Documentation', u'Lars Kiesow',
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
@ -210,28 +214,28 @@ latex_documents = [
#latex_domain_indices = True
# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
# -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('index', 'pyFeedGen.tex', u'pyFeedGen Documentation',
[u'Lars Kiesow'], 1)
('index', 'pyFeedGen.tex', u'pyFeedGen Documentation',
[u'Lars Kiesow'], 1)
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
#man_show_urls = False
# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------
# -- Options for Texinfo output -----------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
('index', 'pyFeedGen.tex', u'pyFeedGen Documentation',
u'Lars Kiesow', 'Lernfunk3', 'One line description of project.',
('index', 'pyFeedGen.tex', u'pyFeedGen Documentation',
u'Lars Kiesow', 'Lernfunk3', 'One line description of project.',
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
@ -248,36 +252,18 @@ texinfo_documents = [
intersphinx_mapping = {'http://docs.python.org/': None}
# Ugly way of setting tabsize
import re
def process_docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
spaces_pat = re.compile(r"(?<= )( {8})")
ll = []
for l in lines:
ll.append(spaces_pat.sub(" ",l))
spaces_pat = re.compile(r"^ *")
ll = []
for l in lines:
spacelen = len(spaces_pat.search(l).group(0))
newlen = (spacelen % 8) + (spacelen / 8 * 4)
ll.append( (' '*newlen) + l.lstrip(' ') )
lines[:] = ll
# Include the GitHub readme file in index.rst
r = re.compile(r'\[`*([^\]`]+)`*\]\(([^\)]+)\)')
r2 = re.compile(r'.. include-github-readme')
def substitute_link(app, docname, text):
if docname == 'index':
readme_text = ''
with codecs.open(os.path.abspath('../readme.md'), 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
readme_text = r.sub(r'`\1 <\2>`_', f.read())
text[0] = r2.sub(readme_text, text[0])
if docname == 'index':
readme_text = ''
with codecs.open(os.path.abspath('../readme.md'), 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
readme_text = r.sub(r'`\1 <\2>`_', f.read())
text[0] = r2.sub(readme_text, text[0])
def setup(app):
app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', process_docstring)
app.connect('source-read', substitute_link)
app.connect('source-read', substitute_link)

View file

@ -1,136 +1,137 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module can be used to generate web feeds in both ATOM and RSS format.
It has support for extensions. Included is for example an extension to
produce Podcasts.
This module can be used to generate web feeds in both ATOM and RSS format.
It has support for extensions. Included is for example an extension to
produce Podcasts.
:copyright: 2013 by Lars Kiesow
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:copyright: 2013 by Lars Kiesow
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
Create a Feed
Create a Feed
To create a feed simply instanciate the FeedGenerator class and insert some
To create a feed simply instanciate the FeedGenerator class and insert some
>>> from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
>>> fg = FeedGenerator()
>>> fg.id('http://lernfunk.de/media/654321')
>>> fg.title('Some Testfeed')
>>> fg.author( {'name':'John Doe','email':'john@example.de'} )
>>> fg.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' )
>>> fg.logo('http://ex.com/logo.jpg')
>>> fg.subtitle('This is a cool feed!')
>>> fg.link( href='http://larskiesow.de/test.atom', rel='self' )
>>> fg.language('en')
>>> from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
>>> fg = FeedGenerator()
>>> fg.id('http://lernfunk.de/media/654321')
>>> fg.title('Some Testfeed')
>>> fg.author( {'name':'John Doe','email':'john@example.de'} )
>>> fg.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' )
>>> fg.logo('http://ex.com/logo.jpg')
>>> fg.subtitle('This is a cool feed!')
>>> fg.link( href='http://larskiesow.de/test.atom', rel='self' )
>>> fg.language('en')
Note that for the methods which set fields that can occur more than once in
a feed you can use all of the following ways to provide data:
Note that for the methods which set fields that can occur more than once in
a feed you can use all of the following ways to provide data:
- Provide the data for that element as keyword arguments
- Provide the data for that element as dictionary
- Provide a list of dictionaries with the data for several elements
- Provide the data for that element as keyword arguments
- Provide the data for that element as dictionary
- Provide a list of dictionaries with the data for several elements
>>> fg.contributor( name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com' )
>>> fg.contributor({'name':'John Doe', 'email':'jdoe@example.com'})
>>> fg.contributor([{'name':'John Doe', 'email':'jdoe@example.com'}, ...])
>>> fg.contributor(name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com' )
>>> fg.contributor({'name':'John Doe', 'email':'jdoe@example.com'})
>>> fg.contributor([{'name':'John', 'email':'jdoe@example.com'}, ])
Generate the Feed
Generate the Feed
After that you can generate both RSS or ATOM by calling the respective method::
After that you can generate both RSS or ATOM by calling the respective
>>> atomfeed = fg.atom_str(pretty=True) # Get the ATOM feed as string
>>> rssfeed = fg.rss_str(pretty=True) # Get the RSS feed as string
>>> fg.atom_file('atom.xml') # Write the ATOM feed to a file
>>> fg.rss_file('rss.xml') # Write the RSS feed to a file
>>> atomfeed = fg.atom_str(pretty=True) # Get the ATOM feed as string
>>> rssfeed = fg.rss_str(pretty=True) # Get the RSS feed as string
>>> fg.atom_file('atom.xml') # Write the ATOM feed to a file
>>> fg.rss_file('rss.xml') # Write the RSS feed to a file
Add Feed Entries
Add Feed Entries
To add entries (items) to a feed you need to create new FeedEntry objects
and append them to the list of entries in the FeedGenerator. The most
convenient way to go is to use the FeedGenerator itself for the
instantiation of the FeedEntry object::
To add entries (items) to a feed you need to create new FeedEntry objects
and append them to the list of entries in the FeedGenerator. The most
convenient way to go is to use the FeedGenerator itself for the
instantiation of the FeedEntry object::
>>> fe = fg.add_entry()
>>> fe.id('http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1')
>>> fe.title('The First Episode')
>>> fe = fg.add_entry()
>>> fe.id('http://lernfunk.de/media/654321/1')
>>> fe.title('The First Episode')
The FeedGenerators method add_entry(...) without argument provides will
automatically generate a new FeedEntry object, append it to the feeds
internal list of entries and return it, so that additional data can be
The FeedGenerators method add_entry(...) without argument provides will
automatically generate a new FeedEntry object, append it to the feeds
internal list of entries and return it, so that additional data can be
The FeedGenerator supports extension to include additional data into the XML
structure of the feeds. Extensions can be loaded like this::
The FeedGenerator supports extension to include additional data into the
XML structure of the feeds. Extensions can be loaded like this::
>>> fg.load_extension('someext', atom=True, rss=True)
>>> fg.load_extension('someext', atom=True, rss=True)
This will try to load the extension someext from the file
`ext/someext.py`. It is required that `someext.py` contains a class named
SomextExtension which is required to have at least the two methods
`extend_rss(...)` and `extend_atom(...)`. Although not required, it is
strongly suggested to use BaseExtension from `ext/base.py` as superclass.
This will try to load the extension someext from the file
`ext/someext.py`. It is required that `someext.py` contains a class named
SomextExtension which is required to have at least the two methods
`extend_rss(...)` and `extend_atom(...)`. Although not required, it is
strongly suggested to use BaseExtension from `ext/base.py` as superclass.
`load_extension('someext', ...)` will also try to load a class named
SomextEntryExtension for every entry of the feed. This class can be
located either in the same file as SomextExtension or in
`ext/someext_entry.py` which is suggested especially for large extensions.
`load_extension('someext', ...)` will also try to load a class named
SomextEntryExtension for every entry of the feed. This class can be
located either in the same file as SomextExtension or in
`ext/someext_entry.py` which is suggested especially for large extensions.
The parameters `atom` and `rss` tell the FeedGenerator if the extensions
should only be used for either ATOM or RSS feeds. The default value for both
parameters is true which means that the extension would be used for both
kinds of feeds.
The parameters `atom` and `rss` tell the FeedGenerator if the extensions
should only be used for either ATOM or RSS feeds. The default value for
both parameters is true which means that the extension would be used for
both kinds of feeds.
**Example: Produceing a Podcast**
**Example: Produceing a Podcast**
One extension already provided is the podcast extension. A podcast is an RSS
feed with some additional elements for ITunes.
One extension already provided is the podcast extension. A podcast is an
RSS feed with some additional elements for ITunes.
To produce a podcast simply load the `podcast` extension::
To produce a podcast simply load the `podcast` extension::
>>> from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
>>> fg = FeedGenerator()
>>> fg.load_extension('podcast')
>>> fg.podcast.itunes_category('Technology', 'Podcasting')
>>> fg.rss_str(pretty=True)
>>> fg.rss_file('podcast.xml')
>>> from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
>>> fg = FeedGenerator()
>>> fg.load_extension('podcast')
>>> fg.podcast.itunes_category('Technology', 'Podcasting')
>>> fg.rss_str(pretty=True)
>>> fg.rss_file('podcast.xml')
Of cause the extension has to be loaded for the FeedEntry objects as well
but this is done automatically by the FeedGenerator for every feed entry if
the extension is loaded for the whole feed. You can, however, load an
extension for a specific FeedEntry by calling `load_extension(...)` on that
entry. But this is a rather uncommon use.
Of cause the extension has to be loaded for the FeedEntry objects as well
but this is done automatically by the FeedGenerator for every feed entry if
the extension is loaded for the whole feed. You can, however, load an
extension for a specific FeedEntry by calling `load_extension(...)` on that
entry. But this is a rather uncommon use.
Of cause you can still produce a normal ATOM or RSS feed, even if you have
loaded some plugins by temporary disabling them during the feed generation.
This can be done by calling the generating method with the keyword argument
`extensions` set to `False`.
Of cause you can still produce a normal ATOM or RSS feed, even if you have
loaded some plugins by temporary disabling them during the feed generation.
This can be done by calling the generating method with the keyword argument
`extensions` set to `False`.
Testing the Generator
Testing the Generator
You can test the module by simply executing::
You can test the module by simply executing::
$ python -m feedgen
$ python -m feedgen

View file

@ -1,129 +1,140 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:copyright: 2013-2016, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:copyright: 2013-2016, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
import sys
def print_enc(s):
'''Print function compatible with both python2 and python3 accepting strings
and byte arrays.
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
print(s.decode('utf-8') if type(s) == type(b'') else s)
USAGE = '''
Usage: python -m feedgen [OPTION]
Use one of the following options:
File options:
<file>.atom -- Generate ATOM test feed
<file>.rss -- Generate RSS test teed
Stdout options:
atom -- Generate ATOM test output
rss -- Generate RSS test output
podcast -- Generate Podcast test output
dc.atom -- Generate DC extension test output (atom format)
dc.rss -- Generate DC extension test output (rss format)
syndication.atom -- Generate syndication extension test output (atom format)
syndication.rss -- Generate syndication extension test output (rss format)
torrent -- Generate Torrent test output
def print_enc(s):
'''Print function compatible with both python2 and python3 accepting strings
and byte arrays.
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
print(s.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(s, bytes) else s)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not (
sys.argv[1].endswith('rss') \
or sys.argv[1].endswith('atom') \
or sys.argv[1].endswith('torrent') \
or sys.argv[1].endswith('podcast') ):
print_enc ('Usage: %s ( <file>.atom | atom | <file>.rss | rss | podcast | torrent )' % \
'python -m feedgen')
print_enc ('')
print_enc (' atom -- Generate ATOM test output and print it to stdout.')
print_enc (' rss -- Generate RSS test output and print it to stdout.')
print_enc (' <file>.atom -- Generate ATOM test feed and write it to file.atom.')
print_enc (' <file>.rss -- Generate RSS test teed and write it to file.rss.')
print_enc (' podcast -- Generate Podcast test output and print it to stdout.')
print_enc (' dc.atom -- Generate DC extension test output (atom format) and print it to stdout.')
print_enc (' dc.rss -- Generate DC extension test output (rss format) and print it to stdout.')
print_enc (' syndication.atom -- Generate syndication extension test output (atom format) and print it to stdout.')
print_enc (' syndication.rss -- Generate syndication extension test output (rss format) and print it to stdout.')
print_enc (' torrent -- Generate Torrent test output and print it to stdout.')
print_enc ('')
if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not (
sys.argv[1].endswith('rss') or
sys.argv[1].endswith('atom') or
sys.argv[1] == 'torrent' or
sys.argv[1] == 'podcast'):
arg = sys.argv[1]
arg = sys.argv[1]
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.author( {'name':'Lars Kiesow','email':'lkiesow@uos.de'} )
fg.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' )
fg.contributor( name='Lars Kiesow', email='lkiesow@uos.de' )
fg.contributor( name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com' )
fg.subtitle('This is a cool feed!')
fg.link( href='http://larskiesow.de/test.atom', rel='self' )
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('First Element')
fe.content('''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tamen
aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista
mala sunt, placet. Aut etiam, ut vestitum, sic sententiam habeas aliam
domesticam, aliam forensem, ut in fronte ostentatio sit, intus veritas
occultetur? Cum id fugiunt, re eadem defendunt, quae Peripatetici,
fe.summary(u'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…')
fe.link( href='http://example.com', rel='alternate' )
fe.author( name='Lars Kiesow', email='lkiesow@uos.de' )
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.author({'name': 'Lars Kiesow', 'email': 'lkiesow@uos.de'})
fg.link(href='http://example.com', rel='alternate')
fg.contributor(name='Lars Kiesow', email='lkiesow@uos.de')
fg.contributor(name='John Doe', email='jdoe@example.com')
fg.subtitle('This is a cool feed!')
fg.link(href='http://larskiesow.de/test.atom', rel='self')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('First Element')
fe.content('''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tamen
aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si
ista mala sunt, placet. Aut etiam, ut vestitum, sic sententiam
habeas aliam domesticam, aliam forensem, ut in fronte ostentatio
sit, intus veritas occultetur? Cum id fugiunt, re eadem defendunt,
quae Peripatetici, verba.''')
fe.summary(u'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…')
fe.link(href='http://example.com', rel='alternate')
fe.author(name='Lars Kiesow', email='lkiesow@uos.de')
if arg == 'atom':
print_enc (fg.atom_str(pretty=True))
elif arg == 'rss':
print_enc (fg.rss_str(pretty=True))
elif arg == 'podcast':
# Load the podcast extension. It will automatically be loaded for all
# entries in the feed, too. Thus also for our “fe”.
fg.podcast.itunes_author('Lars Kiesow')
fg.podcast.itunes_category('Technology', 'Podcasting')
fg.podcast.itunes_owner('John Doe', 'john@example.com')
fg.podcast.itunes_summary('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ' + \
'consectetur adipiscing elit. ' + \
'Verba tu fingas et ea dicas, quae non sentias?')
fe.podcast.itunes_author('Lars Kiesow')
print_enc (fg.rss_str(pretty=True))
if arg == 'atom':
elif arg == 'rss':
elif arg == 'podcast':
# Load the podcast extension. It will automatically be loaded for all
# entries in the feed, too. Thus also for our “fe”.
fg.podcast.itunes_author('Lars Kiesow')
fg.podcast.itunes_category('Technology', 'Podcasting')
fg.podcast.itunes_owner('John Doe', 'john@example.com')
fg.podcast.itunes_summary('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ' +
'adipiscing elit. Verba tu fingas et ea ' +
'dicas, quae non sentias?')
fe.podcast.itunes_author('Lars Kiesow')
elif arg == 'torrent':
fe.link( href='http://somewhere.behind.the.sea/torrent/debian-8.4.0-i386-netint.iso.torrent', rel='alternate', type='application/x-bittorrent, length=1000' )
print_enc (fg.rss_str(pretty=True))
elif arg == 'torrent':
type='application/x-bittorrent, length=1000')
elif arg.startswith('dc.'):
fg.dc.dc_contributor('Lars Kiesow')
if arg.endswith('.atom'):
print_enc (fg.atom_str(pretty=True))
print_enc (fg.rss_str(pretty=True))
elif arg.startswith('dc.'):
fg.dc.dc_contributor('Lars Kiesow')
if arg.endswith('.atom'):
elif arg.startswith('syndication'):
if arg.endswith('.rss'):
print_enc (fg.rss_str(pretty=True))
print_enc (fg.atom_str(pretty=True))
elif arg.startswith('syndication'):
if arg.endswith('.rss'):
elif arg.endswith('atom'):
elif arg.endswith('atom'):
elif arg.endswith('rss'):
elif arg.endswith('rss'):

View file

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
string_types = str
string_types = str
string_types = basestring
string_types = basestring # noqa: F821

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

View file

@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Basic FeedGenerator extension which does nothing but provides all necessary
Basic FeedGenerator extension which does nothing but provides all necessary
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
class BaseExtension(object):
'''Basic FeedGenerator extension.
def extend_ns(self):
'''Returns a dict that will be used in the namespace map for the feed.'''
return dict()
'''Basic FeedGenerator extension.
def extend_ns(self):
'''Returns a dict that will be used in the namespace map for the feed.
return dict()
def extend_rss(self, feed):
'''Extend a RSS feed xml structure containing all previously set fields.
def extend_rss(self, feed):
'''Extend a RSS feed xml structure containing all previously set fields.
:param feed: The feed xml root element.
:returns: The feed root element.
return feed
:param feed: The feed xml root element.
:returns: The feed root element.
return feed
def extend_atom(self, feed):
'''Extend an ATOM feed xml structure containing all previously set
def extend_atom(self, feed):
'''Extend an ATOM feed xml structure containing all previously set
:param feed: The feed xml root element.
:returns: The feed root element.
return feed
:param feed: The feed xml root element.
:returns: The feed root element.
return feed
class BaseEntryExtension(BaseExtension):
'''Basic FeedEntry extension.
'''Basic FeedEntry extension.

View file

@ -1,419 +1,406 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extends the FeedGenerator to add Dubline Core Elements to the feeds.
Extends the FeedGenerator to add Dubline Core Elements to the feeds.
Descriptions partly taken from
Descriptions partly taken from
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:copyright: 2013-2016, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
from lxml import etree
from feedgen.ext.base import BaseExtension, BaseEntryExtension
from feedgen.ext.base import BaseExtension
class DcBaseExtension(BaseExtension):
'''Dublin Core Elements extension for podcasts.
def __init__(self):
# http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/elements.shtml
# http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/
# http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
self._dcelem_contributor = None
self._dcelem_coverage = None
self._dcelem_creator = None
self._dcelem_date = None
self._dcelem_description = None
self._dcelem_format = None
self._dcelem_identifier = None
self._dcelem_language = None
self._dcelem_publisher = None
self._dcelem_relation = None
self._dcelem_rights = None
self._dcelem_source = None
self._dcelem_subject = None
self._dcelem_title = None
self._dcelem_type = None
def extend_ns(self):
return {'dc' : 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'}
def _extend_xml(self, xml_elem):
'''Extend xml_elem with set DC fields.
:param xml_elem: etree element
DCELEMENTS_NS = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'
for elem in ['contributor', 'coverage', 'creator', 'date', 'description',
'language', 'publisher', 'relation', 'rights', 'source', 'subject',
'title', 'type', 'format', 'identifier']:
if hasattr(self, '_dcelem_%s' % elem):
for val in getattr(self, '_dcelem_%s' % elem) or []:
node = etree.SubElement(xml_elem, '{%s}%s' % (DCELEMENTS_NS, elem))
node.text = val
def extend_atom(self, atom_feed):
'''Extend an Atom feed with the set DC fields.
:param atom_feed: The feed root element
:returns: The feed root element
return atom_feed
def extend_rss(self, rss_feed):
'''Extend a RSS feed with the set DC fields.
:param rss_feed: The feed root element
:returns: The feed root element.
channel = rss_feed[0]
return rss_feed
def dc_contributor(self, contributor=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:contributor which is an entity responsible for
making contributions to the resource.
For more information see:
:param contributor: Contributor or list of contributors.
:param replace: Replace alredy set contributors (deault: False).
:returns: List of contributors.
if not contributor is None:
if not isinstance(contributor, list):
contributor = [contributor]
if replace or not self._dcelem_contributor:
self._dcelem_contributor = []
self._dcelem_contributor += contributor
return self._dcelem_contributor
def dc_coverage(self, coverage=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:coverage which indicated the spatial or temporal
topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the
jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant.
Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named place or a
location specified by its geographic coordinates. Temporal topic may be a
named period, date, or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named
administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource
applies. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such
as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN]. Where appropriate, named
places or time periods can be used in preference to numeric identifiers
such as sets of coordinates or date ranges.
References: [TGN] http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/tgn/index.html
:param coverage: Coverage of the feed.
:param replace: Replace already set coverage (default: True).
:returns: Coverage of the feed.
if not coverage is None:
if not isinstance(coverage, list):
coverage = [coverage]
if replace or not self._dcelem_coverage:
self._dcelem_coverage = []
self._dcelem_coverage = coverage
return self._dcelem_coverage
def dc_creator(self, creator=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:creator which is an entity primarily responsible for
making the resource.
For more information see:
:param creator: Creator or list of creators.
:param replace: Replace alredy set creators (deault: False).
:returns: List of creators.
if not creator is None:
if not isinstance(creator, list):
creator = [creator]
if replace or not self._dcelem_creator:
self._dcelem_creator = []
self._dcelem_creator += creator
return self._dcelem_creator
def dc_date(self, date=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:date which describes a point or period of time
associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource.
For more information see:
:param date: Date or list of dates.
:param replace: Replace alredy set dates (deault: True).
:returns: List of dates.
if not date is None:
if not isinstance(date, list):
date = [date]
if replace or not self._dcelem_date:
self._dcelem_date = []
self._dcelem_date += date
return self._dcelem_date
def dc_description(self, description=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:description which is an account of the resource.
For more information see:
:param description: Description or list of descriptions.
:param replace: Replace alredy set descriptions (deault: True).
:returns: List of descriptions.
if not description is None:
if not isinstance(description, list):
description = [description]
if replace or not self._dcelem_description:
self._dcelem_description = []
self._dcelem_description += description
return self._dcelem_description
def dc_format(self, format=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:format which describes the file format, physical
medium, or dimensions of the resource.
For more information see:
:param format: Format of the resource or list of formats.
:param replace: Replace alredy set format (deault: True).
:returns: Format of the resource.
if not format is None:
if not isinstance(format, list):
format = [format]
if replace or not self._dcelem_format:
self._dcelem_format = []
self._dcelem_format += format
return self._dcelem_format
def dc_identifier(self, identifier=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:identifier which should be an unambiguous reference
to the resource within a given context.
For more inidentifierion see:
:param identifier: Identifier of the resource or list of identifiers.
:param replace: Replace alredy set identifier (deault: True).
:returns: Identifiers of the resource.
if not identifier is None:
if not isinstance(identifier, list):
identifier = [identifier]
if replace or not self._dcelem_identifier:
self._dcelem_identifier = []
self._dcelem_identifier += identifier
def dc_language(self, language=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:language which describes a language of the resource.
For more information see:
:param language: Language or list of languages.
:param replace: Replace alredy set languages (deault: True).
:returns: List of languages.
if not language is None:
if not isinstance(language, list):
language = [language]
if replace or not self._dcelem_language:
self._dcelem_language = []
self._dcelem_language += language
return self._dcelem_language
def dc_publisher(self, publisher=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:publisher which is an entity responsible for making
the resource available.
For more information see:
:param publisher: Publisher or list of publishers.
:param replace: Replace alredy set publishers (deault: False).
:returns: List of publishers.
if not publisher is None:
if not isinstance(publisher, list):
publisher = [publisher]
if replace or not self._dcelem_publisher:
self._dcelem_publisher = []
self._dcelem_publisher += publisher
return self._dcelem_publisher
def dc_relation(self, relation=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:relation which describes a related ressource.
For more information see:
:param relation: Relation or list of relations.
:param replace: Replace alredy set relations (deault: False).
:returns: List of relations.
if not relation is None:
if not isinstance(relation, list):
relation = [relation]
if replace or not self._dcelem_relation:
self._dcelem_relation = []
self._dcelem_relation += relation
return self._dcelem_relation
def dc_rights(self, rights=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:rights which may contain information about rights
held in and over the resource.
For more information see:
:param rights: Rights information or list of rights information.
:param replace: Replace alredy set rightss (deault: False).
:returns: List of rights information.
if not rights is None:
if not isinstance(rights, list):
rights = [rights]
if replace or not self._dcelem_rights:
self._dcelem_rights = []
self._dcelem_rights += rights
return self._dcelem_rights
def dc_source(self, source=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:source which is a related resource from which the
described resource is derived.
The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole
or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource
by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
For more information see:
:param source: Source or list of sources.
:param replace: Replace alredy set sources (deault: False).
:returns: List of sources.
if not source is None:
if not isinstance(source, list):
source = [source]
if replace or not self._dcelem_source:
self._dcelem_source = []
self._dcelem_source += source
return self._dcelem_source
def dc_subject(self, subject=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:subject which describes the topic of the resource.
For more information see:
:param subject: Subject or list of subjects.
:param replace: Replace alredy set subjects (deault: False).
:returns: List of subjects.
if not subject is None:
if not isinstance(subject, list):
subject = [subject]
if replace or not self._dcelem_subject:
self._dcelem_subject = []
self._dcelem_subject += subject
return self._dcelem_subject
def dc_title(self, title=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:title which is a name given to the resource.
For more information see:
:param title: Title or list of titles.
:param replace: Replace alredy set titles (deault: False).
:returns: List of titles.
if not title is None:
if not isinstance(title, list):
title = [title]
if replace or not self._dcelem_title:
self._dcelem_title = []
self._dcelem_title += title
return self._dcelem_title
def dc_type(self, type=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:type which describes the nature or genre of the
For more information see:
:param type: Type or list of types.
:param replace: Replace alredy set types (deault: False).
:returns: List of types.
if not type is None:
if not isinstance(type, list):
type = [type]
if replace or not self._dcelem_type:
self._dcelem_type = []
self._dcelem_type += type
return self._dcelem_type
'''Dublin Core Elements extension for podcasts.
def __init__(self):
# http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/elements.shtml
# http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/
# http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
self._dcelem_contributor = None
self._dcelem_coverage = None
self._dcelem_creator = None
self._dcelem_date = None
self._dcelem_description = None
self._dcelem_format = None
self._dcelem_identifier = None
self._dcelem_language = None
self._dcelem_publisher = None
self._dcelem_relation = None
self._dcelem_rights = None
self._dcelem_source = None
self._dcelem_subject = None
self._dcelem_title = None
self._dcelem_type = None
def extend_ns(self):
return {'dc': 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'}
def _extend_xml(self, xml_elem):
'''Extend xml_elem with set DC fields.
:param xml_elem: etree element
DCELEMENTS_NS = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'
for elem in ['contributor', 'coverage', 'creator', 'date',
'description', 'language', 'publisher', 'relation',
'rights', 'source', 'subject', 'title', 'type', 'format',
if hasattr(self, '_dcelem_%s' % elem):
for val in getattr(self, '_dcelem_%s' % elem) or []:
node = etree.SubElement(xml_elem,
'{%s}%s' % (DCELEMENTS_NS, elem))
node.text = val
def extend_atom(self, atom_feed):
'''Extend an Atom feed with the set DC fields.
:param atom_feed: The feed root element
:returns: The feed root element
return atom_feed
def extend_rss(self, rss_feed):
'''Extend a RSS feed with the set DC fields.
:param rss_feed: The feed root element
:returns: The feed root element.
channel = rss_feed[0]
return rss_feed
def dc_contributor(self, contributor=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:contributor which is an entity responsible for
making contributions to the resource.
For more information see:
:param contributor: Contributor or list of contributors.
:param replace: Replace alredy set contributors (deault: False).
:returns: List of contributors.
if contributor is not None:
if not isinstance(contributor, list):
contributor = [contributor]
if replace or not self._dcelem_contributor:
self._dcelem_contributor = []
self._dcelem_contributor += contributor
return self._dcelem_contributor
def dc_coverage(self, coverage=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:coverage which indicated the spatial or temporal
topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or
the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant.
Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named place or a
location specified by its geographic coordinates. Temporal topic may be
a named period, date, or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named
administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource
applies. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary
such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN]. Where appropriate,
named places or time periods can be used in preference to numeric
identifiers such as sets of coordinates or date ranges.
[TGN] http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/tgn/index.html
:param coverage: Coverage of the feed.
:param replace: Replace already set coverage (default: True).
:returns: Coverage of the feed.
if coverage is not None:
if not isinstance(coverage, list):
coverage = [coverage]
if replace or not self._dcelem_coverage:
self._dcelem_coverage = []
self._dcelem_coverage = coverage
return self._dcelem_coverage
def dc_creator(self, creator=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:creator which is an entity primarily responsible
for making the resource.
For more information see:
:param creator: Creator or list of creators.
:param replace: Replace alredy set creators (deault: False).
:returns: List of creators.
if creator is not None:
if not isinstance(creator, list):
creator = [creator]
if replace or not self._dcelem_creator:
self._dcelem_creator = []
self._dcelem_creator += creator
return self._dcelem_creator
def dc_date(self, date=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:date which describes a point or period of time
associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource.
For more information see:
:param date: Date or list of dates.
:param replace: Replace alredy set dates (deault: True).
:returns: List of dates.
if date is not None:
if not isinstance(date, list):
date = [date]
if replace or not self._dcelem_date:
self._dcelem_date = []
self._dcelem_date += date
return self._dcelem_date
def dc_description(self, description=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:description which is an account of the resource.
For more information see:
:param description: Description or list of descriptions.
:param replace: Replace alredy set descriptions (deault: True).
:returns: List of descriptions.
if description is not None:
if not isinstance(description, list):
description = [description]
if replace or not self._dcelem_description:
self._dcelem_description = []
self._dcelem_description += description
return self._dcelem_description
def dc_format(self, format=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:format which describes the file format, physical
medium, or dimensions of the resource.
For more information see:
:param format: Format of the resource or list of formats.
:param replace: Replace alredy set format (deault: True).
:returns: Format of the resource.
if format is not None:
if not isinstance(format, list):
format = [format]
if replace or not self._dcelem_format:
self._dcelem_format = []
self._dcelem_format += format
return self._dcelem_format
def dc_identifier(self, identifier=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:identifier which should be an unambiguous
reference to the resource within a given context.
For more inidentifierion see:
:param identifier: Identifier of the resource or list of identifiers.
:param replace: Replace alredy set identifier (deault: True).
:returns: Identifiers of the resource.
if identifier is not None:
if not isinstance(identifier, list):
identifier = [identifier]
if replace or not self._dcelem_identifier:
self._dcelem_identifier = []
self._dcelem_identifier += identifier
def dc_language(self, language=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:language which describes a language of the
For more information see:
:param language: Language or list of languages.
:param replace: Replace alredy set languages (deault: True).
:returns: List of languages.
if language is not None:
if not isinstance(language, list):
language = [language]
if replace or not self._dcelem_language:
self._dcelem_language = []
self._dcelem_language += language
return self._dcelem_language
def dc_publisher(self, publisher=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:publisher which is an entity responsible for
making the resource available.
For more information see:
:param publisher: Publisher or list of publishers.
:param replace: Replace alredy set publishers (deault: False).
:returns: List of publishers.
if publisher is not None:
if not isinstance(publisher, list):
publisher = [publisher]
if replace or not self._dcelem_publisher:
self._dcelem_publisher = []
self._dcelem_publisher += publisher
return self._dcelem_publisher
def dc_relation(self, relation=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:relation which describes a related ressource.
For more information see:
:param relation: Relation or list of relations.
:param replace: Replace alredy set relations (deault: False).
:returns: List of relations.
if relation is not None:
if not isinstance(relation, list):
relation = [relation]
if replace or not self._dcelem_relation:
self._dcelem_relation = []
self._dcelem_relation += relation
return self._dcelem_relation
def dc_rights(self, rights=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:rights which may contain information about rights
held in and over the resource.
For more information see:
:param rights: Rights information or list of rights information.
:param replace: Replace alredy set rightss (deault: False).
:returns: List of rights information.
if rights is not None:
if not isinstance(rights, list):
rights = [rights]
if replace or not self._dcelem_rights:
self._dcelem_rights = []
self._dcelem_rights += rights
return self._dcelem_rights
def dc_source(self, source=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:source which is a related resource from which the
described resource is derived.
The described resource may be derived from the related resource in
whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the related
resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification
For more information see:
:param source: Source or list of sources.
:param replace: Replace alredy set sources (deault: False).
:returns: List of sources.
if source is not None:
if not isinstance(source, list):
source = [source]
if replace or not self._dcelem_source:
self._dcelem_source = []
self._dcelem_source += source
return self._dcelem_source
def dc_subject(self, subject=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:subject which describes the topic of the resource.
For more information see:
:param subject: Subject or list of subjects.
:param replace: Replace alredy set subjects (deault: False).
:returns: List of subjects.
if subject is not None:
if not isinstance(subject, list):
subject = [subject]
if replace or not self._dcelem_subject:
self._dcelem_subject = []
self._dcelem_subject += subject
return self._dcelem_subject
def dc_title(self, title=None, replace=True):
'''Get or set the dc:title which is a name given to the resource.
For more information see:
:param title: Title or list of titles.
:param replace: Replace alredy set titles (deault: False).
:returns: List of titles.
if title is not None:
if not isinstance(title, list):
title = [title]
if replace or not self._dcelem_title:
self._dcelem_title = []
self._dcelem_title += title
return self._dcelem_title
def dc_type(self, type=None, replace=False):
'''Get or set the dc:type which describes the nature or genre of the
For more information see:
:param type: Type or list of types.
:param replace: Replace alredy set types (deault: False).
:returns: List of types.
if type is not None:
if not isinstance(type, list):
type = [type]
if replace or not self._dcelem_type:
self._dcelem_type = []
self._dcelem_type += type
return self._dcelem_type
class DcExtension(DcBaseExtension):
'''Dublin Core Elements extension for podcasts.
'''Dublin Core Elements extension for podcasts.
class DcEntryExtension(DcBaseExtension):
'''Dublin Core Elements extension for podcasts.
def extend_atom(self, entry):
'''Add dc elements to an atom item. Alters the item itself.
'''Dublin Core Elements extension for podcasts.
def extend_atom(self, entry):
'''Add dc elements to an atom item. Alters the item itself.
:param entry: An atom entry element.
:returns: The entry element.
return entry
:param entry: An atom entry element.
:returns: The entry element.
return entry
def extend_rss(self, item):
'''Add dc elements to a RSS item. Alters the item itself.
def extend_rss(self, item):
'''Add dc elements to a RSS item. Alters the item itself.
:param item: A RSS item element.
:returns: The item element.
return item
:param item: A RSS item element.
:returns: The item element.
return item

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extends the FeedGenerator to produce podcasts.
Extends the FeedGenerator to produce podcasts.
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
from lxml import etree
@ -17,343 +17,343 @@ from feedgen.compat import string_types
class PodcastExtension(BaseExtension):
'''FeedGenerator extension for podcasts.
def __init__(self):
## ITunes tags
# http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html#rss
self.__itunes_author = None
self.__itunes_block = None
self.__itunes_category = None
self.__itunes_image = None
self.__itunes_explicit = None
self.__itunes_complete = None
self.__itunes_new_feed_url = None
self.__itunes_owner = None
self.__itunes_subtitle = None
self.__itunes_summary = None
def extend_ns(self):
return {'itunes' : 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'}
def extend_rss(self, rss_feed):
'''Extend an RSS feed root with set itunes fields.
:returns: The feed root element.
ITUNES_NS = 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'
channel = rss_feed[0]
if self.__itunes_author:
author = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}author' % ITUNES_NS)
author.text = self.__itunes_author
if not self.__itunes_block is None:
block = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}block' % ITUNES_NS)
block.text = 'yes' if self.__itunes_block else 'no'
for c in self.__itunes_category or []:
if not c.get('cat'):
category = channel.find('{%s}category[@text="%s"]' % (ITUNES_NS,c.get('cat')))
if category == None:
category = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}category' % ITUNES_NS)
category.attrib['text'] = c.get('cat')
if c.get('sub'):
subcategory = etree.SubElement(category, '{%s}category' % ITUNES_NS)
subcategory.attrib['text'] = c.get('sub')
if self.__itunes_image:
image = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}image' % ITUNES_NS)
image.attrib['href'] = self.__itunes_image
if self.__itunes_explicit in ('yes', 'no', 'clean'):
explicit = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}explicit' % ITUNES_NS)
explicit.text = self.__itunes_explicit
if self.__itunes_complete in ('yes', 'no'):
complete = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}complete' % ITUNES_NS)
complete.text = self.__itunes_complete
if self.__itunes_new_feed_url:
new_feed_url = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}new-feed-url' % ITUNES_NS)
new_feed_url.text = self.__itunes_new_feed_url
if self.__itunes_owner:
owner = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}owner' % ITUNES_NS)
owner_name = etree.SubElement(owner, '{%s}name' % ITUNES_NS)
owner_name.text = self.__itunes_owner.get('name')
owner_email = etree.SubElement(owner, '{%s}email' % ITUNES_NS)
owner_email.text = self.__itunes_owner.get('email')
if self.__itunes_subtitle:
subtitle = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}subtitle' % ITUNES_NS)
subtitle.text = self.__itunes_subtitle
if self.__itunes_summary:
summary = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}summary' % ITUNES_NS)
summary.text = self.__itunes_summary
return rss_feed
def itunes_author(self, itunes_author=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:author. The content of this tag is shown in the
Artist column in iTunes. If the tag is not present, iTunes uses the
contents of the <author> tag. If <itunes:author> is not present at the
feed level, iTunes will use the contents of <managingEditor>.
:param itunes_author: The author of the podcast.
:returns: The author of the podcast.
if not itunes_author is None:
self.__itunes_author = itunes_author
return self.__itunes_author
def itunes_block(self, itunes_block=None):
'''Get or set the ITunes block attribute. Use this to prevent the entire
podcast from appearing in the iTunes podcast directory.
:param itunes_block: Block the podcast.
:returns: If the podcast is blocked.
if not itunes_block is None:
self.__itunes_block = itunes_block
return self.__itunes_block
def itunes_category(self, itunes_category=None, replace=False, **kwargs):
'''Get or set the ITunes category which appears in the category column
and in iTunes Store Browser.
The (sub-)category has to be one from the values defined at
This method can be called with:
- the fields of an itunes_category as keyword arguments
- the fields of an itunes_category as a dictionary
- a list of dictionaries containing the itunes_category fields
An itunes_category has the following fields:
- *cat* name for a category.
- *sub* name for a subcategory, child of category
If a podcast has more than one subcategory from the same category, the
category is called more than once.
Likei the parameter::
would become::
<itunes:category text="Arts">
<itunes:category text="Design"/>
<itunes:category text="Food"/>
:param itunes_category: Dictionary or list of dictionaries with
itunes_category data.
:param replace: Add or replace old data.
:returns: List of itunes_categories as dictionaries.
**Important note about deprecated parameter syntax:** Old version of the
feedgen did only support one category plus one subcategory which would be
passed to this ducntion as first two parameters. For compatibility
reasons, this still works but should not be used any may be removed at
any time.
# Ensure old API still works for now. Note that the API is deprecated and
# this fallback may be removed at any time.
if isinstance(itunes_category, string_types):
itunes_category = {'cat':itunes_category}
if replace:
itunes_category['sub'] = replace
if itunes_category is None and kwargs:
itunes_category = kwargs
if not itunes_category is None:
if replace or self.__itunes_category is None:
self.__itunes_category = []
self.__itunes_category += ensure_format( itunes_category,
set(['cat', 'sub']), set(['cat']))
return self.__itunes_category
def itunes_image(self, itunes_image=None):
'''Get or set the image for the podcast. This tag specifies the artwork
for your podcast. Put the URL to the image in the href attribute. iTunes
prefers square .jpg images that are at least 1400x1400 pixels, which is
different from what is specified for the standard RSS image tag. In order
for a podcast to be eligible for an iTunes Store feature, the
accompanying image must be at least 1400x1400 pixels.
iTunes supports images in JPEG and PNG formats with an RGB color space
(CMYK is not supported). The URL must end in ".jpg" or ".png". If the
<itunes:image> tag is not present, iTunes will use the contents of the
RSS image tag.
If you change your podcasts image, also change the files name. iTunes
may not change the image if it checks your feed and the image URL is the
same. The server hosting your cover art image must allow HTTP head
requests for iTS to be able to automatically update your cover art.
:param itunes_image: Image of the podcast.
:returns: Image of the podcast.
if not itunes_image is None:
if not ( itunes_image.endswith('.jpg') or itunes_image.endswith('.png') ):
ValueError('Image file must be png or jpg')
self.__itunes_image = itunes_image
return self.__itunes_image
def itunes_explicit(self, itunes_explicit=None):
'''Get or the the itunes:explicit value of the podcast. This tag should
be used to indicate whether your podcast contains explicit material. The
three values for this tag are "yes", "no", and "clean".
If you populate this tag with "yes", an "explicit" parental advisory
graphic will appear next to your podcast artwork on the iTunes Store and
in the Name column in iTunes. If the value is "clean", the parental
advisory type is considered Clean, meaning that no explicit language or
adult content is included anywhere in the episodes, and a "clean" graphic
will appear. If the explicit tag is present and has any other value
(e.g., "no"), you see no indicator blank is the default advisory type.
:param itunes_explicit: If the podcast contains explicit material.
:returns: If the podcast contains explicit material.
if not itunes_explicit is None:
if not itunes_explicit in ('', 'yes', 'no', 'clean'):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for explicit tag')
self.__itunes_explicit = itunes_explicit
return self.__itunes_explicit
def itunes_complete(self, itunes_complete=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:complete value of the podcast. This tag can be
used to indicate the completion of a podcast.
If you populate this tag with "yes", you are indicating that no more
episodes will be added to the podcast. If the <itunes:complete> tag is
present and has any other value (e.g. no), it will have no effect on
the podcast.
:param itunes_complete: If the podcast is complete.
:returns: If the podcast is complete.
if not itunes_complete is None:
if not itunes_complete in ('yes', 'no', '', True, False):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for complete tag')
if itunes_complete == True:
itunes_complete = 'yes'
if itunes_complete == False:
itunes_complete = 'no'
self.__itunes_complete = itunes_complete
return self.__itunes_complete
def itunes_new_feed_url(self, itunes_new_feed_url=None):
'''Get or set the new-feed-url property of the podcast. This tag allows
you to change the URL where the podcast feed is located
After adding the tag to your old feed, you should maintain the old feed
for 48 hours before retiring it. At that point, iTunes will have updated
the directory with the new feed URL.
:param itunes_new_feed_url: New feed URL.
:returns: New feed URL.
if not itunes_new_feed_url is None:
self.__itunes_new_feed_url = itunes_new_feed_url
return self.__itunes_new_feed_url
def itunes_owner(self, name=None, email=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:owner of the podcast. This tag contains
information that will be used to contact the owner of the podcast for
communication specifically about the podcast. It will not be publicly
:param itunes_owner: The owner of the feed.
:returns: Data of the owner of the feed.
if not name is None:
if name and email:
self.__itunes_owner = {'name':name, 'email':email}
elif not name and not email:
self.__itunes_owner = None
raise ValueError('Both name and email have to be set.')
return self.__itunes_owner
def itunes_subtitle(self, itunes_subtitle=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:subtitle value for the podcast. The contents of
this tag are shown in the Description column in iTunes. The subtitle
displays best if it is only a few words long.
:param itunes_subtitle: Subtitle of the podcast.
:returns: Subtitle of the podcast.
if not itunes_subtitle is None:
self.__itunes_subtitle = itunes_subtitle
return self.__itunes_subtitle
def itunes_summary(self, itunes_summary=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:summary value for the podcast. The contents of
this tag are shown in a separate window that appears when the "circled i"
in the Description column is clicked. It also appears on the iTunes page
for your podcast. This field can be up to 4000 characters. If
<itunes:summary> is not included, the contents of the <description> tag
are used.
:param itunes_summary: Summary of the podcast.
:returns: Summary of the podcast.
if not itunes_summary is None:
self.__itunes_summary = itunes_summary
return self.__itunes_summary
_itunes_categories = {
'Arts': [ 'Design', 'Fashion & Beauty', 'Food', 'Literature',
'Performing Arts', 'Visual Arts' ],
'Business' : [ 'Business News', 'Careers', 'Investing',
'Management & Marketing', 'Shopping' ],
'Comedy' : [],
'Education' : [ 'Education', 'Education Technology',
'Higher Education', 'K-12', 'Language Courses', 'Training' ],
'Games & Hobbies' : [ 'Automotive', 'Aviation', 'Hobbies',
'Other Games', 'Video Games' ],
'Government & Organizations' : [ 'Local', 'National', 'Non-Profit',
'Regional' ],
'Health' : [ 'Alternative Health', 'Fitness & Nutrition', 'Self-Help',
'Sexuality' ],
'Kids & Family' : [],
'Music' : [],
'News & Politics' : [],
'Religion & Spirituality' : [ 'Buddhism', 'Christianity', 'Hinduism',
'Islam', 'Judaism', 'Other', 'Spirituality' ],
'Science & Medicine' : [ 'Medicine', 'Natural Sciences',
'Social Sciences' ],
'Society & Culture' : [ 'History', 'Personal Journals', 'Philosophy',
'Places & Travel' ],
'Sports & Recreation' : [ 'Amateur', 'College & High School',
'Outdoor', 'Professional' ],
'Technology' : [ 'Gadgets', 'Tech News', 'Podcasting',
'Software How-To' ],
'TV & Film' : []
'''FeedGenerator extension for podcasts.
def __init__(self):
# ITunes tags
# http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html#rss
self.__itunes_author = None
self.__itunes_block = None
self.__itunes_category = None
self.__itunes_image = None
self.__itunes_explicit = None
self.__itunes_complete = None
self.__itunes_new_feed_url = None
self.__itunes_owner = None
self.__itunes_subtitle = None
self.__itunes_summary = None
def extend_ns(self):
return {'itunes': 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'}
def extend_rss(self, rss_feed):
'''Extend an RSS feed root with set itunes fields.
:returns: The feed root element.
ITUNES_NS = 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'
channel = rss_feed[0]
if self.__itunes_author:
author = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}author' % ITUNES_NS)
author.text = self.__itunes_author
if self.__itunes_block is not None:
block = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}block' % ITUNES_NS)
block.text = 'yes' if self.__itunes_block else 'no'
for c in self.__itunes_category or []:
if not c.get('cat'):
category = channel.find(
'{%s}category[@text="%s"]' % (ITUNES_NS, c.get('cat')))
if category is None:
category = etree.SubElement(channel,
'{%s}category' % ITUNES_NS)
category.attrib['text'] = c.get('cat')
if c.get('sub'):
subcategory = etree.SubElement(category,
'{%s}category' % ITUNES_NS)
subcategory.attrib['text'] = c.get('sub')
if self.__itunes_image:
image = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}image' % ITUNES_NS)
image.attrib['href'] = self.__itunes_image
if self.__itunes_explicit in ('yes', 'no', 'clean'):
explicit = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}explicit' % ITUNES_NS)
explicit.text = self.__itunes_explicit
if self.__itunes_complete in ('yes', 'no'):
complete = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}complete' % ITUNES_NS)
complete.text = self.__itunes_complete
if self.__itunes_new_feed_url:
new_feed_url = etree.SubElement(channel,
'{%s}new-feed-url' % ITUNES_NS)
new_feed_url.text = self.__itunes_new_feed_url
if self.__itunes_owner:
owner = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}owner' % ITUNES_NS)
owner_name = etree.SubElement(owner, '{%s}name' % ITUNES_NS)
owner_name.text = self.__itunes_owner.get('name')
owner_email = etree.SubElement(owner, '{%s}email' % ITUNES_NS)
owner_email.text = self.__itunes_owner.get('email')
if self.__itunes_subtitle:
subtitle = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}subtitle' % ITUNES_NS)
subtitle.text = self.__itunes_subtitle
if self.__itunes_summary:
summary = etree.SubElement(channel, '{%s}summary' % ITUNES_NS)
summary.text = self.__itunes_summary
return rss_feed
def itunes_author(self, itunes_author=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:author. The content of this tag is shown in
the Artist column in iTunes. If the tag is not present, iTunes uses the
contents of the <author> tag. If <itunes:author> is not present at the
feed level, iTunes will use the contents of <managingEditor>.
:param itunes_author: The author of the podcast.
:returns: The author of the podcast.
if itunes_author is not None:
self.__itunes_author = itunes_author
return self.__itunes_author
def itunes_block(self, itunes_block=None):
'''Get or set the ITunes block attribute. Use this to prevent the
entire podcast from appearing in the iTunes podcast directory.
:param itunes_block: Block the podcast.
:returns: If the podcast is blocked.
if itunes_block is not None:
self.__itunes_block = itunes_block
return self.__itunes_block
def itunes_category(self, itunes_category=None, replace=False, **kwargs):
'''Get or set the ITunes category which appears in the category column
and in iTunes Store Browser.
The (sub-)category has to be one from the values defined at
This method can be called with:
- the fields of an itunes_category as keyword arguments
- the fields of an itunes_category as a dictionary
- a list of dictionaries containing the itunes_category fields
An itunes_category has the following fields:
- *cat* name for a category.
- *sub* name for a subcategory, child of category
If a podcast has more than one subcategory from the same category, the
category is called more than once.
Likei the parameter::
would become::
<itunes:category text="Arts">
<itunes:category text="Design"/>
<itunes:category text="Food"/>
:param itunes_category: Dictionary or list of dictionaries with
itunes_category data.
:param replace: Add or replace old data.
:returns: List of itunes_categories as dictionaries.
**Important note about deprecated parameter syntax:** Old version of
the feedgen did only support one category plus one subcategory which
would be passed to this ducntion as first two parameters. For
compatibility reasons, this still works but should not be used any may
be removed at any time.
# Ensure old API still works for now. Note that the API is deprecated
# and this fallback may be removed at any time.
if isinstance(itunes_category, string_types):
itunes_category = {'cat': itunes_category}
if replace:
itunes_category['sub'] = replace
replace = True
if itunes_category is None and kwargs:
itunes_category = kwargs
if itunes_category is not None:
if replace or self.__itunes_category is None:
self.__itunes_category = []
self.__itunes_category += ensure_format(itunes_category,
set(['cat', 'sub']),
return self.__itunes_category
def itunes_image(self, itunes_image=None):
'''Get or set the image for the podcast. This tag specifies the artwork
for your podcast. Put the URL to the image in the href attribute.
iTunes prefers square .jpg images that are at least 1400x1400 pixels,
which is different from what is specified for the standard RSS image
tag. In order for a podcast to be eligible for an iTunes Store feature,
the accompanying image must be at least 1400x1400 pixels.
iTunes supports images in JPEG and PNG formats with an RGB color space
(CMYK is not supported). The URL must end in ".jpg" or ".png". If the
<itunes:image> tag is not present, iTunes will use the contents of the
RSS image tag.
If you change your podcasts image, also change the files name. iTunes
may not change the image if it checks your feed and the image URL is
the same. The server hosting your cover art image must allow HTTP head
requests for iTS to be able to automatically update your cover art.
:param itunes_image: Image of the podcast.
:returns: Image of the podcast.
if itunes_image is not None:
if itunes_image.endswith('.jpg') or itunes_image.endswith('.png'):
self.__itunes_image = itunes_image
ValueError('Image file must be png or jpg')
return self.__itunes_image
def itunes_explicit(self, itunes_explicit=None):
'''Get or the the itunes:explicit value of the podcast. This tag should
be used to indicate whether your podcast contains explicit material.
The three values for this tag are "yes", "no", and "clean".
If you populate this tag with "yes", an "explicit" parental advisory
graphic will appear next to your podcast artwork on the iTunes Store
and in the Name column in iTunes. If the value is "clean", the parental
advisory type is considered Clean, meaning that no explicit language or
adult content is included anywhere in the episodes, and a "clean"
graphic will appear. If the explicit tag is present and has any other
value (e.g., "no"), you see no indicator blank is the default
advisory type.
:param itunes_explicit: If the podcast contains explicit material.
:returns: If the podcast contains explicit material.
if itunes_explicit is not None:
if itunes_explicit not in ('', 'yes', 'no', 'clean'):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for explicit tag')
self.__itunes_explicit = itunes_explicit
return self.__itunes_explicit
def itunes_complete(self, itunes_complete=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:complete value of the podcast. This tag can be
used to indicate the completion of a podcast.
If you populate this tag with "yes", you are indicating that no more
episodes will be added to the podcast. If the <itunes:complete> tag is
present and has any other value (e.g. no), it will have no effect on
the podcast.
:param itunes_complete: If the podcast is complete.
:returns: If the podcast is complete.
if itunes_complete is not None:
if itunes_complete not in ('yes', 'no', '', True, False):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for complete tag')
if itunes_complete is True:
itunes_complete = 'yes'
if itunes_complete is False:
itunes_complete = 'no'
self.__itunes_complete = itunes_complete
return self.__itunes_complete
def itunes_new_feed_url(self, itunes_new_feed_url=None):
'''Get or set the new-feed-url property of the podcast. This tag allows
you to change the URL where the podcast feed is located
After adding the tag to your old feed, you should maintain the old feed
for 48 hours before retiring it. At that point, iTunes will have
updated the directory with the new feed URL.
:param itunes_new_feed_url: New feed URL.
:returns: New feed URL.
if itunes_new_feed_url is not None:
self.__itunes_new_feed_url = itunes_new_feed_url
return self.__itunes_new_feed_url
def itunes_owner(self, name=None, email=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:owner of the podcast. This tag contains
information that will be used to contact the owner of the podcast for
communication specifically about the podcast. It will not be publicly
:param itunes_owner: The owner of the feed.
:returns: Data of the owner of the feed.
if name is not None:
if name and email:
self.__itunes_owner = {'name': name, 'email': email}
elif not name and not email:
self.__itunes_owner = None
raise ValueError('Both name and email have to be set.')
return self.__itunes_owner
def itunes_subtitle(self, itunes_subtitle=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:subtitle value for the podcast. The contents of
this tag are shown in the Description column in iTunes. The subtitle
displays best if it is only a few words long.
:param itunes_subtitle: Subtitle of the podcast.
:returns: Subtitle of the podcast.
if itunes_subtitle is not None:
self.__itunes_subtitle = itunes_subtitle
return self.__itunes_subtitle
def itunes_summary(self, itunes_summary=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:summary value for the podcast. The contents of
this tag are shown in a separate window that appears when the "circled
i" in the Description column is clicked. It also appears on the iTunes
page for your podcast. This field can be up to 4000 characters. If
`<itunes:summary>` is not included, the contents of the <description>
tag are used.
:param itunes_summary: Summary of the podcast.
:returns: Summary of the podcast.
if itunes_summary is not None:
self.__itunes_summary = itunes_summary
return self.__itunes_summary
_itunes_categories = {
'Arts': [
'Design', 'Fashion & Beauty', 'Food', 'Literature',
'Performing Arts', 'Visual Arts'],
'Business': [
'Business News', 'Careers', 'Investing',
'Management & Marketing', 'Shopping'],
'Comedy': [],
'Education': [
'Education', 'Education Technology', 'Higher Education',
'K-12', 'Language Courses', 'Training'],
'Games & Hobbies': [
'Automotive', 'Aviation', 'Hobbies', 'Other Games',
'Video Games'],
'Government & Organizations': [
'Local', 'National', 'Non-Profit', 'Regional'],
'Health': [
'Alternative Health', 'Fitness & Nutrition', 'Self-Help',
'Kids & Family': [],
'Music': [],
'News & Politics': [],
'Religion & Spirituality': [
'Buddhism', 'Christianity', 'Hinduism', 'Islam', 'Judaism',
'Other', 'Spirituality'],
'Science & Medicine': [
'Medicine', 'Natural Sciences', 'Social Sciences'],
'Society & Culture': [
'History', 'Personal Journals', 'Philosophy',
'Places & Travel'],
'Sports & Recreation': [
'Amateur', 'College & High School', 'Outdoor', 'Professional'],
'Technology': [
'Gadgets', 'Tech News', 'Podcasting', 'Software How-To'],
'TV & Film': []}

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extends the feedgen to produce podcasts.
Extends the feedgen to produce podcasts.
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:copyright: 2013-2016, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
from lxml import etree
@ -15,229 +15,230 @@ from feedgen.ext.base import BaseEntryExtension
class PodcastEntryExtension(BaseEntryExtension):
'''FeedEntry extension for podcasts.
'''FeedEntry extension for podcasts.
def __init__(self):
# ITunes tags
# http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html#rss
self.__itunes_author = None
self.__itunes_block = None
self.__itunes_image = None
self.__itunes_duration = None
self.__itunes_explicit = None
self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned = None
self.__itunes_order = None
self.__itunes_subtitle = None
self.__itunes_summary = None
def __init__(self):
## ITunes tags
# http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html#rss
self.__itunes_author = None
self.__itunes_block = None
self.__itunes_image = None
self.__itunes_duration = None
self.__itunes_explicit = None
self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned = None
self.__itunes_order = None
self.__itunes_subtitle = None
self.__itunes_summary = None
def extend_rss(self, entry):
'''Add additional fields to an RSS item.
:param feed: The RSS item XML element to use.
ITUNES_NS = 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'
def extend_rss(self, entry):
'''Add additional fields to an RSS item.
if self.__itunes_author:
author = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}author' % ITUNES_NS)
author.text = self.__itunes_author
:param feed: The RSS item XML element to use.
ITUNES_NS = 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'
if self.__itunes_block is not None:
block = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}block' % ITUNES_NS)
block.text = 'yes' if self.__itunes_block else 'no'
if self.__itunes_author:
author = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}author' % ITUNES_NS)
author.text = self.__itunes_author
if self.__itunes_image:
image = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}image' % ITUNES_NS)
image.attrib['href'] = self.__itunes_image
if not self.__itunes_block is None:
block = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}block' % ITUNES_NS)
block.text = 'yes' if self.__itunes_block else 'no'
if self.__itunes_duration:
duration = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}duration' % ITUNES_NS)
duration.text = self.__itunes_duration
if self.__itunes_image:
image = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}image' % ITUNES_NS)
image.attrib['href'] = self.__itunes_image
if self.__itunes_explicit in ('yes', 'no', 'clean'):
explicit = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}explicit' % ITUNES_NS)
explicit.text = self.__itunes_explicit
if self.__itunes_duration:
duration = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}duration' % ITUNES_NS)
duration.text = self.__itunes_duration
if self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned is not None:
is_closed_captioned = etree.SubElement(
entry, '{%s}isClosedCaptioned' % ITUNES_NS)
if self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned:
is_closed_captioned.text = 'yes'
is_closed_captioned.text = 'no'
if self.__itunes_explicit in ('yes', 'no', 'clean'):
explicit = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}explicit' % ITUNES_NS)
explicit.text = self.__itunes_explicit
if self.__itunes_order is not None and self.__itunes_order >= 0:
order = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}order' % ITUNES_NS)
order.text = str(self.__itunes_order)
if not self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned is None:
is_closed_captioned = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}isClosedCaptioned' % ITUNES_NS)
is_closed_captioned.text = 'yes' if self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned else 'no'
if self.__itunes_subtitle:
subtitle = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}subtitle' % ITUNES_NS)
subtitle.text = self.__itunes_subtitle
if not self.__itunes_order is None and self.__itunes_order >= 0:
order = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}order' % ITUNES_NS)
order.text = str(self.__itunes_order)
if self.__itunes_summary:
summary = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}summary' % ITUNES_NS)
summary.text = self.__itunes_summary
return entry
if self.__itunes_subtitle:
subtitle = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}subtitle' % ITUNES_NS)
subtitle.text = self.__itunes_subtitle
def itunes_author(self, itunes_author=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:author of the podcast episode. The content of
this tag is shown in the Artist column in iTunes. If the tag is not
present, iTunes uses the contents of the <author> tag. If
<itunes:author> is not present at the feed level, iTunes will use the
contents of <managingEditor>.
if self.__itunes_summary:
summary = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}summary' % ITUNES_NS)
summary.text = self.__itunes_summary
return entry
:param itunes_author: The author of the podcast.
:returns: The author of the podcast.
if itunes_author is not None:
self.__itunes_author = itunes_author
return self.__itunes_author
def itunes_block(self, itunes_block=None):
'''Get or set the ITunes block attribute. Use this to prevent episodes
from appearing in the iTunes podcast directory.
def itunes_author(self, itunes_author=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:author of the podcast episode. The content of
this tag is shown in the Artist column in iTunes. If the tag is not
present, iTunes uses the contents of the <author> tag. If <itunes:author>
is not present at the feed level, iTunes will use the contents of
:param itunes_block: Block podcast episodes.
:returns: If the podcast episode is blocked.
if itunes_block is not None:
self.__itunes_block = itunes_block
return self.__itunes_block
:param itunes_author: The author of the podcast.
:returns: The author of the podcast.
if not itunes_author is None:
self.__itunes_author = itunes_author
return self.__itunes_author
def itunes_image(self, itunes_image=None):
'''Get or set the image for the podcast episode. This tag specifies the
artwork for your podcast. Put the URL to the image in the href
attribute. iTunes prefers square .jpg images that are at least
1400x1400 pixels, which is different from what is specified for the
standard RSS image tag. In order for a podcast to be eligible for an
iTunes Store feature, the accompanying image must be at least 1400x1400
iTunes supports images in JPEG and PNG formats with an RGB color space
(CMYK is not supported). The URL must end in ".jpg" or ".png". If the
<itunes:image> tag is not present, iTunes will use the contents of the
RSS image tag.
def itunes_block(self, itunes_block=None):
'''Get or set the ITunes block attribute. Use this to prevent episodes
from appearing in the iTunes podcast directory.
If you change your podcasts image, also change the files name. iTunes
may not change the image if it checks your feed and the image URL is
the same. The server hosting your cover art image must allow HTTP head
requests for iTS to be able to automatically update your cover art.
:param itunes_block: Block podcast episodes.
:returns: If the podcast episode is blocked.
if not itunes_block is None:
self.__itunes_block = itunes_block
return self.__itunes_block
:param itunes_image: Image of the podcast.
:returns: Image of the podcast.
if itunes_image is not None:
if itunes_image.endswith('.jpg') or itunes_image.endswith('.png'):
self.__itunes_image = itunes_image
ValueError('Image file must be png or jpg')
return self.__itunes_image
def itunes_duration(self, itunes_duration=None):
'''Get or set the duration of the podcast episode. The content of this
tag is shown in the Time column in iTunes.
def itunes_image(self, itunes_image=None):
'''Get or set the image for the podcast episode. This tag specifies the
artwork for your podcast. Put the URL to the image in the href attribute.
iTunes prefers square .jpg images that are at least 1400x1400 pixels,
which is different from what is specified for the standard RSS image tag.
In order for a podcast to be eligible for an iTunes Store feature, the
accompanying image must be at least 1400x1400 pixels.
The tag can be formatted HH:MM:SS, H:MM:SS, MM:SS, or M:SS (H = hours,
M = minutes, S = seconds). If an integer is provided (no colon
present), the value is assumed to be in seconds. If one colon is
present, the number to the left is assumed to be minutes, and the
number to the right is assumed to be seconds. If more than two colons
are present, the numbers farthest to the right are ignored.
iTunes supports images in JPEG and PNG formats with an RGB color space
(CMYK is not supported). The URL must end in ".jpg" or ".png". If the
<itunes:image> tag is not present, iTunes will use the contents of the
RSS image tag.
:param itunes_duration: Duration of the podcast episode.
:returns: Duration of the podcast episode.
if itunes_duration is not None:
itunes_duration = str(itunes_duration)
if len(itunes_duration.split(':')) > 3 or \
itunes_duration.lstrip('0123456789:') != '':
ValueError('Invalid duration format')
self.__itunes_duration = itunes_duration
return self.itunes_duration
If you change your podcasts image, also change the files name. iTunes
may not change the image if it checks your feed and the image URL is the
same. The server hosting your cover art image must allow HTTP head
requests for iTS to be able to automatically update your cover art.
def itunes_explicit(self, itunes_explicit=None):
'''Get or the the itunes:explicit value of the podcast episode. This
tag should be used to indicate whether your podcast episode contains
explicit material. The three values for this tag are "yes", "no", and
:param itunes_image: Image of the podcast.
:returns: Image of the podcast.
if not itunes_image is None:
if not ( itunes_image.endswith('.jpg') or itunes_image.endswith('.png') ):
ValueError('Image file must be png or jpg')
self.__itunes_image = itunes_image
return self.__itunes_image
If you populate this tag with "yes", an "explicit" parental advisory
graphic will appear next to your podcast artwork on the iTunes Store
and in the Name column in iTunes. If the value is "clean", the parental
advisory type is considered Clean, meaning that no explicit language or
adult content is included anywhere in the episodes, and a "clean"
graphic will appear. If the explicit tag is present and has any other
value (e.g., "no"), you see no indicator blank is the default
advisory type.
:param itunes_explicit: If the podcast episode contains explicit
:returns: If the podcast episode contains explicit material.
if itunes_explicit is not None:
if itunes_explicit not in ('', 'yes', 'no', 'clean'):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for explicit tag')
self.__itunes_explicit = itunes_explicit
return self.__itunes_explicit
def itunes_duration(self, itunes_duration=None):
'''Get or set the duration of the podcast episode. The content of this
tag is shown in the Time column in iTunes.
def itunes_is_closed_captioned(self, itunes_is_closed_captioned=None):
'''Get or set the is_closed_captioned value of the podcast episode.
This tag should be used if your podcast includes a video episode with
embedded closed captioning support. The two values for this tag are
"yes" and "no”.
The tag can be formatted HH:MM:SS, H:MM:SS, MM:SS, or M:SS (H = hours,
M = minutes, S = seconds). If an integer is provided (no colon present),
the value is assumed to be in seconds. If one colon is present, the
number to the left is assumed to be minutes, and the number to the right
is assumed to be seconds. If more than two colons are present, the
numbers farthest to the right are ignored.
:param is_closed_captioned: If the episode has closed captioning
:returns: If the episode has closed captioning support.
if itunes_is_closed_captioned is not None:
self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned = \
itunes_is_closed_captioned in ('yes', True)
return self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned
:param itunes_duration: Duration of the podcast episode.
:returns: Duration of the podcast episode.
if not itunes_duration is None:
itunes_duration = str(itunes_duration)
if len(itunes_duration.split(':')) > 3 or \
itunes_duration.lstrip('0123456789:') != '':
ValueError('Invalid duration format')
self.__itunes_duration = itunes_duration
return self.itunes_duration
def itunes_order(self, itunes_order=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:order value of the podcast episode. This tag
can be used to override the default ordering of episodes on the store.
This tag is used at an <item> level by populating with the number value
in which you would like the episode to appear on the store. For
example, if you would like an <item> to appear as the first episode in
the podcast, you would populate the <itunes:order> tag with 1. If
conflicting order values are present in multiple episodes, the store
will use default ordering (pubDate).
def itunes_explicit(self, itunes_explicit=None):
'''Get or the the itunes:explicit value of the podcast episode. This tag
should be used to indicate whether your podcast episode contains explicit
material. The three values for this tag are "yes", "no", and "clean".
To remove the order from the episode set the order to a value below
If you populate this tag with "yes", an "explicit" parental advisory
graphic will appear next to your podcast artwork on the iTunes Store and
in the Name column in iTunes. If the value is "clean", the parental
advisory type is considered Clean, meaning that no explicit language or
adult content is included anywhere in the episodes, and a "clean" graphic
will appear. If the explicit tag is present and has any other value
(e.g., "no"), you see no indicator blank is the default advisory type.
:param itunes_order: The order of the episode.
:returns: The order of the episode.
if itunes_order is not None:
self.__itunes_order = int(itunes_order)
return self.__itunes_order
:param itunes_explicit: If the podcast episode contains explicit material.
:returns: If the podcast episode contains explicit material.
if not itunes_explicit is None:
if not itunes_explicit in ('', 'yes', 'no', 'clean'):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for explicit tag')
self.__itunes_explicit = itunes_explicit
return self.__itunes_explicit
def itunes_subtitle(self, itunes_subtitle=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:subtitle value for the podcast episode. The
contents of this tag are shown in the Description column in iTunes. The
subtitle displays best if it is only a few words long.
:param itunes_subtitle: Subtitle of the podcast episode.
:returns: Subtitle of the podcast episode.
if itunes_subtitle is not None:
self.__itunes_subtitle = itunes_subtitle
return self.__itunes_subtitle
def itunes_is_closed_captioned(self, itunes_is_closed_captioned=None):
'''Get or set the is_closed_captioned value of the podcast episode. This
tag should be used if your podcast includes a video episode with embedded
closed captioning support. The two values for this tag are "yes" and
def itunes_summary(self, itunes_summary=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:summary value for the podcast episode. The
contents of this tag are shown in a separate window that appears when
the "circled i" in the Description column is clicked. It also appears
on the iTunes page for your podcast. This field can be up to 4000
characters. If <itunes:summary> is not included, the contents of the
<description> tag are used.
:param is_closed_captioned: If the episode has closed captioning support.
:returns: If the episode has closed captioning support.
if not itunes_is_closed_captioned is None:
self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned = itunes_is_closed_captioned in ('yes', True)
return self.__itunes_is_closed_captioned
def itunes_order(self, itunes_order=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:order value of the podcast episode. This tag can
be used to override the default ordering of episodes on the store.
This tag is used at an <item> level by populating with the number value
in which you would like the episode to appear on the store. For example,
if you would like an <item> to appear as the first episode in the
podcast, you would populate the <itunes:order> tag with 1. If
conflicting order values are present in multiple episodes, the store will
use default ordering (pubDate).
To remove the order from the episode set the order to a value below zero.
:param itunes_order: The order of the episode.
:returns: The order of the episode.
if not itunes_order is None:
self.__itunes_order = int(itunes_order)
return self.__itunes_order
def itunes_subtitle(self, itunes_subtitle=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:subtitle value for the podcast episode. The
contents of this tag are shown in the Description column in iTunes. The
subtitle displays best if it is only a few words long.
:param itunes_subtitle: Subtitle of the podcast episode.
:returns: Subtitle of the podcast episode.
if not itunes_subtitle is None:
self.__itunes_subtitle = itunes_subtitle
return self.__itunes_subtitle
def itunes_summary(self, itunes_summary=None):
'''Get or set the itunes:summary value for the podcast episode. The
contents of this tag are shown in a separate window that appears when the
"circled i" in the Description column is clicked. It also appears on the
iTunes page for your podcast. This field can be up to 4000 characters. If
<itunes:summary> is not included, the contents of the <description> tag
are used.
:param itunes_summary: Summary of the podcast episode.
:returns: Summary of the podcast episode.
if not itunes_summary is None:
self.__itunes_summary = itunes_summary
return self.__itunes_summary
:param itunes_summary: Summary of the podcast episode.
:returns: Summary of the podcast episode.
if itunes_summary is not None:
self.__itunes_summary = itunes_summary
return self.__itunes_summary

View file

@ -1,127 +1,126 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extends the FeedGenerator to produce torrent feeds.
Extends the FeedGenerator to produce torrent feeds.
:copyright: 2016, Raspbeguy <raspbeguy@hashtagueule.fr>
:copyright: 2016, Raspbeguy <raspbeguy@hashtagueule.fr>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
from lxml import etree
from feedgen.ext.base import BaseExtension,BaseEntryExtension
from feedgen.ext.base import BaseExtension, BaseEntryExtension
TORRENT_NS = 'http://xmlns.ezrss.it/0.1/dtd/'
class TorrentExtension(BaseExtension):
'''FeedGenerator extension for torrent feeds.
def extend_ns(self):
return {'torrent' : TORRENT_NS}
'''FeedGenerator extension for torrent feeds.
def extend_ns(self):
return {'torrent': TORRENT_NS}
class TorrentEntryExtension(BaseEntryExtension):
'''FeedEntry extention for torrent feeds
def __init__(self):
self.__torrent_filename = None
self.__torrent_infohash = None
self.__torrent_contentlength = None
self.__torrent_seeds = None
self.__torrent_peers = None
self.__torrent=verified = None
'''FeedEntry extention for torrent feeds
def __init__(self):
self.__torrent_filename = None
self.__torrent_infohash = None
self.__torrent_contentlength = None
self.__torrent_seeds = None
self.__torrent_peers = None
def extend_rss(self, entry):
'''Add additional fields to an RSS item.
def extend_rss(self, entry):
'''Add additional fields to an RSS item.
:param feed: The RSS item XML element to use.
if self.__torrent_filename:
filename = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}filename' % TORRENT_NS)
filename.text = self.__torrent_filename
:param feed: The RSS item XML element to use.
if self.__torrent_filename:
filename = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}filename' % TORRENT_NS)
filename.text = self.__torrent_filename
if self.__torrent_contentlength:
contentlength = etree.SubElement(entry,
'{%s}contentlength' % TORRENT_NS)
contentlength.text = self.__torrent_contentlength
if self.__torrent_contentlength:
contentlength = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}contentlength' % TORRENT_NS)
contentlength.text = self.__torrent_contentlength
if self.__torrent_infohash:
infohash = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}infohash' % TORRENT_NS)
infohash.text = self.__torrent_infohash
magnet = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}magneturi' % TORRENT_NS)
magnet.text = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + self.__torrent_infohash
if self.__torrent_infohash:
infohash = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}infohash' % TORRENT_NS)
infohash.text = self.__torrent_infohash
magnet = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}magneturi' % TORRENT_NS)
magnet.text = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + self.__torrent_infohash
if self.__torrent_seeds:
seeds = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}seed' % TORRENT_NS)
seeds.text = self.__torrent_seeds
if self.__torrent_seeds:
seeds = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}seed' % TORRENT_NS)
seeds.text = self.__torrent_seeds
if self.__torrent_peers:
peers = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}peers' % TORRENT_NS)
peers.text = self.__torrent_peers
if self.__torrent_peers:
peers = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}peers' % TORRENT_NS)
peers.text = self.__torrent_peers
if self.__torrent_seeds:
verified = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}verified' % TORRENT_NS)
verified.text = self.__torrent_verified
if self.__torrent_seeds:
verified = etree.SubElement(entry, '{%s}verified' % TORRENT_NS)
verified.text = self.__torrent_verified
def filename(self, torrent_filename=None):
'''Get or set the name of the torrent file.
:param torrent_filename: The name of the torrent file.
:returns: The name of the torrent file.
if torrent_filename is not None:
self.__torrent_filename = torrent_filename
return self.__torrent_filename
def filename(self, torrent_filename=None):
'''Get or set the name of the torrent file.
def infohash(self, torrent_infohash=None):
'''Get or set the hash of the target file.
:param torrent_filename: The name of the torrent file.
:returns: The name of the torrent file.
if not torrent_filename is None:
self.__torrent_filename = torrent_filename
return self.__torrent_filename
:param torrent_infohash: The target file hash.
:returns: The target hash file.
if torrent_infohash is not None:
self.__torrent_infohash = torrent_infohash
return self.__torrent_infohash
def infohash (self, torrent_infohash=None):
'''Get or set the hash of the target file.
def contentlength(self, torrent_contentlength=None):
'''Get or set the size of the target file.
:param torrent_infohash: The target file hash.
:returns: The target hash file.
if not torrent_infohash is None:
self.__torrent_infohash = torrent_infohash
return self.__torrent_infohash
:param torrent_contentlength: The target file size.
:returns: The target file size.
if torrent_contentlength is not None:
self.__torrent_contentlength = torrent_contentlength
return self.__torrent_contentlength
def contentlength (self, torrent_contentlength=None):
'''Get or set the size of the target file.
def seeds(self, torrent_seeds=None):
'''Get or set the number of seeds.
:param torrent_contentlength: The target file size.
:returns: The target file size.
if not torrent_contentlength is None:
self.__torrent_contentlength = torrent_contentlength
return self.__torrent_contentlength
:param torrent_seeds: The seeds number.
:returns: The seeds number.
if torrent_seeds is not None:
self.__torrent_seeds = torrent_seeds
return self.__torrent_seeds
def seeds (self, torrent_seeds=None):
'''Get or set the number of seeds.
def peers(self, torrent_peers=None):
'''Get or set the number od peers
:param torrent_seeds: The seeds number.
:returns: The seeds number.
if not torrent_seeds is None:
self.__torrent_seeds = torrent_seeds
return self.__torrent_seeds
:param torrent_infohash: The peers number.
:returns: The peers number.
if torrent_peers is not None:
self.__torrent_peers = torrent_peers
return self.__torrent_peers
def peers (self, torrent_peers=None):
'''Get or set the number od peers
def verified(self, torrent_verified=None):
'''Get or set the number of verified peers.
:param torrent_infohash: The peers number.
:returns: The peers number.
if not torrent_peers is None:
self.__torrent_peers = torrent_peers
return self.__torrent_peers
def verified (self, torrent_verified=None):
'''Get or set the number of verified peers.
:param torrent_infohash: The verified peers number.
:returns: The verified peers number.
if not torrent_verified is None:
self.__torrent_verified = torrent_verified
return self.__torrent_verified
:param torrent_infohash: The verified peers number.
:returns: The verified peers number.
if torrent_verified is not None:
self.__torrent_verified = torrent_verified
return self.__torrent_verified

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,72 +1,74 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file contains helper functions for the feed generator module.
This file contains helper functions for the feed generator module.
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:copyright: 2013, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
import sys, locale
import locale
import sys
def ensure_format(val, allowed, required, allowed_values=None, defaults=None):
'''Takes a dictionary or a list of dictionaries and check if all keys are in
the set of allowed keys, if all required keys are present and if the values
of a specific key are ok.
'''Takes a dictionary or a list of dictionaries and check if all keys are in
the set of allowed keys, if all required keys are present and if the values
of a specific key are ok.
:param val: Dictionaries to check.
:param allowed: Set of allowed keys.
:param required: Set of required keys.
:param allowed_values: Dictionary with keys and sets of their allowed values.
:param defaults: Dictionary with default values.
:returns: List of checked dictionaries.
if not val:
return None
if allowed_values is None:
allowed_values = {}
if defaults is None:
defaults = {}
# Make shure that we have a list of dicts. Even if there is only one.
if not isinstance(val, list):
val = [val]
for elem in val:
if not isinstance(elem, dict):
raise ValueError('Invalid data (value is no dictionary)')
# Set default values
:param val: Dictionaries to check.
:param allowed: Set of allowed keys.
:param required: Set of required keys.
:param allowed_values: Dictionary with keys and sets of their allowed
:param defaults: Dictionary with default values.
:returns: List of checked dictionaries.
if not val:
return None
if allowed_values is None:
allowed_values = {}
if defaults is None:
defaults = {}
# Make shure that we have a list of dicts. Even if there is only one.
if not isinstance(val, list):
val = [val]
for elem in val:
if not isinstance(elem, dict):
raise ValueError('Invalid data (value is no dictionary)')
# Set default values
version = sys.version_info[0]
version = sys.version_info[0]
if version == 2:
items = defaults.iteritems()
items = defaults.items()
if version == 2:
items = defaults.iteritems()
items = defaults.items()
for k,v in items:
elem[k] = elem.get(k, v)
if not set(elem.keys()) <= allowed:
raise ValueError('Data contains invalid keys')
if not set(elem.keys()) >= required:
raise ValueError('Data contains not all required keys')
for k, v in items:
elem[k] = elem.get(k, v)
if not set(elem.keys()) <= allowed:
raise ValueError('Data contains invalid keys')
if not set(elem.keys()) >= required:
raise ValueError('Data contains not all required keys')
if version == 2:
values = allowed_values.iteritems()
values = allowed_values.items()
if version == 2:
values = allowed_values.iteritems()
values = allowed_values.items()
for k,v in values:
if elem.get(k) and not elem[k] in v:
raise ValueError('Invalid value for %s' % k )
return val
for k, v in values:
if elem.get(k) and not elem[k] in v:
raise ValueError('Invalid value for %s' % k)
return val
def formatRFC2822(d):
'''Make sure the locale setting do not interfere with the time format.
l = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
d = d.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, l)
return d
'''Make sure the locale setting do not interfere with the time format.
l = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
d = d.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, l)
return d

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:copyright: 2013-2017, Lars Kiesow <lkiesow@uos.de>
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
:license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ version_str = '.'.join([str(x) for x in version])
version_major = version[:1]
version_minor = version[:2]
version_full = version
version_full = version
version_major_str = '.'.join([str(x) for x in version_major])
version_minor_str = '.'.join([str(x) for x in version_minor])
version_full_str = '.'.join([str(x) for x in version_full])
version_full_str = '.'.join([str(x) for x in version_full])

View file

@ -6,36 +6,36 @@ import feedgen.version
packages = ['feedgen', 'feedgen/ext']
name = 'feedgen',
packages = packages,
version = feedgen.version.version_full_str,
description = 'Feed Generator (ATOM, RSS, Podcasts)',
author = 'Lars Kiesow',
author_email = 'lkiesow@uos.de',
url = 'http://lkiesow.github.io/python-feedgen',
keywords = ['feed','ATOM','RSS','podcast'],
license = 'FreeBSD and LGPLv3+',
install_requires = ['lxml', 'python-dateutil'],
classifiers = [
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Intended Audience :: Information Technology',
'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)',
'Natural Language :: English',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Topic :: Communications',
'Topic :: Internet',
'Topic :: Text Processing',
'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup',
'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: XML'
long_description = '''\
description='Feed Generator (ATOM, RSS, Podcasts)',
author='Lars Kiesow',
keywords=['feed', 'ATOM', 'RSS', 'podcast'],
license='FreeBSD and LGPLv3+',
install_requires=['lxml', 'python-dateutil'],
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Intended Audience :: Information Technology',
'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 ' +
'or later (LGPLv3+)',
'Natural Language :: English',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Topic :: Communications',
'Topic :: Internet',
'Topic :: Text Processing',
'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup',
'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: XML'
@ -46,5 +46,4 @@ Podcasts.
It is licensed under the terms of both, the FreeBSD license and the LGPLv3+.
Choose the one which is more convenient for you. For more details have a look
at license.bsd and license.lgpl.

View file

@ -7,100 +7,99 @@ These are test cases for a basic entry.
import unittest
from lxml import etree
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def setUp(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
self.feedId = 'http://example.com'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
fg = FeedGenerator()
self.feedId = 'http://example.com'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The First Episode')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The First Episode')
#Use also the different name add_item
fe = fg.add_item()
fe.title('The Second Episode')
# Use also the different name add_item
fe = fg.add_item()
fe.title('The Second Episode')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The Third Episode')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The Third Episode')
self.fg = fg
self.fg = fg
def test_checkEntryNumbers(self):
def test_checkEntryNumbers(self):
fg = self.fg
assert len(fg.entry()) == 3
fg = self.fg
assert len(fg.entry()) == 3
def test_checkItemNumbers(self):
def test_checkItemNumbers(self):
fg = self.fg
assert len(fg.item()) == 3
fg = self.fg
assert len(fg.item()) == 3
def test_checkEntryContent(self):
def test_checkEntryContent(self):
fg = self.fg
assert len(fg.entry()) != None
fg = self.fg
assert fg.entry()
def test_removeEntryByIndex(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
self.feedId = 'http://example.com'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
def test_removeEntryByIndex(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
self.feedId = 'http://example.com'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The Third Episode')
assert len(fg.entry()) == 1
assert len(fg.entry()) == 0
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The Third Episode')
assert len(fg.entry()) == 1
assert len(fg.entry()) == 0
def test_removeEntryByEntry(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
self.feedId = 'http://example.com'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
def test_removeEntryByEntry(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
self.feedId = 'http://example.com'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The Third Episode')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('The Third Episode')
assert len(fg.entry()) == 1
assert len(fg.entry()) == 0
assert len(fg.entry()) == 1
assert len(fg.entry()) == 0
def test_categoryHasDomain(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.title('some title')
fg.link( href='http://www.dontcare.com', rel='alternate' )
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('some title')
{'term' : 'category',
'scheme': 'http://www.somedomain.com/category',
'label' : 'Category',
def test_categoryHasDomain(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.title('some title')
fg.link(href='http://www.dontcare.com', rel='alternate')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('some title')
{'term': 'category',
'scheme': 'http://www.somedomain.com/category',
'label': 'Category',
result = fg.rss_str()
assert b'domain="http://www.somedomain.com/category"' in result
def test_content_cdata_type(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.title('some title')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('some title')
fe.content('content', type='CDATA')
result = fg.atom_str()
assert b'<content type="CDATA"><![CDATA[content]]></content>' in result
result = fg.rss_str()
assert b'domain="http://www.somedomain.com/category"' in result
def test_content_cdata_type(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.title('some title')
fe = fg.add_entry()
fe.title('some title')
fe.content('content', type='CDATA')
result = fg.atom_str()
assert b'<content type="CDATA"><![CDATA[content]]></content>' in result

View file

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ from lxml import etree
class TestExtensionSyndication(unittest.TestCase):
SYN_NS = {'sy': 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/'}
def setUp(self):
self.fg = FeedGenerator()
@ -20,14 +22,11 @@ class TestExtensionSyndication(unittest.TestCase):
def test_update_period(self):
for period_type in ('hourly', 'daily', 'weekly',
'monthly', 'yearly'):
for period_type in ('hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly'):
root = etree.fromstring(self.fg.rss_str())
a = root.xpath('/rss/channel/sy:UpdatePeriod',
assert a[0].text == period_type
def test_update_frequency(self):
@ -35,19 +34,14 @@ class TestExtensionSyndication(unittest.TestCase):
root = etree.fromstring(self.fg.rss_str())
a = root.xpath('/rss/channel/sy:UpdateFrequency',
assert a[0].text == str(frequency)
def test_update_base(self):
base = '2000-01-01T12:00+00:00'
root = etree.fromstring(self.fg.rss_str())
a = root.xpath('/rss/channel/sy:UpdateBase',
a = root.xpath('/rss/channel/sy:UpdateBase', namespaces=self.SYN_NS)
assert a[0].text == base
@ -61,17 +55,17 @@ class TestExtensionPodcast(unittest.TestCase):
def test_category_new(self):
self.fg.podcast.itunes_category([{'cat': 'Technology',
'sub': 'Podcasting'}])
self.fg.podcast.itunes_owner('John Doe', 'john@example.com')
ns = {'itunes':'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'}
ns = {'itunes': 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'}
root = etree.fromstring(self.fg.rss_str())
cat = root.xpath('/rss/channel/itunes:category/@text', namespaces=ns)
scat = root.xpath('/rss/channel/itunes:category/itunes:category/@text',
assert cat[0] == 'Technology'
assert scat[0] == 'Podcasting'
@ -81,10 +75,10 @@ class TestExtensionPodcast(unittest.TestCase):
self.fg.podcast.itunes_owner('John Doe', 'john@example.com')
ns = {'itunes':'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'}
ns = {'itunes': 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'}
root = etree.fromstring(self.fg.rss_str())
cat = root.xpath('/rss/channel/itunes:category/@text', namespaces=ns)
scat = root.xpath('/rss/channel/itunes:category/itunes:category/@text',
assert cat[0] == 'Technology'
assert scat[0] == 'Podcasting'

View file

@ -12,288 +12,314 @@ from lxml import etree
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
from feedgen.ext.dc import DcExtension, DcEntryExtension
class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def setUp(self):
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg = FeedGenerator()
self.nsAtom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
self.nsRss = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"
self.nsAtom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
self.nsRss = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"
self.feedId = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
self.feedId = 'http://lernfunk.de/media/654321'
self.title = 'Some Testfeed'
self.authorName = 'John Doe'
self.authorMail = 'john@example.de'
self.author = {'name': self.authorName,'email': self.authorMail}
self.authorName = 'John Doe'
self.authorMail = 'john@example.de'
self.author = {'name': self.authorName, 'email': self.authorMail}
self.linkHref = 'http://example.com'
self.linkRel = 'alternate'
self.linkHref = 'http://example.com'
self.linkRel = 'alternate'
self.logo = 'http://ex.com/logo.jpg'
self.subtitle = 'This is a cool feed!'
self.logo = 'http://ex.com/logo.jpg'
self.subtitle = 'This is a cool feed!'
self.link2Href = 'http://larskiesow.de/test.atom'
self.link2Rel = 'self'
self.link2Href = 'http://larskiesow.de/test.atom'
self.link2Rel = 'self'
self.language = 'en'
self.language = 'en'
self.categoryTerm = 'This category term'
self.categoryScheme = 'This category scheme'
self.categoryLabel = 'This category label'
self.categoryTerm = 'This category term'
self.categoryScheme = 'This category scheme'
self.categoryLabel = 'This category label'
self.cloudDomain = 'example.com'
self.cloudPort = '4711'
self.cloudPath = '/ws/example'
self.cloudRegisterProcedure = 'registerProcedure'
self.cloudProtocol = 'SOAP 1.1'
self.cloudDomain = 'example.com'
self.cloudPort = '4711'
self.cloudPath = '/ws/example'
self.cloudRegisterProcedure = 'registerProcedure'
self.cloudProtocol = 'SOAP 1.1'
self.icon = "http://example.com/icon.png"
self.contributor = {'name':"Contributor Name", 'uri':"Contributor Uri",
'email': 'Contributor email'}
self.copyright = "The copyright notice"
self.docs = 'http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification'
self.managingEditor = 'mail@example.com'
self.rating = '(PICS-1.1 "http://www.classify.org/safesurf/" 1 r (SS~~000 1))'
self.skipDays = 'Tuesday'
self.skipHours = 23
self.icon = "http://example.com/icon.png"
self.contributor = {'name': "Contributor Name",
'uri': "Contributor Uri",
'email': 'Contributor email'}
self.copyright = "The copyright notice"
self.docs = 'http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification'
self.managingEditor = 'mail@example.com'
self.rating = '(PICS-1.1 "http://www.classify.org/safesurf/" ' + \
'1 r (SS~~000 1))'
self.skipDays = 'Tuesday'
self.skipHours = 23
self.textInputTitle = "Text input title"
self.textInputDescription = "Text input description"
self.textInputName = "Text input name"
self.textInputLink = "Text input link"
self.textInputTitle = "Text input title"
self.textInputDescription = "Text input description"
self.textInputName = "Text input name"
self.textInputLink = "Text input link"
self.ttl = 900
self.ttl = 900
self.webMaster = 'webmaster@example.com'
self.webMaster = 'webmaster@example.com'
fg.link( href=self.linkHref, rel=self.linkRel )
fg.link( href=self.link2Href, rel=self.link2Rel )
fg.cloud(domain=self.cloudDomain, port=self.cloudPort,
path=self.cloudPath, registerProcedure=self.cloudRegisterProcedure,
fg.category(term=self.categoryTerm, scheme=self.categoryScheme,
description=self.textInputDescription, name=self.textInputName,
fg.link(href=self.linkHref, rel=self.linkRel)
fg.link(href=self.link2Href, rel=self.link2Rel)
fg.cloud(domain=self.cloudDomain, port=self.cloudPort,
fg.category(term=self.categoryTerm, scheme=self.categoryScheme,
name=self.textInputName, link=self.textInputLink)
self.fg = fg
self.fg = fg
def test_baseFeed(self):
fg = self.fg
def test_baseFeed(self):
fg = self.fg
assert fg.id() == self.feedId
assert fg.title() == self.title
assert fg.id() == self.feedId
assert fg.title() == self.title
assert fg.author()[0]['name'] == self.authorName
assert fg.author()[0]['email'] == self.authorMail
assert fg.author()[0]['name'] == self.authorName
assert fg.author()[0]['email'] == self.authorMail
assert fg.link()[0]['href'] == self.linkHref
assert fg.link()[0]['rel'] == self.linkRel
assert fg.link()[0]['href'] == self.linkHref
assert fg.link()[0]['rel'] == self.linkRel
assert fg.logo() == self.logo
assert fg.subtitle() == self.subtitle
assert fg.logo() == self.logo
assert fg.subtitle() == self.subtitle
assert fg.link()[1]['href'] == self.link2Href
assert fg.link()[1]['rel'] == self.link2Rel
assert fg.link()[1]['href'] == self.link2Href
assert fg.link()[1]['rel'] == self.link2Rel
assert fg.language() == self.language
assert fg.language() == self.language
def test_atomFeedFile(self):
fg = self.fg
filename = 'tmp_Atomfeed.xml'
fg.atom_file(filename=filename, pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
def test_atomFeedFile(self):
fg = self.fg
filename = 'tmp_Atomfeed.xml'
fg.atom_file(filename=filename, pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
with open(filename, "r") as myfile:
atomString = myfile.read().replace('\n', '')
with open (filename, "r") as myfile:
atomString=myfile.read().replace('\n', '')
def test_atomFeedString(self):
fg = self.fg
def test_atomFeedString(self):
fg = self.fg
atomString = fg.atom_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
atomString = fg.atom_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
def test_rel_values_for_atom(self):
values_for_rel = [
'about', 'alternate', 'appendix', 'archives', 'author', 'bookmark',
'canonical', 'chapter', 'collection', 'contents', 'copyright',
'create-form', 'current', 'derivedfrom', 'describedby',
'describes', 'disclosure', 'duplicate', 'edit', 'edit-form',
'edit-media', 'enclosure', 'first', 'glossary', 'help', 'hosts',
'hub', 'icon', 'index', 'item', 'last', 'latest-version',
'license', 'lrdd', 'memento', 'monitor', 'monitor-group', 'next',
'next-archive', 'nofollow', 'noreferrer', 'original', 'payment',
'predecessor-version', 'prefetch', 'prev', 'preview', 'previous',
'prev-archive', 'privacy-policy', 'profile', 'related', 'replies',
'search', 'section', 'self', 'service', 'start', 'stylesheet',
'subsection', 'successor-version', 'tag', 'terms-of-service',
'timegate', 'timemap', 'type', 'up', 'version-history', 'via',
'working-copy', 'working-copy-of']
links = [{'href': '%s/%s' % (self.linkHref,
val.replace('-', '_')), 'rel': val}
for val in values_for_rel]
fg = self.fg
fg.link(links, replace=True)
atomString = fg.atom_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
feed = etree.fromstring(atomString)
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
feed_links = feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)
idx = 0
assert len(links) == len(feed_links)
while idx < len(values_for_rel):
assert feed_links[idx].get('href') == links[idx]['href']
assert feed_links[idx].get('rel') == links[idx]['rel']
idx += 1
def test_rel_values_for_atom(self):
values_for_rel = [
'about', 'alternate', 'appendix', 'archives', 'author', 'bookmark',
'canonical', 'chapter', 'collection', 'contents', 'copyright', 'create-form',
'current', 'derivedfrom', 'describedby', 'describes', 'disclosure',
'duplicate', 'edit', 'edit-form', 'edit-media', 'enclosure', 'first', 'glossary',
'help', 'hosts', 'hub', 'icon', 'index', 'item', 'last', 'latest-version', 'license',
'lrdd', 'memento', 'monitor', 'monitor-group', 'next', 'next-archive', 'nofollow',
'noreferrer', 'original', 'payment', 'predecessor-version', 'prefetch', 'prev', 'preview',
'previous', 'prev-archive', 'privacy-policy', 'profile', 'related', 'replies', 'search',
'section', 'self', 'service', 'start', 'stylesheet', 'subsection', 'successor-version',
'tag', 'terms-of-service', 'timegate', 'timemap', 'type', 'up', 'version-history', 'via',
'working-copy', 'working-copy-of'
links = [{'href': '%s/%s' % (self.linkHref, val.replace('-', '_')), 'rel': val} for val in values_for_rel]
fg = self.fg
fg.link(links, replace=True)
atomString = fg.atom_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
feed = etree.fromstring(atomString)
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
feed_links = feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)
idx = 0
assert len(links) == len(feed_links)
while idx < len(values_for_rel):
assert feed_links[idx].get('href') == links[idx]['href']
assert feed_links[idx].get('rel') == links[idx]['rel']
idx += 1
def test_rel_values_for_rss(self):
values_for_rel = [
'about', 'alternate', 'appendix', 'archives', 'author', 'bookmark',
'canonical', 'chapter', 'collection', 'contents', 'copyright',
'create-form', 'current', 'derivedfrom', 'describedby',
'describes', 'disclosure', 'duplicate', 'edit', 'edit-form',
'edit-media', 'enclosure', 'first', 'glossary', 'help', 'hosts',
'hub', 'icon', 'index', 'item', 'last', 'latest-version',
'license', 'lrdd', 'memento', 'monitor', 'monitor-group', 'next',
'next-archive', 'nofollow', 'noreferrer', 'original', 'payment',
'predecessor-version', 'prefetch', 'prev', 'preview', 'previous',
'prev-archive', 'privacy-policy', 'profile', 'related', 'replies',
'search', 'section', 'self', 'service', 'start', 'stylesheet',
'subsection', 'successor-version', 'tag', 'terms-of-service',
'timegate', 'timemap', 'type', 'up', 'version-history', 'via',
'working-copy', 'working-copy-of']
links = [{'href': '%s/%s' % (self.linkHref,
val.replace('-', '_')), 'rel': val}
for val in values_for_rel]
fg = self.fg
fg.link(links, replace=True)
rssString = fg.rss_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
feed = etree.fromstring(rssString)
channel = feed.find("channel")
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
def test_rel_values_for_rss(self):
values_for_rel = [
'about', 'alternate', 'appendix', 'archives', 'author', 'bookmark',
'canonical', 'chapter', 'collection', 'contents', 'copyright', 'create-form',
'current', 'derivedfrom', 'describedby', 'describes', 'disclosure',
'duplicate', 'edit', 'edit-form', 'edit-media', 'enclosure', 'first', 'glossary',
'help', 'hosts', 'hub', 'icon', 'index', 'item', 'last', 'latest-version', 'license',
'lrdd', 'memento', 'monitor', 'monitor-group', 'next', 'next-archive', 'nofollow',
'noreferrer', 'original', 'payment', 'predecessor-version', 'prefetch', 'prev', 'preview',
'previous', 'prev-archive', 'privacy-policy', 'profile', 'related', 'replies', 'search',
'section', 'self', 'service', 'start', 'stylesheet', 'subsection', 'successor-version',
'tag', 'terms-of-service', 'timegate', 'timemap', 'type', 'up', 'version-history', 'via',
'working-copy', 'working-copy-of'
links = [{'href': '%s/%s' % (self.linkHref, val.replace('-', '_')), 'rel': val} for val in values_for_rel]
fg = self.fg
fg.link(links, replace=True)
rssString = fg.rss_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
feed = etree.fromstring(rssString)
channel = feed.find("channel")
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
atom_links = channel.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)
# rss feed only implements atom's 'self' link
assert len(atom_links) == 1
assert atom_links[0].get('href') == '%s/%s' % (self.linkHref, 'self')
assert atom_links[0].get('rel') == 'self'
atom_links = channel.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)
assert len(atom_links) == 1 # rss feed only implements atom's 'self' link
assert atom_links[0].get('href') == '%s/%s' % (self.linkHref, 'self')
assert atom_links[0].get('rel') == 'self'
rss_links = channel.findall('link')
# RSS only needs one URL. We use the first link for RSS:
assert len(rss_links) == 1
assert rss_links[0].text == '%s/%s' % \
(self.linkHref, 'working-copy-of'.replace('-', '_'))
rss_links = channel.findall('link')
assert len(rss_links) == 1 # RSS only needs one URL. We use the first link for RSS:
assert rss_links[0].text == '%s/%s' % (self.linkHref, 'working-copy-of'.replace('-', '_'))
def checkAtomString(self, atomString):
def checkAtomString(self, atomString):
feed = etree.fromstring(atomString)
feed = etree.fromstring(atomString)
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
assert feed.find("{%s}title" % nsAtom).text == self.title
assert feed.find("{%s}updated" % nsAtom).text is not None
assert feed.find("{%s}id" % nsAtom).text == self.feedId
assert feed.find("{%s}category" % nsAtom)\
.get('term') == self.categoryTerm
assert feed.find("{%s}category" % nsAtom)\
.get('label') == self.categoryLabel
assert feed.find("{%s}author" % nsAtom)\
.find("{%s}name" % nsAtom).text == self.authorName
assert feed.find("{%s}author" % nsAtom)\
.find("{%s}email" % nsAtom).text == self.authorMail
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0]\
.get('href') == self.linkHref
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0].get('rel') == self.linkRel
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[1]\
.get('href') == self.link2Href
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[1].get('rel') == self.link2Rel
assert feed.find("{%s}logo" % nsAtom).text == self.logo
assert feed.find("{%s}icon" % nsAtom).text == self.icon
assert feed.find("{%s}subtitle" % nsAtom).text == self.subtitle
assert feed.find("{%s}contributor" % nsAtom)\
.find("{%s}name" % nsAtom).text == self.contributor['name']
assert feed.find("{%s}contributor" % nsAtom)\
.find("{%s}email" % nsAtom).text == self.contributor['email']
assert feed.find("{%s}contributor" % nsAtom)\
.find("{%s}uri" % nsAtom).text == self.contributor['uri']
assert feed.find("{%s}rights" % nsAtom).text == self.copyright
assert feed.find("{%s}title" % nsAtom).text == self.title
assert feed.find("{%s}updated" % nsAtom).text != None
assert feed.find("{%s}id" % nsAtom).text == self.feedId
assert feed.find("{%s}category" % nsAtom).get('term') == self.categoryTerm
assert feed.find("{%s}category" % nsAtom).get('label') == self.categoryLabel
assert feed.find("{%s}author" % nsAtom).find("{%s}name" % nsAtom).text == self.authorName
assert feed.find("{%s}author" % nsAtom).find("{%s}email" % nsAtom).text == self.authorMail
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0].get('href') == self.linkHref
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0].get('rel') == self.linkRel
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[1].get('href') == self.link2Href
assert feed.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[1].get('rel') == self.link2Rel
assert feed.find("{%s}logo" % nsAtom).text == self.logo
assert feed.find("{%s}icon" % nsAtom).text == self.icon
assert feed.find("{%s}subtitle" % nsAtom).text == self.subtitle
assert feed.find("{%s}contributor" % nsAtom).find("{%s}name" % nsAtom).text == self.contributor['name']
assert feed.find("{%s}contributor" % nsAtom).find("{%s}email" % nsAtom).text == self.contributor['email']
assert feed.find("{%s}contributor" % nsAtom).find("{%s}uri" % nsAtom).text == self.contributor['uri']
assert feed.find("{%s}rights" % nsAtom).text == self.copyright
def test_rssFeedFile(self):
fg = self.fg
filename = 'tmp_Rssfeed.xml'
fg.rss_file(filename=filename, pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
def test_rssFeedFile(self):
fg = self.fg
filename = 'tmp_Rssfeed.xml'
fg.rss_file(filename=filename, pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
with open(filename, "r") as myfile:
rssString = myfile.read().replace('\n', '')
with open (filename, "r") as myfile:
rssString=myfile.read().replace('\n', '')
def test_rssFeedString(self):
fg = self.fg
rssString = fg.rss_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
def test_rssFeedString(self):
fg = self.fg
rssString = fg.rss_str(pretty=True, xml_declaration=False)
def test_loadPodcastExtension(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.load_extension('podcast', atom=True, rss=True)
def test_loadPodcastExtension(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.load_extension('podcast', atom=True, rss=True)
def test_loadDcExtension(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.load_extension('dc', atom=True, rss=True)
def test_loadDcExtension(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.load_extension('dc', atom=True, rss=True)
def test_extensionAlreadyLoaded(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.load_extension('dc', atom=True, rss=True)
with self.assertRaises(ImportError):
def test_extensionAlreadyLoaded(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.load_extension('dc', atom=True, rss=True)
with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as context:
def test_registerCustomExtension(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.register_extension('dc', DcExtension, DcEntryExtension)
def test_registerCustomExtension(self):
fg = self.fg
fg.register_extension('dc', DcExtension, DcEntryExtension)
def checkRssString(self, rssString):
def checkRssString(self, rssString):
feed = etree.fromstring(rssString)
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
feed = etree.fromstring(rssString)
nsAtom = self.nsAtom
nsRss = self.nsRss
ch = feed.find("channel")
assert ch is not None
channel = feed.find("channel")
assert channel != None
assert ch.find("title").text == self.title
assert ch.find("description").text == self.subtitle
assert ch.find("lastBuildDate").text is not None
docs = "http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification"
assert ch.find("docs").text == docs
assert ch.find("generator").text == "python-feedgen"
assert ch.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0].get('href') == self.link2Href
assert ch.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0].get('rel') == self.link2Rel
assert ch.find("image").find("url").text == self.logo
assert ch.find("image").find("title").text == self.title
assert ch.find("image").find("link").text == self.link2Href
assert ch.find("category").text == self.categoryLabel
assert ch.find("cloud").get('domain') == self.cloudDomain
assert ch.find("cloud").get('port') == self.cloudPort
assert ch.find("cloud").get('path') == self.cloudPath
assert ch.find("cloud").get('registerProcedure') == \
assert ch.find("cloud").get('protocol') == self.cloudProtocol
assert ch.find("copyright").text == self.copyright
assert ch.find("docs").text == self.docs
assert ch.find("managingEditor").text == self.managingEditor
assert ch.find("rating").text == self.rating
assert ch.find("skipDays").find("day").text == self.skipDays
assert int(ch.find("skipHours").find("hour").text) == self.skipHours
assert ch.find("textInput").get('title') == self.textInputTitle
assert ch.find("textInput").get('description') == \
assert ch.find("textInput").get('name') == self.textInputName
assert ch.find("textInput").get('link') == self.textInputLink
assert int(ch.find("ttl").text) == self.ttl
assert ch.find("webMaster").text == self.webMaster
assert channel.find("title").text == self.title
assert channel.find("description").text == self.subtitle
assert channel.find("lastBuildDate").text != None
assert channel.find("docs").text == "http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification"
assert channel.find("generator").text == "python-feedgen"
assert channel.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0].get('href') == self.link2Href
assert channel.findall("{%s}link" % nsAtom)[0].get('rel') == self.link2Rel
assert channel.find("image").find("url").text == self.logo
assert channel.find("image").find("title").text == self.title
assert channel.find("image").find("link").text == self.link2Href
assert channel.find("category").text == self.categoryLabel
assert channel.find("cloud").get('domain') == self.cloudDomain
assert channel.find("cloud").get('port') == self.cloudPort
assert channel.find("cloud").get('path') == self.cloudPath
assert channel.find("cloud").get('registerProcedure') == self.cloudRegisterProcedure
assert channel.find("cloud").get('protocol') == self.cloudProtocol
assert channel.find("copyright").text == self.copyright
assert channel.find("docs").text == self.docs
assert channel.find("managingEditor").text == self.managingEditor
assert channel.find("rating").text == self.rating
assert channel.find("skipDays").find("day").text == self.skipDays
assert int(channel.find("skipHours").find("hour").text) == self.skipHours
assert channel.find("textInput").get('title') == self.textInputTitle
assert channel.find("textInput").get('description') == self.textInputDescription
assert channel.find("textInput").get('name') == self.textInputName
assert channel.find("textInput").get('link') == self.textInputLink
assert int(channel.find("ttl").text) == self.ttl
assert channel.find("webMaster").text == self.webMaster
if __name__ == '__main__':